Nasolabial folds: causes of appearance and methods of correction

A trip to a cosmetologist for lip augmentation naturally begins with the question: what size is trending? But it is important to take into account not only fashion trends. The initial data largely determines the final result of the procedure. How do you know if your lips are naturally harmonious? How to understand how much they can be increased so as not to get the anecdotal “duck” effect? How to compare the size of the mouth with the rest of the facial features? And most importantly, how to find out whether you need contouring at all?

In this article we will touch on the controversial issue of the most ideal lip shape.

The philtrum from a physiological point of view

The philtrum is an expressive feature on the face of every person. Not everyone knows why it is needed, but everyone’s philtrum has its own unique shape. What do you need to know about a narrow hollow above the upper lip?

What is the philtrum?

The philtrum is a small vertical depression located between the upper lip and the base of the nasal septum. This characteristic feature of the appearance of not only humans, but also mammals is considered the result of the fusion of three zones of the head and face. This is a kind of “scar” at the point of their connection.

Other names for philtrum:

  • A dimple above the upper lip.
  • Filtrum.

The facial expression of a person largely depends on it. People differ from each other not only in the color of their eyes, hair and facial features, but also in the depth and shape of the philtrum.

philtrum in a child: Pixabay

The process of formation of the philtrum occurs 2–3 months after conception, that is, at 8–12 weeks of fetal development. If this process occurs with any disturbances, the baby may develop a defect of the philtrum in the womb - a cleft palate, which is also called a cleft lip and cleft palate. Experts Bilal G Taib, Adnan G Taib, Andrew C Swift, Simon van Eeden described this defect as the most common congenital facial anomaly in children, which can affect appearance, speech, hearing, growth, psychosocial well-being and social integration.

The cause of philtrum defects may be:

  • Tumor or infectious process.
  • Intrauterine trauma.

A flat philtrum or its absence is the result of certain diseases, such as:

  • Prader-Willi syndrome, which is classified as a genetic disorder.
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome as a result of a woman's use of alcohol or drug stimulants during pregnancy.

In other cases, the filtrum is formed correctly, but each person has its own shape and depth.

What is the philtrum for?

It is part of the process of facial formation in the fetus. The filtrum replaces the empty space between the nose and upper lip and fuses them together. In the process of evolution, many appearance features and body organs have lost their role, but not the philtrum.

There are other versions, not supported by scientific research, but popular among the people:

  • Translated from Latin, “philtrum” means “love potion.” Ancestors perceived the philtrum as an important erogenous zone and a very attractive part of appearance.
  • The ancient Greeks applied incense to the philtrum.

Interestingly, the philtrum in dogs and cats also performs a specific function: it develops the animal’s sense of smell. Moisture flows through the groove from the mouth to the tip of the animal's nose, keeping it moist and sensitive to odors.

philtrum in dogs: Pixabay

How to remove the philtrum?

An unsightly philtrum can be removed using aesthetic surgery and cosmetology. An ugly or improperly formed filtrum can cause problems and complexes. A cosmetologist easily solves this problem by creating for the patient a philtrum of the shape, depth and length that suits his face proportions and type.

First you need to determine the cause of the defect. This can be either a congenital defect or a consequence of the following factors:

  • Age-related changes in the face, sagging skin.
  • Injury.
  • Orthodontic treatment, tooth extraction.

Depending on the cause, treatment is prescribed. This may involve an operation involving an incision and stitching of the area under the nose or above the lip. If the defect is minor, do not use a scalpel, but subcutaneous injections with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Another method of correction is remodeling using combined laser resurfacing, as recommended by doctors M. A. Trelles, L. Garcia-Solana and J. Rigau.

How is the procedure done?

  1. You come to LIPSCLINIC in the center of Moscow for a consultation. An experienced cosmetologist examines your face, determines the condition of your skin and the features of wrinkles.
  2. Then, based on your individual characteristics, the doctor selects a filler (a drug natural to the body to fill wrinkles) that is most suitable for you personally.
  3. You sit down in a chair and relax. The cosmetologist cleanses your face and administers local anesthesia - applying a cooling anesthetic cream to the skin.
  4. After 15 minutes, the selected filler is carefully injected into the area above the upper lip with a miniature needle. You hardly feel any sting or pain.
  5. Ready! The result is noticeable immediately. No long recovery periods or swelling!

Fortune telling by philtrum

Like other facial features, the philtrum is an object of study in physiognomy and magic. The shape of the mouth also depends on its shape, so predictors often use information about the philtrum in their predictions.

What myths are associated with the philtrum?

There is a legend that says that the philtrum is the mark of an angel's finger. When he brings a child down from heaven to earth before birth, he puts his finger to the baby's mouth. This is done so that he forgets everything he saw before birth - heaven, angels, his past lives and another world. This allows a person to live his life in blissful ignorance of his past mistakes. Screenwriter Jaco Van Doormael reflected this legend in the film “Mr. Nobody” (2009).

There are also references to the philtrum in Judaism. In the treatise Nida of the Babylonian Talmud it is said that angels teach the baby Torah while still in the womb. To erase the memories, the angel lightly hits the baby on the lips. The Jew recreates this unique part of the Torah, learned in the womb, in his memory throughout his life.

Causes of purse string wrinkles

To understand how purse-string wrinkles form around the lips, it is important to understand at least a little about human anatomy. Our face is a complex structure consisting of five layers of tissue interconnected:

  1. Facial skeleton - the deepest layer is represented by the bones of the skull, which determine the shape and individual characteristics of each person’s face;
  2. Ligaments are dense fascia that attaches soft tissue to bones;
  3. Muscles - there are a total of 21 facial muscles on the face, each of which is capable of contracting under the influence of nerve impulses.
  4. Subcutaneous fat is a small layer of fat that protects deeper layers from mechanical and thermal damage;
  5. Skin is the outer layer of tissue that performs protective and aesthetic functions.

Many people mistakenly believe that the main role in the formation of purse-string wrinkles around the lips is played by the loss of elasticity and tone of the skin. The condition of the epidermis certainly matters, but the real reasons for the formation of vertical skin folds usually lie much deeper. There are two main factors that provoke the formation of purse-string wrinkles around the mouth:

  1. Age-related changes

    . The natural aging process affects the structure of the facial skeleton, including the bones of the upper jaw that support the lips. This process causes the jawbone to lose volume and support, causing the upper lip to become thinner and flatter. With age, lip volume also decreases due to thinning of fatty tissue. The skin, on the contrary, loses its tone and stretches under the influence of gravity. As a result, excess skin forms around the mouth, which collects in vertical folds, forming purse-string wrinkles. Normally, such age-related changes occur after 40-45 years.

  2. Overactivity of the orbicularis oris muscle

    . The second probable cause of the formation of purse-string wrinkles is constant tension of the orbicularis oris muscle. This muscle forms a ring, allowing the lips to close and open, reminiscent of a wallet lock. Normally, the circular muscle is constantly in a slight tone, preventing tissue sagging. However, some people have a genetic predisposition to overactive orbicularis oris muscle. In this case, the muscle fibers are in constant tension, contracting and decreasing in size. As a result of a decrease in muscle volume, the skin becomes “extra” and forms vertical folds. In this case, the collagen fibers of the dermis break down, leaving the skin in an unattractive “wrinkled” state. This can happen even at a young age.

Purse-string wrinkles can appear in both sexes, but women are more susceptible to this aesthetic defect. Scientists attribute this to the fact that the thickness of the skin of the fair sex is on average 25% less than that of men. This makes their skin more prone to wrinkles, which increase after menopause.

Other factors that increase the likelihood of early formation of purse-string wrinkles include:

  1. Smoking

    . Holding a cigarette in the mouth requires intense tension in the orbicularis oris muscle, which causes collagen fibers to break down. The more often a person smokes, the higher the load on the muscles and skin. This is why purse string wrinkles are often called “smoker’s lines.”

  2. Very light skin.

    The darker a person's skin, the more melanin pigment it contains. This pigment protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, which have a detrimental effect on living tissue. Low melanin content in fair skin contributes to earlier tissue thinning, wrinkles, and even increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

  3. Prolonged exposure to the sun

    . Direct ultraviolet rays cause severe DNA damage to fibroblasts, reducing protein synthesis in the skin. This also contributes to the formation of purse string wrinkles around the mouth.

  4. Active facial expressions.

    Representatives of professions associated with active articulation (singers, musicians playing wind instruments) are more likely to experience purse-string wrinkles.

Purse-string wrinkles look unattractive, which forces people to look for ways to solve this aesthetic problem.

Ideal proportions

Cosmetologists today have identified the ideal proportions of Philtrum:

The role of the philtrum for humans and mammals

Why is it important? In a person at 2-3 months of intrauterine development, it is in the area of ​​the philtrum that the parts of the face converge.

For wet-nosed mammals, its significance continues during life. This groove acts as a filtrum - a narrow gap through which moisture from the mouth enters the surface of the nose due to capillarity. A moist nasal surface is very important for the animal - it helps to better determine the nature of odors and the location of their source.

What is more harmful - nasvay or snus?

Today in our country both of these substances are prohibited for distribution, but their use is not so strictly controlled by law. Both are non-smoking tobaccos, but it is wrong to believe that they are snus and nasvay.

What are the differences and differences between nasvay and snus?

These tobacco products have completely different effects on the body. With regular use of nasvay, addicts develop cancer in 80-85% of cases, since the substance contains a huge amount of nicotine and nitrosamine. These are carcinogenic substances that are difficult to find in store-bought snus. What's worse - nasvay or snus? In fact, nasvay is many times more harmful than snus, but this does not mean that the substance is harmless and does not pose a risk to human health. Although there is no direct evidence that snus causes cancer, there is evidence that it causes pancreatic dysfunction. Regardless of the use of a particular substance, a person develops diseases of the teeth and gums.

It is a mistake to believe that quitting the use of these substances is very easy. Despite the fact that these substances are not classified as narcotics, they cause severe psychological dependence. At the same time, tobacco use can lead to the use of narcotic smoking mixtures such as spice, which have a synthetic base and have a huge negative impact on all human life support systems.

Our network of rehabilitation centers TsZM provides treatment for addiction to nasvay and spice. The Center for Healthy Youth provides treatment for drug addiction to any substance throughout the country. If you notice that a loved one regularly begins to suck strange bags, you should pay attention to this, even if he says that it is not a drug. Dependence on chemical substances always has a detrimental effect on human health and quality of life. Therefore, it is worth calling our drug treatment clinic as early as possible.

What is this?

Subnasal, labial grooves are vertical depressions on the skin between the nasal septum and the upper half of the lip. Philtrum (Latin name) is found not only in our country, but also in many mammals.

As for humans and most primates (except phlegm), the labial philtrums will be vestigial - residual organs that no longer play an important role for life, but were of great importance in previous development.

What is bullhorn plastic combined with?

Let's continue the conversation about harmonious proportions. If there are direct indications, lifting the upper lip will be an important step towards natural beauty. For many women, the first step will be the only one, however, if there are other aesthetic problems, you can explore the possibilities of comprehensive correction.

VY-plasty of the red border will help to change the contour of the lips and their shape. In order to raise the drooping corners of the mouth, there is a corner lift and resection of the DAO (muscle that depresses the corners of the mouth). Lipofilling—transplantation of your own adipose tissue—helps increase lip volume. Also, do not forget about botulinum therapy and contour plastic surgery. Botox injections are an easy way to lift the corners of the mouth, and lip contouring is the most affordable and safe method of increasing the volume and correcting the shape of the lips.

If you still have questions about the bullhorn operation and other areas of cheiloplasty, sign up for a free consultation with a plastic surgeon at the Soho Clinic. We restore youth and create beauty, preserving your individuality!

Nasolabial wrinkle

In fact, in this case there is no nasolabial fold, there is only a wrinkle. This situation is more common in people with dry skin and fine-wrinkle type of aging.

In such cases, due to anatomical features, there is usually no predisposition to the formation of a fold, but due to dry skin, a nasolabial wrinkle easily forms, since there is active facial expression in this area.

What can you do at home?

Restore normal moisture of the epidermis.

To do this, you need to include moisturizing serums and masks in your care, for example with hyaluronic acid, which will help fill the stratum corneum with moisture.

And also use nourishing, that is, rich creams that strengthen the lipid barrier (usually weak by nature) and help the skin retain moisture.

When the hydration of the epidermis is normal, superficial epidermal wrinkles will smooth out and will not form again so easily.

If a wrinkle has already formed in this area, then it will not be possible to completely eliminate the wrinkle, but it can be smoothed out, made less deep, less noticeable and further development slowed down.

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