2 most effective ways in 2022 to remove paint bags on cheekbones

“What do you think is the leading facial rejuvenation surgery according to statistics among American plastic surgeons? No, not the fight against wrinkles or even a facelift.

The American Society of Plastic Surgery names bags and swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes as the most common reason for visiting a rejuvenation specialist.

I confirm that this is indeed the case. Many of us are ready to put up with the first wrinkles and small bags under the eyes. But the cheek bags are too noticeable, and creams are powerless against them. Therefore, it is this problem that sooner or later leads to a specialist.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Swelling on the cheekbones: causes and consequences

Year after year goes by. The first signs of age appear as bags and puffiness under the eyes. After a few more years, a second fold begins to appear in the area of ​​the cheek bones. These are “painting bags” (their second name is “sufa”).

Like bags under the eyes, they have similar unpleasant properties.

Firstly, fatty hernias on the cheekbones greatly spoil the appearance and make the face sad.

Secondly, these formations consist entirely of adipose tissue, so they tend to retain water, increase in size and form malar edema.

We often hear that the cause of swelling on the cheekbones is insufficient self-care. They say, take time for yourself, and miraculous creams, massages and vitamin complexes will remove all the bags under the eyes on the cheekbones in a month, and you will again shine with youth and beauty.

To be fair, it is worth saying that cheekbones are not a disease. This is an anatomical feature of the body: paint bags filled with adipose tissue. However, in youth, the good tone of young skin hides the problem.

With age, the skin becomes drier and thinner, the facial muscles lose their elasticity, the fatty tissue begins to sink down, sag, and... Everything secret becomes clear.

How to remove paint bags at home?

  • Like any disease, paint bags should be dealt with by eliminating not the consequences, but primarily the causes.
  • Therefore, with diseases you should go to a specialized doctor, and under no circumstances try to self-medicate, because only a specialist can make a real diagnosis, and not based on your appearance, but as a result of a comprehensive analysis and examination of the body.

But there are reasons that can be dealt with using medical methods in combination with home cosmetology:

Conducting lymphatic drainage

  • This will remove excess liquid. This method is all the more useful because after the fluid drains, it will become clear whether the problem is the accumulation of “water” or something else. If the former, then in the future you can limit yourself to prevention, but if the reason is different, it should be established.
  • Lymphatic drainage self-massage allows you to remove existing swelling and swelling, and also increases skin elasticity due to better metabolism and tissue microcirculation. The face is also “pulled up” to the original oval, which was inherent in youth.
  • One of the most important rules is a mandatory consultation with a doctor before performing lymphatic drainage, and under no circumstances do it when you are unhealthy, since lymph is an important component of the immune system, and its acceleration will contribute to the spread of infection, adding to the swelling.

Fluid outflow
Restoration of subcutaneous fat tissue

This method is essentially a do-it-yourself facelift. One of the techniques: we create a fold by grabbing the skin with two fingers of one hand and rubbing it with the finger of the other. Another option is to grab the skin with both index fingers and rub it. This should be done starting from the corners of the mouth, moving along the cheek towards the ear. Then, again along the cheek, we move to the ear from the nostrils

We finish this rubbing of the skin by moving our fingers under the eye to the temple. Such movements should be made carefully, without repeating the line of movement several times.

Massage from painting bags

  • This is done in several steps. We begin to massage the outer part, placing our fingers on the outer corner of the eye and waiting a little until the skin becomes damp, gently stretching it up and down at the same time.
  • Such self-massage also allows you to fight “crow’s feet” around the eyes.
  • Then we move on to a sliding massage: we close our eyes and press the eye sockets without pressure, holding our fingers under the eyebrows. We make sliding movements with our fingers, following under the eyebrow from the inner part to the outer part.


We complete the complex with acupressure massage

  • We move our fingers from the cheekbones to the nasolacrimal groove, from there to the eyebrows and return to the cheekbones. We go this way about ten times, each time faster and faster. And now the points - hold your fingers at the bottom of the eye for 7 seconds. And now the same on the top line. We press down quite firmly, but only on the bone, and not on the eye itself.
  • You can also include spoons in the massage complex, which can be used instead of fingers. There is a combination of decongestant, lymphatic drainage effects and remarkable muscle stimulation.

How to get rid of bags under the cheekbones: debunking myths

The first thing that comes to mind: massages, medicinal cosmetics, vitamins... This is a good option. It will be great if you add fresh air, proper nutrition and exercise! You will look much better and feel incredibly healthier.

There is only one BUT: these wonderful measures will in no way help you remove the swelling on your cheekbones under your eyes.

Let us remind you: we are dealing with zygomatic hernias, with some mini-containers of adipose tissue that fall down under the influence of the universal law of attraction. Judge for yourself, how can you solve this problem with the most wonderful massage and the longest walks? That's it, no way.

Exercises to eliminate paint bags

1) You need to close your eyes tightly and open them wide for 30 seconds, 5-6 times in one exercise.

2) Close your eyes well, but do not wrinkle your face. After five seconds, open them all the way and look up. Count to 5 and give your eyes a rest. To prevent wrinkled forehead skin, place your fingers on your eyebrows. Do this at least 5 times.

3) Holding your head straight, look to the left, after a short while, look straight and close your eyes for a couple of seconds. Then also look to the right side and repeat up to 3 or 4 times.

4) Blinking quickly also helps, then after 10 seconds close your eyes without wincing. After 6 seconds, with your eyes closed, relax and look at any point far from you. Relax and do this about 5 times.

5) Keep your head straight and look up, down and to the sides.

6) Play with your eyes, looking up - to the right, down - to the left, and so on back. Do this about 4 times with a rest of up to two minutes. 2 or 3 times in 24 hours.

After the exercise, apply cotton wool soaked in arnica, parsley or chamomile tincture to your closed eyes for 10 minutes. Afterwards, give your eyes a good rest.

Red and blue swelling, bags on the cheekbones are removed with the following essential preparations: chamomile, lavender, mint, sage, thyme. Non-contact mesotherapy often uses ethereal techniques.

Traditional methods are more healing.

Method 1. You can remove sufas from your face without surgery

“The method used to remove paint bags on the face primarily depends on the severity of the problem.

If malar edema has just appeared and is not yet very noticeable, do not delay going to the doctor. Right now you can get rid of trouble easily and simply


At this stage, non-surgical injection blepharoplasty Dermaheal Eyebag Solution will help remove bags under the eyes.

The procedure was originally developed for bags under the eyes, but it is also great for cheekbones.

The drug is a mixture of biomimetric peptides for various purposes. Some peptides significantly reduce the volume of fat in hernias without destroying fat cells. The latter stimulate collagen and elastin and strengthen the skin, reducing the protrusion of the bag. Still others remove excess fluid and restore the tone of the facial muscles. The fourth improve the quality of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles.

It is important to note that the drug does not contain any direct lipolytics, which makes its use safe.

To resolve the bags, two procedures are usually prescribed, but many are quite satisfied with the result of the first.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

It is very important that the Dermaheal Eyebag Solution procedure, although it is not plastic surgery, is nevertheless performed by a plastic surgeon. Why a surgeon if there is no scalpel? So that the scalpel is not needed in the future.

It is important to prevent the drug from getting into other areas of the face. The injection area is small, so you need to have a perfect understanding of the anatomical features of the middle zone. Practicing plastic surgeons have this necessary knowledge.

Plastic surgery methods

  • check-lifting is an operation aimed at preventing drooping of the cheek tissues by attaching the muscles in the infraorbital region to the bone using endoscopic instruments; most often cheek-lifting complements lower blepharoplasty;
  • blepharoplasty is a complex transformation, with the help of which, if there are appropriate indications, in addition to sufas, related problems (skin ptosis, drooping eyelid, etc.) can be eliminated;

During surgical removal of “painters”, micro-incisions/punctures are made along the edges of the lash line of the lower eyelids or in the natural crease of the lower eyelid/temporal area, so there are no visible scars left after the operation. The recovery period depends on the chosen method; the achieved result is largely determined by the structural features of the patient’s face and, on average, lasts for 8–10 years.

About facelift: from hardware methods to SMAS lift Unfortunately, everyone sooner or later has to deal with such an unpleasant age-related change as gravitational ptosis (natural sagging of the skin). But modern plastic surgery and cosmetology have something to offer the patient so that he can maintain youth for as long as possible.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty. What is she like? Blepharoplasty confidently holds one of the leading positions among the most popular plastic surgeries.

At what age can you have a facelift? Facelift is a set of surgical and minimally invasive methods for correcting the facial oval and tightening the skin and deep structures on the face for the purpose of general rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles, nasolabial folds, sagging skin and other signs of aging.

Massage and gymnastics

Special gymnastics and massage will help reduce swelling. Massage restores elasticity to the skin. It is carried out in teaspoons, which must first be cooled. Apply the convex side to the cheekbones, lightly move along the skin from the temples to the corners of the eyes. You shouldn't press too hard. When the spoons are hot, cool and repeat the procedure.

A simple set of exercises will help get rid of bags and become an additional preventive measure for maintaining visual acuity.

All exercises are performed at least 5 times.

  1. Take a comfortable position and relax. Close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds and open them.
  2. Keep your head straight, eyes directed up, down, to the sides. Hold your gaze in each position for 5 seconds.
  3. Perform circular movements with your eyes, try to outline a figure eight in the air or on the wall.

Preventive actions

If such defects are associated with genetic factors, prevention methods must be used at a young age.

But for other women these recommendations will not be superfluous:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle, do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking;
  • night sleep should last at least 8 hours;
  • daily fluid intake is at least 3 liters in summer, 2 liters in winter, taking into account all liquid foods and drinks;
  • regularly cleanse your face and apply moisturizer;
  • introduce foods rich in vitamins into the diet, add ready-made vitamin complexes;
  • Do facial exercises regularly.

Non-surgical methods for solving the problem

Botulinum therapy is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead or between the eyebrows. Is it so? On the one hand, yes - microinjections of Botox block the nerve impulses that trigger the contraction of facial muscles. Accordingly, if the muscles do not work, then the skin fold does not form. But there are two disadvantages:

  1. If the wrinkle is already deep and constantly present, a botulinum toxin injection will have little effect.
  2. Botulinum toxin is destroyed over time, and after about six months the facial muscle will regain mobility and begin to gather the skin into a fold.

A variety of creams, ointments, masks, and special massage techniques will also be effective only in the very early stages of the formation of such wrinkles.

Diprospan injections

Diprosan is a hormonal drug, the main components of which are betamethasone dipropionate and betamethasone disodium phosphate. They provide a quick and long-lasting effect. The technique is recommended for women under 30 years of age. After the procedure, the volume of adipose tissue noticeably decreases.

An incorrectly administered drug can cause the formation of additional edema. The technique, carried out by a professional, allows you to reduce fat deposits in the cheekbone area. The effect is noticeable immediately.

Exercise No. 1: articular plastic technique “ba”

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What gives:

relaxes the chewing muscles, relieves tension and spasms from the lower jaw; forms a clear oval of the face, reduces jowls and lengthens the side surface of the face; prevents tooth wear, helps overcome bruxism, and in general is highly recommended for dental purposes to improve the parameters of the dental system.

How much to do:

2 minutes 1 time per day.
Before performing the exercise, you must conduct a test:

  • Open your mouth with your lower jaw down and note how wide it is.
  • After completing the exercise, open your mouth again and compare - your jaw should open much wider.

The syllable “ba” allows you to open your mouth carefully, without injuring the lower jaw. The treatment itself may not be very pleasant - when kneading tense tissues, you feel pain, but it should be pleasant.


If during or after performing you feel clicking or crunching when opening your mouth, this indicates the presence of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, start moving down from the middle or earlobe, working the middle and lower portions of the masticatory muscles. If the crunching does not stop, stop doing the technique completely. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Prices of popular procedures in cosmetology against molar bags

Leading clinics offer their cosmetic services, the prices of which do not differ much. The table presented will help you make your choice.

Prices are indicated in rubles.

Clinic nameDarsonvalizationLymphatic drainageLipofillingContour plasticDiprospan injections
Beauty Trend30020001000012-17 thousand200/ampoule
Petrovka Beauty35023001550018000990/service
Beauty parkfrom 200200014500160001000
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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