One breast is larger than the other - how to correct asymmetry?

For many hundreds of years in Japan, the absence of breasts was considered an attribute of female beauty and charm. To hide their curvaceous figures, Japanese women tied their busts with thick cloth.

Now stereotypes have changed, and now lush and well-shaped breasts are considered a sign of femininity not only in Japan, but almost throughout the world. Women pay close attention to the shape and size of their breasts and become concerned if their breasts are sagging, irregularly shaped, or if one breast is larger than the other.

Why are breasts different sizes?

Congenital causes include hypoplasia (delayed development) of glandular tissue, hormonal problems during puberty. In girls at the age of 9–10, the ovaries begin to produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for the development of glandular tissue, alveoli, and milk ducts. With their deficiency or excess, the bust may develop disproportionately. The exact reason why the breasts are different will be determined by a mammologist or endocrinologist. If treatment has been completed by the age of 18–19 and significant asymmetry remains, you can contact a plastic surgeon.

Acquired causes include the following:

  • Lactation . Most often, breasts become different sizes during feeding when, due to a nipple injury or inattention, a woman gives the baby predominantly one breast.
  • Mastopathy . Hormonal disruptions in women after 30 years lead to the proliferation of breast tissue - diffuse or nodular mastopathy, affecting the volume of the bust.
  • Neoplasms . After surgery to remove a benign or malignant tumor, the breast loses volume and needs to be restored.
  • Bust drooping . With age, the pectoral muscles become less elastic, and the glandular tissue loses volume. The process may occur unevenly in both breasts.

One breast is larger than the other: contraindications for surgery

In any case, before breast surgery, you should definitely consult with a specialist, because there are contraindications to breast augmentation or reduction operations.

It is not recommended to carry out this type of operation if a woman is planning to give birth to a baby soon, or has severe chronic illnesses or cancer.

What to do if your breasts are different sizes?

In some cases, asymmetry is easier to prevent in advance. When breastfeeding, following the rules of feeding and personal hygiene will help you avoid the problem of breasts of different sizes. The baby needs to be applied to both mammary glands. If he prefers one, the second needs to be expressed. You should massage your bust regularly.

For mild asymmetry, the following are effective:

  • physical exercise;
  • wearing a corrective bra;
  • massage (vacuum) procedures;
  • cosmetic preparations to improve blood circulation.

If the asymmetry is significant, such remedies will not help. In this case, you need to visit a mammologist and, if there are no contraindications, consult a plastic surgeon. He will select the most effective method of surgical correction.

Impact of pregnancy and breastfeeding

Medicine studies in sufficient detail the effect of pregnancy on a woman’s body, and the mammary glands are no exception. Today it is known that the causes of asymmetry during pregnancy are natural hormonal changes. However, in some situations it is worth talking about diseases that are important to identify in a timely manner.

During the period of embryonic growth, the female reproductive system signals the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and thyroid gland that additional hormone supply is needed. To maintain the normal course of pregnancy, prolactin and estrogen increase several times, which increases the amount of secretion and increases sensitivity, including the breast.

Natural feeding also affects the size and volume of the bust. A woman notices an increase in size in the first six months of breastfeeding. After this period, the situation stabilizes, the bust acquires its usual size. Only when milk flows in can one or the other part of the bust increase.

Surgical methods for correcting breasts of different shapes

Breast plastic surgery (mammoplasty) is performed a year after the end of lactation, successful treatment of mastopathy and tumors. The surgeon may refuse surgery:

  • for bleeding disorders;
  • serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • infectious, inflammatory processes in the body.

To eliminate asymmetry, several types of plastic surgery are used.

  • Augmentation mammoplasty. It involves enlarging one of the breasts using an endoprosthesis made of safe silicone. To achieve a harmonious look, your doctor may suggest adjusting both breasts. The surgeon will recommend the optimal shape, size, profile of the implant and determine the location of its installation: under the pectoral muscle, mammary gland, or a combination. The operation lasts 1–1.5 hours. The silicone insert is placed in the selected area through the armpit, crease under the breast or the edge of the areola.
  • Mastopexy (breast lift). The defect is eliminated by tightening the glandular tissue and skin. If the asymmetry is slight, the doctor will perform a correction along the contour of the areola (periareolar mastopexy). In case of serious changes, the shape and size of the bust is corrected under the areola and in the inframammary fold (vertical and T-shaped mastopexy). The lift lasts 1.5–3 hours.
  • Lipofilling. The operation allows you to enlarge one of the breasts to the desired size using the patient’s own fat tissue. To do this, adipose tissue is taken from the problem area (buttocks, abdomen, thighs), cleaned and prepared using modern equipment. Then it is carefully inserted into the bust area to be corrected. The time for lipofilling is 1.5–2 hours.

One breast is larger than the other: correction methods

Let's look at all types of operations that are indicated if one breast is larger than the other:

Breast lipofilling or breast augmentation using your own fat layer. First of all, the plastic surgeon performs liposuction on problem areas with excess fat deposits, such as the waist, abdomen, flanks or back, to obtain the required volume of adipose tissue. After the material is received, the doctor injects it into the soft tissue area of ​​the breast. As a result, you can achieve a double effect, with the waist or flanks becoming smaller and the chest larger. In addition, the breasts acquire a beautiful teardrop shape, which looks as natural as possible.

Breast replacement is a special method of breast augmentation, which is based on the installation of special silicone implants. This method effectively helps in cases where one breast is larger than the other and not only. Among the advantages of this operation, it is worth highlighting that it allows you to enlarge the mammary glands by several sizes at once, and also, if necessary, completely change its shape.

One breast is larger than the other reviews

“I came for a consultation with plastic surgeon M. G. Levitskaya, she noted the complexity of my situation!!! I have tubular breasts!!!!! Therefore, the decision was made not only about breast lipofilling, but also about a breast lift; at that time I had no idea about the entire scope of work on me. But I decided: “stop waiting,” because I’m worse than others, and I agree to the operation!!! It turned out that becoming happy and self-confident is so easy, and I understand that it was not in vain that I waited so long, everything has its time!” Nadezhda, 31 years old and other reviews about breast lift at the Abrielle clinic.

During this breast augmentation operation, silicone implants are used, which come in two types - round and anatomical. The doctor will conduct a consultation and offer the patient the type of implants that is right for her. Round implants are most often installed in women who have a sufficient amount of fat and want to ultimately get a convex breast.

As for anatomically shaped implants, they are intended for the category of thin women who want to have the most natural, teardrop-shaped breasts. If one breast is significantly larger than the other, you can enlarge the mammary glands by choosing prostheses of different volumes. The patient’s desire and the anatomical features of the breast play a big role.

Modern implants are made from environmentally friendly, non-toxic silicone, which is very high quality and reliable. Medical silicone undergoes thorough testing, after which it receives a quality certificate.

Mastopexy or breast lift is another type of plastic surgery, the main goal of which is to improve the shape, eliminate ptosis and create a high conical shape of the breasts. This method of operation is applicable in cases where a woman, for some reason, has one breast larger than the other or the shape of the mammary glands has deteriorated and sagged.

Breast reduction surgery is aimed at creating an aesthetically beautiful shape. Unlike mastopexy, in this case, part of the fatty and glandular tissue is removed, thereby reducing the volume of the breast. There are more than 100 different methods for breast reduction. These types of operations differ in the way tissue is removed and the shape of the breast, which is formed during the operation.

It is worth noting that today there are quite a few methods for changing the shape of the breast. If one breast is larger than the other, the type of operation is selected by the plastic surgeon and depends on certain characteristics, such as constitution, breast shape, and the client’s desire. Often different methods of surgical intervention are combined with each other.

If one breast is larger than the other, only modern plastic surgery can cope with this problem. Surgeons at the Abrielle Clinic will select a breast correction method for each woman in her individual case. Breast surgery will help you regain your beautiful figure, as well as solve psychological problems - gain confidence in yourself, your beauty and unsurpassedness.

How to restore symmetry

If there is a large difference between a woman's two breasts in the period before fertilization, then this difference increases with the onset of pregnancy. As a rule, there are no lotions, herbs or alternative treatment options for asymmetry. The only chance to eliminate the difference is to use treatment before the age of 21. After this age, it is worth talking only about surgical correction - plastic surgery.


When eliminating asymmetry of the mammary glands using plastic surgery, the functional functioning of the organ is not impaired. A woman can breastfeed without pain or problems.

Prevention measures

Prevention of bust asymmetry only works during adolescence. The mammary glands and their size depend on the fat layer: the more fat a woman has, the larger the breast size. Of course, the hereditary factor plays a big role.

However, you should not have any illusions about a magic elixir, a pill that will help correct the situation. As a rule, different bust sizes are not noticed by others, and visual correction will help correct the situation.

The main thing that a woman who wants to give birth and raise a healthy baby should remember is the benefits of milk for the baby’s body. No super expensive and innovative formula can completely replace the composition of breast milk, which changes in its qualitative composition according to the needs of the child.

How to change bust size while breastfeeding

During pregnancy, any methods of bust correction are not undertaken. In some situations, this becomes impossible due to the negative effects of medications on the fetus. At the time of pregnancy, it is recommended to use only special underwear, which will visually hide the defect and peculiarity of the physiological structure of the breasts.


At the pharmacy it is possible to order special bra pads with flexible inserts. Such a piece of underwear visually hides the defect, the woman feels calm, without feeling unnecessary attention from others.

The size of the breast at the time of feeding the baby naturally changes from feeding to feeding, from the flow of milk to its new flow. This situation is natural, does not require correction, and does not require special medication.

It is important to note that during natural lactation, feeding the baby occurs alternately. At the moment when there is no longer milk in one breast, and it will arrive only in a few hours, there is still a supply of milk left in the other breast, and accordingly, the full breast is visually larger.

A woman notices visible changes in her bust only during the first six months. At this point, the body adapts to hormones, in particular prolactin. Milk production depends not so much on predisposition, but on a set of measures that a woman must carry out during lactation:

  • It is forbidden to smoke or abuse alcohol;
  • consumption of clean drinking water (not tea, but water) should be as needed;
  • low-fat protein foods and nuts help normalize the composition of milk;
  • Feeding occurs alternately in such a way that there is no accumulation of milk in the part full of milk;
  • feed the baby as needed.


As a rule, a woman has more milk in one breast and less in the other. This is also not considered a pathology. This feature depends on the number of milk ducts and glands inside .

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