Asymmetry: why one side of the face looks better than the other

I always knew that my face, as well as the faces of other people, is not characterized by absolute symmetry and did not see a big problem in that. However, over time, I began to notice that one side of the face looked not just slightly different, but frankly worse than the other: the skin and muscles on it were less elastic, and the wrinkles were deeper. Worried, I went to a specialist to find out the reason for the changes happening to me. “There really are no absolutely symmetrical faces in nature,” says Irina Ivanova , cosmetologist-dermatologist, doctor of the highest category at the Doctorplastic clinic. — The left side is always softer, feminine, slightly elongated vertically. The right one is wider and less feminine. It should be noted that such physiological asymmetry is practically not perceived visually. It is due to the fact that the hemispheres of the brain regulate the motor skills and sensory functions of the halves of the body differently, and therefore the facial activity of different sides of the face is somewhat different. Another thing is acquired asymmetry, which arises for completely different reasons. Here are the most common ones."

Dental problems

Dentists never tire of repeating that the loss of a tooth, and especially several, is also a serious aesthetic problem. The connection between a full set of teeth and a beautiful oval face is the most direct. After tooth extraction, the bone partitions from which the tooth socket was formed gradually dissolve, and a dent forms on the jaw. At the same time, the jaw is deformed, slightly decreasing in height and diameter. This leads to tension in small facial muscles and the formation of new wrinkles or the deepening of old ones. If several teeth are missing in the lower jaw, the angle of its location may change, and the soft tissues of the face may shift, forming wrinkles and creases. Timely prosthetics will help avoid jaw deformation and maintain beautiful facial contours. Artificial analogues of teeth will not allow the jaw to decrease in size and will support the functioning of the chewing muscles and jaw joints.


The orbicularis oculi muscle surrounds the human eye socket on the face. Thanks to it, a person can close his eyelids and close his eyes. A condition in which involuntary contraction of this muscle occurs is called blepharospasm.

The main causes of blepharospasm:

  • Facial paraspasm. This disease usually occurs in older people. It is believed to be caused by an imbalance between parts of the nervous system. Blepharospasm is one of the manifestations of facial paraspasm. The second possible manifestation is oromandibular dystonia - grimaces, trembling of the lower jaw, its involuntary movements. Sometimes blepharospasm is combined with oromandibular dystonia;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Meningitis, meningoencephalitis;
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, cerebrovascular accidents;
  • Poisoning with toxic substances and certain medications;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the eye (keratitis, conjunctivitis), nose, paranasal sinuses, teeth. As a result of the spread of the inflammatory process, the branches of the trigeminal nerve are irritated and reflex blepharospasm occurs.

Typically, a sick person begins to blink quickly, gradually the tension of the orbicularis muscle increases, and the eye narrows. At times, strong involuntary squinting occurs. Because of this, the eye cannot fully perform its functions and severe inconvenience occurs.

With such symptoms, you need to visit an ophthalmologist and neurologist. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe an electromyography or MRI of the head. It is important to identify the disease that led to the development of blepharospasm - this will help to correctly prescribe treatment.


  • Treatment of the underlying disease;
  • Sedatives;
  • Physiotherapy and reflexology.
  • Drugs that improve cerebral blood flow and nervous system function;
  • To reduce the tone of the orbicularis oculi muscle, a neurologist may prescribe botulinum therapy.

The greatest chances for a favorable outcome and complete restoration of impaired functions are in cases where proper treatment is started on time. If the first symptoms occur, do not delay visiting a doctor.

It is also worth remembering that sudden facial asymmetry is one of the symptoms of a stroke. This is a dangerous condition. It requires immediate hospitalization in a hospital.

Habit of chewing on one side

Most often, this is again a consequence of the loss of a tooth (or teeth). We chew on one side of our mouth because there is simply nothing to chew on the other. As a result, the facial muscles on the one hand, not receiving the proper load, weaken, while on the other they become hypertonic. Overstrained muscles literally pull on facial tissues, creating creases and visible asymmetry. It should be noted that the risk of developing an aesthetic defect is especially high if you like chewing gum. In this case, the chewing muscles experience uneven load for a long time.

Treatment methods

The variety of causes and nature of the disease determines a wide range of possible treatment methods - from cosmetic to surgical.

Depending on the root cause, cosmetic, conservative, orthodontic and surgical treatment can be used. As well as massage and therapeutic exercises.


Massage has multiple therapeutic effects:

  • Relaxes and tones muscles, relieves hypertension.
  • Activates blood and lymph circulation in the affected area, relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • Stimulates nerve fibers.
  • Reduces pain.

Manual therapy in children is more effective than in adults due to the plasticity of children's muscles. The earlier the anomaly is diagnosed, the more effective manual therapy is.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetic treatment consists of getting rid of hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles, which causes facial asymmetry. Technologically, the procedure involves injections of Botox into the masticatory muscles.

The drug relaxes overstrained muscle fibers, straightens the face, returns it to harmonious proportions, and gives a calm and confident expression.

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy is determined by the nature of the pathology and provides for the treatment of pulpitis, caries, periodontitis, periodontitis and other diseases of the teeth and periodontium, which make it possible to do without surgical intervention.

Analgesics (for pain), antibiotics (for infections), antiseptics (for local inflammation and wounds on the mucous membranes), NSAIDs (for severe inflammation) may be prescribed.

Orthodontic correction

Orthodontic treatment is used for crossbites, narrowing of the jaws, and other dental anomalies. Treatment is carried out with the help of splints, mouthguards, extra- and intraoral devices, braces and other fixed and removable orthodontic appliances.

Surgical intervention

The type of surgical intervention is determined by the nature of the disease and is divided into:

  • for dental (removal of tumors and cysts, removal of teeth, opening of abscesses);
  • maxillofacial (lavage, arthroscopy, phlegmonectomy, TMJ endoprosthetics, rhinocheilognatoplasty);
  • eliminating the consequences of injuries (splinting and regeneration of jaw bones, tying with a ligature);
  • otolaryngological (ectomy of paranasal sinus cysts, etc.).

If asymmetry is caused by damage to the brain and meninges, according to indications, ectomy of tumors and abscesses, transcranial or endoscopic removal of hematomas, areas of the brain crushed by TBI, and other surgical protocols are performed.

Habit of sleeping on one side

Sleep, as you know, is a necessary condition for beauty. However, if you are used to sleeping on one side, you risk losing your beauty while sleeping. The fact is that the tissue on the side of your face, with which you press against the pillow, slowly but inevitably deforms. The oval gradually changes, a network of small wrinkles forms around the eye, deeper folds lie between the eyebrows, and vertical lines form on the cheeks and chin. As cosmetologists say, if you prefer to sleep on one side, then it will quickly become clear which one. The best way to avoid asymmetry and wrinkles while sleeping is to eliminate any contact between your face and your pillow. You can do this by training yourself to fall asleep lying on your back. This way you will not only avoid prolonged pressure on the muscles and skin, but also maintain normal fluid flow throughout the night.

How to align different halves of the face

If you have identified the fact that the face has significant differences on both sides due to some kind of disease, then to determine the cause, you need to visit a doctor. The specialist will prescribe tests for you, perform an examination and advise the correct treatment.

Asymmetry can occur as a result of drug use. In this case, the face often becomes gray.

To determine the cause of pathological facial asymmetry, you need to visit a doctor. In fact, you may need a number of specialists, but it is best to visit your doctor first.

In this case, you will not waste a lot of time visiting unnecessary medical professionals. The specialist will make a list of doctors you need to visit.

What doctors may be needed for asymmetry:

  • Neuropathologist;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Orthodontist;
  • Dentist.

Once the cause of your illness is discovered, you can undergo treatment and return everything to normal. However, in some cases, additional plastic surgery may be required after treatment.


The cause of acquired asymmetry can be various diseases. “First of all, dysfunction of the facial nerve,” says Irina Ivanova. — With this disease, weakness of the facial muscles develops, the corner of the mouth droops, the upper eyelid droops, the palpebral fissure becomes wider, the nasolabial folds smooth out, and the face on the affected side acquires a pained expression. Injuries, fractures, especially displaced ones, and the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgeries are also often the reason why the two sides of the face look different.”

According to experts, you can encounter the problem of facial asymmetry at any age. But over time, unfortunately, it becomes more and more noticeable. Simply due to the fact that bad habits live with us longer. “However, do not despair,” says Irina Ivanova. — Asymmetry, as a rule, can be corrected. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes: contact a neurologist, dentist, or orthodontist. There is physiotherapy, gymnastics for facial muscles, massage. To correct violations of proportions and volumes, cosmetologists use contour plastic surgery. Botulinum therapy is also used successfully. In the most severe cases, surgical correction is possible.”

Diagnostic measures

The first doctor you should contact if an abnormality is noticed should be a dentist or neurologist. If you need to connect a doctor of another specialization to the diagnosis - an otolaryngologist, an oncologist, a neurosurgeon - the first receiving doctor will refer the patient to them.

Cosmetologists also claim to be the first to visit, claiming that in case of facial asymmetry caused by hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles, cosmetic procedures alone may be sufficient to solve the problem.

The list of dental diagnostic measures is as follows:

  • Survey . The patient's complaints are listened to and the medical history is clarified.
  • Physical examination . The degree of anomaly at rest and movement is assessed, probing, palpation and percussion are performed. The clinic of the dentofacial apparatus is assessed (presence of edema, tumors, suppuration, consequences of injuries, condition of the teeth).
  • X-ray of the jaws . Photographs of individual teeth, dentition (orthopantomography and teleradiography) and nasal sinuses are taken. If necessary, radiographs of the skull and spine in the neck area are obtained.
  • Ultrasound examination. Sonography of sinuses, tissues, salivary glands.
  • CT or MRI. Used for detailed study and clarification of symptoms obtained by radiography.
  • Orthodontic examination . Cephalography, determination of bite, occlusion, presence of supercontacts, analysis of diagnostic models in the articulator, etc.

When doctors of other specializations participate in the diagnosis, the following examinations may be carried out:

  • From a neurosurgeon . A CT scan of the brain is done.
  • See a neurologist . The innervation of the facial muscles is checked - by wrinkling the forehead, puffing out the cheeks, raising and lowering the eyebrows, and following the doctor’s movements with the eyes. The exit points of the nerves are palpated.
  • See an otolaryngologist . Special examinations are carried out - diagnostic puncture, echosinusoscopy, tuning fork examination, audiometry.

If necessary, general laboratory tests are performed. The blood is examined for the presence of inflammation and bacterial infection. Cytological and histological analysis of punctates and smears is carried out.

Based on the diagnostic results, a conclusion is made about the causes of the anomaly, and a treatment plan is drawn up.

Face lift

Let's look at several options for procedures for correcting the lower third of the face and eliminating asymmetry.


The procedure for modeling the face using lipolytics is called injection lipolysis. Lipolitics are preparations based on natural ingredients, their main action is aimed at the breakdown of subcutaneous fat cells, resulting in a rejuvenating effect.

The effect of the procedure with lipolytics occurs quite quickly, the oval of the face changes, and the subcutaneous tissue structure is aligned. The procedure does not allow the splitting of an extensive layer of fat.

In what cases are lipolytics used?

  • if you need to eliminate a double chin,
  • form a natural oval face,
  • reduce the volume of the cheeks,
  • eliminate defects in the shape of the nose,
  • correct nasolabial folds

Cost per 1 ml

procedures vary
from 3 thousand rubles
and more, depending on the drug, the number of milliliters administered and the number of correction zones. For a pronounced effect, you need at least six to eight procedures for each zone, which involves serious expenses, reaching 200 thousand rubles and even higher.

The lifting effect is temporary. After some time, the procedure is usually repeated.


Mesotherapy consists of therapeutic injections of individually selected cocktails, which are injected into the middle layer of the skin with a very thin needle.

After the mesotherapy procedure:

  • complexion improves,
  • muscle tone increases,
  • you can eliminate “creases” in the skin,
  • you can remove nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the lips,
  • You can remove your double chin.

The number of rejuvenating procedures during mesotherapy depends on the age and problems that need to be eliminated. Mesotherapy has a cumulative effect, the results of the procedures can be seen in 2-4 weeks. On average, 5 to 7 procedures are required with an interval of 1 time per week; if necessary, the cosmetologist can increase the number of mesotherapy procedures. The cost of the procedure varies from 4000 - 5000 rubles

and higher in one procedure.

Mesotherapy effect

- temporary. To maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated once every 6-12 months.

Biorevitalization - 3D face lifting with hyaluronic acid

The biorevitalization procedure is currently the most popular. We all know well, according to doctors, that the main property of hyaluronic acid is to retain moisture, maintaining the natural hydrobalance of the skin.

Biorevitalization is carried out in all areas where there are problems - on the face, neck, décolleté, and is also used in other areas of the body, providing the necessary hydro reserve to the skin layers. Injection biorevitalization is comparable in effect to a surgical facelift; the procedure can completely sculpt the face.

Using hyaluronic acid injections, you can correct the lower third of the face:

  • remove pronounced nasolabial folds,
  • remove flaws, if any, on the chin, that is, change its shape,
  • and also adjust the profile along the lower jaw.

Cost of biorevitalization.

The cost of injections depends on the drug used, its density and the number of milliliters required for the procedure. For example, for visual correction of malocclusion (the area under the chin), you may need up to 4 ml of the drug, the cost of 1 ml is from 18-20 thousand rubles. The general course can range from 1 to 5 procedures at intervals.

The effect of biorevitalization

- temporary. After the procedure, there is an immediate, pronounced visual effect that lasts from 5 to 12-15 months; to maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated.

Kogi threads

Cog mesothreads provide a clear oval face and a pronounced lifting effect. Installed mesothreads contribute to the formation of dense connective tissue, and also help to activate the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

Kogi threads have notches, thanks to which it is possible to achieve:

  • pronounced lifting effect,
  • clear contour, tightening of soft tissues and prolonged action of thread lifting,
  • They perfectly hold the given shape of problem areas of the face or body.

You may need 4-6 threads for the whole face, the average price is from 5 - 15 thousand rubles for 1 thread.

Effect of the procedure

- longer lasting, but also temporary. Kogi threads have a prolonged effect, the result of the procedure lasts from 2 to 4 years, to maintain the effect the procedure must be repeated.

Nature tried

Some features of our appearance are determined at the genetic level: for example, body type, nose shape, hair color. A slight asymmetry is also a natural given, from which we cannot escape. In addition, the hemispheres of the brain regulate the work of the right and left halves of the body differently, which means that one side of the face has more mobile and active facial expressions. To figure out which one is weak, just smile without opening your lips. The side on which more wrinkles form is the vulnerable side.

Natural asymmetry cannot be corrected without surgery or injections. Yes, it’s not necessary. But there are a number of other reasons that we can well influence. We talk about them below.

What else can you do?

Unfortunately, dealing with asymmetry at home is not so easy. The first thing you need to take as a rule is to maintain an even posture. Watch your posture during the working day: you probably prop one cheek with your hand, often tilt your head to the side, cross your legs. Our task: either do it evenly, which, in general, is quite difficult to control, or not do it at all, but sit straight. It will be difficult at first (almost like sleeping on your back), but over time you will get used to it.

All kinds of massage techniques will also be beneficial. Of course, for greater effectiveness, it is better to do a massage in a professional’s office, but you can also help yourself at home using, for example, the gouache technique. Pay special attention to the side that looks older. Another effective method is working with the masticatory muscles. As we found out, on the one hand they are often overstrained - here they can be gently kneaded with circular movements of the fingers. Often, relaxing the spasmodic masticatory muscle reduces the asymmetry.

And at the end we want to tell you and show that symmetry is not always good: What would the stars look like if they were symmetrical

The treacherous sun

Ultraviolet radiation is one of the main causes of premature aging. It's good if you wear sunscreen when going outside, but what about your home and office? While working, we often sit with one side facing the window (yes, UV rays even penetrate glass). The half of the face that is more often turned towards the sun can age 7 years faster than the other! And this is not an exaggeration, but a fact proven by scientists.

Moreover, even a couple of hours of regular sunbathing while driving a car causes the skin to age faster. Well, in the car, as in the office, one side of the face is always closer to the window. Perhaps uneven doses of ultraviolet radiation and neglect of SPF are exactly your case. The conclusion suggests itself: sit away from the window and always use Sanskrin!

If you're just thinking about purchasing sunscreen, try one of these: 5 Moisturizers with SPF That Are a Spring Essential

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