Plastic surgeon Kushelevich: I have already done upper eyelid surgery

Cosmetologist in Gomel: laser hair removal, peeling, mesotherapy and other services

Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of procedures to prolong youth and preserve beauty. In the daily conditions of stress and tension, in which almost all of us exist, it is difficult to do without these “magic wands”. However, in this matter it is extremely important to trust a real professional. If you need a cosmetologist in Gomel, the Belsono medical center on the street. Chapaeva provides her services.

Why should you choose the Belsono cosmetology office?

It's simple: our cosmetologists are doctors with extensive experience in their field, working with professional medical equipment.
With us, a person with a higher medical education will work on your beauty, and not just an amateur who has completed courses as a cosmetologist. After all, even in such a simple, at first glance, procedure as, for example, laser hair removal, the competence of a specialist who can take into account all the individual characteristics of the client is extremely important. The most popular cosmetic procedures among clients of our medical center in Gomel are:

Laser hair removal in Gomel

For the first time in Gomel, in the cosmetologist’s office at the Belsono medical center, larese hair removal of any part of the body is carried out with cold anesthesia. You can read more about the procedure itself, preparation for it, as well as the most frequently asked questions regarding laser hair removal here. You can also see prices in the price list below.

Peeling in Gomel

Peeling is one of the most effective ways to maintain skin beauty and maintain youth. The effect of the procedure occurs quickly and lasts for several months. There is an opinion that peeling is accompanied by intense pain, and its consequences for the skin can be extremely traumatic. Well, this is true only in one case - if you use the services of a non-professional master. Another reason to contact us is that only professionals in their field work at Belsono.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization in Gomel

These two procedures are a godsend for those who want to keep their skin healthy, firm and elastic without resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon. Hyaluronic acid injections give amazing results and prove that the possibilities of modern cosmetology make it possible to maintain youth for many years without resorting to extreme methods.

Plastic surgeon Kushelevich: I have already done upper eyelid surgery

Lately we have been saying “doctor” less and less. And why, when there is such a wonderful word - “doctor”? And yet, our guest today is the Doctor. Because it meets all the requirements that the medieval scientist Avicenna included in this concept: the gaze of a falcon, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion. On my own behalf I would like to add - compassion, intelligence, high culture in everything. So, welcome: today our guest is a professional in his field, whose name is known far beyond the borders of Belarus - the head of the clinic of aesthetic surgery and cosmetology, a full member of the International Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, the Russian and European Societies of Plastic Surgeons, an honorary member of the Polish Society of Aesthetics — Cheslav Deonisovich KUSHELEVICH.

— Now you have to do a lot of administrative work. Does this mean that over time you will move away from medical practice?

— Unlike any other doctor (some strive to head a department, others dream of becoming the head physician), a surgeon dies as a surgeon, he cannot occupy a purely administrative position.

-What are you most afraid of?

“I love this job so much that I say: I will die as a surgeon.” For me, the worst thing in life is when there is no work. I'm not afraid of anything anymore. I put so much effort into all of this. It happens that on an appointment day 2 or 3 people will come and that’s it, but sometimes from morning to evening there is such a flow that you don’t even have time to pick up the phone. People come to me from America, Australia, Germany, Poland, people come to visit Gomel and come for surgery.

-What are you tired of?

- From work. But this is a special kind of fatigue. All my assistants lost consciousness once during operations. I have never lost because I control myself. I get ready to work, no matter how tired I feel. Sometimes I get tired of unnecessary secondary problems that distract me. I really dislike writing and documentation.

— At the time when you just started practicing plastic surgery, this branch of medicine was hardly in demand. Where did you start?

— I started doing plastic surgery in 1985, at that time it was an unfilled niche. No one taught this area of ​​medicine in the Gomel region, and people knew practically nothing about it. I had to look for the sick myself. As the head of the burn department, he constantly said at planning meetings: bring everyone you can to me. I visited orphanages. I remember one boy. I saw him: God, how neglected everything is! His mother went on a picnic with a friend, lit a fire and fell asleep, and the child fell out of the stroller straight into the fire. When I saw him, the boy was walking on all fours. Over the course of 7 years, I performed more than 100 operations on him. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case in my practice. Naturally, he did all these operations for free. Then a stream came: war veterans with terrible scars and burns; people walked along disfigured - their arms were attached to their torso by scars. Previously, treatment was carried out at a primitive level. When I now show photographs and slides from 20 years ago at a congress of plastic surgeons, everyone gasps: can this really happen!

— Do you ask patients why they need to change their appearance?

— Before performing an operation, I always ask what kind of relationship they have in their family. Because plastic surgery is, first of all, a synthesis of human psychology and the presence of physical defects that can be surgically eliminated. One day a woman comes to see me, she has a full face, and I have this kind of “crown” - I like to operate on full faces. Well, I think I'll do everything great. And she came to get rid of a small pigment spot. And just imagine what would have happened if I had approached her with my proposal to redo her face! Naturally, she would be offended: what right do you have to tell me about my physical disabilities! You need to think through communication with each person, and while I’m washing my hands in the next office, I’m thinking about how to start a conversation. Because there are people who are unpredictable.

— How do men feel about plastic surgery: not in terms of their wives spending money on it, but in terms of changing their appearance?

— They often operate. Basically, these are people who occupy serious positions, or those who have met a new love. Recently a man under fifty dollars approached me: he fell in love with a woman who is younger than him. He says I’m uncomfortable, that there are “banks” under my eyes, my skin is drooping. Those who are socially broken or have abused alcohol also come. And the third category of patients are those who want to keep up with their image and appearance. Of course, then we make a face. These are issues of purely age-related changes: drooping eyebrows, bags of the lower eyelids, corners of the mouth, chin. The person still feels normal, his soul is much younger than his appearance, and he wants to adapt his appearance to his worldview.

— What do people have complexes about?

- Everyone has their own reason. Generally speaking, these are purely psychological aspects of dissatisfaction with oneself. As a rule, they are all associated with some kind of psychotrauma. Five years ago, a woman about 40 years old approached me, all tense: get rid of your breasts to hell! I looked at her and said: “They pay a lot of money for breasts like yours.” “You’re kidding me,” he says. And she burst into tears. It turned out that her husband had left her. “I was told that he left for Kyiv, and friends saw him in the Western region, living with someone. My son and I went and found him. Do something for me.” I tell her: relax and start coming to me. Then we did her lower and upper eyelids, and left her breasts alone.

— How long does the most complex operation take?

— The operations that I perform can be performed by only a few people. For example, upper facial plastic surgery is a very delicate operation. The longest one is up to 7 hours. Although there are doctors who can do it in two hours. I know a doctor who has been working for 25 years, and she operated as she did 25 years ago and continues to do so to this day. Although just a lift is no longer enough for the patient, he expects that the operation will be done delicately with the least amount of trauma.

— Would you have surgery on yourself?

- Undoubtedly. I have already had my upper eyelids done. My assistant has been working with me for a long time, he trained on me. Here you need to calculate everything very well, because if you remove more skin than necessary, the eyebrows will droop even more.

— Tell us about the family you grew up in. By what principles were you raised?

— I was born in the town of Voronovo, Grodno region, bordering Lithuania. I have Polish blood flowing through me, my parents are ethnic Poles. My father is a builder, a very smart person, he turned 75 this year, my mother ran a store in our regional center. We have four children in our family. We were brought up in strictness, if someone came to our house, we had to go out to say hello, kiss the hand (whether it was a man or a woman). Now, as an adult, I am automatically drawn to kiss the hand of an approaching woman. Some people simply don’t understand, but for me it’s a reflex. The Catholic faith was instilled in us, we went to Vilnius to churches, went to confession. My parents constantly said: “Czeslaw should only be a doctor.” I was a calm child. Maybe I wanted to fool around, but my father was very tough. Although there were slingshots, and they climbed into other people’s gardens. And as soon as the belt goes across your back, you don’t want to go anywhere. Then - more adventures. And I wanted to run away for a swim in the lake and ride on someone else’s moped. My younger sisters and brother grew up in less strict conditions.

— Do you agree with the expression that love is like a river: a man rushes into it immediately, and a woman enters gradually?

“I don’t know whether it’s immediately or gradually, but if I fall in love, I fall in love deeply.” At the same time, it is absolutely not important to me what kind of education a woman has, her official position, and so on.

— What do you mean by the concept of “beloved person”?

“This is the person you breathe and live with.” Who is devoted to you and is always by your side - both in sorrow and in joy. For this person you are ready to do anything. Next to him, wings grow.

- Continue the phrase: “The most dear and beloved to me...”

—... Daughter Svetlana is talented, hard-working, pedantic, open and vulnerable. This year she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Gomel State University named after Skaryna. Knows English, German, learns Italian. For me she is the best.

— Do you consider yourself a successful person? And how important do you think luck is for success?

- Yes, I think so. As for luck, in my opinion, this is a subjective factor that depends on many factors. Success depends on how much you want to realize yourself. This requires a lot of willpower.

— Are you a sociable person in life or a loner?

- Probably sociable. I love everyone. But I prefer to relax with a small circle of close people. True, I’m not interested in fishing or hunting. And I can’t stand it when people pay special attention to me.

— Do you think you have ill-wishers?

— I don’t know any open ill-wishers, although there are, of course, envious people. Yes, I am a successful plastic surgeon, and not everyone likes successful people. Not everyone wants to understand that behind success lies hard work. And my 25 years of work in the burn department is a huge amount of work. By the way, I was encouraged by a grant from the President of Belarus and received a scholarship for a year. I also have about 60 different diplomas and certificates.

— There is an advertisement on TV: “Lifestyle determines 50 percent of a person’s appearance.” Do you agree with this?

- Undoubtedly. I once had a woman undergo surgery. He comes back six months later: familiar facial features, but I can’t recognize him. It turns out that during this time she had a perforated stomach ulcer, she spent two months in surgery and two months in neurology, and within six months she lost and gained weight three times. I lost a lot of weight, the subcutaneous fat went away - and that’s it. Of course, life takes its toll; we don’t know how to preserve our own or other people’s health. Any conflict, any unpleasant conversation costs us dearly...

—What kind of strong drinks do you prefer?

- Occasionally a little good cognac. But now there are a lot of fakes. I don’t admit it when they say: a surgeon must drink to be brave. I am convinced that alcohol terribly interferes with work, and if a doctor drank alcohol even two or three days ago, he will not be able to work - his hands don’t obey, his head doesn’t think straight - so this is completely out of the question. I don’t like people who allow themselves to drive drunk. I will never bother for such people. This does not mean that I myself do not drink strong drinks at all, it’s just that moderation is needed in everything. In general, banquets and buffets have a negative impact on work - the next day your head doesn’t work for half a day. By the way, I prefer not to drink alcohol, but to collect it. In my collection, all the drinks are very original: cognac in a saber bottle, a five-liter Metaxa, whiskey in a container resembling a woman’s profile...

—Where do you buy clothes?

- Where it happens: in Moscow, Vilnius... I remember when I went to my first reception, I put on ironed trousers and new shoes, because people were watching. And if you come - your robe is wrinkled, your hair is no good - the patients will sit, think and say: oh, I’ll go to some other clinic.

— What color suits do you prefer?

- Dark blue, black, white. And light beige.

— Who helps you in your choice?

- Nobody, I do it myself. I would like to note that according to my status, I should have nice clothes and a decent car. But I will also say that a person who creates with his hands cannot be a millionaire. The clinic requires huge expenses - for drugs, medical equipment, utility bills... Participation in international conferences and congresses is also expensive. By the way, I have been invited to an international congress that will take place in August in Vienna.

- Isn’t it possible without this?

- Definitely no. Every three-day trip to a convention replaces two months of study. This is where you can get information about all the latest achievements in our industry. I work with international websites of large clinics and famous specialists, because I pay the fee of the International Society of Plastic Surgeons. I read paid plastic surgery magazines on the Internet. The time when there were books is over. Although I have a book on the specialty, which costs 280 euros.

— Why do you wear a watch on your right hand?

- This is very convenient for me. I've been wearing them like this since childhood.

—What incident from childhood do you remember most?

— I remember how I ran away from the pioneer camp. I was 12 years old. Just bought an accordion. I was so homely and came to the pioneer camp for the first time. On the very first day I wake up in the morning with ears full of toothpaste. And already in childhood, an incomprehensible kind of ambition arose in me. I break down, grab the accordion on my shoulders and walk six kilometers to the bus. In the evening I come home in tears. Father to me: what are you doing? Such a shame, you're not a girl! I burst into tears! They put me in the car, we drive up to the camp gate, I grab my father: “Dad, don’t leave me here!” Can you imagine? Although the next year I already asked myself: send me to the camp.

— Michael Jackson holds the crown for changing appearance. His childhood photographs and his current appearance do not correlate with each other. Is there a line between medicine and ethics?

— Michael Jackson needed to stop when his new look took shape. But he doesn't stop changing his appearance. If one doctor had refused him the operation, he would have found another. And sometimes people come to our clinic who just want to say: listen, there is a good hairdresser, a good cosmetologist, go there and you won’t have to have surgery.

— Which celebrities have had surgery with you?

— Wives of members of the LDPR faction. I have Zhirinovsky eau de toilette, but I don’t open it on principle: 300 bottles were produced in France by order of Vladimir Volfovich.

- What is your character?

- Not easy. I am a dominant and powerful person. I do not recognize optionality, lack of performance - both in life and in work. I think it can be difficult for the person who is constantly next to me.

— Do you know how to admit your mistakes?

- Certainly. True, at first I try not to talk about it. I need a smooth transition. If I'm wrong about something, I apologize.

— Do you get upset easily?

- Easily. In general, I am terribly touchy, but I quickly forget insults. In a word, unforgiving.

-What do you dislike most?

- I don’t like insincerity. If a person is lying, and I see that he is getting out of it, he is erased from my life. I endure injustice and lies very painfully. I believe everyone, maybe because I don’t have time to think about little things...

— How do you relieve stress?

- I know how to manage myself. When I start to suffer from something until my legs hurt, I immediately create another problem for myself in order to distract myself. Or I get on the train and go somewhere. And when I return, I try not to think about this problem anymore.

— What are your eating habits?

— I love opposites: sweets and spicy foods. For example, I can add three tablespoons of sugar to coffee with milk. Or, after eating a sausage sandwich at work, I can snack on it with chocolate.

In all countries of the world, aesthetic surgery is private. And not because “I’m so smart and want to get money,” but because “I’m so smart, and these operations on a healthy person should be done with the highest degree of responsibility.” This, first of all, is the highest personal responsibility for what you will do.

— How do you feel about the noisy scandal that Oksana Pushkina raised? Tell us about the other side of the desire for eternal youth.

— Pushkina experienced a common statistical complication associated with the human factor. I have 8 years of experience with a variety of tissue-based medications, and each patient tolerates them differently (even with unexpected results). I doubt that a patient like Pushkina was injected with some kind of “leftist” drug (by the way, the statements of my Moscow colleague and friend Professor A.I. Nerobeev are not fully voiced in the film). The drug could have been completely normal, but its repeated administration was probably provoked by the persistent desire of the patient herself, although this is extremely undesirable. The doctor’s biggest mistake is that she did not give the “beauty injection” in a medical facility. Personally, in such situations I never follow the patient’s lead: the priest is the priest in the church, the surgeon is in the operating room. And no bidding! In his book “30 Years of Beauty with a Scalpel,” which will be published in three years, these situations will be described. There is not a single simple or easy operation in surgery. The simpler it seems, the more pitfalls it has.

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