Injection of hyaluronic acid into the face: cost, types, contraindications

The effect of hyaluronic injections in the face

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is a procedure during which a cosmetologist injects filler under a wrinkle or skin fold and fills the insufficient volume with the drug. This allows you to model your appearance, correct facial asymmetry, smooth out wrinkles, scars, scars, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Hyaluronic facial injections are also popular among women who want to increase the size and volume of their lips.

To prevent pain and discomfort, half an hour before the injections, the cosmetologist applies an anesthetic cream to the affected area.

The result of contouring with hyaluronic acid is noticeable immediately after injection correction, but the final assessment of the result can be made in a couple of days, after the slight swelling in the injection area has subsided.

The whole truth about side effects after contouring

Injection methods of rejuvenation are gaining more and more popularity every year. Innovative lines of fillers are being produced, new procedures are being introduced, which increases the effectiveness of contouring. Of course, side effects are possible. However, they happen extremely rarely or are temporary.

However, most cosmetology centers are silent about unpleasant consequences. Such situations frighten clients, because they were not warned and are afraid of any unwanted manifestations.

Let's look at the possible side effects of contouring and find out the whole truth about them:

  • What should women be prepared for after the session?
  • Is it possible to prevent their occurrence?
  • What to do if they arise?

Side effects of contouring

According to statistics, unpleasant consequences from rejuvenation procedures are recorded in less than 5% of cases. The likelihood of their occurrence, although small, is still there and you need to be prepared for it.

List of possible side effects after contouring :

  • Strong pain. Fillers are injected. Piercing the skin with a needle is an unpleasant process, especially in delicate areas - the lips. Advanced modern drugs include the local anesthetic lidocaine. Pain sensations are reduced by 50% or more, but in some women sensitivity is increased and such manipulations are accompanied by discomfort.
  • Hematomas (bruises). All facial tissues are penetrated by small capillaries and nerve endings. When the needle is inserted, they are touched and injured. This is where bruises occur. They dissolve on their own.
  • Edema . This is a normal reaction of the body to the injection of filler under the skin. The drug attracts fluid from neighboring tissues. After a few days, the swelling subsides and only the desired volume remains, for which the cocktail was introduced.
  • Inflammation . Occurs when sanitary standards are not observed. In modern aesthetic medicine, such cases are very rare. However, if you turn to an incompetent doctor or even go to do the procedure at home, then the risks of inflammation increase several times.
  • Allergic reaction. This is an inadequate immune response to the injected filler in case of individual intolerance to the drug. This point is completely dependent on the characteristics of the body.
  • Consolidation or migration of filler . The gel may bulge, forming globules, bumps, and lumps. This situation is typical when the filler is injected very superficially or too deeply. This is often a mistake made by an inexperienced cosmetologist. This may also be due to the anatomical features of the face: in mature women, voids form under the skin with age. This is where the filler migrates. Movement of the gel is noted when rubbing or massaging the injection site in the first few days after the session.
  • Vascular trauma or embolism. No specialist is immune from this. Similar problems are typical for areas with abundant blood supply - the nasolabial triangle. We are not talking about capillaries, but about larger units - arteries and veins. If you inject too much filler near a vessel, the gel will crush it. The passage of blood becomes difficult and tissue ischemia (oxygen starvation) occurs. If the drug gets directly into the lumen of the vessel, it becomes clogged. In the absence of medical accommodation, necrosis may develop.

Help and prevention for side effects after contouring

Severe pain can be suppressed using fillers that contain lidocaine. It is not recommended to touch the puncture site and try to somehow “stretch” the gel. This will only increase tissue trauma and increase discomfort. If the pain is excessively intense, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps this is an individual feature - high sensitivity and it will be enough to take a painkiller, or maybe this is a more serious complication.

Hematomas and swelling go away on their own if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations for skin care after contouring. These side effects cannot be prevented. The cosmetologist will advise you on the necessary creams or ointments, and will also advise you on the rules of the recovery period.

Inflammatory processes at injection sites begin when sterility is violated during the procedure. A professional will not make such mistakes, which once again proves the prestige of cosmetology centers. It is not recommended to contact doctors at home or even turn to “self-taught” doctors. If inflammation occurs in the area of ​​the needle puncture, you should immediately consult a doctor. The solution often requires surgery.

No one is protected from allergies Hyaluronic acid is a substance produced by the human body, so its rejection is impossible. But the anesthetic lidocaine, which is part of the fillers, can activate the immune system and cause an inadequate reaction. Before performing contour plastic surgery, the specialist carefully interviews the client and finds out the possibility of allergies. If the reaction has already begun, the doctor will provide the necessary assistance and advise on further tactics.

Compaction and migration of filler can only be eliminated with an additional session. The drug hyaluronidase is injected. Roughly speaking, this is a “cancellation” procedure. The substance destroys and removes previously incorrectly administered hyaluronic acid from the body. If we are talking about a filler on a different basis (collagen, Radiesse), then you will need to wait several months until it resolves on its own. To avoid a similar negative experience, you must carefully search for a professional cosmetologist.

If a large vessel was damaged during contouring , the specialist will provide you with the necessary assistance and advise on further care of the intervention area. If you experience sharp pain, intense redness, a burning sensation or other discomfort, you should contact your cosmetologist. Perhaps this is just excessive sensitivity or a hematoma, or maybe a sign of tissue ischemia when the vessel is compressed. You should not wait and be patient, because this can lead to necrosis or infection of the puncture site. Damage or compression of the vessel cannot be prevented.

Who is recommended for facial hyaluronic acid injections?

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is recommended for patients with the following problems:

  • deep nasolabial folds and “crow’s feet” (wrinkles in the corners of the eyes);
  • horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
  • sagging cheekbones, sunken cheeks;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness of facial skin;
  • asymmetry of facial features;
  • irregular chin shape;
  • unclear lip contours, their inadequate volume;
  • signs of photoaging of the epidermis;
  • dry and dehydrated facial skin.

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid fillers is the fastest, most delicate and highly effective way to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings, which negatively affect not only the patient’s appearance, but also his internal state, causing the development of numerous complexes.

Why do late complications of GC occur?

It seems surprising that problems arise months later, since by this time the acid should have partially, if not completely, dissolved. This is the paradox: the complication becomes obvious precisely after partial metabolization of the drug. This is because the acid previously masked the problem.

Late complications are associated with the chemical composition of the drug used to purify and cross-link the hyaluronic acid. While there is a lot of acid, these chemicals are hidden, and when the acid is depleted, chemical additives make themselves felt.

The biggest danger in such situations is that the doctor does not know exactly what these elements are and how they should be dealt with. Patients, turning to a cosmetologist, often do not even remember or do not know what exactly was injected into them. And even if this is known, after so many months it is impossible to track the quality and composition of the administered drug.

Photo 1. Late complications of GC

Photo 2. Late complications of GC

Photo 3. Late complications of GC

One of the possible complications is severe swelling at the site of GC injection. If the problem is not in the hyaluronic acid itself, after it is dissolved by hyaluronidase, the problem of swelling will not go away. This is because the tissue has been exposed to a foreign chemical that the life-saving hyaluronidase cannot target.

This problem concerns poorly purified acids. And we are not talking about removing the cell walls of bacteria, but about adding or retaining harmful chemical compounds used to “improve” the drug.

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid: types and areas of treatment

The popularity of facial contouring is explained by the absence of complications and the immediate effect - rejuvenation and renewal of the face.

Hyaluronic acid injections for the face are performed on the following areas:

  • on the lips – the procedure is carried out to increase the size of the lips, give them volume, and correct the contour. Beauty injections into the lips help eliminate wrinkles around the mouth, scars after injuries and surgical interventions, as well as solve the problem of drooping corners and asymmetry of the lips;
  • on the nasolabial folds - injections of hyaluronic acid into the face eliminate networks of facial wrinkles and age-related skin creases in the area connecting the wings of the nose and the chin;
  • on the cheekbones – correct congenital or acquired insufficient expression of the zygomatic arches by increasing them;
  • chin – hyaluronic injections for the face help change the size and shape of the chin, which ensures its flawless and harmonious appearance;
  • on the forehead - eliminate deep vertical and horizontal expression wrinkles, the interbrow fold;
  • on the nose – hyaluronic injections for the face correct the shape of the nose, improve its proportions: eliminate asymmetry, straighten the bridge of the nose, correct the tip and wings;
  • on the ears - they replenish the volume of the earlobes when they sag, thereby rejuvenating them, eliminating traces of injuries, sprains after wearing massive earrings;
  • in the periorbital area – smooth out the relief of the skin around the eyes, successfully replacing surgical blepharoplasty;
  • on the body – contouring with hyaluronic acid allows you to visually model your figure and mask aesthetic skin imperfections on different parts of the body – cellulite pits, atrophic scars, protruding blood vessels of the arms, etc.
  • on the genitals - contouring of intimate areas with hyaluronic acid improves their aesthetic appearance and functionality. It is relevant for ptosis and laxity of the labia, birth and postoperative defects, insufficient accessibility of the clitoris, its severe hypoplasia, hypermobility of the urethra and other pathologies.

The above areas are the most popular among patients who undergo beauty injections. Hyaluronic acid injected into problem areas allows you to correct any defect and restore your former aesthetic appeal.

Expected effect of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

The active launch of the processes of restoration and hydration of the skin occurs during mesotherapy sessions, acting from the inside. As a result of the procedure, we observe visible rejuvenation and improvement of complexion: skin elasticity increases, and the oval becomes clearer.

Mesotherapy is rightfully considered the most popular method of rejuvenation of both female and male faces, because the effect of the procedure is amazing. The use of mesotherapy cocktails (several drugs at once) has become quite common, which help cope with a variety of problems with the appearance and health of the skin.

With the help of mesotherapy, it is possible to effectively solve problems to improve the skin of the face, figure and hair. For example, the procedure helps to cope with wrinkles, pigmentation, rosacea, acne, alopecia, seborrhea, cellulite and stretch marks. If there are no pronounced imperfections, mesotherapy can be used for prevention.

During the procedure, the effect occurs not only locally, but also comprehensively: tissue nutrition is stimulated, blood circulation is enhanced, and the skin is vitaminized. The overall appearance becomes more youthful, radiant and toned. Noticeably less fat deposits, orange peel skin and stretch marks.

The following factors influence the result of the procedure:

  • the state of the client’s body;
  • skin features;
  • age-related changes and their degree;
  • meso cocktail quality;
  • qualification of a doctor or cosmetologist who does mesotherapy.

If therapy is carried out by an experienced specialist, it is possible to eliminate appearance problems that bother the client. When describing the technique, cosmetologists assure of its effectiveness. The procedure helps:

  • get rid of shallow wrinkles;
  • smooth out old expression wrinkles;
  • moisturize the skin;
  • overcome dryness;
  • reduce the shine of oily skin by regulating the secretion of subcutaneous sebum;
  • dissolve acne scars;
  • restore elasticity;
  • tighten the oval of the face;
  • eliminate double chin;
  • remove spider veins;
  • fight acne;
  • improve complexion;
  • eliminate scars and scars.

When administering injections with mesococktail, rehabilitation after various surgical operations on the face is accelerated. Grinding or peeling also requires further restoration of the skin, the procedure does an excellent job with this too. A clear difference between photos taken before and after mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid can be seen below.

Hyaluronic injections for the face: procedure progress

First of all, the cosmetologist needs to talk with the patient and find out what result he expects from contour plastic surgery. The doctor selects the most suitable filler and outlines the injection area.

Immediately before the procedure, the correction area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and a cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the skin.

The filler is injected subcutaneously using a syringe or a special cannula. Injections of hyaluronic acid for the face in various areas require the use of certain techniques:

  • To correct wrinkles, liquid fillers are injected under the skin, linear filling or a delicate technique is used - blanching (suitable for eliminating wrinkles in the periorbital area);
  • To give cheekbones, chin and other areas additional volume, softlifting with high-density fillers is used.

The average duration of injection correction is 30-60 minutes. After injections, slight swelling and redness of the skin may appear. These symptoms disappear on their own after a couple of hours.

Biorevitalization: a catalyst for rejuvenation and self-healing

This rejuvenation technique is based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the middle layers of the dermis.
For biorevitalization, non-stabilized HA is used, which has maximum stimulating activity. After injections, the proliferation and differentiation of cellular elements accelerates, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and other components of the intercellular matrix is ​​enhanced. Skin hydration improves; by normalizing the water balance, its elastic properties are restored. The purpose of hyaluronic acid injections is to increase the regenerative potential of the dermis, speeding up the processes of facial skin restoration at the molecular level. The procedure triggers self-healing mechanisms and creates optimal conditions for rejuvenation using internal reserves. The effect does not appear immediately. It takes time to form a pool of new cells and update the intercellular framework, but the result lasts for a long period.

After the procedure, the following processes occur in the dermis:

  • Water balance is normalized, hydration of the intercellular matrix is ​​restored.
  • Cell division accelerates, the number of fibroblasts - cells that synthesize collagen, glycosaminoglycans, HA and other important molecules of the intercellular substance - increases.
  • The collagen framework is renewed qualitatively and quantitatively. More “young” fibers appear, and the number of connections between them increases. The skin becomes more elastic and resists negative influences more successfully.
  • Angiogenesis increases. New blood vessels appear in the dermis. Improves nutrition and oxygenation of tissues.

The processes described above are the basis for deep skin rejuvenation at the molecular and cellular level. Regeneration, catalyzed by hyaluronic acid molecules, does not “mask” aesthetic imperfections, but helps eliminate them. The reasons that could lead to the return of the cosmetic problem also disappear. Thanks to this feature, a persistent cumulative effect is observed after the procedure, which is easy to maintain with short preventive courses.

Cosmetologists recommend taking a course of facial biorevitalization if you have the following aesthetic problems:

  • Deterioration of the elastic properties of the skin.
  • Dehydration (dry skin), decreased turgor.
  • The appearance of small wrinkles.
  • Deepening of skin folds (nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves).
  • Strengthening microrelief.
  • Deterioration of facial skin color.

The number of facial biorevitalization sessions required to achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect depends on many factors. Of great importance is the patient’s age, the severity of involutional processes, skin type, the thickness of subcutaneous tissue, the preservation of elastic function, and the degree of dehydration.

The effect of the rejuvenating course depends not only on the number of procedures, but also on the patient’s disciplined attitude towards the rules and recommendations that should be followed after biorevitalization of the face. What you can and cannot do after the procedure is discussed in the second part of the publication.

Who should not receive hyaluronic acid injections in the face?

Contouring with hyaluronic acid fillers is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • hemophilia;
  • viral and fungal dermatological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus type I and II;
  • hemocoagulation disorders;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Hyaluronic injections for the face should not be performed on pregnant and lactating women, or during menstruation.

Cosmetology and hyaluronic acid

The beneficial properties of hyaluronic acid explain its active use in cosmetology.

There are several types of procedures performed to restore youth with the help of hyaluronic acid:

  • creams and masks to saturate and nourish the skin;
  • biorevitalization injections to smooth out wrinkles;
  • contour plastic surgery to replenish volumes;
  • capsules to maintain the optimal amount of hyaluronate in the body.

Cosmetic preparations containing hyaluronic acid remain in the skin for a long time and stimulate the process of its renewal.

Hyaluronic acid for the face (injections): cost at the Sharm Gold clinic

Hyaluronic acid injections in the face: filler price
Juvederm 3 (1.0 ml)RUB 17,900
Juvederm Volbella (1.0ml)RUB 20,250
Juvederm 2 (0.55ml)13,000 rub.
Juvederm 4 (1.0 ml)RUB 18,700
Juvederm VoliftRUB 19,800
Juvederm VolumaRUB 20,300
Juvederm Hydrate (1 ml)RUB 14,800
Juvederm Smile (0.55ml)RUB 14,200
Radiesse (0.8 ml)RUB 18,900
"Radiesse" (1.5ml)29,000 rub.
Juvederm VolumaRUB 19,500
"Belotero Basic"RUB 18,200
"Belotero Intense" (1.0 ml)19,000 rub.
"Belotero Soft" (1.0 ml)RUB 18,200
"Belotero Voluma" (1.0 ml)RUB 20,100
"Pluryal" Plureal VOLUME (1.0 ml)RUB 18,500
"Pluryal" Plureal Universal filler (1.0 ml)RUB 16,800
"COLLOST" 15% 1.5 mlRUR 16,200
"Regen BTS-SP" 1 blue tube13,000 rub.
"Regen ATS-SP" 1 tube - red13,000 rub.
"Cellular Matrix BCT-HA" 1 tube (yellow)22,000 rub.
"Cellular Matrix BCT-HA" 2 tubes (yellow)40,000 rub.
"Regen ACR-C Extra"32,000 rub.
"Regen ACR-C PLUS"35,000 rub.

Show all price

Which of the two evils is the lesser? What is more dangerous – early or late complications of hyaluronic acid?

Of course, it is best if the patient leaves the cosmetologist’s office happy with the effect and beautiful. But this doesn't always happen. And it is better for the doctor that the complication manifests itself immediately. Then it's clear that the immediate reaction to acid is probably the fault of bacterial debris causing inflammation. To correct the problem, it is usually sufficient to dissolve the acid with an enzyme. In two to three days the swelling will go away.

The situation is different with late reactions. This may be an infection that will need to be treated with antibiotics, or chemical contaminants that will not go away as the acid dissolves. And the body cannot cope with them as easily as with the remains of bacterial cells. In this case, choosing treatment is a very difficult task.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Injection facial correction is practically painless thanks to the use of topical anesthesia and the use of a very thin needle to administer the drug.

In recent years, the demand for hyaluronic acid injections for the face has increased sharply. The price in Moscow for these procedures is quite affordable for everyone, since the doctor can select a filler taking into account the patient’s financial capabilities.

The result of the procedure lasts from 1 to 2 years. If desired, injections of hyaluronic acid into the face can be repeated.

There is no risk of developing negative consequences of the procedure. Over time, hyaluronic acid “resolves” in tissues on its own.

No special preparation is required for the procedure. A few days before the injections, it is enough to refrain from alcohol, smoking, caffeine-containing drinks, avoid taking anticoagulants, and visiting beaches and solariums.

What happens after 8 weeks

About 35% of patients said they were almost completely free of pain during this period. Approximately 11% stopped taking anti-inflammatory drugs, and 40% reduced their dose by 20 times! Even those who continued to take this group of medications still reported noticeable relief in their joints.

In practice, Noltrex works longer and more effectively than sodium hyaluronate injections

Intra-articular injections of sodium hyaluronate into the knee are performed according to the following scheme:

How to avoid complications after injections of drugs with hyaluronic acid

Complications arise in three cases:

  • After using nameless drugs, that is, hyaluronic acid of unknown origin. They buy it because of its low prices.
  • After introducing counterfeit drugs from reputable companies. Therefore, you need to buy any cosmetic products in large pharmacies, or better yet, directly from the supplier.
  • After using a drug that has expired, was improperly stored or is defective. The latter, alas, although very rare, also occurs.

In any case, the patient should avoid cheap nameless drugs and not be tempted to undergo an expensive procedure at an unrealistically low price. It is also important to choose an experienced doctor, because unskilled hands can easily ruin the result, even using the best branded products.

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