Scars after plastic surgery: are they inevitable?

Types of postoperative scars

Before removing a scar left from surgery, you first need to understand what type it is. Scar formation is influenced by wound healing conditions. The process takes place in several stages, during which collagen proteins are first produced, and then its excess is broken down. Highlight:

  • normotrophic - the healthiest type of scar. It is formed under normal healing conditions and is virtually invisible: it has a color similar to the rest of the skin and is painless to the touch.
  • atrophic - sunken scar: located lower than the skin around it, close in color or slightly pinkish, often lacking elasticity. Appears with a lack of collagen.
  • hypertrophic - the opposite of atrophic, protrudes above the underlying skin. Usually has a color from pinkish to dark burgundy, painless and low-elastic. This type of scar is caused by excess collagen.
  • keloid - a scar similar to hypertrophic, also protrudes above the rest of the skin, has a color from pinkish to dark burgundy, but, unlike other scars, it can grow beyond the original damage and at the same time bring painful sensations. It is formed when there is a failure in the production of collagen and after the wound has healed it continues synthesis.

The formation of atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars is caused by complications in the form of burns, suppuration, specific immune reactions, hereditary predispositions or improper tissue joining.

Causes of scars

Surgeries, cuts, burns, pustular skin lesions and any other injuries damage the epidermis, forming a wound. The body seeks to close this wound by filling the defect with connective tissue. Moreover, this tissue has quite a few cellular elements; it is a mixture of randomly located molecules of collagen, elastin, other proteins and biological substances.

Of course, such tissue is very different from normal skin, which has a cellular structure. The scar has a much denser and rougher texture, reduced elasticity, whitish or, conversely, a bluish, purple tint. In addition, it lacks nerve endings, sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Scar removal methods

Depending on the type of scar, its age and size, the method of removal is determined. Let's consider the main methods and their features.

Salon treatments

Salon treatments are considered the most effective, but expensive option. The variety of services is growing every day. Among the most common:

  • steroid injections and mesoinjections - injection of drugs that break down or stimulate collagen production. Direct impact on the proteins of scar tissue leads to rapid smoothing of the skin, but has a number of contraindications.
  • plastic surgery - skin grafting or dermotension expander - using silicone balloons to stretch the skin. Suitable for extensive scars.
  • dermabrasion is a mechanical resurfacing of the skin that removes one or more layers of the epidermis. It is used to treat all types of scars and, due to its traumatic nature, is equivalent to surgical intervention.
  • laser therapy - depending on the type of laser, the skin is affected differently, but, in any case, it is associated with the production or breakdown of collagen.


Massage is most effective in the early stages of scarring. It is used to maintain tissue elasticity and ensure blood flow. Massage is more often used in complex therapy or to get rid of small, fresh scars.

In the treatment of scars, hardware massage is mainly used, in particular endermological massage, a special massage that is even used to work with keloids. During the procedure, a patient wearing a special suit is exposed to vacuum rollers. This massage ensures the breakdown and outflow of fat cells, which provokes the growth of substances necessary for healing.

Classic manual massage will also have a positive effect, but it is used mainly in complex therapy.


To combat fresh and small scars, traditional medicine is often used.

For compresses, masks, lotions, homemade creams and scrubs, various medicinal compositions are used. These include:

  • herbs - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, yarrow, etc.
  • honey
  • badger or bear fat
  • essential oils and much more.

This method requires a long time, and for the treatment of keloid scars is ineffective without the use of other methods.

Gels, ointments

As opposed to home remedies, various pharmaceutical gels, ointments and creams are used. Their advantage lies in their proven composition, because before release the medicine undergoes many clinical trials.

When choosing gels and ointments, you should pay attention to the substances in the composition. Silicone components, essential oils, vitamins and mineral compounds have a positive effect.

The components in the composition are divided into:

  • Healing, providing accelerated restoration of the skin
  • Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and skin soothing
  • Stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin.

Depending on the age of the scar, its type and size, the composition of the ointment or gel is selected.

Healing of postoperative scars

Let's start by discussing the first group. After the surgeon has removed the sutures, the surgical area needs speedy healing, the formation of the “correct” scar and the prevention of pathological scars, and the patient’s body needs to restore physical and psycho-emotional strength. Therefore, it is necessary to include procedures that accelerate regeneration.

Plasma therapy takes the lead . Our own plasma enriched with platelets is a powerful stimulus for healing because it contains a large number of growth factors that are responsible for regeneration in our body. Plasmolifting stimulates the formation of healthy collagen and elastin, activates local skin immunity, improves microcirculation and cellular metabolism.

In second place is placentotherapy . The drugs Melsmon, Laennec and Curasen activate the immune system response, which allows the formation of a more aesthetic scar in a shorter time. The placenta increases cellular and tissue respiration, increases the metabolic activity of the body's cells, stimulates the processes of regeneration and self-regulation, and increases the body's adaptive capabilities. Placental preparations have a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, protect the body from the effects of adverse environmental factors, restore impaired homeostasis, and increase the body's defenses.

Mesotherapy takes bronze . In the early postoperative period, meso-cocktails are used to improve microcirculation and healing and prevent the formation of coarse fibrous tissue. The list of such mesopreparations is large, we will list the main ones: hyaluronic acid, gingo biloba, Rutin, organic silicon, panthenol, DMAE, coenzyme Q10, arnica extracts, witch hazel and others.

Autohemotherapy can also be noted as an adjuvant . The latter, in turn, accelerates reparative processes, improves metabolic processes in the body, increases immunity, improves blood and lymph flow, restores performance and vitality.

When should you not deal with scars at home?

Before starting any treatment, including getting rid of scars, you should consult your doctor. It will help you determine the most effective way to fight in your case.

It is definitely not recommended to use traumatic or unreliable products at home.

Treatment at home should be completely abandoned if in the area of ​​the scar

  • redness, irritation, and swelling of the skin are noted
  • eczema, herpes or other skin diseases were discovered
  • vessels appeared, the color of the defect changed dramatically

Keloid and hypertrophic scar

Our practical experience (more than 500 operations to correct rough scars after unsuccessful operations performed in other clinics) shows that very often inexperienced surgeons “attribute” their failures to the so-called individual characteristics of the patient. The most common phrase is “you have a tendency to form keloid scars.”

In fact, hypertrophic (and even more so keloid) scars are quite rare. But ugly scars are very common!

The main reasons why scars look unsightly are as follows:

  • uneven skin incisions and poor alignment of wound edges when suturing (for example, cesarean section scars);
  • very early removal of sutures for fear of inflammation (resulting in wound dehiscence and healing by secondary intention; often after appendectomy);
  • improper care of the postoperative wound (insufficient immobilization of a normally formed scar - and as a result, stretching of the scar).

It seems that everything is simple: you need to make even skin incisions; properly suturing the wound and matching the edges of the skin; properly care for the wound after surgery, and then remove the stitches in time. However, in 99% of cases, medical errors at these stages lead to the scar spreading in width, hypertrophying, tightening adjacent areas of the skin and, most importantly, leading to a serious aesthetic defect and patient dissatisfaction.

Another common reason for medical excuses is the patient’s violation of the postoperative period. In fact, this is not entirely true: even if the patient does not adhere to the regimen at all, and the wound is inflamed and its edges have separated, you can still achieve good healing and an inconspicuous scar if you “manage the wound” correctly. But, of course, you shouldn’t break the regime!

Exercises after back surgery

After any spinal surgery, gymnastics is prescribed to strengthen the muscles of the musculoskeletal corset, which will quickly and efficiently restore normal mobility of the spine and joints. It is gymnastics that plays a fundamental role in preventing complications. It is strictly recommended by a surgeon or an instructor in rehabilitation medicine. You need to carry out the proposed complex of step-by-step exercise therapy throughout the recovery period, and the main part of your physical rehabilitation must be carried out strictly under the supervision of specialists.

The exercises are done gently and calmly, without jerking or violent (through pain) movements. Training begins as soon as possible after surgery, often the very next day, even if the patient is not yet allowed to get out of bed. Physical education begins with light, non-burdensome exercises (isometric muscle contractions, rotation of the hands, rotation of the feet and movement of them towards oneself/away from oneself, raising straight limbs above the surface, flexion/extension of the knee in a lying position, etc.). Gradually, the complex of physical training expands and becomes more complicated, but only according to doctor’s indications.

After about 1.5-2 months, swimming pool exercises are recommended, which are excellent at both unloading and strengthening the back. When postoperative recovery is finally completed, you will then need to visit a specialized sanatorium. Taking a course of resort and sanatorium treatment is of great importance, as it will help to reliably consolidate the therapeutic effect achieved in the process of basic rehabilitation, as well as strengthen the functionality and greatly increase the endurance of the musculoskeletal system.

How does Fermenkol work?

FERMENCOL is a powerful complex of 9 collagenase enzymes that affects all components of scar tissue and destroys pathological collagen and hyaluronic acid into amino acid molecules and oligosaccharides. The body subsequently uses amino acids and oligosaccharides as building materials for skin restoration.

The triple helix of pathological collagen (1) is destroyed under the influence of Fermenkol (2) to individual amino acids (3).

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