Mesoline: composition, application in cosmetology

Mesoline (the more precise name of the line is Pluryal Mesoline) are concentrated preparations with a combined composition based on hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and vitamins, designed to restore skin and hair, widely used in cosmetology for mesotherapy.

Mesoline: composition, application in cosmetology

Mesoline is also considered a highly effective regenerative medicine and is used to revitalize the skin, eliminate various damage to the mesoderm and activate cellular immunity. A course of injections can significantly slow down the aging process and increase the antioxidant protection of various layers of the skin, including the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis. In addition to high efficiency, the advantages of Mezoline preparations include step-by-step microbiological control of products and the use of stabilized forms of vitamins that are resistant to external factors and retain their beneficial properties to the maximum.

Description of the drug

Mezoline is an injectable drug intended for revitalization and bioreparation of skin and hair, as well as complex treatment of local fat deposits, for example, a “double chin” or benign fatty tumors (lipomas or wen). The product is available in the form of a sterile solution with certain indicators of viscosity, transparency, density and osmotic concentration. The solution is packaged in 5 ml dark medical glass bottles.

Mesoline - a complex of mesotherapy cocktails

Mesoline injection solutions were first released in 2008, after which their formulation was changed several times in accordance with the dynamics of the practical results obtained. Today, Mesoline is considered one of the most effective means for carrying out mesotherapy as a skin care and rejuvenating procedure. Mesotherapy is a type of alternative medicine based on the subcutaneous or intradermal administration of drugs to solve local skin problems . Mesoline injections can be used either as monotherapy or combined with other cosmetic methods and products, for example, peelings or botulinum therapy.


Benefits of Mesoline Hair

  • Completely natural, safe ingredients for comprehensive care for the beauty and health of hair.
  • Direct, delicate “delivery” of a complex of necessary components to restore and normalize hair growth directly to the hair follicles.
  • The combination of reflexology and medications in one procedure.
  • Confirmed standards for the high effectiveness of the drug based on the results of thousands of procedures performed.
  • Complex simulation of hair growth, reducing the degree of hair loss.
  • Reducing the level of greasiness in hair, taking care of a healthy structure.
  • Acceleration of hair growth, with the prevention of premature graying problems.

The duration and features of the hair care course are determined individually by a specialist, taking into account the condition of the hair and additional indicators. The duration of the course of Mesoline Hair procedures is 4-8 procedures, with an interval of seven days. When carrying out the Mesoline Hair mesotherapy procedure, as an effective preventive measure, the duration of the course may be shorter.


Attending doctors:

Types of drugs Mezoline

In total, the Mesoline line includes 10 drugs, each of which has its own composition and indications for use.

Table. Types of Mezoline drugs.

For what?Drug nameWhat components are included?
For skin rejuvenation"REFRESH"
Hyaluronic acid, vitamin complex, ferulic acid, plant extracts, coenzyme Q10, dimethylaminoethanol.
For skin whitening"SHINE"Ascorbic acid, folic acid, pyruvic acid salt 1%, kojic acid, dried mulberry extract.
To enhance skin antioxidant protection"ANTIOX"Complex of antioxidants and amino acids, mineral supplements.
For the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases"CLEAR"Vitamin A in the form of retinol palmitate, hesperedin, vitamin complex, hyaluronic acid, manganese gluconate, synthetic peptides.
To eliminate fat deposits and fight cellulite"BODYFIRM"
Lipolytic substances, caffeine, silicon, plant extracts, carnitine.
For hair treatment"HAIR"Hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, plant extracts (wheat and peas), copper peptides.

Mesoline Refresh

The line also includes a special mask that must be applied to the skin immediately after the injection. It helps speed up the healing process, avoid severe swelling and irritation at the injection site, and reduces redness.

Important! Mezoline preparations are not suitable for home use, as they are intended only for injection (intradermal or subcutaneous). Only a licensed physician can perform such injections.

Facial mesotherapy with Mesoline

Useful video

Watch this video about how mesotherapy with Mezoline “Skin Radiance” works:

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What problems does Mesoline solve?

One of the main areas of use of Mezoline products is skin revitalization. This term, literally translated from Latin, means “return to life,” so biorevitalization procedures are indicated for various skin problems: increased dryness, age spots, wrinkles, acne, dullness. If necessary, mesotherapy using Mesoline preparations can be carried out to treat alopecia (baldness), fungal diseases of the nail plates and periungual ridges, gravitational ptosis (age-related sagging of the skin and weakening of its turgor). The use of Mezoline is effective for the treatment of local fat deposits, wen, “orange peel”, age-related changes (flabbiness, loss of elasticity, dullness, increased dryness).

About 50% of women note that they suffer from cellulite from the onset of puberty

Trichologists recommend a course of treatment with Mezoline for increased hair fragility, baldness, and “tired” hair syndrome. The copper peptides included in the product restore the structure of damaged hair, and hyaluronic acid, by binding to the molecules of proteoglycan nuclear proteins, retains water and helps moisturize the hair follicles and scalp.

Cosmetologists cite the following problems and pathologies as general indications for the use of mesotherapy with products from the Mesoline line:

  • local fat deposits (“double chin”, fatty deposits);

Wen on the face

  • sagging skin (including weakening of skin turgor due to sudden weight gain or loss, as well as age-related changes);
  • lipodystrophy (“cellulite”)
  • swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities (can be used in the complex treatment of chronic varicose veins of the legs);
  • lifeless, tired hair;
  • hair loss and increased fragility;
  • skin rashes on the face (comedones, acne, acne);
  • various types of scars (including keloid scars);
  • wrinkles;
  • stretch marks on the skin (correction of postpartum changes is possible).

What is mesotherapy used for?

Preventive injections of Mezoline are recommended for women over 35 years of age, since at this age a gradual decrease in the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid in the body begins (while maintaining the total content of hyaluronate), which leads to the onset of natural aging of the body against the background of gradual dehydration.

Note! One of the indications for Mesoline injections in women over 45 years of age may be the so-called “widow’s hump,” which some call the menopausal hump. The drug "BODYCONTOUR" from the Mesoline brand contains phosphatidylcholine, which has a pronounced lipolytic effect and promotes the resorption of fat deposits in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra.

Widow's hump in a woman in menopause

Detailed characteristics of Mesoline preparations

The choice of a specific drug from the Mezoline line depends on the goals that are expected to be achieved after completing a course of mesotherapy.

For face

Mesoline facial products can be used to achieve three goals: skin cleansing, rejuvenation and improvement of appearance.

There are several Mesoline products that are intended for the face

Table. Mesoline products for the face.

NameIndications for useAction and effect
"Clean skin"Increased skin pigmentation, problematic skin (pimples, acne, comedones, blackheads), infiltrates of various origins, hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands (oily shine on the face).The drug contains hesperidin and manganese - the main components with a pronounced disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The vitamin complex improves cellular metabolism, soothes the skin, and maintains the necessary level of moisture in the various layers of the dermis. Course use allows you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, reduce the severity of spider veins, and reduce sensitivity.
"Antioxidant"Initial signs of skin aging, decreased elasticity, wrinkles. Preventive correction is indicated for regular exposure to factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin (stress, poor nutrition, etc.). In most cases, the drug is used in combination with other products in the Mezoline line to enhance the overall effect of the treatment. The main effect of the product is the binding and destruction of free radicals, which not only provoke aging processes in the skin, but also reduce local immunity, creating favorable conditions for skin diseases.
"Lifting"Stretch marks on the body and face, loose, wrinkled skin.The product contains a complex of powerful antioxidants and silicon, which actively stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue and the synthesis of dermal collagen. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, its turgor increases, and the face acquires an even and fresh complexion.
"Whitening"Dull skin, age spots, freckles, “dirty” (gray) complexion.The drug has a complex effect: stimulates protein synthesis (in particular collagen), prevents premature aging, improves and evens out complexion, and enhances cellular renewal processes. Mesoline “Whitening” also has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the cell, which helps to increase local immune defense.
"Shine"Age-related skin changes (especially effective at the initial stage in women aged 30-35 years), lifeless, dull skin.The main effect is achieved by restoring the skin barrier function and hydration (moisture). This product is recommended as the main means for revitalization in women with initial age-related skin changes (after 30 years).

Important! Before Mesoline injections on the face, it is recommended to undergo professional peeling. This procedure helps to increase the regenerative ability of cells, eliminate the phenomena of hyperkeratosis and enhance cellular metabolism. At least 10 days must pass between injection and peeling. Any cosmetic procedures can be performed 7-10 days after injections.

After the combined treatment, the following results were noted:

For hair

A special cocktail based on copper peptides, hyaluronic acid and Q10 coenzymes not only strengthens hair and gives it vital shine, but also prevents increased fragility and hair loss. Mezoline “Luxurious Hair” in the form of an injection solution is recommended by trichologists as an adjuvant for the treatment of partial alopecia (in non-scarring forms), since the drug improves microcirculation and lymph flow in the area where hair follicles are located, positively affecting their nutrition and growth. Plant extracts (pea and wheat extracts) improve hair thickness and stimulate healthy follicular cells.

Mesoline “Luxurious hair”

The effect of using Mesoline HAIR injections:

  • stimulation of follicular cell stems in the hair growth zone (accelerates motor activity and the rate of cell division);
  • improving the circulation of lymph, blood and other biological fluids;
  • increasing the rate of new hair growth;
  • increasing the thickness of the hair shaft (hair becomes thicker);
  • inhibition of 5-alpha reductase (an enzyme that causes increased hair loss).

Application of Mesoline HAIR injections

To achieve a more stable and faster result, the manufacturer recommends using the “Luxury Hair” product with the “Antioxidant” complex.

For body

The “Elastic Body” and “Slim Silhouette” complexes are designed to care for the body, stimulate lipolysis processes and combat fat deposits and lipodystrophy (cellulite).

Mesoline Bodyfirm

In addition, the drugs in the series:

  • increase skin smoothness and elasticity;
  • reduce swelling;
  • relieve heaviness and fatigue in the legs;
  • transport triglycerides to the site of their oxidation;
  • have a moderate drainage and diuretic effect;
  • make the skin more elastic.

Mesoline BODYFIRM - before and after photos

Important! Mezoline preparations are effective only for local fat deposits and cellulite. Treatment of systemic obesity with their help is ineffective, since the drug acts only in the injection zone.

Mesoline preparations have numerous advantages

Mesotherapy Mesoline for face

Four main drugs have been identified that are used in the facial area, each of which fights the most common problems characteristic of different ages.

Mesoline REFRESH / SHINE, 5 ml

The procedure is indicated for people over 25 years of age as a preventive measure for skin aging, as well as for the treatment of aging skin: dryness, wrinkles, loss of tone.

The drug contains the most powerful, long-known moisturizer - hyaluronic acid, which will restore tone and elasticity to tissues thanks to its unique properties of binding water molecules.

To maintain the processes of growth, regeneration and metabolic homeostasis, the composition includes the main modulators of these processes - fibroblast growth factors, vascular endothelium and insulin-like factor.

To stimulate metabolism and immunity, as well as as a moisturizer and tonic, the composition includes an antioxidant - DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

In addition, the “Shine” cocktail contains vitamins A and B (B3, B5, B6), which contribute to greater skin hydration, stimulation of regenerative processes, activation of the immune system and protection of the skin from premature aging.

After a course of procedures, which averages 5-6 procedures at intervals of 1 time per week, the skin will regain firmness, elasticity and brightness.

Mesoline TIGHT / LIFTING, 5 ml

This drug is recommended for use in persons with atonic skin, stretch marks, and deformities.

The drug contains Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), which is normally present in human nervous tissues and stimulates the tone of facial muscles, increases surface tension and, thus, has a unique tightening effect.

A well-known antioxidant, COENZIM Q10 slows down skin aging by reducing the level of oxidative processes, protecting the skin from UV radiation and stimulating ATP synthesis.

The loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin is also directly related to the lack of silicon in the body; its presence in the “Lifting” cocktail gives the skin softness and elasticity, stimulates regeneration and slows down aging.

In synergy with the above, another antioxidant acts - ferulic acid, which neutralizes free radicals, protects the skin from UV radiation and activates antimutagenic enzymes.

A course of procedures with Mesoline TIGHT will prevent the formation of sagging, increase the firmness and elasticity of tissues, launch powerful regeneration processes and stimulate the activity of immune cells.

Mesoline SHINE / WHITENING, 5 ml

It is a brightening antioxidant cocktail indicated for pigmentation, loss of complexion, as well as dull smoker's skin and skin susceptible to photoaging.

The drug contains ascorbic acid Vit C, which reduces the activity of enzymes at all stages of melanogenesis, effectively whitens and relieves inflammation. Phytic acid is another antioxidant that, due to the inhibition of tyrosinase, an essential enzyme in the melanogenesis system, causes anti-inflammatory and whitening effects. Kojic acid has the same property.

The drug also contains the keratolytic sodium pyruvate, a derivative of pyruvic acid. It has a sebostatic and antimicrobial effect, and also helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, therefore, it also has a rejuvenating effect.

The most aggressive tyrosinase inhibitor is contained in the plant component of the drug - white mulberry. It increases the speed of achieving a visible effect.


For patients with the first signs of skin aging, subject to aggressive procedures or severe stress, the ANTIOX cocktail was developed. Antioxidants (glutathione, mannitol, alphalipolic acid, N-acetyl and L-cysteine), amino acids (taurine, proline, cysteine ​​+ cystine) and minerals (zinc, copper) in the composition of the drug are aimed at preventing and eliminating skin aging, restoring skin quality after environmental aggression, it can also complement any of the above Mesoline cocktails.

Possible contraindications

Contraindications to the Mezoline series of drugs are common to all types of mesotherapy. These include:

  • infectious and inflammatory skin pathologies in the acute stage;
  • neoplasms at the injection site (including benign tumors);
  • a blood clotting disorder, against which the patient is diagnosed with chronic hemophilia (severe bleeding);

Classification of hemophilia

  • severe liver and kidney diseases with partial dysfunction of the excretory systems;
  • trypanophobia (fear of syringes, needles and injections).

Mesotherapy: before and after

It is unacceptable for the injection to be performed by a person who does not have the appropriate education, as well as with the use of drugs that were incorrectly stored or their packaging was damaged.

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