Chamomile decoction for the face: beneficial properties and applications

Chamomile has been used since ancient times as an anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. This unique property allows the flowers to be used to treat problem skin and heal wounds. Chamomile is used quite often for the face. It is best to use home remedies that do not contain preservatives or chemical additives.

Chamomile for the face is very beneficial.

Description of the plant and beneficial qualities

Chamomile is used quite often in cosmetology. Its beneficial properties are associated with the content of certain components:

  • Vitamin A - helps make the skin more elastic and silky.
  • Sesquiterpene carbohydrates provide protection against external factors.
  • Flavonoids - protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Organic acids penetrate deeply into the structure of the skin and have a moisturizing, cleansing and whitening effect on it.
  • Caprylic acid has antiseptic properties, helps relax facial muscles and accelerate the penetration of valuable substances into the deep structures of the skin.
  • Azulene - helps cope with inflammation and protects the skin from rashes. Also thanks to this component, chamomile helps with acne.
  • Chamazulene - protects the skin from allergies.
  • Coumarin - promotes cell restoration.
  • Sitosterol - supplies cells with oxygen and has stimulating properties.

Chamomile contains polysaccharides. These valuable substances retain moisture and have protective properties.

Chamomile-based products contain many active ingredients.


Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV: Pexels
It is unique because it helps the flower both heal and restore the human body. Among the useful substances it is worth noting:

  • essential oil containing chamazulene, which relieves inflammation, and franezol, which has antibacterial activity;
  • antioxidant flavonoids: quercetin, luteolin, apigenin;
  • glucose;
  • coumarins;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • proteins;
  • acids of different origins and purposes: salicylic, ascorbic, caprylic, linoleic, nicotinic, palmitic, stearic; valerian;
  • phytosterols;
  • beta-carotene, carotene and vitamins: A, C, B4;
  • pectin;
  • micro- and macroelements: zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, copper.

Features of the effect on the skin

Chamomile is used quite often for the skin. With the help of this plant the following effects can be achieved:

  • Improve the appearance of the dermis.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Plant-based products significantly improve the appearance of the skin and heal wounds.

Many studies have found that the plant helps treat eczema and skin inflammation.

  • Prevent premature skin aging.

The plant contains polyphenols and phytochemical components that stimulate cell restoration and cope with free radicals that negatively affect the skin. This helps to avoid premature aging.

  • Reduce acne and redness.

The plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Thanks to systematic washing with chamomile, it is possible to cope with various types of acne and other rashes.

You need to brew strong chamomile tea, cool it, then rub it into clean skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. The remaining anti-acne chamomile infusion can be kept in the refrigerator.

  • Lighten your skin.

Chamomile infusion contains antioxidants. They help improve the condition of cells, brighten the skin and even out the complexion. If you systematically wash your face with chamomile-based products, you will be able to make your face radiant.

The use of plant-based products significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

  • Cope with sunburn.

The harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation lead to various skin problems. If your face is burned, you can use chamomile toner.

  • Reduce dark circles under the eyes.

Chamomile lotions work great for dark circles under the eyes. To do this, after use, the bags of herbs should be placed in the refrigerator and then applied to the eyes for 5-10 minutes.

They significantly lighten the skin around the eyes and cope with swelling.

Chamomile-based products include antioxidants, soothing and anti-inflammatory agents. They help get rid of tightness and dry skin.

Chamomile for face wash. Tips for choosing chamomile

For washing, pharmaceutical chamomile is suitable, which can be found in any store. It is better to give preference to a product that is pre-packaged in special sachets that resemble large tea bags. In this case, you will not have to additionally strain the infusion through a strainer or gauze, which will significantly save time.

You can also try collecting field chamomile yourself. The flower grows in many climatic zones and is easy to find in fields, meadows and near rivers. It is important to remember that chamomile, like any plant, absorbs toxic substances well, so try to collect it as far as possible from roads or railways, away from factories and other industrial enterprises. The most optimal time to collect chamomile is mid-June. It is worth choosing healthy flowers without signs of visual defects, for example, such as wilted leaves, petals with a yellow tint or black specks. You should also not collect plants that have aphids on their stems.

After collecting the chamomile, you need to rinse it lightly under cool water, get rid of dust and soil, remove already withered flowers and excess plants that have accidentally fallen in. Then carefully separate the inflorescences from the stems and leaves, lay them out on newspaper and place them in a dark, dry and cool place. A common mistake is to dry plants in direct sunlight, such as on a windowsill. Direct sunlight destroys useful elements, leaving only empty dried flowers.

Best Recipes

In order for a chamomile-based product to give the desired effect, it must be prepared correctly, strictly observing the proportions. In this case, it is permissible to use such recipes.


It can be used as a facial rinse or to steam the skin. With the help of chamomile decoction you can get rid of acne.

To prepare it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials per glass of water, boil for 5 minutes and leave to brew for half an hour. The finished composition should be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3-4 days.


Applying chamomile ice to the face helps relieve swelling and irritation. This product tightens pores, improves skin tone and evens out the complexion.

Ice cubes with chamomile should be used every morning. In this case, it is important to wipe cleansed skin, performing circular massage movements.

This procedure helps give oily skin a healthy appearance. However, it cannot be used for increased dryness of the dermis, demodicosis, spider veins or diseases of the cardiovascular system.


This product is recommended to be used for protection from frost or sun.

To make a medicinal product, it is recommended to melt 150 ml of glycerin in a steam bath, add 1 tablespoon of chamomile oil and honey.

Apply the composition as a day cream. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

You can make your own chamomile cream

Chamomile essential oil

This product contains many valuable components. Its use allows you to relieve inflammation, moisturize and disinfect the skin.

The composition should be used for dry skin to cope with isolated acne and pimples. It is very useful to mix chamomile oil with olive oil.


This product can be used to wipe the skin if rashes or increased oiliness of the dermis appears. The composition helps cleanse the epithelium of acne and pimples.

To make it, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials and alcohol with a glass of boiling water. The finished composition should be covered and left for at least a day.

The substance must be kept in the refrigerator and used for oily skin.

Mask with honey

Girls with dry skin, which is prone to cracks and inflammation, should make a mixture of 100 ml of chamomile infusion, 1 chicken egg and 1 tablespoon of high-fat sour cream.

The composition must be applied chilled. It should be kept on the face for a quarter of an hour. This makes the skin soft and smoothes out wrinkles.

Mask with cottage cheese

To prepare it, it is recommended to take 150 g of cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of chamomile infusion. The composition should be mixed well and applied to the skin for half an hour.

The substance helps cope with swelling and fatigue, tightens pores, has rejuvenating properties, gives the dermis a healthy appearance and an even tone.

Masks need to be kept on the face for a while

Bran mask

This product has pronounced whitening properties. It can be used to combat freckles and pigmentation. In this case, for 5 tablespoons of chamomile decoction you need to take 1 tablespoon of bran and lemon juice.

The composition should be applied to the face for half an hour and washed off with water without using soap.

After preparing the decoction, dried flowers can be used instead of a scrub. To do this, they need to be mixed in equal parts with ground coffee.

Mask with milk

This universal product is suitable for all skin types.

To prepare it you will need to take 3 tablespoons of chamomile, 100 ml of milk, half a cucumber and an avocado. All ingredients should be mixed in a blender to obtain a uniform texture.

It is recommended to apply the composition to the face, neck and décolleté for a quarter of an hour. After which it must be washed off with warm water.

Chamomile extract

To obtain a valuable extract, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials and pour 250 ml of alcohol or vinegar.

The resulting composition must be infused for at least 1 week. It needs to be shaken every day.

The substance should be used for severe dermatological pathologies, persistent acne and pimples.

Chamomile decoction is highly effective.


Galina, 36 years old

In the fight against pigment spots on the face I use a mask. Anyone can cook it. To do this, kefir (2 tbsp) is mixed with chamomile oil (4 drops) and honey (1 tsp). You can add 1 tsp. potato starch if pigmentation is severe. You need to use the product every other day for 1-2 weeks or once a week. on a regular basis.

Anastasia, 41 years old

I consider chamomile to be the best working remedy for wrinkles and other skin problems. I use a family recipe. At 2 tbsp. l. blue clay I take 5-10 ml of chamomile decoction, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of aloe juice. I keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. After washing it off, I wipe my skin with an ice cube of chamomile tea.

Other uses

Before carrying out intensive cleansing procedures, it is important to hot steam the skin. To make a medicinal mixture for this manipulation, it is recommended to take 5 tablespoons of dried raw materials per 1 liter of water and hold your face over the steam for 15 minutes. Then you can apply peeling or scrub.

To cope with pimples and acne, it is not enough to use external cosmetics. To increase their effectiveness, you can drink chamomile tea before bed.

To do this, take 1 small spoon of chamomile and mint, add boiling water and leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Drink the finished composition warm. You can add honey to it before use.

Within a week you will notice that your skin condition has noticeably improved.

This product has pronounced cleansing properties. It successfully removes toxins and harmful substances from the body, produces an astringent and disinfecting effect, has a cleansing effect on the blood and saturates it with oxygen.

In addition to external use, chamomile tea can be consumed.

How to properly gargle?

This procedure is carried out daily with repetitions up to three to four times after meals.

The washing session lasts one to two minutes. Part of the solution for one to two glasses is prepared in advance. The sick person takes about half a sip of the infusion into the oral cavity, throws his head back and seems to pronounce the sound “A”. The duration is self-adjustable. Afterwards the solution is spat out. And everything is repeated again until the end of the workpiece.

The basic rule of chamomile rinses is that if pain symptoms persist after a week, you need to visit a doctor for diagnosis.

Precautionary measures

Chamomile-based products should not be used if you have an individual intolerance to all plants from the Asteraceae family. If you have rosacea, you should not use chamomile ice.

Steam baths should not be used if there is an increase in body temperature, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, bronchial asthma and other lesions of the respiratory system.

Serious dermatological problems require the help of a doctor. The specialist must make the correct diagnosis and select adequate therapy.

Source of extract

Roman chamomile is specially grown for cosmetic production in the fields of England and the EU. In our country, chamomile grows everywhere, so in the Russian Federation there are no problems with the source of raw materials. Dried inflorescences are distilled with steam or extracted with various solvents.

Chamomile decoction for face/hair

At the same time, to get about a liter of chamomile ether, you need 100 kg of flowers. The result is a liquid with a greenish tint and a strong fruity and herbal aroma. When stored for a long time, it turns brown.

The use of flowers in cosmetology

Chamomile is often present in cosmetics. It is added to the following products:

  • creams;
  • gels;
  • lotions;
  • masks;
  • lip balms.

Chamomile extract includes bisabolol and azulene. These substances help cope with irritations.

Chamomile-based creams are often used in cosmetology.

To improve the appearance of your skin, you can use the following products:

  • Moisturizing balm for the skin around the eyes Eye Balm, SkinCeuticals. This product quickly copes with signs of fatigue and relieves irritation of the dermis.
  • Foundation corrector Effacernes Long Tenue, Lancôme. The product helps hide dark circles and make your eyes look fresh and radiant. The composition contains extracts of chamomile and cornflower. They have a softening effect on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Sheet mask Skin Naturals, Garnier. This product provides comfort and has a calming effect.
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