How is Radiesse vector lifting used and what effect does it give?

After 35-40 years, the first pronounced age-related changes begin to appear on the face. You shouldn’t put up with wrinkles, sagging, and decreased skin tone - the vector face lifting procedure is designed for quick, effective and safe rejuvenation of appearance.

Volumetric facial modeling Radiesse

Correction of characteristic age-related changes in the face is carried out using the method of volumetric modeling.
The most popular filler for volumetric modeling is Radiesse. Radiesse filler is a two-phase filler consisting of a suspension of calcium hydroxylapatite (HAA) microspheres related to the human body and a carrier gel at a concentration of 70%. A few months after the injection, the carrier gel dissolves during local metabolism processes. As for the role of calcium hydroxylapatite, this component initiates the formation of its own connective tissue - it starts the process of forming new collagen fibers. The latter takes on the function of a natural filler and supporting frame.

Consequences and duration of effect

After any injection, you may notice swelling and bruising for the first few days. However, don't worry - this is completely normal. They will disappear a week after the procedure.

The effect of the filler is immediate, and the overall effect lasts from six months to one and a half years. Already in the first hours after cosmetic surgery, bags and swelling under the eyes “go away”, the oval of the face becomes more clear, the sagging corners of the eyes and small wrinkles gradually smooth out. Wrinkle smoothing injections tend to take approximately one to two weeks to complete and will take 3 to 4 months to see their full effect.


  • Radiesse does not attract moisture. Filling folds and wrinkles - it restores clear facial contours, making them more expressive
  • Thanks to its water-repellent properties, Radiesse helps get rid of jowls, which cannot be achieved by injecting, for example, hyaluronic acid into the lower part of the face. With Radiesse you can shape the perfect oval face
  • Radiesse stimulates the production of type 1 collagen, which creates the effect of velvety skin and pronounced lifting
  • Unlike conventional hyaluronic acid preparations, Radiesse provides a more lasting aesthetic effect that lasts up to 1.5 years. Thus, the use of Radiesse more than doubles the effectiveness of contouring.

What is Radiesse used for?

The first signs of skin aging are not just individual wrinkles. Over the years, the volume of the face decreases and its contours change. The reason is a dysfunction of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as their structure.

At a young age, the skin is dense and elastic, the shape of the face is like the letter V. The chin and cheekbones form an angle that opens upward and has obvious symmetrical contours.

Over the years, the skin and muscles lose their elasticity, and the amount of subcutaneous tissue decreases. The “triangle” of the face seems to turn with its base downwards. Because of this, a person looks old.

Preparations from the Radiesse series restore facial geometry and replenish volume in those places where it is needed. Collagen production improves and the “young” oval of the face returns.


Most Russian women are characterized by early age-related changes in the middle third of the face. In this case, a characteristic flattening of the zygomatico-infraorbital region, the appearance of infraorbital, buccal-zygomatic furrows, and a nasolabial fold occur. These phenomena are the result of weakening of the supporting ligaments and muscles, the development of atrophic processes leading to loss of bone, muscle and, to a greater extent, fatty tissue, accompanied by a decrease in skin elasticity.

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredient of the Radiesse series is calcium hydroxyapatite in the form of microgranules. It is part of human bones and teeth. The drug is extracted from sea corals or bone tissue of cattle.

It is often used not only for aesthetics, but also in various fields of medicine:

  • In orthopedics – for the treatment of osteoporosis, recovery after fractures (drink in capsule form);
  • In dentistry - to restore tooth enamel;
  • In maxillofacial surgery – for the manufacture of implants;
  • In cosmetology - to improve the quality of skin and contour plastic surgery of the face, arms, abdomen, hips, etc.

The drug does not cause allergic reactions or rejection.

Factors that accelerate these processes may be:

  • Sudden weight fluctuations
  • Bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Excessive insolation, including in solariums
  • Some chronic diseases leading to lack of hydration, decreased elasticity and loss of tissue volume

Methods of volumetric modeling of the middle third of the face are important in anti-aging procedures and have become most popular recently. Thanks to the advent of new instruments, such as an atraumatic cannula, it has become possible to safely and non-traumaticly introduce Radiesse filler into a complex anatomical area, into the deep layers of the periosteum.

How does the procedure work?

The volume of the drug administered in one session largely depends on the volume deficit of the corrected area, the presence and severity of lower eyelid hernias, individual characteristics of lymphatic drainage, and the degree of development of the maxillary and zygomatic bones.

It is advisable to carry out the correction in 2 stages to avoid significant swelling due to lymphostasis in this area. The procedure does not require special preparation, is painless and takes no more than 45-60 minutes.

Who needs the vector lifting procedure?

Of course, first of all, vector lifting is necessary for women who notice any age-related changes on their skin - multiple expression lines or deeper wrinkles.

It is also done by ladies with a double chin, the formation of skin folds and noticeable drooping of the corners of the mouth, eyelids and eyebrows. In addition, it is recommended if the face is prone to puffiness and if there are bags under the eyes.

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It is often performed simply for preventive purposes, because the hyaluronic acid contained in the injections has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and prevents premature aging.

In this selection, we have collected the most illustrative options for using the vector lifting procedure: Before and After photos will help to illustrate its significance.

Source: @dr.nataliya_kado

Source: @dr.nataliya_kado

Source: @ekaterina_jarkova1

Also, this cosmetic surgery is clearly indicated for those who, due to some contraindications, should not undergo plastic surgery. The effect of vector lifting is actually comparable to the effect of plastic surgery, but does not require such significant intervention in the body.

The optimal age period for vector lifting is from 35 to 60 years, but there may be exceptions.

Contraindications are quite standard. A facelift is not performed on people with diabetes or those suffering from hemophilia (poor blood clotting).

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In addition, it is not recommended to perform it during pregnancy and lactation, as well as if there are serious inflammations on the face, for example, purulent acne. Other contraindications are infectious and oncological diseases. It is necessary to treat diseases of the thyroid gland with caution - although this is not a direct contraindication, in this case a consultation with your doctor may be required.

Results of the procedure

  • Visible rejuvenation and correction of facial contours
  • Elimination of expression wrinkles
  • Emphasizing the contours of the cheeks and chin
  • Replenishment of the volume deficit of facial soft tissues
  • Smoothing nasolabial folds
  • Formation of the correct facial frame

These results are observed immediately and last for at least 1-1.5 years.

After the volumetric modeling procedure, especially if it was performed using a cannula, no rehabilitation is required. Swelling or redness lasts no more than 1-2 days. As a result of correction of the lacrimal and tear-buccal grooves, the face looks much younger. The created volume prevents further sagging of the soft tissues of the face, keeping it looking rested and fresh.

Radiesse lidocaine

The drug is designed for patients with hypersensitive skin who experience pain during the procedure. Contains sodium hydroxyapatite and local anesthetic lidocaine. In addition, the filler contains glycerin, saline, carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt.

The drug is sold in disposable plastic syringes with a volume of 0.8 ml, 1.5 or 3 ml. All release forms contain the drug with the same composition and concentration.

The main result is achieved 1-2 months after the procedure thanks to the active substance. Lidocaine ensures a painless procedure. The skin begins to produce its own collagen - the effect of the procedure becomes more noticeable over time. The carrier gel is completely removed from the body after 3 months.


Vector lifting involves several successive stages.


From the surface of the skin requiring correction, the specialist removes remnants of decorative cosmetics, dirt and sebaceous secretions. This is done using special means.


Although the procedure is painless, the patient may experience minor discomfort during needle insertion. To avoid this, more sensitive areas of the skin are treated with an anesthetic gel or cream.


After the doctor has previously examined the problem area and fully assessed the existing problem, he makes a diamond-shaped marking using a medical marker. The lines mark the places where the drug will be administered.


Next, the treated area is wiped with an antiseptic solution. This will prevent the development of the inflammatory process and infection in the wounds.

Administration of the drug

At this stage, the cosmetologist directly introduces biothreads according to pre-applied markings. To do this, a thin cannula needle is used, with the help of which, by performing oscillatory movements, you can expand the channel for delivering the anti-aging agent.

After removing the needle, the biomaterial remains under the skin and is distributed over the entire length of the puncture.

Applying a healing agent

Although vector lifting is considered safe, after punctures there may be marks on the skin. They require thorough disinfection, for which at the final stage a wound healing cream is applied to the treated area.


If, during the procedure, the specialist violated the rules of the technology for introducing the gel, the development of consequences cannot be ruled out. The most common complications include:

  • contouring gel composition;
  • formation of granulomas ;
  • extensive swelling ;
  • the formation of irregularities on the surface of the skin;
  • asymmetry and deformation of the face;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • development of an allergic reaction;
  • pronounced pain ;
  • stagnation of lymphatic fluid;
  • soft tissue necrosis
  • inflammatory processes.

If one or more of the above conditions occur, you should immediately seek medical help.

Rejuvenation using vector lifting is one of the most effective procedures, which is very popular in many cosmetology clinics. Thanks to this technique, you can get rid of the first age-related changes, make your skin more youthful and beautiful.

The technique is considered safe and minimally invasive. However, we must remember that it has a number of contraindications. To eliminate the possibility of adverse reactions, you should contact only trusted specialists.

Action provided

The main layer of our skin - the dermis - is a complex interweaving of fibers, which is the so-called skin turgor. This turgor maintains its firmness, smoothness and elasticity. But as the synthesis of collagen and elastane fibers slows down, the oval of the face begins to “float”, and gravitational ptosis is observed, which cannot be stopped with creams and massages. Vector lifting restores the youth of the face in an average of an hour and a half. Using a long, thin and elastic needle, the doctor injects a drug based on stabilized hyaluronic acid under the skin, making special movements with the needle.

Before starting the procedure, markings are made

The filler has a gel-like consistency. By itself, it does not hold the skin, so the expression “filler thread” is a conventional name for the channel formed by a needle and filled with an implant. This implant acts as cement, holding the fibers together.

The technique is called vector because it is based on the main laws of vector direction. To get a powerful lifting effect on the oval of the face and cheekbones, you need to implant the drug in the direction from the periphery to the center. Then the contraction will be natural, correct, without distortion of facial features.

This way, a new frame is created anew, built on a mesh of filler threads. This network will keep the skin from sagging for 1.5-2 years. Injection lifting with filler threads is an expensive procedure, but you can pay much more to return your former beauty without surgical intervention.

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