What is better: laser hair removal, photoepilation, elos or electrolysis?
The beauty industry is developing at a tremendous pace. Modern women carefully monitor their appearance, as
The easiest and most difficult plastic surgery
Why are plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine so in demand today? Everything is very simple. Not a secret,
Pshonkina Svetlana Yurievna, plastic surgeon
Rhinoplasty by Svetlana Pshonkina: it’s nice to breathe through a beautiful nose
Pshonkina Svetlana Yurievna Svetlana Pshonkina – candidate of medical sciences, plastic surgeon, full member of OPREH, full member
Plasmolifting: what does the effectiveness of the procedure depend on? What should you pay attention to? What is the deception?
The plasma lifting procedure is based on the use of the properties of blood plasma platelets. Platelets as structural elements of blood
Peptide biorevitalization
Peptide biorevitalization is a unique rejuvenation technique
Biorevitalization – restoration of water balance in cells and skin rejuvenation using shallow injections
Results of clinical studies on the correction of facial wrinkles using a fractional high-frequency microneedling system
Super tightening and rejuvenation of skin on any area of ​​the face and body! This is not a fairy tale
Skin after electrolysis
Electrolysis - how to get rid of unwanted hair forever?
What is electrolysis? Electrolysis is a method of getting rid of body hair that has been
Vacuum facial massage with cups
Facial massage with cups at home: contraindications, technique and reviews
Many people dream of giving up using foundation and powder. However, we have to constantly mask such
Facial peeling Hylak Forte Reviews
Facial peeling Hylak Forte + Reviews
The face is the calling card of any woman. That’s why most of them carefully and carefully look after
Efficacy vs ineffectiveness of systemic retinoids for acne
Retinoids (detailed review) Acnecutane, Roaccutane, Erase Acnecutane, Roaccutane, Erase Systemic retinoids contain an active ingredient
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