Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes. Rating of the best after 25, 30, 40 years. Pharmacy products with hyaluronic acid, collagen. Homemade skin smoothing recipes
Eye cream with hyaluronic acid: secret of choice and reviews
Eye cream with hyaluronic acid is designed to combat aging skin in this area.
GIGI peeling – types and application features
Many cosmetologists use GIGI peeling in practice and recommend it for home use. Chemical
Mesotherapy of the neck and double chin: features of the procedure
Mesotherapy is a technique for eliminating various aesthetic imperfections of the skin through local action on it and
Plasmolifting Endoret: features of the procedure
Human blood has always been considered an unusual, almost magical substance. Doctors tried to unravel the mystery of blood and
How to treat a callus with a core at home: the most effective ways to get rid of it
November 24, 2019 Dermatology Olga Simchenko Callus with a core causes significant discomfort and provokes
When is the best time to take vitamin injections for the face?
Personal experience: the pros and cons of vitamin “beauty injections”
What is the procedure? Mesotherapy of this type is an injection under the skin using
Features of facial cleansing with a loop
How to properly use a Vidal loop to cleanse your face and pores
Many girls face the problem of skin pollution, which results in the appearance of comedones, pimples and
Myofascial facial massage
Biomechanical stimulation of facial and neck muscles + photomesotherapy
Biostimulation and myostimulation - similarities and differences Biostimulation is an alternative to myostimulation: let's figure out what the similarities are
How to restore eyelashes after extensions? photo 4160
Chemical burn of the cornea of ​​the eye: signs and treatment
If the extension was carried out by a professional, using high-quality materials and products, there will be no catastrophic consequences. But
Special offer
Non-injection laser biorevitalization - reviews
Verified by an expert Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist Date of publication: December 23, 2014 Check date:
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