Bioplastic collagen material and its application in cosmetology

Everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of collagen. The active substance makes up about 30-35% of all connective tissue in the body, maintains the elasticity of ligaments and blood vessels, and increases skin elasticity. Protein helps maintain youth, health and beauty. A person practically does not get collagen from food, so doctors advise using dietary supplements.

Instead of gelatin (partially split peptide), dietary supplements and cosmetics contain hydrolyzed collagen. How this substance differs, how it acts on the body and in what cases it is used - read our article.

Types of collagen

A special type of protein, collagen, plays an important role in the body: it helps the skin remain elastic, joints healthy and generally slows down the aging process. In addition, this protein affects endurance, quality of sleep and digestion.

In the human body, the proportion of collagen ranges from 25 to 45%. Most of this protein, consisting of amino acids, is found in cartilage, skin, nails and hair. It is produced by fibroblasts, special connective tissue cells.

Collagen protein comes in different types, there are 28 of them. The most important for the body are the following:

  1. Collagen involved in the formation of bone, joint, cartilage tissue, skin and hair.
  2. Collagen, which promotes the formation of ligaments, muscles, joints, intervertebral joints.
  3. Collagen that forms the lining of internal organs in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Collagen found in the epidermal layer and the eye lens.

Almost all tissues contain not one, but several types of protein. With age, collagen synthesis in the body decreases. This also happens in young people who systematically engage in sports with heavy loads. A lack of a particular protein can lead to serious illnesses, so losses must be replenished by taking collagen in dosage form.

Collagen is widely used in the beauty industry (anti-aging procedures); it is included in some medications, as well as sports nutrition powders.

Cosmetologists inject bioplastic collagen material into patients whose bodies do not produce enough protein. Also, collagen, which is used for cosmetic or health purposes, can be in the form of serum, tablets, or included in cocktails along with other beneficial substances.

Instructions for use

Doctors advise taking collagen hydrolyzate in the following quantities:

  • preventive norm of type 1+3 protein – 5 g;
  • therapeutic dose of type 1+3 collagen – 10 g;
  • type II peptide dosage – 40 mg.

The standard course of use is 90 days, after which you need to take a break for 2-3 months. For serious inflammatory diseases of the joints, supplements must be taken for six months, and after a 2-month interval the course must be repeated.

In order for hydrolyzed collagen peptides to be well absorbed and bring maximum benefit, when consuming supplements you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take collagen in the morning on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals. If you need to take the supplement during the day, at least 3 hours must pass since your last meal.
  2. Between applications of type 1+3 and type 2 collagen complexes, an interval of 60 minutes is maintained.
  3. Capsules and tablets with hydrolyzed collagen are washed down with clean water or natural juice.
  4. Additives in powder form must be mixed with a small amount of liquid at room temperature, then add up to 200 ml of water to the resulting mixture.
  5. It is recommended to take collagen along with vitamin C, since ascorbic acid increases the bioavailability and effectiveness of peptides by 20-30%.

Main Sources of Collagen

The most affordable way to replenish collagen protein reserves is to eat foods that contain it: lean meat, broth, chicken cartilage, jellied meat and aspic, jelly-like desserts. There is no collagen in plants.

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Collagen can also be a dietary supplement in the form of tablets, capsules or powder. As a rule, it is a hydrolyzed protein that is obtained from natural protein through fermentation and other chemical reactions. Such supplements contain the optimal amount of collagen for health.

Dietary supplements with this protein can be purchased in pharmacies, sports nutrition stores or on specialized websites.

The benefits of drugs with collagen will only be if they are taken according to the rules:

  • Before using supplements, you should consult your doctor to identify possible contraindications;
  • You only need to consume collagen peptide, that is, processed protein with low molecular weight;
  • Do not exceed the permissible dosage of the drug - 6 tablets (capsules) per day, divided into three doses;
  • During the course of taking dietary supplements containing collagen, a diet is required (fatty, salty, flour products should be kept to a minimum in the diet, alcohol should be completely excluded).

Brief characteristics of the substance

The collagen hydrolysate (hydrolyzed) compound is a low molecular weight substance that is obtained by hydrolysis of regular collagen. Under the action of enzymes, proteins are broken down into individual amino acids and small peptides. To produce the substance, different types of raw materials are used. Fish (sea) collagen, which in its chemical structure is as close as possible to the proteins of the human body, is recognized as more expensive and of higher quality. Less commonly used beef, chicken or pork hydrolyzed.

Collagen hydrolyzate contains all the substances that are part of the structure of high molecular weight protein, but it is absorbed 3-4 times better than gelatin.

Hydrolyzed additives also differ in physical properties: they dissolve well in hot and cold liquids and do not turn into a viscous gel when mixed with water. Such features make taking dietary supplements more comfortable.

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The benefits of collagen for the body

It is difficult to overestimate the role of collagen in the body, since this protein performs many useful functions:

  • It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, helping to maintain the necessary level of moisture and elasticity. Thanks to the protein synthesis that occurs in fibroblasts, wrinkles are smoothed out, and some (small) wrinkles disappear without a trace. For women who want youthful skin and tightened facial contours, after 35 years, a course of collagen supplements is recommended.
  • Makes cellulite less noticeable. An orange peel appears due to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity, and fat deposits increase and, due to decreased tissue tone, are pushed out of the deeper layers closer to the surface. Collagen helps restore elasticity and get rid of looseness in the body.
  • In combination with vitamins and minerals, it maintains healthy and beautiful hair. If they become dry and brittle, it can be assumed that they lack collagen. Taking this protein orally as part of complex preparations, as well as using it in the form of therapeutic masks, can strengthen the hair follicles and give shine, silkiness and smoothness to the hair.
  • Helps strengthen nails, accelerate their growth, and even out the surface. Thanks to collagen, nail plates, which are based on protein, stop peeling.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Collagen relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, improves digestion, and reanimates damaged cells. Able to break down other types of proteins into simple ones, as a result of which they are more easily absorbed by the body.
  • Makes joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bone tissue stronger. Since collagen protein forms the basis of connective tissues, its deficiency can lead to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Taking collagen prevents wear and tear of joint elements.
  • Helps build muscles and help maintain their tone. Collagen is included in special sports nutrition as a source of additional energy, accelerating the growth of muscle mass, and increasing the body's endurance.
  • Helps fight excess weight. Thanks to the proper use of dietary supplements containing collagen peptide, metabolism improves, the fat layer decreases, which promotes weight loss.

Benefits of collagen hydrolyzate

The peptides contain 20 amino acids, including 8 essential for the human body. Based on their chemical structure and localization, scientists divide collagen proteins into 28 types. All of them are needed for connective tissue, but the most valuable are protein molecules of types 1, 2 and 3.

After 25 years, collagen proteins begin to break down in the body, and at 60 years old, only 50% of the original level remains. This leads to serious problems with joints, blood vessels and skin.

Type 1+3 collagen hydrolyzate has a number of beneficial properties:

  • increases skin elasticity and turgor, prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • strengthens blood vessels, nails, activates dormant hair follicles;
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • accelerates cellular regeneration processes;
  • maintains the elasticity of ligaments and tendons;
  • improves joint mobility;
  • restores the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Hydrolyzed type II collagen also has unique healing properties, but is used mainly in the treatment of joints. The substance enters the structure of hyaline cartilage and promotes their restoration. Collagen hydrolyzate relieves inflammatory processes in joints, relieves pain and swelling, increases the production of synovial fluid, and reduces painful friction in joints.

Neocell, Super Collagen+C, Type 1 & 3, 360 Tablets


RUB 2,129

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Indications for use

Doctors recommend that every person after 30-35 years old add collagen dietary supplements to their diet. Taking the nutrient for preventive purposes improves health and helps prolong youth. In Japan, hydrolyzed collagen is the best-selling dietary supplement, which is taken by almost the entire population over 25 years of age.

For medicinal purposes, hydrolysate is prescribed for the following problems:

  • joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • fractures and cracks of bones, muscle injuries;
  • excess body weight;
  • cellulite;
  • sagging skin, early appearance of wrinkles.

Contraindications to taking collagen

It is not surprising that bioplastic collagen material is widely used in cosmetology. Collagen protein is not considered a substance that causes harm to the body. However, sometimes supplements in which it is included cause allergic reactions (usually due to auxiliary ingredients). Also, due to the use of dietary supplements with collagen, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and skin rash are possible.

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A course of taking medications with collagen protein may be accompanied by bloating, heartburn and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Particular care should be taken when consuming collagen obtained from fish and shellfish, as in this case the risk of allergies increases.


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  • increase flexibility and mobility;
  • eliminate pain and crunching in joints;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • reduce the severity of facial wrinkles;
  • improve the condition of hair and nails.


  • chicken and beef collagens have an unpleasant “gelatin” taste;
  • not all buyers noticed the effect of taking the supplements.

Causes of Collagen Loss

If we compare how collagen is produced in the body at a young age (29 years) and an old age (80 years), then the rate of decrease in the synthesis of this important protein over the years will be 75%. Moreover, in adulthood it is also destroyed at the same rate. The lack of collagen becomes especially noticeable in women during menopause. The amount of this substance in the skin decreases by an average of 30% five years after menopause. This is a powerful blow to the body, which can be mitigated by taking hormone replacement medications.

In addition, under the influence of certain factors (ultraviolet rays, the formation of free radicals), not only the quantity, but also the quality of collagen produced in the skin changes, it becomes less plastic and structured.

But it's not that bad. Every day the body repairs collagen fibers itself. When the cells responsible for protein synthesis receive a signal about the breakdown of the substance, the process of neocollagenesis, that is, the production of collagen, is launched in them.

True, there is one condition: the synthesis of new durable fiber is impossible without vitamin C. By the way, smokers experience a chronic lack of this vitamin. That's why their skin doesn't look its best.

Additionally, the risk of collagen loss is much greater in patients with high blood sugar. Excessive production of free radicals due to failures in the systems that perform the antioxidant function leads to the fact that collagen fibers are destroyed and stick together with sugars. This is called glycation - this process is irreversible, so there can be no talk of any further natural renewal of collagen protein. People susceptible to such processes suffer from the fact that any damage to their body heals very poorly, and their skin ages early.

In patients with diabetes who smoke and abuse easily digestible carbohydrates, glycation of collagen also occurs in blood vessels, which negatively affects health.

This is why a cosmetologist who intends to use bioplastic collagen material in beauty procedures needs to pay special attention to patients at risk:

  • with insulin resistance;
  • those who eat a lot of sweets;
  • vegans and vegetarians;
  • heavy smokers;
  • women during menopause who are not receiving hormone replacement therapy.

Application of collagen material in injections

Collagen injections are minimally invasive and low-traumatic procedures. The material is injected with an extremely thin needle, the injection of which is perceived as an insect bite. If the patient's skin is very sensitive, the cosmetologist pre-treats it with an anesthetic.

Before performing manipulations with bioplastic collagen material, the specialist gets acquainted with the patient’s medical history, identifies contraindications, and conducts all the studies necessary to clarify the diagnoses.

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The skin at the site of exposure is treated with an antiseptic. The injection technique may vary depending on the purpose of the procedure. First, the cosmetologist makes marks on the client’s face to guide him, and then quickly injects new collagen under the skin.

Rehabilitation after the procedure does not require much time. It is recommended to protect your skin from the sun for about a week, refrain from swimming in ponds and visiting the sauna. During the recovery period, slight swelling on the face may appear, but puncture marks are usually invisible.

Bioplastic collagen material "Collost"

Bioplastic collagen material “Collost” is a sterile composition in which the fibrous structure is fully preserved. It ensures restoration of damaged tissues.

The drug is made from bovine skin based on type I collagen, is available in the form of a gel of different concentrations (7% and 15%), which is administered by injection and activates the synthesis of its own collagen in the dermis.

The beauty procedure using “Collost” is recommended for patients starting from the age of 30.

A gel with an active ingredient concentration of 7% is used for:

  • smoothing out fine wrinkles in the eye and lip area;
  • smoothing scars formed as a result of acne, chicken pox, etc.;
  • restoration of dermal turgor in the process of treating cellulite and eliminating local fat deposits;
  • restoring skin firmness and elasticity after surgery.

A gel with an active ingredient concentration of 15% is used for:

  • effects on horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  • smoothing wrinkles in the bridge of the nose;
  • elimination of deep nasolabial folds;
  • correction of the shape and volume of cheekbones and lips;
  • changes in the shape of the chin.

“Collost” is considered an effective means of combating visible age-related changes on the face. The gel promotes the renewal of the body’s own collagen fibers – they are formed in the area where the drug is administered. As a result, the original properties of the skin are restored and the appearance improves:

  • there are fewer wrinkles, they are no longer as deep as they were before;
  • the skin regains its tone;
  • The oval of the face is tightened.

Contraindications for Collosta

Bioplastic collagen material cannot be administered if:

  • a positive test result for the drug;
  • having problems with blood clotting;
  • history of autoimmune diseases;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • oncological diagnoses;
  • exacerbation of dermatoses;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • previously introduced permanent gel in the area of ​​proposed injections;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Important Notes:

  1. A test sample before the first procedure of introducing the Collost gel is required.
  2. Patients who follow a vegetarian diet sometimes have allergic reactions to the protein component of the bioplastic collagen material.
  3. Light makeup is acceptable after the procedure no earlier than 6 hours later.
  4. Until the swelling subsides, papules and redness disappear, you should protect the skin from strong heat exposure (do not sunbathe in the open sun or in a solarium) and do not overcool.
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