Body peeling
Herbal peelings - safe and effective facial cleansing
Mechanism of action Herbal peeling products contain 50% natural ingredients.
The choice of professionals: gel for ultrasonic facial cleansing and hardware procedures
Healthy skin starts with cleansing, and facial cleansing starts with prep. Exactly from
Plastic surgeon Kosinets V.A. Sign up Leave a review
Kosinets Vladimir Aleksandrovich For questions about scheduling a consultation with a specialist, call +375
Facial peelings. Chemical and laser. Deep, middle and superficial.
Shirokova O.A. Dermatocosmetologist, specialist in laser and injection techniques Autumn is associated with bad
Wrinkles on the hands: why they appear and how to get rid of them
Women care about the appearance of their face and neck, but wrinkles often reveal their age
facial rejuvenation with ultrasound - the most modern and deep method of facelift without plastic surgery
Ultrasonic lifting Doublo is a non-surgical face lift with the effect of surgical plastic surgery!
What kind of miracle is this? In scientific terms, this is the effect of high-precision directed ultrasound on
What are the benefits of homemade cosmetics?
Skin care for face and body. How to make a sugar scrub and what are its benefits?
Proper care of the skin of the face and body will preserve youth and beauty. In order to bring
Features of botulinum therapy
Full Face procedure in cosmetology: what are the indications and advantages of the technique
Women always want to look beautiful and young. They couldn’t come up with anything to avoid getting old!
Features of daily facial cleansing at home
Effectively cleanse your face with deep cleansing
Deep skin cleansing: types, indications and contraindications Deep skin cleansing is an effective cosmetic procedure,
Nefertiti lifting - will help you achieve ideal facial contours or will you disappoint
The desire for an ideal appearance is normal for women. The standard is considered to be a young face with clear
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