Laser facial hair removal: its features and advantages

From this article you will learn:
  • What are the differences between laser hair removal and other types of hair removal and depilation?
  • What are the benefits of laser hair removal for the face?
  • How to prepare for laser hair removal of the face and how the procedure goes
  • How to care for your face after laser hair removal
  • What are the features of male laser hair removal

Unwanted facial hair is a problem not only for men, but also for women. Hair in this area looks unsightly and spoils even a very attractive appearance. Laser hair removal is one of the most modern, popular and effective ways to eliminate this problem. What this procedure is, what contraindications and consequences exist, you will learn from our article.

What is laser facial hair removal?

The face is the calling card of every person, and especially women. What methods do modern representatives of the fair sex resort to in order to get rid of unwanted hair? This includes the use of razors and the use of various depilatory creams and wax strips. It’s only after such methods of exposure that the hairs on the face grow faster and become even tougher.

Laser hair removal is a popular modern technique that is used not only by women, but also by men in the fight against unwanted hair.

The essence of the procedure is that the device is pointed at the hair follicle and a flash occurs. The laser beam, passing through the hair, reaches the bulb and heats the melanin pigment located in it. The hair follicle overheats and is destroyed. After a short period of time, the hair weakens. It is worth noting that adjacent tissues are not damaged.

Laser facial hair removal is not recommended for everyone. The patient's color type plays an important role. This method of getting rid of unwanted hair is suitable for people with natural hair color from light brown to dark.

The darker the hairs, the better they are removed. The laser will not remove very light and gray hair, since they contain too little melanin necessary for the beam to act.

The operation of the device does not apply to all follicles. Some of them are inactive, in a state of rest or growth. Therefore, to completely remove hair, more than one procedure will be required. The exact number of sessions is determined by a specialist depending on the individual characteristics of a particular person and his skin. On average, four to nine treatments every 7 to 10 weeks are sufficient for most women.

Clients with sensitive skin note that the procedure is absolutely painless. In rare cases, a slight burning sensation may occur. In such situations, the affected area is treated with painkillers. The laser hair removal procedure takes approximately 35–40 minutes.

Among the popular female zones for this manipulation are:

  • hairline;
  • forehead;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • cheeks;
  • so-called sideburns;
  • ears;
  • nose (surface and mucous membrane);
  • upper lip (antennae);
  • chin;
  • neck.

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-Why is laser hair removal for blonde hair considered special?

-Removing blonde hair is a special case. All known methods of hardware hair removal (photo, elos, laser) work on the same principle: a stream of radiation is directed at the hair, which is absorbed by its dark pigment - melanin. The difference between them is only in the type of radiation and its power. From the school physics course, everyone knows that black color absorbs light rays as much as possible and converts them into thermal energy. Because of this, dark objects heat up more than others.

During the process of hair removal, such a temperature regime and such an energetic effect are created that irreversibly destroy the hair follicle, which provides its nutrition. The more melanin in the hair, the darker it is, accordingly, the more it heats up and the better it accumulates energy that destroys follicles. Blonde hair reflects most of the radiation, so many devices simply cannot cope with it. The same applies to fine hair, which also contains little melanin.

Differences between laser facial hair removal and depilation

Most representatives of the fair sex believe that depilation and hair removal are identical procedures. Although in fact they only have one thing in common: they involve getting rid of unwanted hair. At the same time, their methods of influence are completely different.

Depilation is a mechanical method of removing that part of the hair that is located above the skin. Even though the vegetation is removed by the roots, it grows back quite quickly, since the bulb remains intact.

The main disadvantages of depilation are the short-term effect and some undesirable consequences, including ingrown hairs, irritation and inflammatory processes.

Depilation includes shaving, using depilatory creams, sugaring, etc.

Epilation is a more complex procedure in which a destructive effect is exerted on the hair follicle, resulting in the overgrowth of the hair canal and, accordingly, the cessation of hair growth.

During the manipulation, damage to the follicle occurs, which is safe for the patient, but detrimental to the vegetation, which subsequently impedes its growth. For a lasting effect, you will need a course of 5–10 sessions. It will require a significant amount of time and financial costs.

There are such types of hair removal as electro-, photo-, laser.

The depilation procedure is cheaper, and this is perhaps its only advantage, but it also needs to be done more often.

Read material on the topic: Types of cosmetology: pros and cons of various services and procedures, indications and contraindications for them

Skin care after laser hair removal

At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist gives recommendations on what can and cannot be done during the rehabilitation period:

  • you need to treat the skin 1 - 2 days after the session with Penthenol or other similar compounds;
  • do not sunbathe for 2 weeks;
  • Continue taking antiviral drugs for another 3–4 days;
  • limit physical activity for a week;
  • walks in the fresh air are welcome, but subject to applying a sunscreen with an SPF level of 30 - 50 to the skin;
  • It is better to postpone aggressive and alcohol-containing cosmetics for 2 weeks;
  • for 7 – 10 days it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna, public swimming pool;
  • stop drinking alcohol for a week;
  • If the hairs grow back, you can carefully cut or shave them.

It is not always possible to get rid of excess hair above the upper lip in one session. It is necessary to properly plan the period of the procedure, since in the summer increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation is undesirable.

Pros and cons of laser facial hair removal

In the modern world, smooth skin can be achieved in different ways. A variety of procedures in beauty salons, creams and other options allegedly guarantee complete elimination of unwanted hair for a long time. But reviews from satisfied clients indicate that only laser facial hair removal for women can really do this. It is a priority technique among all existing ones. This is due to the fact that this procedure has many more advantages than disadvantages.

The presence of the following advantages of this manipulation forces thousands of women to resort to this particular method of removing facial hair:

  1. Safe point influence. The laser beam affects only the hairs themselves and their follicles, without affecting the skin. The procedure does not cause allergic reactions, irritation, or inflammatory processes.
  2. Relative or complete painlessness of manipulation. During the session, only a slight tingling sensation is possible, the presence and strength of which depends on individual sensitivity. To reduce discomfort as much as possible, there are various painkillers and anesthetics available.
  3. Sustainable results and no rehabilitation period. A full course of procedures can eliminate unwanted facial hair for several years.
  4. Improving the general condition of the skin. The complexion after laser hair removal looks smoother, and ingrown hairs with blackheads disappear. You will notice the difference yourself by looking at the before and after photos.

Laser facial hair removal is not a cheap procedure. This is its obvious disadvantage. The price depends on the degree of hair growth in the treated area and the choice of device for treatment.

In addition, there may be side effects and complications, such as burns and scars. They arise if recommendations are not followed during the preparatory and postoperative periods or due to insufficient qualifications of the cosmetologist.

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Removing unwanted hair permanently: a review of methods

Destroying the hair follicle or limiting its nutrition in order to reduce hair growth has become possible today thanks to modern equipment and technologies: • Photoepilation - permanent removal of unwanted hair using photo flashes, allows you to destroy the hair follicle and stop hair growth. The presence of severe pain is the main drawback, due to which only a few can complete the entire course of procedures. • Electrolysis – burning of hairs with an electric discharge. The process is painful and not always effective when the follicles are deep. • Laser hair removal is a method that is highly effective, but not all lasers can permanently remove unwanted hair due to the presence of too light (gray) hair or increased pain sensitivity. The latest generation diode laser LightSheer DUET has the widest range of capabilities in this regard.

Types of lasers for facial hair removal

Currently, there are different types of devices designed for specific hair and skin types. The lasers themselves differ in their wavelength: the longer it is, the greater the penetration depth and, accordingly, the efficiency.

The most popular types of lasers used in cosmetology are:

  • diode;
  • alexandrite;
  • ruby.

The ruby ​​laser is the oldest among those presented. Its beam can only remove dark hair and only on light skin. Lighter hairs do not allow the wavelength and power to be removed, and when used on dark skin, swelling and pigmentation may occur.

The Alexandrite laser replaced the ruby ​​laser. It is more powerful. The maximum effect can be achieved on light skin without tanning, but if the parameters are set incorrectly, there is a risk of getting a burn. It does not remove light hairs. Possible pain.

The diode laser is in greatest demand. Its power and precision of radiation allow the procedure to be carried out even on tanned skin and guarantee complete destruction of the hair follicle in four to five visits to the specialist.

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When deciding which type of laser to give preference to, you should set your priorities correctly. If you want to save money, then it would be wiser to opt for alexandrite - it is more effective than its predecessor (ruby). But if you have dark skin or blond hair, then simply throw your money away - such a laser will not be able to help you. The golden mean in the matter of choice will be diode. It shows good results of the procedure at a reasonable cost.

But no matter what option you choose, when going for the procedure, be sure to make sure that the specialist who will perform laser hair removal on the face is sufficiently qualified and that the establishment has the appropriate license. Don't hesitate to ask to see documents. This will in no way affect professionals, and will save your nerves, health and finances.

Progress of the procedure

The session for removing excess vegetation above the upper lip is carried out in stages:

  1. The patient is placed in a comfortable chair.
  2. If necessary, the doctor will use a local anesthetic in the form of a spray or ointment.
  3. The cosmetologist and the patient wear special glasses to protect the retina from the effects of the laser.
  4. The skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  5. The doctor applies a contact gel to the treated area.
  6. The cosmetologist sets up the equipment (wavelength 810 nm), using the device to apply a laser beam to areas with hair. The patient may feel a slight tingling sensation.
  7. Upon completion, the skin above the upper lip is treated with a healing and softening agent, for example, Panthenol.
  8. After 20–30 minutes, the procedure is completed and the client can go home.

The essence of removing excess vegetation is that the laser has a thermal effect on melanin and the follicle, destroying it along with the feeding vessel. Healthy tissues are not affected.

The following types of laser systems are used for hair removal:

  • alexandrite - suitable for vegetation of moderate pigmentation, light skin type;
  • neodymium – greater depth of influence, suitable for dark, coarse hairs (helps get rid of vascular lesions, hyperpigmentation, freckles);
  • diode - used for both light and dark skin.

The following brands are included in the ranking of the best devices for hair removal procedures:

  • Fotona;
  • Zollaser;
  • Candela
  • Nordlys;
  • 1S PRO and others.

Almost all modern equipment is equipped with a cooling system. The most effective are the air Cooling Compatible and the dynamic cryogenic Dynamic Cooling Device. During the procedure, a stream of cold air or a low dose of cryogen is applied to the treatment area, due to which the skin temperature becomes optimal and the risk of burns is minimal.

Contraindications for laser hair removal on the face

Laser facial hair removal, in addition to its advantages, has certain contraindications and consequences. Therefore, before deciding on it, you should consult a doctor.

Among the contraindications are the following:

  • chronic skin diseases;
  • tan obtained under the sun or in a solarium;
  • accumulation of moles or birthmarks on the face in the treatment area (there is a risk of degeneration into low-quality neoplasms);
  • varicose veins on the face or neck;
  • influenza or ARVI at the time of the procedure;
  • damaged skin at the site of intended impact;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 17 years;
  • impaired pigmentation, low contrast between the shade of hair and skin.

These contraindications do not constitute a complete ban on laser hair removal of the face.

However, there are diseases for which the procedure cannot be performed, among them:

  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin ailments such as herpes, dermatitis, lichen, etc.;
  • psychical deviations;
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  • intolerance by the patient's body to laser radiation.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

Benefits of the procedure

Laser facial hair removal has been very popular among the fair sex for many years. This procedure has many advantages, the main ones being:

  • painless epilation;
  • eliminates the possibility of infection or scarring;
  • Hair removal takes a little time;
  • hair does not grow in after epilation;
  • the result appears immediately after hair removal;
  • the effect lasts for several years;
  • the procedure does not irritate the skin.

Preparing for the hair removal procedure

Laser hair removal of facial hair requires careful and systematic preparation on the part of the client. There are cases when the master refuses to perform the procedure because the patient did not follow the recommendations. Neglect in this matter can lead to the manipulation being either dangerous or useless.

One day before the laser hair removal procedure, shave the hair in the area planned for treatment. The master will not begin the session until this is completed, so it is better to do everything at home in a comfortable environment.

This preparation is necessary to prevent thermal damage to the dermis during laser exposure, since hair on the surface of the skin will absorb the energy of the concentrated light beam.

Women should not use cosmetics and care products on the day of the procedure, especially those containing natural and synthetic oils. They create a protective film on the surface of the hairs and skin and can cause interference with the laser or lead to undesirable consequences during radiation, such as irritation, chemical burns, etc.

Avoid drinking coffee or strong tea during the day, as caffeinated drinks increase sensitivity to pain.

During the preparation period, you should not take tetracycline antibiotics.

Strictly adhere to the following recommendations from cosmetologists to avoid side effects (burns, irritation and hyperpigmentation):

  • Two months before the procedure, you should stop using bleaching products for skin and hair, and abandon all “deep” methods of hair removal (sugaring, waxing, trading, electrolysis, waxing).
  • Two weeks before the session, all types of sun exposure to the skin are prohibited. Do not sunbathe or visit a solarium, as this can cause pigmentation and burns after hair removal.
  • Three days before the procedure, all manipulations that irritate the skin surface are prohibited: exfoliation, acid peeling, as well as treatment of the intended treatment area with alcohol-containing products.

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How does a laser affect the face during laser hair removal for women?

Hair removal occurs using a laser beam. It comes in different lengths and power. The level of exposure depends on the device settings.

The power can only be determined by a specialist, taking into account the client’s skin and hair type.

Laser pulses are able to affect different depths where the follicle is located. Under the influence of heat, melanin in the bulb is destroyed. The vessels that feed the hair are also destroyed. After this, the hair falls out on its own.

Laser facial hair removal

The procedure begins with the patient being seated on a couch and asked to wear dark glasses to protect her eyes from the negative effects of the laser on vision.

Next, the sequence of actions of the doctor is as follows:

  1. The cosmetologist cleanses the area of ​​the face that is to be treated with a laser from decorative and medicinal cosmetics with a special product.
  2. The doctor adjusts the device so that its radiation suits your skin type.
  3. The specialist uses the device to apply flashes to the desired areas.
  4. At the end of the procedure, soothing and emollient agents are applied to the skin to relieve irritation and prevent side effects.
  5. Patients with a low pain threshold are prescribed treatment of the dermis with lidocaine and a special gel.

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Laser treatment is recommended if you have excess facial hair. Most often, women prefer to get rid of such a defect as a mustache above the upper lip, but the technique is also used for men. Causes of excessive facial hair growth:

  • hormonal imbalance – with abnormal testosterone production;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • improper diet – passion for foods that contain a high percentage of carbohydrates;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • hirsutism (increased hair growth of the androgenic type).

The appearance of a mustache above the upper lip can also be caused by certain types of decorative or skincare cosmetics that contain hormonal components.

Rehabilitation period and care after the procedure

Despite the fact that the laser facial hair removal procedure is safe and does not affect the skin, it is still a medical procedure. This is stressful for the skin, and it needs additional protection. During the rehabilitation period, doctors advise carrying out skincare procedures to soothe the dermis and moisturize it to avoid irritation and dryness.

To do this, the cosmetologist gives recommendations that must be followed.

You should treat the affected area with a moisturizer prescribed by a specialist. The laser hair removal procedure is not a contraindication for the use of cosmetics that care for the skin of the face. Therefore, it is possible to carry out daily preventive manipulations, such as washing, peeling, and nourishing masks.

The advantage of hair removal using laser hair removal is that the beam does not have any effect on the skin, but it heats it up, so redness or peeling in the treatment area is possible. Don't worry. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon and only indicates that the follicles have absorbed the energy of the laser beam. In addition, some of the laser flash energy is somehow “spent” on the dermis, hence the skin reaction. Proper care will help cope with these unpleasant consequences.

The rules for skin care during the rehabilitation period include the following:

  1. Use nourishing and moisturizing products.
  2. Do not use decorative and medicinal cosmetics for three days.
  3. You should not visit a solarium or sunbathe for the first two weeks.
  4. Use sunscreen SPF 20–30 for 10–14 days if the procedure was carried out in the summer.
  5. During the first three days, it is prohibited to visit baths, saunas, take a hot bath, wet the treated area and massage it.
  6. Do not pluck out the burnt ends of the hairs that remain on the surface. The follicle will die within one to three weeks.

Do not pull your hair after laser hair removal. Many women want to see the perfect result right away, and they take up tweezers. But dying hairs should fall out on their own. And after plucking, the open pore can become a breeding ground for infection.

After about a month, new hairs will begin to appear, lighter and thinner. Then the procedure can be repeated.

Laser hair removal of unwanted facial hair will not solve the problem in one session. How many are needed is determined by the doctor, taking into account the color of the epidermis and hairs, their thickness, and the thickness of the hair.

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Photos before and after

  • Service Price before discount Price
  • Upper lip RUB 2,500 RUB 1,875
  • Chin RUB 2,500 RUB 1,875
  • Interbrow RUB 1,600 1,200 rub.
  • Forehead 2,400 rub. 1,800 rub.
  • Temporal region RUB 1,700. RUB 1,275
  • 1 cheek 2,400 rub. 1,800 rub.
  • Upper lip + cheeks + temporal region + chin RUB 6,500 RUB 4,875
  • Ears RUB 2,350 RUB 1,762.5
  • Neck RUB 2,850 RUB 2,137.5
  • Facial hair removal for men:
  • Face above the upper lip (male) RUB 3,000. RUB 2,250
  • Chin (men) 3000 rub. RUB 2,250
  • Interbrow area (men) 2000 rub. 1,500 rub.
  • Forehead (male) 3000 rub. RUB 2,250
  • Temporal region (male) 2500 rub. RUB 1,875
  • 2 cheeks (male) 6000 rub. 4,500 rub.
  • Upper lip + cheeks + temporal region. + chin (men) 10,500 rub. RUR 7,875
  • Cheekbones (men) 3500 rub. RUB 2,625

Our specialists

  • Elena Georgievna GrishinaGeneral Director, Head of the Medical Department of the Clinic

  • Kirina Maria Nikolaevna

  • Drozdova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Side effects from laser hair removal

Among the main causes of complications after a laser facial hair removal session, two main ones can be identified. The first is patients’ non-compliance with post-procedure care recommendations. The second is the doctor’s mistakes, which include:

  • incorrect diagnosis, especially when determining the condition and phototype of the skin;
  • not entirely correct choice of radiation parameters and laser type;
  • incomplete information of the patient about the manipulation, its results and post-procedural care;
  • imperfection of the technique of working with a laser (poor quality training).

If the equipment parameters are incorrectly set, laser hair removal on the face can have side effects.

These include the following:

  1. Skin pigmentation disorders and burns that occur when there is a fresh tan or a high laser beam power.
  2. Increased sensitivity, which may occur if you are already predisposed to it.
  3. Increased hair growth in areas adjacent to the epilated area. This occurs due to uneven distribution of the laser beam or due to the incompetence of the doctor who incorrectly adjusted the device.

Any laser is a very complex medical equipment that requires a qualified approach. In addition to the quality of the device itself, it is important that the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor.

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How does a laser work?

The action of a laser for hair removal is to act on the melanin contained in the hair. The more melanin, the better the effect of the procedure. This is important to remember, because there are hairs of different colors on the face - from completely gray (not a single laser will take them) to dark (ideal target!).

By absorbing radiation energy, the hair is heated from the inside, right down to the root, which causes the destruction of the feeding vessel of the follicle. The follicle (root) is destroyed and hair no longer grows.

The most modern and most efficient

CANDELA GentleLase Pro is the latest, third generation of alexandrite lasers. This model really shows amazing results, which has earned it its popularity.

Patients come to us after using other salons and clinics and other devices, getting results after the very first hair removal session; they understand the difference from their own example!

Telephone consultation is always free!

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Features of male facial hair removal

More recently, facial hair on a man was considered a sign of brutality. However, fashion has changed, and laser facial hair removal for men is becoming an increasingly popular way to get rid of unwanted hair every year. Its most important advantages are the long-term effect and the ability to completely get rid of vegetation after a certain number of procedures.

Men often resort to laser hair removal on their face to:

  • straighten the hairline;
  • eliminate vegetation in hard-to-reach areas (nose and ears);
  • completely remove facial hair in case of irritation from daily shaving;
  • create the perfect growth line for your mustache, beard or sideburns.

Laser facial hair removal is necessary for representatives of the stronger sex to solve problems such as:

  • painful irritations, cuts and red spots that occur after shaving;
  • ingrown hairs;
  • increased bristle stiffness;
  • asymmetry of the hairline;
  • intense sweating.

If you are a supporter of smooth facial skin and are tired of daily morning shaving, laser hair removal will help you. After completing a course of procedures, you will forget about interfering vegetation, and the dermis in the treated areas will be free of rashes, ingrown hairs and irritation.

The procedure for laser facial hair removal for men is as follows:

  1. Using a special cosmetic pencil, the doctor applies small lines or dots for guidance or outlines the desired shape of hair growth.
  2. To anesthetize the area, either cryogel is used (if space allows), or a thin nozzle of the device equipped with a cooling nozzle.
  3. After agreeing with the client on the expected result, the cosmetologist trims the area and begins laser treatment.
  4. When using the device on the entire face, the cosmetologist can change attachments from time to time in order to get as close to the hard-to-reach area as possible.

If in women the most problematic area is the area above the upper lip and eyebrows, then in men the hard stubble turns into a thick mustache and beard. After the first procedure, representatives of the stronger sex manage to get rid of 30% of facial hair. Subsequent hair will grow back more slowly and thinner.

It is possible to completely get rid of hair in the face and neck area in 9–10 sessions. Laser hair removal is also suitable for those men who want to maintain a beautiful beard shape: with the help of a laser, a cosmetologist will be able to remove unnecessary hair while maintaining a neat design.

Men, like women, definitely need post-procedure skin care. Sunscreen should be applied to the face regardless of what time of year the session was done.

Preference should be given to products containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, as these substances are the most reliable filters. When in the sun, sunscreen should be “renewed” on the skin at least every two hours. After laser hair removal, this product must be used for at least three months.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

— What kind of laser do you use?

— We love working on alexandrite; there is also a device for Elos Plus hair removal (we were the first in Russia to have the latest, fastest Elos), there is a Cynosure multiplex (Alexandrite and neodymium in one platform), Light sheer duet and others - we are the only clinic with all types of laser hair removal on the market, this allows a laser hair removal specialist to solve any problem.

By the way, what else is good about alexandrite - there is no contact with the skin, which means we can treat mucous membranes, labia, ears, nostrils, we can get close to the eyelid area (if we talk about removing thin light vellus hair on the face), lip area, nipple halos , fingers.

— How many procedures do you need to undergo to get results?

— On average, this is five to six procedures. But it’s impossible to predict exactly how much you will have. It can be from 4 to 15. This can be influenced by endocrine disorders - for example, polycystic ovary syndrome can provoke hair growth.

But - I have been doing laser hair removal for eight years. Sometimes I hear that some type of hair cannot be epilated - but I haven’t seen this, honestly. Either these are incorrectly set parameters, or imperfect equipment that was not carried out maintenance, the nozzle or lamps were not changed. If everything is done correctly, the hair is not gray or red, then we almost always get a good effect.

- What can you expect?

— Positive dynamics during the procedures: hair falls out, its structure changes, it becomes thinner and lighter. Their growth slows down between treatments. If you shave your armpits and legs every day, you will rarely do so between procedures.

But you must understand that there is no 100 percent result. Not from any method. After completing a laser course, you can turn to electrolysis to finish off single hairs. Or come once every six months for maintenance procedures. Or use a home photoepilator at home as support.

— Can pregnancy and hormonal changes in the body cause hair to grow back?

— From practice, I will say that pregnancy, as a rule, stimulates hair growth. But no one’s hair has ever returned to the same extent as before the procedures. Serious hormonal imbalances can affect the results, yes.

- These procedures are constantly advertised as getting rid of hair forever.

- It is not true. This doesn't happen. In America they talk about temporary hair removal. This is all false advertising.

And this thing costs several million rubles

— Why not do electrolysis on the whole body, if you may have to turn to it anyway?

— Electrolysis also does not provide a 100% guarantee. And then, it hurts. If during laser hair removal there is airflow and there is no contact with the skin, then during electrolysis an electrode is inserted into the skin. Through this thin needle we send a current that destroys the follicle. This is very long and unpleasant. Crusts remain, if there is a tendency to scarring, scars may remain, especially in the area of ​​the upper lip and on the chin. I have patients 50-60 years old who removed hair in these areas by electrolysis 20 years ago - and now they come to me because the hair has begun to grow almost twice as much. So all methods do not provide a guarantee. But electrolysis remains the method of choice for gray and very fine blond hair.

— How is elos technology different?

— This technology was invented by the Israelis about 10 years ago. This is the synergy of two energies - the radio frequency range of high-frequency current and photoepilation. Here, too, energy is absorbed by the melanin pigment, selective photothermolysis - and the current is a conductor that provides additional heating of the follicle. From experience, men's coarse hair lends itself better to elos hair removal. When it comes to very coarse hair in the bikini area and armpits or light brown hair - too. Sometimes we combine elos and alexandrite in the course of procedures. There are studies that Elos helps with gray hair, but the result is 50/50. Not all patients are willing to pay money for 50/50.

It's not me in the photo, if anything -)

— What are the contraindications for laser hair removal and elos?

- Oncological diseases - if there is a history of oncology, we ask for additional permission from the oncologist. In Israel and Germany, they treat this more simply - you have completed the course of chemotherapy, you can go for laser hair removal. But we either ask for a doctor’s opinion or see patients one and a half to three years after chemotherapy. An absolute contraindication is the presence of a pacemaker; elos can disrupt its rhythm. Also, an absolute contraindication is tanning less than two weeks before the procedure (not only in the sun, but also in a solarium). Contraindications are pregnancy and lactation, but this is questionable and is discussed with the patient. We also refuse patients any damage to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure, herpetic rashes, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema. Taking Roaccutane is a contraindication; the procedure can cause pigmentation. Also - a tendency to keloids. We also refuse treatment for such serious diseases as scleroderma and lupus erythematosus.

- What are the complications?

— Stimulation of hair growth when it comes to fine vellus hair on the face. I warn patients that instead of fine hair, denser male-type hair may begin to grow - and not only in the treatment area. From experience, this happens in a fairly large percentage of patients: for example, I removed hair on the chin, but it started growing on the neck and I have to go and remove it. Patients seem to understand this, but now it’s the seventh or eighth procedure and they start to panic. Stimulation of growth also occurs on the shoulders and shoulder joint - I have not seen it anywhere else.

Side effect is burns. These will be red spots that will then turn into brown crusts for 7-14 days. Then, pigmentation disturbances may appear at the site of the crust for several months. Here it is important to look at what powers were set and whether the patient was honest with the doctor. Because sometimes they want to remove hair so much that they don’t warn about the sunburn or ten minutes in the solarium last week.

The side effect is scarring, but on alexandrite this should be very high power and the patient’s predisposition to scarring is extremely rare.

As a rule, the problem is understatement: the patient did not tell the whole truth, believes that a solarium is not tanning in the sun, takes antibiotics, antidepressants, contraceptives (they can provoke pigmentation).

— Is it possible to do laser hair removal in the summer?

— There are no seasonal restrictions if the patient uses SPF cream and does not sunbathe.

— What preparation is needed?

— With elos hair removal, we shave the hair short; with laser hair removal, you can leave the hair length 1-2 mm. If you did waxing or sugaring before laser, then your hair will need to grow back - this will take two to four weeks.

— What happens after the procedure?

— Firstly, a normal reaction is slight redness, swelling, itching, peeling for a couple of days. Then, within 7-14 days, the hair falls out - either bleached, burned, or curled. They die inside the skin and after a few days the skin pushes them out. Sometimes patients are very worried after the first procedure when they cannot wait for the hair to fall out. But there is no need to worry about this. While the hair is growing and has not yet fallen out, use a razor or depilatory cream (but not wax). Gradually the hair will fall out.

— How often are procedures done?

- On the bikini, armpits, upper lip area, chin, linea alba, thighs - 4-6 weeks, since the hair growth cycle is short here. Legs – 6–8 weeks. But each time the cycles will lengthen and the gap between procedures will become longer. As a result, bikini hair removal will take from 6 to 12 months, and legs will take from 6 months to 2 years.

How did the procedures go for me?

The very first procedure, in April - on my shins and armpits - was done by Karina Musaeva herself. The laser is in a separate room at the clinic with warning signs on the doors. You must sign informed consent (every time before the procedure, and not just when you come for the first time). Be sure to wear goggles to protect your eyes. Your hair needs to be shaved the day before, and if you are going for waxing, you need to let it grow (my bikini area and I were sent out for another week).

Treatment of the shins is generally a painless procedure. Yes, it is a little unpleasant, it burns somewhere, it hurts more where it is closer to the bone. But in general, it’s tolerable and you don’t have to hold the sheet under you in your hands.

The armpits are more painful, the burning effect is felt much more strongly. But since the area is small, it is processed quickly. Immediately after the treatment, the doctor applies a soothing Panthenol spray - I then buy it at the pharmacy to take home to use in the next couple of days (but to be honest, since nothing hurts or peels, it just lies around unused).

I get the most vivid impressions from laser bikini hair removal, which I attend a week later. They shave off my hair with a trimmer, the doctor says something like “Well, God bless you” - and ahhhh. It hurts both in the groin area and on the stomach, and when it comes to outbreaks on the mucous membranes, you generally want to beg for mercy. If there is something of BDSM in deep bikini waxing (I read in the revelations of one cosmetologist that some of her patients even like it), then you still need to look for perverts for this procedure -). Feels like you are being hit with something scalding hot. The whole thing is accompanied by the smell of burnt hair -) However, I won’t scare you again - everything can be survived, I didn’t ask for pain relief, I didn’t take ketorol the day before, but the power was turned off a couple of times - yes.

Was there any effect after the first procedure? Yes, it was immediately noticeable on my armpits - the hair began to grow more slowly and I began to shave it less often. My shins didn't give in like that - at first something fell out there imperceptibly, but after about six weeks it began to tingle with might and main again. After the first procedure, I saw the least effect on the bikini area - after two weeks it began to grow back, and seven weeks later, before my vacation in Corfu, I gave up on everything and had waxing.

The second procedure was supposed to take place in May, but right before it I ended up in the hospital. And when I left it, I went on a press tour, and then immediately went on vacation. Sunbathe -). I tried to sign up for the beginning of July, when I returned from Corfu, but the vigilant LLC administrators did not allow me to do this. “Are you going on vacation? - they said. — Will you sunbathe? Then we can only sign you up for mid-July!” “What pleasant severity,” I thought. So between the first procedure and the second I had a very long pause of almost three months, which is not recommended. If you have already started the course, observe the frequency, otherwise it is money wasted.

In August I underwent the third procedure on the same areas. The effect is pleasing - I shave my armpits probably once every 10 days, if not less often, my legs - rather out of habit and also rarely, there is also a clear effect there. Previously, by the evening after shaving, my armpits and shins would itch, so the effect is wow. The skin on the shins is glaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo They also treat the toes - so now even fluff doesn’t grow on them.

But the bikini, a hormone-dependent area, still doesn’t give up. There is less hair growing on the stomach and you can engage in the fascinating process of pulling out those that have already grown back but have not yet fallen out (in fact, they just “sit” in the skin - they can be taken out of it or “swept away”). But the deep bikini remains practically as it was, I don’t even see anything falling out there. At the last procedure, the doctor noted that my hair in this area is specific - transparent near the skin and reddish further (that is, all the same things that alexandrite no longer particularly works on) - and suggested that I undergo a couple of elos-epilation procedures next time . Since I want the same result as on the shins and armpits, I have already signed up -).


  • laser hair removal of deep bikini (Candela Lase Pro - alexandrite) - 5,500 rubles;
  • laser hair removal of legs - 8,000 rubles;
  • laser hair removal of knees - 2600 rubles;
  • laser hair removal of armpits - 2800 rubles.

There is a subscription system. For example:

  • laser hair removal of legs - 60,000 rubles for 4 procedures for six months (plus armpits and bikini line as a gift);
  • laser hair removal for bikini - 22,000 rubles for 4 procedures for six months (plus armpit hair removal as a gift).

And there are special promotions:

  • hair removal of legs (hips, knees, legs) - bikini line and armpits as a gift - 15,000 rubles for everything (for new clients).

All prices can be viewed here, special offers - here.

Laser Lounge Clinic 495 374 84 10

Address: per. Shchetinsky, 12, metro station Polyanka. Opening hours: 9.00 – 21.00.

Starting in September, the clinic will move to Taganka (20 Vorontsovskaya St.) and will be called LazerJazz.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the procedure depends on the area being treated, the prestige of the clinic or salon, the laser used, and the number of flashes.

Average prices for hair removal:

  • whole face - 3600 - 9000 rubles;
  • chin - 1500-2500 rubles;
  • cheeks - 2500-4500 rubles;
  • axillary area - 3600-4500 rubles;
  • deep bikini - 4500-7000 rubles;
  • back - 7000-17000 rub.

How long does the effect last?

During the first session, not all hairs are removed. This is due to the specific nature of the appearance of vegetation. There are three stages of hair growth:

  • active;
  • dying off;
  • hair loss and the appearance of a new root.

All vegetation on the body goes through these stages in different ways, so the laser beam destroys only those hairs that are currently in the active phase - about 40%. In one session, exactly this amount of vegetation is removed, and to remove all of it, you will need to undergo from 3 to 7 procedures. The interval between them is about a month.

Completely smooth skin lasts for a period from 6 months to 5 years. It depends on the density, thickness of the hairs, and their growth characteristics. Since this area of ​​the face is considered hormone-dependent, hair removal will not provide a long-term effect if the problems arise. But in many cases, the excess hair above the upper lip becomes thinner, lighter, and eventually disappears forever.

The procedure for laser hair removal of the upper lip is rightfully recognized as the most effective. It allows you to eliminate cosmetic defects and at the same time has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The risk of complications is minimal, and the cost is from 900 rubles per session.

How is the procedure performed?

Hair removal can be done using several types of lasers. The diode appeared first. But it is outdated; alexandrite lasers are now popular. They are suitable for sensitive skin, even those of a naturally dark shade.

The procedure itself is as comfortable as possible for the client. The patient sits in a special chair or on a couch, and the cosmetologist begins manipulation on the specified area of ​​skin.

The procedure time depends on the area being treated and the type of laser. So, for example, epilation of the entire face will take no more than 15 minutes, a deep bikini area no more than 20 minutes, epilation of the back about 25 minutes.


Preparing for the procedure does not require much effort, but some rules should be followed:

  • do not epilate the skin 2-3 days before going to the salon (hairs should grow up to 3 mm);
  • in case of high sensitivity, apply anesthetic cream an hour before the procedure;
  • do not sunbathe, go to the solarium or use self-tanning for at least 10 days before the procedure;
  • If you used wax or sugaring before the procedure, then switch to the machine 2-3 months before laser hair removal.

Places of correction

Laser hair removal is not limited to one area of ​​the body. Hair removal areas are different:

  • face;
  • breast;
  • hands;
  • stomach;
  • intimate areas;
  • shoulders, back;
  • armpits;
  • small of the back;
  • buttocks;
  • legs, etc.

You can choose to epilate only the lower leg, thigh or entire leg.

Laser facial hair removal for men

Men with the help of a laser have the opportunity to get rid of fused eyebrows, ear hair, beards and mustaches, and sideburns. If we list all the areas of hair removal from the face, the list will look like this: eyebrows, temples, ears, chin, forehead, eyebrow area, cheekbones, nose and cheeks. You can order complete facial hair removal. The client can discuss what kind of hair removal he wants to get; only hairs that do not fit into the shape of the haircut or mustache will be epilated. Laser beard hair removal for men allows you to stop shaving.

Advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal procedures for men

More and more people are interested in men's laser hair removal. The technique has the following advantages:

  1. Long-term results. The skin remains smooth for many years. In some cases, it is possible to get rid of vegetation forever.
  2. During manipulation, the skin is not injured.
  3. No pain or discomfort.
  4. The method is safe, since the effect occurs directly on the follicle.
  5. Possibility to remove hair from any part of the face and body.

In addition to the positive aspects, there are also negative ones:

  1. Relatively high cost.
  2. The result becomes noticeable after a few sessions.
  3. The device is capable of eliminating only active bulbs. Dormant follicles are not affected.
  4. The technique is ineffective for gray hair.

For some men, there is another disadvantage. Since the hairs disappear for a long time, it becomes impossible to grow a beard if you want to.

In what cases is laser hair removal contraindicated for men?

Laser hair removal for men is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Oncological processes in the body.
  2. Violations of the integrity of the skin at the treatment site.
  3. Phlebeurysm.
  4. Age up to 18 years.
  5. The presence of moles in large numbers.
  6. Immunological pathologies.
  7. Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

If there are infectious diseases, the session will need to be postponed until complete recovery.

Indications and contraindications

The main medical indication for laser hair removal is excessive growth on the body and face. As a rule, men are more likely to laser hair removal from the neck, ears, shoulders, chest and face. However, there are a number of contraindications that do not allow laser hair removal: infectious diseases in the area of ​​the procedure, active sun exposure of the skin in the coming days before hair removal.

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