Body mesotherapy for weight loss: reviews

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Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: May 22, 2022

Review date: November 10, 2022

Having a fit, athletic body is the dream of every person, regardless of gender, age or social status. A beautiful body is not only the absence of extra pounds, but also smooth, dense skin. But even skinny people can’t always boast of this. There is even such a concept as “thin fatness”. This is when girls of size XS or S have stretched skin in the abdomen, buttocks, and cellulite on the thighs.

Even diets and sports activities cannot help them remove these aesthetic defects. This is where mesotherapy comes to the rescue.

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna

Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

What is mesotherapy for the body?

Mesotherapy for weight loss is the subcutaneous injection of special “cocktails” into problem areas of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms and legs to a depth of 1.5–6 mm. The components of the “cocktails” and their dosage are calculated depending on the specific task.

The complex composition of the “cocktails” triggers no less complex processes under the skin of fat breakdown, removal of excess fluid and the formation of new structural proteins - collagen and elastin - to tighten the skin, strengthen it and even out the relief. The components of the drugs have a positive effect on the metabolic process in the body, improve blood supply to tissues and lymph flow in the deep layers of the skin.

How does the session work?

At the preparatory stage, the cosmetologist examines problem areas, determines the stage of cellulite development and decides on the number of sessions required. Before the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and no risk of allergic reactions in the patient.

During the session, the patient lies on the couch. Areas requiring corrective intervention are treated with an antiseptic (2% chlorhexedine). Then the cosmetologist uses a thin needle (13*0.3) to inject active substances under the skin. The number of injections depends on the severity of cellulite and the extent of the problem area.

During the procedure, the woman experiences pain, which can be reduced by using a gun instead of a syringe. If the patient has a low pain threshold, a hardware method of drug administration may be recommended.

At the final stage, puncture marks are treated with an antiseptic. The duration of the procedure is about an hour, the frequency of its repetition is 1-2 times a week. Immediately after the session, the patient should be monitored for 20-30 minutes to eliminate the risk of side effects.

An alternative to the above methods is to apply the drug using a mesoscooter. It is a special roller that is convenient to use even at home. The fractional method of mesotherapy for cellulite is effective in the first stages of development of a cosmetic defect.

Preparations for mesotherapy on the body

When fighting puffiness and cellulite, it is recommended to introduce special lipolytic “cocktails” that improve blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Since muscle strengthening is fundamental for body correction, vitamins and other beneficial substances are added to mesotherapy cocktails.

The drugs act in stages: first, cell membranes dissolve, and then fats break down into components and are easily removed from the body. With the correct selection of the composition, all components complement each other, which contributes to greater effectiveness of the procedure.

As a rule, the composition of a meso-cocktail for weight loss includes:

  • lipolitics;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

Technology and features of mesotherapy against cellulite

Injection procedures should be carried out exclusively in specialized clinics by qualified dermacosmetologists. During a consultation with a doctor, the area of ​​correction, the required number of sessions to eliminate aesthetic defects and the optimal composition of meso-cocktails are determined.

In addition to substances that stimulate lymph flow and the breakdown of fats, the preparations may include vitamin complexes, enzymes, amino acids and microelements that improve the structural characteristics of the skin.

The procedure conventionally consists of 2 stages:

  • the cosmetologist marks the treatment area;
  • Using a mesoinjector or insulin syringe, the drug is injected to the desired depth.

Typically the course includes 5-10 manipulations lasting up to 30 minutes. Maintenance mesotherapy sessions against cellulite are carried out no earlier than six months later.

The punctures themselves are practically painless, but when meso-cocktails are administered, an unpleasant tingling sensation may be felt.


  • problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • the need to eliminate scars;
  • cellulite - regardless of the degree of neglect;
  • predisposition to obesity;
  • natural aging of the skin.

Injection mesotherapy for weight loss

There are so-called basic “cocktails” that are calcined superficially: along the spine and along the intercostal spaces. With this method of administering biological products, biologically active points are “triggered.” With their help, weight begins to decrease as quickly as possible.

In addition to the basic ones, there are local “cocktails” that are injected into problem areas - sides, stomach, riding breeches, inner surface of the arms.

“Cocktails” do not consist of several components. Lipolytic components break down the fat cell. Drainage components, consisting of extracts of various plants - from green tea to artichokes - speed up the work of lymph flow: so that what has been destroyed comes out better. L-Carnitine is an amino acid, a natural substance related to B vitamins, which promotes the rapid conversion of fats into energy.

It is important to note that after removing fat deposits, sagging and sagging skin does not appear, since the substances included in the “cocktails” stimulate the formation of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity. The level of lipids (fat-like substances that make up cells) is also normalized.

To combat the “orange peel”, which, due to metabolic disorders, unbalanced nutrition, and a not very healthy lifestyle, appears even in petite ladies (men, as we know, suffer from cellulite only in exceptional cases), drugs are used that break down fat deposits , as well as medications that have a lymphatic drainage effect, removing intercellular fluid, promoting improved blood microcirculation.

Types of drugs

Preparations for abdominal mesotherapy provide a targeted effect, gradual accumulation, slow resorption and differ in the type of active substances into allopathic, which includes vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and homeopathic, which contain only plant extracts.

Based on the number of components, preparations are divided into single preparations that contain only one active substance (for example, silicon - Organic Silicon Care Kosmoteros), complex preparations that contain several components to solve specific problems (for example, to reduce age spots or correct cellulite) and individual cocktails that are selected individually by a specialist.

The drugs also differ in the content of the procedures:

  • mesolipolysis (for abdominal weight loss) - lipolytics (L-carnitine, phosphatidylcholine, for example, L-Carnitine Care Kosmoteros, Mesostabil Mesoestetic) are used to break down refractory fat and its subsequent removal;
  • mesolifting (to tighten the abdominal skin) - collagen, elastin, vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid (Mesoestetic Organic Silicon, Veluderm Natural Reducing) are used;
  • anti-cellulite program - defibrosating components are introduced to stimulate lymphatic drainage processes (rutoside, artichoke), as well as to activate microcirculation and metabolic mechanisms (Artichoke Care Kosmoteros, Mesoestetic Alcachora);
  • method for correcting stretch marks (stretch marks) - enzymes are used to dissolve compactions (Mesoderm Firming Cocktail).

The price of the procedure is determined individually and depends on the specifics of the questions asked, the number of sessions, the type of meso-cocktail, as well as the volume of the administered composition.

Ultrasound mesotherapy for the body

Ultrasonic phonophoresis is the introduction of medicinal cosmetics into the deep layers of the dermis under the influence of ultrasound.

The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus and individually selected medications. The device acts on cells like a massage, activates cellular metabolism, lymphatic drainage, and local blood circulation. At the same time, it accelerates regeneration processes, reduces swelling, and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Thanks to this, the medicinal substances introduced into the tissue act on the skin more intensely.

Thanks to micro-warming of tissues, improved nutrition, oxygen supply to muscles and skin, a rejuvenating effect is also achieved. Ultrasound therapy triggers the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

Ultrasonic micromassage stimulates intracellular metabolism, tones the dermis and promotes the long-term effect of cosmetics or medications.

Under the influence of ultrasound, the fibrous framework around cellulite cells is destroyed, local blood circulation is stimulated, and, as a result, fat deposits are reduced and skin turgor is increased.


The first stage of the procedure is a preliminary conversation with a cosmetologist.
The specialist collects a detailed medical history, examines problem areas, and prescribes the necessary course of procedures. As a rule, 5-10 mesotherapy sessions are needed to achieve the desired effect. The whole process takes about 30 minutes. The skin must first be disinfected with an antiseptic. The therapy is carried out under topical anesthesia - a special anesthetic cream is applied to the skin, which eliminates the discomfort from injections.

The cosmetologist carefully injects the lipolytic into the required area in microdoses using a special syringe with a thin flexible needle. The injection sites are disinfected, after which the skin is treated with a healing cream.


  • Epilepsy.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Period of pregnancy, lactation.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Taking tetracycline medications.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail.
  • Damage to the skin or fresh tan.

Care after injections

Since injections cause minor damage to the epidermis, the patient must follow some recommendations from the doctor:

  • For the first 3-5 days, special healing and antiseptic agents should be applied to the treated surface.
  • For 7-10 days you should avoid tanning in the open sun and in the solarium, visiting the pool, sauna, baths, and taking too hot baths.
  • For the same period, sports and active physical activity are prohibited.
  • You cannot use any cosmetics or care products until the skin is completely restored, except for those recommended by a specialist.

Attentive and careful attitude towards your body and health is a guarantee of a successful outcome of the procedure and the key to a positive result.


The results of the injections can be observed after the first procedure; the full effect can be assessed after 4-6 sessions. The relief of the body becomes smoother, areas affected by cellulite decrease in size, the natural color of the skin is restored, and the elasticity of the dermis increases.

With proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, this effect lasts for 10-12 months, then you can sign up for a second course of injections.

Oxygen mesotherapy for the body

Oxygen mesotherapy for the body at A Clinic is carried out using Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling technology.

Jet Peel is both cleansing and rejuvenating of the skin. Gas-liquid peeling affects the skin with a directed stream of water with oxygen. This allows you to combine several effects at once: exfoliation and removal of dead epidermal cells; massage, micromassage, lymphatic drainage massage, elimination of swelling, tightening effect.

Active oxygen comes with a stream of water. It activates metabolic processes and also disinfects, that is, it has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. The high pressure of the gas-liquid jet completely cleans the pores at great depths.

You can also add various vitamin and mineral complexes to the apparatus for the procedure.

The massage effect of a directed flow of water improves lymph flow, blood circulation, and metabolic processes. Therefore, Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling is one of the rare technologies that combines the cleansing effect with rejuvenation and healing.


The procedure is not recommended for patients in the following cases:

  • vascular diseases;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • the presence of extensive wounds, burns or other damage to the skin;
  • colds in the acute stage;
  • mental disorders;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Mesotherapy sessions are not carried out during pregnancy, in case of individual sensitivity to the drugs used during the procedure. Mesotherapy sessions should not be performed during menstruation or a few days before their onset, when a woman’s pain threshold increases.

How is body mesotherapy performed?

There are two ways to do it: manual and hardware. In the first case, injections are carried out with syringes with microneedles, in the second - with a special device with the ability to adjust the depth and frequency of injection. With the hardware introduction of “cocktails”, it is possible to treat a large area of ​​skin in a relatively short time.

Mesotherapy for weight loss will relieve:

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • local fat deposits;
  • sagging skin.

Indications for the procedure

The main goal of mesotherapy for cellulite is to get rid of fat accumulation and the “orange peel” effect, activate blood flow in the capillaries and eliminate stagnant processes under the skin.

Indications for mesotherapy are:

  • decreased elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • flabbiness, decreased tone;
  • the presence of swelling or subcutaneous nodes;
  • painful feelings when pressing on the skin;
  • unevenness of the skin surface, producing an “orange peel” effect;
  • the presence of capillary stars and an expanded vascular pattern;
  • pallor and lifelessness of the skin.

Mesotherapy is most effective at stages 2 and 3 of cellulite development. It actively acts on those areas of the skin where it is not possible to correct imperfections with wraps or massage. At stage 4, when large painful nodes appear, long-term complex treatment is indicated.

For cellulite, mesotherapy can be carried out in various ways: injection, hardware, fractional (mesoscooter).

When will the result appear?

The effect of mesotherapy is noticeable immediately. However, it reaches its greatest severity after about ten sessions.

Mesotherapy ensures the normalization of metabolic processes, the direct destruction of fat cells, its breakdown into components, followed by natural removal from the body.

Anti-cellulite mesotherapy helps restore microcirculation, normalize lymphatic and venous outflow, reduce swelling and heaviness in the legs, improve the condition of subcutaneous fatty tissue and visually reduce the appearance of cellulite. In addition, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Negative reactions

Adverse reactions of the body after mesotherapy are in most cases insignificant and disappear completely within two to three days without special treatment.

A woman may experience:

  • redness of the skin;
  • discomfort and pain during injections;
  • minor swelling;
  • feeling of numbness in areas of the skin;
  • injection marks and bruises disappear within two to three days;
  • dizziness and nausea - occur very rarely and are an individual reaction of the patient.

Negative consequences may be an allergic reaction to “cocktails”. Before starting the procedure, you must undergo allergy tests.

A positive attitude before the procedure and confidence in the qualifications of the cosmetologist who administers the injections reduces the risk of negative consequences to a minimum. The higher the qualifications of the doctor, the lower the risk of vessel damage or infection. Adverse reactions pass without a trace, without causing any health hazard.

The third stage – tightening

As a rule, this stage takes 3 procedures - with an interval of 1 week between them. The task of this stage is to tighten the skin that has sagged a little after reducing the volume of fat deposits ( Good express lifting can be achieved using preparations with 3% DMAE (for example, “Silor DM”). Additionally, you can use amino acids, peptides, and vitamins. Carrying out a main vascular puncture at this stage is carried out as desired and necessary.

Additionally, at this stage, to tighten the skin at home, you can use the DermaPen device, or a special mesoscooter for the body with a needle length of 2.5 mm. This will further increase the effect of injections of skin-tightening mesopreparations at the third stage.

Thus, the entire course lasts 12 procedures: at the first stage we do 3 procedures, at the second stage 6 procedures (more if necessary), + 3 procedures at the third stage. But as we said above, for very obese people 12 procedures will certainly not be enough, and people weighing more than 100 kg may require 3-4 times more procedures than in the standard lipocorrection course we described. For such patients, there is only the first stage, at which we perform only a main + local lymphatic drainage injection without the use of lipolytics - normally it should last from 5 to 10 procedures.

Working methods

Manual - the use of a syringe with the finest needles is more effective, since there is no loss of injected funds.

Using a cannula (a special long and blunt-ended “needle” 7-20 cm long) is a variant of the manual method that is used to administer lipolytics. In this case, the tissues move apart using reciprocating movements and the drugs flow in the reverse direction of the movement in the form of a “vector”.

Hardware use of a special device with needles (mesoinjector) - recommended for large areas with increased skin sensitivity.

Recommendations for further care

To ensure that this weight loss method gives maximum effect and side effects do not bother you, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Immediately after the procedure, rest for half an hour, drinking at least half a liter of clean water.
  • Apply cooling bandages to the treatment area for several days after the session. This will prevent redness.
  • It is prohibited to visit the bathhouse, solarium, beach and swimming pool during the course of mesotherapy sessions and several days after them.
  • It is not advisable to conduct active training at this time.
  • You should regularly apply healing creams or gels to the treated areas (for example, you can use Bepanten).
  • If crusts appear on injection sites, you should never peel them off, otherwise scars may remain.
  • It is not recommended to carry out procedures during menstruation in women, as pain sensitivity increases at this time. Better wait for it to finish.
  • Open meso cocktail for weight loss is intended for one-time use only, so it is important to ensure its quality. To do this, make sure that during the session the doctor opens a new ampoule with the drug in front of you.

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