Causes of facial hair in women

Laser facial hair removal for women will help you get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. The technique is considered relatively safe. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is enough to follow all the recommendations of a specialist. It is important to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance and prepare for the procedure as thoroughly as possible.

Features of the laser hair removal procedure for women

Laser facial hair removal is very effective. The result is achieved due to the complete destruction of the follicle. The device applies heat to the hair follicle. Unpleasant sensations are minimized, since the laser light does not affect the skin itself. The light is directed directly at the follicle.

Women with fair skin and dark hair are most susceptible to this manipulation. Since the hairs contain more color pigment, they are much more amenable to hardware treatment. Light or vellus hairs require more sessions. However, it is not always possible to completely remove them.

The cosmetologist must choose the right device and force of influence. To do this, you need to undergo diagnostics in advance.

Causes of facial hair in women

It is well known that the body of a bird is protected by feathers, animals are protected by wool, and a person has hair growing on his body. They are only absent on the palms and soles. Body hair is a kind of atavism that has been inherited by man since time immemorial. There are from 300 to 500 thousand hairs on the body of an adult. People with blond hair have the most body hair and those with red hair have the least, with red hair feeling the coarsest. The growth of hair on the body of an adult largely depends on the functioning of the gonads. Male hormones enhance the development of hair on the face and body and prevent their growth on the head. Female hormones, on the contrary, promote the development of hair on the head, but not on the body or face.

In medicine, there are two concepts that describe excess hair growth - hirsutism and hypertrichosis. Hirsutism is excessive growth of terminal (coarse, hard) hair in women according to the male pattern. Terminal hair is dark, coarse, long, in contrast to vellus hair, which is lightly colored, soft and short. We are talking only about the appearance of hair on the chin, upper chest, upper back and abdomen. The appearance of terminal hair in the lower abdomen, lower back, near the nipples, arms and legs is normal. The condition is not synonymous with virilism, in which in women, in addition to manifestations of hirsutism, the development of secondary male sexual characteristics is observed.

Hypertrichosis, unlike hirsutism, is characterized by excess hair growth in places where it is normal, and can be observed in individuals of both sexes. Men do not suffer from this, but for young ladies this problem brings a lot of trouble and causes psychological discomfort, even to the point of developing an inferiority complex.

There are congenital and acquired forms of hypertrichosis. The congenital form of generalized hypertrichosis, in which the entire surface of the skin is covered with long, wavy hair, is a very rare anomaly that progresses until puberty. In the congenital limited form of hypertrichosis, excess hair grows on pigmented skin, often in the sacral area. The congenital general form of hypertrichosis cannot be treated. In limited cases, surgical intervention is sometimes possible.

The acquired form of hypertrichosis can occur in areas of prolonged skin irritation (rubbing in ointments, plaster casts), in patients with tuberculosis, osteomyelitis. Sometimes girls in puberty (puberty) or women in menopause begin to experience increased hair growth on the face, above the upper lip.

Increased hair growth in areas where it is undesirable is not just a cosmetic defect. The appearance of a beard and mustache in women can be a symptom of various diseases.

Most often, endocrine hypertrichosis is observed, associated with diseases of the ovaries and disruption of their hormonal function, damage to the adrenal cortex. Less commonly, the cause of increased hair growth can be tumors of the anterior pituitary gland.

Often, hypertrichosis occurs during pregnancy as a result of increased hormonal activity of the endocrine organs of the brain (anterior pituitary gland). Increased growth of facial hair in the area of ​​the cheekbones and temples may be a manifestation of metabolic disorders.

Therefore, when starting the process of getting rid of excess hairs, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, endocrinologist, or neurologist about the possible cause of their appearance, so that, along with solving an aesthetic problem, they can also detect, possibly, an internal defect, and a comprehensive effect on the cause will help achieve faster desired results.

Recently, there has been an increase in medicinal hypertrichosis caused by taking medications such as corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. Long-term treatment with male sex hormones also leads to the growth of coarse, dark facial hair.

Incorrectly selected creams (especially those based on lanolin) with prolonged use increase hair growth on the upper lip and chin. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply nourishing creams, especially those containing hormonal and biostimulating substances, to the lower third of the face, since they improve the nutrition of the skin, including hair follicles.

Thermal cosmetic procedures, as well as irritating absorbable masks, increase microcirculation, improve blood supply to the hair follicles and, thus, promote the growth of excess hair. Therefore, the presence of hypertrichosis on the face is a contraindication for the use of infrared thermal radiation, quartz, sunbathing, paraffin masks, bodyagi masks, and the like.

Creams containing collagen, elastin and other biocreams are recommended to be applied only after 35 years, otherwise unwanted hair growth on the face may increase.

Sometimes women themselves unknowingly contribute to colorless vellus hair becoming coarse and dark. This usually occurs as a result of shaving them off or pulling them out with tweezers.

So why does facial hair grow?

  • Hormonal imbalance, or more precisely the presence of an increased level of male hormones - testosterone. This problem is primarily of a medical nature, since the ovaries and adrenal glands do not work properly. To rule out such causes of facial hair, you should first contact an endocrinologist.
  • Heredity, genetic deviations. Among some peoples of the world, most often Caucasian and southern, women have little facial hair. Hereditary causes of unwanted hair do not require special treatment, and the aesthetic problem can easily be solved by laser hair removal, which is the safest and most effective method.
  • Chronic stress
  • Poor nutrition leads not only to obesity, but also to excess hair.
  • During menopause, hair also appears on the face. All these problems are closely related to hormonal changes in women in adulthood.
  • Unwanted facial hair can also appear during puberty or pregnancy.
  • Facial hair in girls can be a consequence of long-term use of birth control pills.
  • Complications of diseases. For example, brain tumor, kidney pathology, epilepsy.
  • Environmental issues can also cause excess facial hair.
  • The use of certain medications, especially those containing prednisolone, cortisone, hydrocortisone - corticosteroids.

Pros and cons of laser facial hair removal for women

Laser hair removal for facial hair has many benefits. The positive aspects include the following:

  • The method is absolutely safe. To prevent negative consequences, it is enough to properly prepare for the procedure and properly care for your skin afterwards.
  • It is possible to get rid of vegetation for a long period.
  • There is no pain or discomfort during the hardware treatment.
  • The technique is suitable for women with sensitive skin.
  • The session takes place in just a few minutes.

Don't forget about the negative points:

  • Relatively high cost.
  • To achieve the result, you will need to complete a whole course, since during the procedure the laser only affects follicles that are in the active phase.
  • The technique is ineffective for gray hair. Women who have weak color differences between their skin and hair find it difficult to achieve results.

Before going to a cosmetologist, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The method has a number of contraindications. It is not always possible to identify them on your own.

After laser hair removal

Treated hair does not disappear on its own after the procedure; it remains in the skin in the form of dark spots for 5 to 14 days. They must not be plucked, squeezed or torn out! Wait for them to fall out naturally (the skin will push them out on its own).

The skin on the face is very delicate, which explains some specific reactions:

  1. Skin redness may occur within 1-3 days;
  2. Facial hair may begin to grow faster - this is normal. The fact is that the anagen phase here is one of the longest, so there is much more hair in early anagenesis - when the hair grows, but has not yet appeared on the surface of the skin - than on the legs. It is strictly forbidden to remove regrown hairs, only trim them or use a razor;

For the entire period of the hair removal cycle, try to forget about waxing, sugaring and depilatories. You can only remove hair with a razor or gels (all those that do not damage the hair and skin, but only “remove” the cutaneous part of the hair)!

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure!

Love yourself and your face! Contact only licensed medical institutions with certified doctors who understand what they are doing and do not mechanically apply the handle of the device to the skin.

We categorically do not recommend doing electrolysis in the facial area, so as not to get micro-scars on the skin after a few years. The exception is single gray hairs that the laser cannot “remove.”

Laser hair removal is an effective and painless method to permanently get rid of unwanted facial hair that spoils the appearance and creates inconvenience.

How long does laser facial hair removal last for women?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Considering the structure of the hair, it is possible to get rid of facial hair for approximately 5 years. If there is a sharp contrast between the skin and the hair, growth may stop forever. To maintain the result, many cosmetologists recommend periodically repeating the procedure. In the presence of hormonal disorders, follicle activity may recover earlier than expected.

Chin depilation

Depilation of the face, neck Cheeks + chin + neck: 450 rub.

Depilation of the back of the neck:
300 rub.
Upper lip (sugaring):
150 rub.
See all prices for depilation >>

Kazan, Pobedy Ave., 46-A Kazan, Peterburgskaya, 42 Phone:

(843) 216-36-31
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Online registration

Normally, the hair on the chin grows in light fluff. They are not noticeable and do not require removal. However, in some cases, dark and rather coarse hairs appear on this part of the face, which naturally cause dissatisfaction and frustration among the fair sex. To restore attractiveness and get rid of unwanted hair, specialists at the Depilux beauty and health studio offer their clients to undergo chin depilation.

Causes of hair growth on the chin

In general, hair on the chin is much less common in women than, for example, hair above the upper lip. Cosmetologists identify two reasons for their appearance:

1Natural predisposition. In this case, thick hair may grow on the chin, but not very much. The hair looks more like fluff with a small amount of hard hair interspersed.

2Hormonal disorders. May be caused by taking certain medications. Sometimes such vegetation can be quite intense and resemble male stubble. Most often, the problem occurs in women who have crossed the 45-year mark. It is at this age that hormonal changes in the body occur: the production of female hormones decreases, and male hormones, on the contrary, increase. On the other hand, hair growth on the chin can also be observed in young girls during puberty.

In any case, facial hair can and should be combated, but this should only be done by a professional and qualified depilation specialist.

It is important!

In addition to hair removal, it is advisable to make sure that the cause of excess hair on the chin is not caused by a pathological hormonal imbalance. We recommend contacting an endocrinologist for detailed advice.

Chin hair removal procedure for women

Our center’s specialists use one of two methods for chin depilation: sugaring or waxing. The choice depends on the condition of the woman’s skin, the reason for the appearance of hairs and their characteristics.

Sugaring is a procedure for removing hair on the chin in women using sugar paste. As a rule, it is used in cases of natural predisposition to their occurrence. Sugar adheres well to vellus hair, removing it from the face without a trace. After sugaring, irritation and microtraumas do not appear on the skin.

Hair removal with wax is more suitable for the second case, when the cause of its appearance is a hormonal imbalance. Such coarse hair grows straight, almost at a right angle, and the use of sugar paste does not always give the expected effect - there is a small chance of breaking the hair. A high-quality wax mass in the hands of an experienced cosmetologist will allow you to remove such vegetation without a trace.

Effect after chin depilation

If the procedure was carried out correctly, if only high-quality materials were used, and all manipulations were carried out by a professional, then the result will not be long in coming:

  • There will be no hairs or dark spots on the face and chin in particular;
  • Regular removal of chin hair in women with sugar or wax thins it and discolors it;
  • The effect lasts up to 2 weeks;
  • Self-confidence and good mood appear.

How to grow facial hair for depilation?

This question is asked by many women. Before repeating the depilation procedure, it is necessary to grow the hairs by 3-5 mm - this will make them easier to remove. Many may be upset by the fact that they will have to walk with them for several days. But it is not all that bad. After all, after the first chin depilation procedure, the hairs become thin and almost colorless, and their number is significantly reduced.

Chin depilation can completely eliminate the problem of unwanted hair. However, cosmetologists at the Depilux studio always recommend that, in parallel with the cosmetic procedure, you undergo an examination by an endocrinologist in order to be sure to establish the cause of the appearance of hairs. For our part, we guarantee an excellent result: qualified specialists, the use of only high-quality, environmentally friendly materials, work experience and a wealth of knowledge - everything you need for your beauty!

Depilation of the face, neck Cheeks + chin + neck: 450 rub.

Depilation of the back of the neck:
300 rub.
Upper lip (sugaring):
150 rub.
See all prices for depilation >>

Kazan, Pobedy Ave., 46-A Kazan, Peterburgskaya, 42 Phone:

(843) 216-36-31
Sign up online:
Online registration

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Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

Facial lasers are used quite often in cosmetology. Reviews indicate its high effectiveness. But do not forget about a number of contraindications:

  • The presence of oncological processes in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Individual hypersensitivity.
  • Tendency to pigmentation disorders.

If you have any dermatological diseases, you should first consult your doctor. For skin lesions, the procedure is not recommended.

How does a laser affect the face during laser hair removal for women?

Hair removal occurs using a laser beam. It comes in different lengths and power. The level of exposure depends on the device settings.

The power can only be determined by a specialist, taking into account the client’s skin and hair type.

Laser pulses are able to affect different depths where the follicle is located. Under the influence of heat, melanin in the bulb is destroyed. The vessels that feed the hair are also destroyed. After this, the hair falls out on its own.

How much does laser facial hair removal cost for women?

Hair removal from the area of ​​the upper lip, chin, eyebrows, female nose, forehead or sideburns will cost 550 rubles. Cheek hair removal costs 1,100 rubles. You can remove vegetation from the front or back of your neck for 1,290 rubles.

It is much more profitable to carry out the procedure comprehensively . The cost of hair removal in the area of ​​the upper lip, chin, forehead and cheeks is 1,700 rubles. Epilation of the cheeks, chin and upper lip will cost 1,400 rubles.[*]

Negative consequences of laser facial hair removal in women

Failure to comply with the rules and mistakes of a cosmetologist are fraught with the following consequences:

  • Burns. They are formed due to incorrect settings of the device or too high power. Hair lengths greater than 1 mm also contribute to their appearance.
  • Black dots. They are not dangerous and disappear on their own. Should not cause discomfort.
  • Itching and irritation. If this occurs, you should contact a specialist. This may indicate the presence of an allergic reaction.
  • Pigmentation. A fresh tan and improper use of the device significantly increase the chances of occurrence. To avoid pigmentation, the laser power should not be too high.

In order to avoid complications, you should contact only qualified specialists. Skin care and preparation for the procedure play an important role.

Methods for removing vellus hair

At home, vellus hair is most often removed with tweezers. Among other methods ():

  • dermaplaning
    - scraping the stratum corneum of the skin along with hairs, performed with a razor or scalpel. The procedure evens out skin color, cleanses pores, and enhances the effect of all cosmetic products. It is carried out in beauty salons and beauty centers - unlike traditional shaving, dermaplaning cannot be done on your own. Contraindications – dry, sensitive, dehydrated skin, inflammation, pigmentation, neoplasms;
  • shaving
    - performed only with a new and high-quality razor, the hairs are pre-softened with hot water. After the procedure, wash your face with cold water to tighten the pores, apply moisturizers;
  • depilatory cream
    - keratin destroying drugs. The hair becomes softer, brittle and easily torn from the root. The procedure does not take much time, is painless and does not cause discomfort. Problems can arise if the product is used incorrectly - a large amount on sensitive skin causes a chemical burn or severe irritation. The duration of the effect is from 2 to 5 days, after which the procedure must be repeated;
  • wax depilation
    - when using hot wax, the effect of removing vellus hair lasts for 3-4 weeks. The method is effective, inexpensive, and is effectively used to remove fluff above the lip, on the cheeks and chin. The procedure causes discomfort for many; if the technique is violated, burns and skin irritation are possible. After waxing, ingrown hairs appear, which can cause skin inflammation. Careful care is required after the procedure using products recommended by the cosmetologist that do not contain heavy oils;
  • sugaring
    - sugar paste with the addition of lemon juice is used for hair removal. The procedure is more comfortable than waxing, since sugar effectively glues hairs together and sticks to the skin less than melted wax. This protects the epidermis from the appearance of wounds. If you follow the technique, the likelihood of thermal burns and the appearance of ingrown hairs is reduced.

You can permanently remove vellus hairs using electrolysis. The procedure involves destroying the follicle and the capillaries that supply it with an electric current discharge. To work, the specialist uses a thin probe that delivers a discharge. The procedure is very long, but gives an excellent effect.

Recommendations after the procedure

After the manipulations, the skin needs careful care. It is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Avoid visiting the solarium and minimize exposure to the sun.
  • Apply sunscreen before going outside. The SPF level should be at least 30.
  • For the first 2-3 days after hair removal, avoid using decorative cosmetics.
  • Choose skincare products only with gentle ingredients. They should be free of alcohol and acids.
  • Apply anti-burn cream. It could be Panthenol.
  • Avoid using aggressive sponges for washing your face.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool.

The final result largely depends on the correct care after the procedure. It is important to follow the session schedule prescribed by the cosmetologist. If complications occur, consult a doctor immediately.

For a long-term effect without consequences, it is important to find a competent cosmetologist. Only modern and safe equipment is used. All cosmetologists have received higher medical education and take their work responsibly. During its operation, the salon received many reviews from grateful clients.

* — Information is valid at the time of publication of the article

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