Tight Action Raffermissante (Lifting, wrinkles), Mesoline Pluryal, 5 ml

Mesotherapy Mesoline for face

Four main drugs have been identified that are used in the facial area, each of which fights the most common problems characteristic of different ages.

Mesoline REFRESH / SHINE, 5 ml

The procedure is indicated for people over 25 years of age as a preventive measure for skin aging, as well as for the treatment of aging skin: dryness, wrinkles, loss of tone.

The drug contains the most powerful, long-known moisturizer - hyaluronic acid, which will restore tone and elasticity to tissues thanks to its unique properties of binding water molecules.

To maintain the processes of growth, regeneration and metabolic homeostasis, the composition includes the main modulators of these processes - fibroblast growth factors, vascular endothelium and insulin-like factor.

To stimulate metabolism and immunity, as well as as a moisturizer and tonic, the composition includes an antioxidant - DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

In addition, the “Shine” cocktail contains vitamins A and B (B3, B5, B6), which contribute to greater skin hydration, stimulation of regenerative processes, activation of the immune system and protection of the skin from premature aging.

After a course of procedures, which averages 5-6 procedures at intervals of 1 time per week, the skin will regain firmness, elasticity and brightness.

Mesoline TIGHT / LIFTING, 5 ml

This drug is recommended for use in persons with atonic skin, stretch marks, and deformities.

The drug contains Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), which is normally present in human nervous tissues and stimulates the tone of facial muscles, increases surface tension and, thus, has a unique tightening effect.

A well-known antioxidant, COENZIM Q10 slows down skin aging by reducing the level of oxidative processes, protecting the skin from UV radiation and stimulating ATP synthesis.

The loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin is also directly related to the lack of silicon in the body; its presence in the “Lifting” cocktail gives the skin softness and elasticity, stimulates regeneration and slows down aging.

In synergy with the above, another antioxidant acts - ferulic acid, which neutralizes free radicals, protects the skin from UV radiation and activates antimutagenic enzymes.

A course of procedures with Mesoline TIGHT will prevent the formation of sagging, increase the firmness and elasticity of tissues, launch powerful regeneration processes and stimulate the activity of immune cells.

Mesoline SHINE / WHITENING, 5 ml

It is a brightening antioxidant cocktail indicated for pigmentation, loss of complexion, as well as dull smoker's skin and skin susceptible to photoaging.

The drug contains ascorbic acid Vit C, which reduces the activity of enzymes at all stages of melanogenesis, effectively whitens and relieves inflammation. Phytic acid is another antioxidant that, due to the inhibition of tyrosinase, an essential enzyme in the melanogenesis system, causes anti-inflammatory and whitening effects. Kojic acid has the same property.

The drug also contains the keratolytic sodium pyruvate, a derivative of pyruvic acid. It has a sebostatic and antimicrobial effect, and also helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, therefore, it also has a rejuvenating effect.

The most aggressive tyrosinase inhibitor is contained in the plant component of the drug - white mulberry. It increases the speed of achieving a visible effect.


For patients with the first signs of skin aging, subject to aggressive procedures or severe stress, the ANTIOX cocktail was developed. Antioxidants (glutathione, mannitol, alphalipolic acid, N-acetyl and L-cysteine), amino acids (taurine, proline, cysteine ​​+ cystine) and minerals (zinc, copper) in the composition of the drug are aimed at preventing and eliminating skin aging, restoring skin quality after environmental aggression, it can also complement any of the above Mesoline cocktails.


Why choose Mesoline

Mezoline preparations have a number of advantages:

  • Mesocotails are manufactured in accordance with high European quality standards.
  • They are safe for the health of patients and solve a wide range of cosmetic problems.
  • They are ready-made multi-component formulations with proven effectiveness.
  • They contain many bioactive components, including amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
  • The drugs can be used in injection and hardware mesotherapy.

Classification of Mezoline drugs

Mesoline Acne is a product for the care of problem skin. Recommended for enlarged pores, acne, sebaceous gland activity, uneven complexion. The drug promotes the resorption of stagnant spots and prevents the appearance of post-acne pigmentation. It restores the skin's hydrobalance and has a sebum-regulating effect.

Mesoline Antiox is a restorative antioxidant drug. It should be used at the first signs of chrono- and photoaging, after illness or surgery. The active ingredients of the cocktail protect the skin from the negative effects of free radicals, significantly improve complexion and skin texture, and promote healing.

Mesoline Bodyfirm is a lipolytic drug for body mesotherapy. The cocktail is indicated for excess fat deposits, cellulite, atonic skin, swelling or a feeling of heaviness in the legs. The product improves lymph flow, reduces unevenness in the buttocks and thighs, and stimulates the breakdown of fat. It improves skin elasticity and improves body contours.

Mesoline Hair is a cocktail for hair mesotherapy. It is worth buying for hormonal, hereditary, situational baldness. The drug "Hair Action Anti-Shut" helps improve the condition of exhausted, brittle, dehydrated hair. It improves blood circulation in the scalp, and therefore nutrition of the hair follicles.

Mesoline Refresh is a rejuvenating drug with a pronounced revitalizing, regenerating, moisturizing effect. Indicated for aging, atonic, dehydrated skin. Can be used to prevent aging. Mesococktail "Refresh Action Revitalizant" promotes skin renewal, maintains a high level of hydration, increases tone, and gives a lifting effect.

Mesoline Shine is a complex aimed at rejuvenation, lightening, and antioxidant protection. The drug “Skin Radiance” is recommended for hyperpigmentation of any origin, as well as dull complexion caused by nicotine addiction and prolonged exposure to the sun. The Shine Mezoline cocktail enhances the renewal of the epidermis, neutralizes oxidants, and activates collagen synthesis.

Mesoline Slim is a product for weight loss and figure modeling. Mesotherapy with the Slim Mesoline cocktail can be an alternative to liposuction. The product helps to cope with local fat deposits, lipomas, widow's hump, and double chin. Mesococktail thins dense fat and enhances metabolism.

Mesoline Tight is a lifting drug that stimulates collagenogenesis. The substances contained in the cocktail improve the structure of protein fibers, thereby increasing the extensibility of the skin. The oval of the face is noticeably tightened, stretch marks on the chest and deep wrinkles on the neck disappear.

The main components of Mesoline preparations

The cocktails contain vitamins and minerals. Retinyl palmitate regulates sebum production and reduces inflammation. B vitamins improve cell metabolism and hydration, and prevent the appearance of pigmentation. Zinc regulates sebum secretion, copper prevents hair loss and early graying. Organic silicon is responsible for restoring skin smoothness and density.

Formation of new blood vessels and stimulation of hair follicles are tasks that growth factors cope with perfectly. Mezoline preparations contain many herbal ingredients. Ginkgo biloba has an anti-inflammatory effect. Artichoke eliminates swelling, butcher's broom strengthens capillary walls. Centella asiatica stimulates collagenogenesis and the outflow of excess fluid.

Hesperidin enhances lymphatic drainage. Hyaluronic acid maintains optimal hydrobalance in the skin. Antioxidants such as mannitol, glutathione, alpha lipolyic acid neutralize free radicals. Mesococktails contain amino acids: cysteine, cystine, proline, taurine. Levocarnitine is a fat-burning component. Caffeine also promotes the breakdown of lipids.

Mode of application

The bioactive substances of Mezoline cocktails can be delivered deep into the skin using current or ultrasound. The drugs are used during electroporation, microcurrent therapy, phonophoresis and electrophoresis procedures. In the course of injection mesotherapy, the “injection by injection” and “nappage” techniques are mainly used. Mesoline can be combined with a mesoscooter and the Dermapen device. The standard course consists of 8 procedures, carried out every 1–1.5 weeks.

Correction of body shapes with Mesoline

Mesoline SLIM / Slim silhouette, 5 ml

One of the few cocktails of meso-drugs that allows you to achieve a real lipolytic effect. The procedure is indicated for patients with local fat deposits, double chin, lipomas, menopausal hump, etc.

The active ingredients of this drug are 5% phosphatidylcholine (a powerful lipolytic extracted from soybean seed oil; capable of penetrating adipocytes, activating and accelerating lipolysis processes and removing triglycerides) and 2.5% deoxycholic acid, a natural solvent normally present in the body’s bile person responsible for the emulsification of fats.

The combination and optimal concentration of active ingredients allows you to achieve the desired effect quickly and reliably.

Mesoline BODYFIRM / Elastic body, 5 ml

The unique formula allows you to solve such current problems as cellulite, swelling, heaviness in the legs, loss of elasticity after weight fluctuations.

One of the most important ingredients in the drug is L-carnitine: an effective fat-burning component synthesized from amino acids. It promotes the movement of fatty acids from the cytoplasm into mitochondria for further oxidation.

The next component, caffeine, is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Stimulates adrenergic receptors, with further destruction of fats into fractions, and also reduces the appearance of “orange peel”.

Plant components - artichoke and centella asiatica - regulate the accumulation of fluid in tissues, have a lymphatic drainage effect, and very effectively eliminate swelling observed with cellulite.

In order to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore blood flow in tissues, as one of the main reasons for the appearance of cellulite, another herbal component has been added to Mesoline “Elastic Body” - butcher's broom. It also helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Organic silicon completes the powerful multicomponent chain of substances. It is a structural component of the dermis and is indispensable for restoring the density and elasticity of the corrected areas.

Already after the first sessions of procedures with this cocktail, you can notice a pronounced effect - a reduction in the “orange peel”, elasticity, and slimness.

Indications for mesotherapy and biorevitalization

The first signs of age-related skin changes may appear before the age of 30. To get rid of them and slow down the aging process in general, it is recommended to carry out biorevitalization and other injection techniques for the face twice a year, saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and microelements.

General indications for the procedures are:

  • dry and dehydrated skin;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • enlarged pores;
  • hyperpigmentation.

A decrease in skin turgor and elasticity, a change in its color and structure can be associated with a number of reasons. To understand them, it is worth visiting a cosmetologist. The specialist will find the root cause and select an individual rejuvenation technique. You can check prices for mesotherapy or biorevitalization procedures with our cosmetologists - the cost will depend on the drug and the required number of sessions.

The main difference between mesotherapy and facial biorevitalization is in the types of drugs used. If in the first case these are meso-cocktails with a concentration of hyaluronic acid from 0.5 to 1%, then in the second case hyaluronic acid in the preparation is the main active ingredient, the concentration of which ranges from 1 to 3%.

In addition, the effect of facial biorevitalization is noticeable instantly, while mesotherapy can have a delayed effect, that is, the result will appear gradually. Mesococktails contain vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances. Such injections allow you to cope with a wide range of cosmetic problems, while biorevitalization is aimed mainly at saturating the skin with moisture and combating age-related changes.

Preparations for facial biorevitalization

In the Camille Albane beauty salon in Novosibirsk, facial biorevitalization is performed using Juvederm, Stylage Hydro, Teosyal.

Biorevitalization Stylage Hydro (Stylage Hydro)

Indications for biorevitalization with the use of this drug are most often skin dehydration and the appearance of fine wrinkles. Its action is based on IPN-Like technology for a natural result and 3D-Matrix for a long-term effect. Biorevitalization of the face with Stylage Hydro allows you to cope with age-related changes and make the skin more elastic.

Biorevitalization Teosyal (Teosial)

This is a Swiss drug developed for facial biorevitalization. It ensures restoration of skin turgor, saturates it with moisture and beneficial components. Teosyal contains vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the facial skin will look renewed and moisturized after biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization Juvederm Hydrate (Yuvederm Hydrate)

The advantage of the biorevitalization drug Juvederm Hydrate is its unique composition, which includes the antioxidant mannitol, which helps slow down the breakdown of hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this component, the effect of biorevitalization of facial skin lasts for a longer time.

Contraindications for procedures

Mesotherapy and facial biorevitalization are safe rejuvenation techniques. However, like any medical procedure, they have their contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • skin rash, neoplasms in the intended treatment area;
  • hypersensitivity/individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • implants in the intended treatment area;
  • tendency to the appearance of hypertrophied scars.

You can get more detailed information about the indications, contraindications and features of biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures from the specialists of our beauty salon.

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