Top cosmetic procedures for rejuvenating the eye area

Which method to choose

If your face no longer pleases you, and the main problem area is the skin around the eyes, consult our doctor. Taking into account the objective picture and your wishes, he will help you choose from the widest list of modern techniques the one that will be effective in your case. Many women prepare themselves for surgery in advance, whereas the problem can be successfully solved in less traumatic ways - after all, both blepharoplasty and canthopexy require a relatively long recovery period.

Do not deny yourself the right to remain young and beautiful regardless of age, and our specialist will provide you with qualified assistance.

What are expression wrinkles

Expression wrinkles are peculiar marks that remain on our faces when experiencing various emotions, both negative and positive: sadness, joy, anger, surprise, etc.

In youth, such wrinkles are visible only during facial expressions, and in a calm state the skin returns to its original appearance. But with age, irreversible processes occur that lead to deterioration of skin elasticity, dehydration and dryness. As a result, wrinkles stop smoothing out and become noticeable even in those moments when the face is completely relaxed.

In overly emotional people, facial wrinkles can appear at a fairly early age. This is due to bad habits of wrinkling your forehead, frowning your eyebrows or pursing your lips.

The depth and severity of folds are also influenced by factors such as:

  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation, wind, low temperatures;
  • incorrect choice of decorative cosmetics and its excessive use;
  • smoking and addiction to alcoholic beverages;
  • stress;
  • heredity.

The active appearance of facial wrinkles is observed by women during menopause, when significant restructuring of the body occurs. This is due to dehydration and thinning of the skin

Synoptophore device for the treatment of strabismus

In addition to a decrease in visual acuity, a patient with some ophthalmic pathologies may experience other visual impairments. Thus, with strabismus there is no binocular vision. This disease, in which one or both eyes deviate from the main visual axis, develops most often in childhood. It must be treated on time, otherwise one eyeball may fall out of the vision process forever. Strabismus (strabismus) is treated in various ways, including using hardware techniques.

A synoptophore is a device used to treat strabismus. It consists of two tubes with mirrors, lenses and light bulbs. Pictures are placed in the slots next to the lenses. Light from light bulbs falls on them. The tubes are movable. Looking through them, you can mentally and with eye movements connect and separate images.

The synoptophore divides the field of vision of the patient, who sees with each eye the halves of the pattern installed in the socket. The brain tries to connect these two halves into a complete picture. Due to this, binocular vision develops. A person who is being treated with this device must understand that he is required to mentally connect two images. The patient must have certain skills to accurately understand the task at hand. Therefore, this treatment is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

Hardware methods for restoring vision are used in combination with eye gymnastics. Thanks to special exercises, you can consolidate the effect obtained during outpatient procedures. What exercises exist to restore vision?

Vacuum massage to restore vision

To improve visual acuity, special masks and simulator glasses are used today, through which vacuum eye massage is performed. It is prescribed for:

  • improving blood supply to the tissues of the eyeball;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • breakdown of fat cells.

Vacuum massage is contraindicated in severe forms of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, skin pathologies, and also during pregnancy.

When it comes to vacuum massage, you should not confuse perforated training glasses with the device created by ophthalmologist and scientist E.I. Sidorenko. Perforated glasses with many tiny holes are used at home. You can wear them for a few minutes a day. The rules for using such optics should be explained to the patient by the attending physician. It is not recommended to start treatment with perforation glasses on your own.

Method No. 11: use cream filler

There are several life hacks on how to do eye makeup that hides wrinkles. If you urgently need to get rid of crow's feet before an important event, a real salvation is a cream filler for instantly filling wrinkles. It instantly hides even deep folds. It is better to use the product before applying makeup only in emergency cases. It has a short-term, not cumulative effect. Just like in the fairy tale of Cinderella, its effect ends the next day.

Prevention of expression wrinkles

The formation of deep and clearly visible expression wrinkles can be prevented. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • take good care of your facial skin long before the first signs of aging appear;
  • when leaving home on a sunny day (even in winter), use sunscreen, and in cold weather, be sure to apply a nourishing, rich cream to your face;
  • learn to relax your facial muscles and control your emotions;
  • do not wash your face with tap water - the chlorine it contains has a negative effect on the condition of the skin;
  • include a mandatory visit to a cosmetologist in your schedule.

The essence of hardware techniques for vision restoration

Hardware methods for treating eye diseases are constantly being improved. New devices and instruments are being created that can improve vision in various forms of ametropia, nystagmus, and strabismus. They are used to combat infectious, inflammatory and chronic ophthalmopathologies. Hardware therapy is prescribed mainly for children, since laser operations are contraindicated under 18 years of age. However, in some cases, this method of treatment also helps adults when it comes to cataracts, glaucoma, presbyopia and other diseases that develop in adulthood.

There are many types of hardware methods for restoring visual functions. Each specific technique is used to treat certain pathologies. In general, all methods of hardware therapy have the following features:

  • do not cause discomfort, no unpleasant sensations and are rarely accompanied by side effects;
  • do not require giving up their usual way of life: a child can go to school, and adults can go to work;
  • no special training required;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • high efficiency and long lasting results.

Magnetic therapy for the treatment of visual pathologies

Magnetotherapy is aimed at improving blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels, relaxing the eye muscles, and accelerating tissue regeneration processes. With this method of treatment, there is no direct contact of magnetic radiation with the tissues of the eye. Magnetic currents interact with the eye through the patch and eyelids. Due to this, this technique is prescribed in case of eye injuries or developing inflammation.

Magnetic therapy is suitable for children and adults, but it is not used for tuberculosis, cardiovascular pathologies, hypotension, mental disorders, oncology, hemorrhages and foreign bodies entering the eye.

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