Peeling skin between fingers: photos, possible diseases, treatment

The appearance of cracks, redness or peeling on the skin of your fingers is a direct indication that you are not taking care of their condition. To prevent such problems from arising, it is necessary from time to time to make special masks, use creams, gels, nourishing oils and other preventive means. And yet, why does the skin on your fingers peel off, suddenly crack, peel, or simply turn red? As a rule, there are many reasons. But if you pay more attention to the condition of the skin on your fingers, you can avoid these troubles.

Traditional recipes for treating hand skin


: There is no need to use hormonal-based products. The inflammation will pass quickly, but the wounds will take a long time to heal. Hormones often slow down the healing process!

Cedar oil

or napkins (preferably linen) soaked in oil will help get rid of cracks forever. Masks made from the most common cucumbers, which deeply moisturize, and baths with high-quality oatmeal also work very well.

To treat your hands, you can take a bath for 10-15 minutes in the evening. Place your hands in it and relax. For the bath you can use the following recipes:

  • Linen bath.
    Boil 3 tbsp. l. flax seed in 0.5 liters of water;
  • Bath with starch
    . In a liter of warm boiled water, dilute 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • Oatmeal bath
    . Boil 100 g of chopped oats in 1 liter of water.

Decoctions with a mucous consistency will wonderfully relieve irritation, and skin elasticity will noticeably increase

. After the bath, dry your hands with a clean napkin and apply a rich nourishing cream.


After many procedures, cream should be applied to your hands. It should be fat. Then you will restore the protective film on the skin.

A good remedy for cracked hands, in addition to baths, are compresses.

Like these ones:

  • Mix ½ cup of honey, a teaspoon of salicylic acid, 1/2 cup of olive or sunflower oil
    into a homogeneous mass, heat slightly and spread on your hands. Wrap your hands in plastic and wrap a towel on top. After 20 minutes, wipe off the mixture with a cloth soaked in lemon juice.
  • Mix the yolk and juice of one lemon into a glass of sour cream.
    Apply the mixture to a gauze cloth, wrap your brushes in it, wrap it in cling film or plastic and wrap it in a towel for 15-20 minutes. Finally, wash your hands with water and apply cream.

There are also folk recipes for ointments for healing cracks in the hands.

This ointment will not only heal wounds, but also remove pus. Mix equal parts honey, butter, vodka and flour. Grind the mixture thoroughly, spread it evenly on gauze and apply to the sore spot for a long 4 hours. Mix one raw yolk, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of vinegar 9%

Apply and rub in gently. If the wounds on your hands are bleeding, first disinfect the oil: pour it into a glass bottle, put it in warm water, bring to a boil and leave it on low heat for 20 minutes. Pink ointment works great

Grind a small amount of petals in a blender. Add a tablespoon of goose fat. Place in the refrigerator for 4 days and use as directed.

Ointment for cracks on the fingers near the nails. She not only heals, but also relieves pain. Pour an impressive portion of celandine (dry or fresh; you will need a handful) with a glass of vegetable oil, wait until it boils and turn it off immediately. Once the pan has cooled, carefully stir in the natural wax (you will need a matchbox sized slab), return to the heat and leave until the wax has dissolved into your mixture. Remove from heat, pour into a clean jar and place in the refrigerator.


Causes of peeling skin on fingers

To get rid of such a problem as peeling skin on the fingers and peeling between the fingers, you first need to determine the cause of this disease, then only carry out the necessary procedures for treatment. People of any age can face this problem.

Let's figure out what factors cause peeling of the skin on the fingers and between the fingers:

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  • improper hand skin care. Hand care cannot be limited to just cream; hands need comprehensive care: cleansing, then nourishing and moisturizing. This is due to the fact that from the age of 25, aging processes begin to occur, and dehydration of the hands occurs;
  • lack of vitamins A and E. To replenish the body with missing vitamins, you just need to include foods rich in these vitamins in your diet. For example, vitamin A is found in foods such as apricots, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, green peas and parsley. The following foods are rich in vitamin E: corn, carrots, boiled eggs, potatoes, cheese.

Very often, a lack of vitamins can be a serious problem; the body simply may not absorb the vitamins found in food. Therefore, if your diet contains foods rich in vitamins A and E and the skin on your fingers is peeling, you should consult a doctor.

  • temperature fluctuation. This is typical in winter, when hands come from the cold into a heated room. Especially in autumn and winter, hands need careful care;
  • excess moisture. If your hands have frequent contact with water, you may experience peeling between your fingers. Dry your hands thoroughly after each wash. But to prevent peeling of your hands, it is recommended to drink plenty of water during the day;
  • skin diseases that require consultation with a dermatologist.

The skin on the child's fingers is peeling off.

The skin performs respiratory, protective, excretory, thermoregulatory and receptor functions. In children, it is usually very tender and elastic, and changes in its condition greatly worry the baby’s parents. Peeling skin on a child's fingers and toes is not only a cosmetic problem, but also a medical problem. Why does it occur and how to eliminate it?

Skin problems on the arms and legs of a child

Any change in a child’s skin should attract the attention of adults. This is especially true for parents of young children who do not yet know how to explain what is bothering them.

Various kinds of rashes, red spots appear on the arms and legs, the skin flakes and peels. The following problems may appear on the limbs:

  • redness of large areas of the skin;
  • small white, pink and red spots;
  • bubbles with clear liquid inside;
  • large star-shaped rashes;
  • papules;
  • peeling;
  • peeling of areas of the epidermis;
  • itchy dry rash;
  • inflamed subcutaneous bumps that itch;
  • purulent pimples;
  • large blisters;
  • rough spots.

Peeling of a newborn's foot due to improper care Causes of dry skin on the fingers, palms and feet
Various reasons lead to problematic skin on the extremities of a child. In infants, the skin on the feet and hands may become rough due to improper care or hypothermia. Babies are very sensitive to changes in the external environment, so hard water often leads to dry skin on the hands and feet.

In older children, the skin may begin to peel and peel due to exposure to wind, water and frost. With frequent contact with water, the skin between the fingers peels off. The lack of vitamins and microelements in the body and dry air in the nursery have an effect. The skin on the fingers, palms and feet flakes and peels as a result of the following reasons:

The initial stage of psoriasis on the fingers

  • Psoriasis. This disease looks like flaky white spots.
  • Vesicular infection. Appears on the feet.
  • Diabetes. The skin cracks on the tips, pads of the fingers and between them, and when pressed, it bursts.
  • Hyperhidrosis of the feet. It usually affects teenagers. Expressed in increased sweating of the feet.
  • Herpes zoster.
  • Genetic and hereditary diseases.
  • Contact injury.
  • Chemical, thermal, radiation damage.
  • Stress.
  • Hormonal imbalances in the body.
  • A sharp change in climatic conditions.

Diagnostic methods

If the skin on your child's fingers peels off, you should contact your pediatrician. It is impossible to treat the disease on your own, as incorrect therapy can aggravate the situation.

After examining and studying the medical history, the doctor will prescribe treatment or send the patient for a consultation with a dermatologist. To clarify the diagnosis, the following procedures may be necessary:

  • donate blood, urine and feces for analysis;
  • scraping;
  • examination to detect diseases of internal organs;
  • allergy tests;
  • X-ray of the chest organs;
  • biopsy of affected skin;
  • submit biological material for bacteriological culture.

Treatment of possible diseases

Treatment for skin problems depends on the cause that caused them:

  • If peeling of the feet and hands is caused by a lack of vitamins A, B, C, E, the doctor will prescribe a complex of vitamins and minerals and create a special menu for the child.
  • For allergic problems, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen and take antihistamines for 5-7 days.
  • Fungal infections on the skin can be eliminated using various creams and ointments. The drug is selected depending on the causative agent of the disease. Children are prescribed the drugs Radevit, Aekol, Mikozan, Clotrimazole. Apply ointments and creams to previously washed areas of the skin 2-3 times a day for 10-30 days. Therapy is combined with taking pills.

A prerequisite for restoring the skin is to increase immunity. For skin pathologies, patients are prescribed medications that strengthen the immune system. Local skin regenerating agents are used: Diaderm, oil solutions of vitamin A, D-Panthenol, Radovit. It is recommended to rub them in 2-3 times a day.

An important factor influencing recovery is hygiene. Hands and feet should be kept clean. In case of fungal diseases, it is necessary to buy your child clothes and shoes made from natural materials. The patient should have his own towel and bed linen, which must be washed in hot water to prevent relapse.

Why does my face peel?

Most often, women are interested in how to deal with the abundant separation of dead cells on the face. Doctors attribute this to the difference in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, compared to men and children.

The most common catalyst for an itchy and flaky face is a lack of sex hormones, which affects the elasticity of the skin. The level of the female sex hormone estrogen decreases during menopause and during internal failures. The situation is aggravated by inappropriate care products that worsen the appearance of the neck.

If you have sensitive skin, dandruff, as well as flaking of various locations, will be visible all year round. In order not to worsen their health, such patients even have to give up the usual drying with a towel. Instead, to avoid rashes in exposed areas, they are recommended to blot the body with a soft rag or napkins.

The easiest way to correct the situation is when it comes to peeling of cells in the surface layer of skin on the face and lower legs caused by vitamin deficiency. It is enough to simply take care of enriching the diet by including fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu that do not cause allergies in the patient.

You will also need to use vitamin and mineral complexes, which will also help remove acne. A trip to a cosmetologist will complete the picture. The specialist will recommend the best nourishing creams and folk remedies that are suitable for the specific person.

There are often cases when it turns out that the face is covered with rough scales due to an allergic reaction. It usually also includes redness. Irritation occurs not only due to aggressive toners or facial sprays, but even after sunbathing due to contact with open ultraviolet radiation.

To prevent the formation of white plaque, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • use only delicate products with a hypoallergenic effect;
  • apply moisturizer after each wash;
  • Use sunscreen according to the season.

Moreover, to increase its productivity, you will have to apply UV protection about half an hour before you are supposed to leave the room, this way you can prevent premature pigmentation, and your dermatologist will help you choose the right face cream.

Particular caution should be exercised when the eyelids are dry and covered with scales. In most cases, the presented clinical picture indicates a symptom of serious diseases, among which is trichinosis, which is caused by worms.

No less dangerous is the formation of a spot, which indicates incipient demodicosis. A little less often, the main culprit of swollen eyelids, in which a burning sensation is felt, is the eyelash mite.

In order not to wait until the moment when the problem gets out of control, you should immediately seek qualified help after discovering alarming signs. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of people who put off visiting a doctor for too long, which significantly worsened their quality of life. It is especially dangerous to delay the treatment of abnormalities in the upper and lower eyelids during pregnancy, adolescents, children, and adults with chronic diseases such as diabetes.

And even more so, you should not try to look for practical recommendations through the forum. Only a doctor can determine whether a patient has been infected by dangerous microorganisms or is lacking vitamins based on test results. He will also tell you how to eliminate the external manifestations of the disorder by drawing up an individual treatment course.

Internal reasons

Skin pathology is very often provoked by problems with internal organs, infections, dehydration, helminthic infestation, pathological processes and other issues.

Weakened immunity

Lack of vitamins and minerals greatly weakens the immune system. The appearance of the skin reacts especially acutely to vitamin deficiency of groups A and E, which are responsible for nourishing the dermis.

The immune system also weakens after long-term illnesses; staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria often take advantage of this moment.

The parasites that inhabit the human body also contribute to the undermining of human health by poisoning the body. If the skin on your hands begins to itch or peel, you should immediately carry out the necessary tests.


Genetic predisposition to dermatitis quite often causes diseases such as:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Eczema.

They most often express their symptoms on their hands. In this case, you can observe redness, cracking of the skin, and rejection of the upper layers of the dermis in large areas.

Hormonal disbalance

It is not uncommon that the skin begins to peel off due to hormonal imbalance caused by medications, both external and internal use. Hormonal imbalance is observed in pregnant and lactating women, also during menopause.

All adolescents during puberty may also notice peeling of the skin, redness, and peeling on their hands.

Allergic reaction

If the skin peels off on your hands, redness and severe itching are observed, this may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Any allergy in its companions often contains allergic dermatitis. The skin itches and peels, the palm becomes covered with cracks. The entire surface of the rash begins to peel off over time.

Main sources of peeling

Regardless of whether the victim is faced with the problem around the mouth or on the fingers, he will first need to make an appointment with a cosmetologist or even a dermatologist. Otherwise, local therapy, which simply includes a cream, some lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs, will be ineffective.

This is explained by the fact that in many victims, dryness along with necrosis of the epidermis does not appear at all due to the influence of harmful detergents and cleaning products. They are carriers of the ichthyosis gene, which manifests itself in the child at an early age. Pathology of a dermatological nature is often mistaken for traditionally dry skin.

In fact, ichthyosis is inherited, representing severe peeling, which occurs an order of magnitude more intensely than in those who did not receive the problematic gene. In addition to the fact that in men and women the torso is covered with a layer similar to artificial snow, the affected areas also periodically itch unbearably.

With such symptoms, only an experienced doctor can help get rid of the disease. Otherwise, the situation that has been ignored for years will get out of control, turning the body gray and white. The top layer is covered with small scales, which have a different color palette: from pearlescent to distinctly pink. In this situation, not a single mask or ointment made “according to grandma’s recipe” will help.

Difficulties are added by the fact that such staining with spots progresses constantly, only the localization of the new focus of inflammation changes. As soon as the slightest negative impact is exerted on the irritated area, the inflammation mechanism starts again. Against this background, many victims simply do not know what to do and how to remove unattractive manifestations at home, because even ordinary soap can provoke an exacerbation.

No less often, other dermatological diseases are the culprits of the abundant separation of superficial cells:

  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • dry erythema.

There are cases in medical practice when the skin near the eye, on the eyelids, elbows, nose, and palms is affected by a fungus that is diagnosed even in newborns. But adults are more often affected by the consequences of destabilization of chronic internal organs, possibly secondary syphilis.

The huge family of various dermatitis, which includes three main categories, deserves special attention:

  • atopic;
  • contact;
  • allergic.

All of these diseases result in the victim having to fight against excessive formation and subsequent accumulation of dead skin cells, which ends in traditional peeling.

If during the examination it turns out that the catalysts for deterioration of well-being are not cosmetics, but systemic ailments cause irritation, then therapy should be comprehensive. This means that you will first need to eliminate the lesion itself, and only then develop a treatment regimen for skin defects. Without detailed laboratory diagnostics, it is impossible to determine the treatment of the deviation.

Among the external influence factors, the most common culprits of peeling of the lips and other parts of the body are:

  • alcohol-based skin care products;
  • excessive passion for peeling;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as well as overdoing it with a solarium;
  • shower gels and shampoos inappropriate for skin type.

In second place is vitamin deficiency, which is equally common in women, infants, and representatives of the stronger sex. Here, the root of the problem should be sought in an acute lack of vitamin A. In addition to the fact that the lack of such a vital element in sufficient quantities leads to peeling in the groin and chin, its deficiency often provokes dryness of the eye shell. In advanced cases, the clinical picture is supplemented by pustular rashes, especially in children with weakened immune systems.

According to some studies, a lack of vitamin B2 also negatively affects the appearance of the skin, especially visible on the forehead, near the wings of the nose, on the cheeks, in or near the ears. Additional markers are the acquired purple tint of the tongue, as well as small cracks in the corners of the mouth, which no oil softens.

No less often, abnormalities of this kind on the eyebrows, feet, and between the legs cause various hormonal disorders. Most often, the general condition is disrupted by an imbalance of female sex hormones or thyroid hormones. Taken together or individually, this leads to a significant decrease in natural elasticity, even if the victim initially had oily skin. The most striking example of such a disorder is hypothyroidism, a disease in which the level of production of thyroid hormones is significantly reduced.

The situation is even worse for women during menopause, when, along with dry feet, more wrinkles appear, as well as sagging skin, which is no longer masked by scrubs and creams.

The skin on your fingers is peeling off, what diseases cause this?

All of the above points are only the most relatively safe and harmless reasons why the skin peels off on the fingers of adults and children. But there are also a number of dangerous dermatological diseases that can cause significant harm to human health. You need to know about them in order to sound the alarm in time and contact a dermatologist.

Dry eczema is one of the main reasons why the skin on the fingers peels off. The name itself already reflects the symptoms: the epidermis becomes too dry and begins to peel off. In this case, the patient constantly feels the desire to scratch the affected areas (in this case, these are the fingers). However, this should not be done to avoid infection.

Scabies is caused by the scabies mite, which parasitizes both on the surface of the skin and in the underlying tissues. Causes unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning, red dotted rashes, which are often localized on the back, abdomen, fingers and toes.

If you notice that your child’s skin is peeling off on the pads of his fingers, as well as on the back of his hands, be sure to examine his body for the presence of small “passages” under the skin: the presence of such marks will mean confirmation of the diagnosis of “scabies”. In this case, a consultation with a dermatologist is indicated. He will help you choose a safe, but at the same time safe, medicine to quickly get rid of the disease.

The skin on the tips of your fingers will peel off - perhaps this is candidiasis. Such a disease can affect not only a person’s genital organs, but also his skin. The disease is infectious in nature and can occur in both adults and children.

That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the warning signs of this pathology.

If the patient has peeling skin on the fingers, peeling, severe itching and an unbearable burning sensation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Cutaneous candidiasis is no less dangerous than genital candidiasis, so it must be treated in a timely manner so as not to infect others.

Peeling fingertips in children and adults are the main symptoms of a fungal infection. The fungus affects not only the nails and skin on the toes, but also the fingers. Especially often, the source of infection is located in the membranes between them, causing terrible itching, peeling, and an unpleasant odor

This dermatological disease is transmitted through close contact, therefore, when communicating with a small child, you must behave with extreme caution

The skin of babies is still too delicate; it is easily infected by all kinds of viruses or bacteria. If you notice that your child’s nails have turned yellow and the skin on the fingertips is peeling, it is necessary to carry out initial treatment of the affected areas. For this, an ordinary tangerine is used. It contains many useful acids that can have a detrimental effect on the fungus without causing any harm to the child’s epidermis. After treating your fingers with the juice of this citrus fruit, your baby’s hands should be lubricated with nourishing baby cream.

However, this procedure will help get rid of a fungal infection only in the early stages of its development. In a later phase it will not give the desired result.

Peeling on the arms and legs

Considering the abnormally large number of dying epidermal cells on the upper extremities, one will have to study a long list of their focal localization.

Most often, inflamed areas are found on:

  • brushes;
  • fingertips or fingertips;
  • bends near the elbow joints;
  • forearms;
  • wrists.

Occasionally, the inflammation progresses so much that it gradually spreads to the armpits and down to the abdomen.

Whatever rashes on the shoulders puzzle the victim, the first step is to eliminate aggressive chemicals from daily use. These can be either powders that leave marks even on the back, or cleaning products. Some particularly sensitive patients suffer even from simply drinking water that contains heavy particles.

But in this case, peeling will be observed not only on the nails and hands, but also near the thighs, on the chest, in the intimate area, because the whole body is washed with the same water. This is why doctors recommend not trying to mask peeling using foundation, and not looking for how to relieve the syndrome on their own, the name of which they do not know.

It is likely that the source of the skin disease prone to dryness was:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis of various origins.

When a patient’s attack begins suddenly, accompanied by itching and burning, then with a high degree of probability the diagnosis will include a mention of one of the types of dermatitis. Not only local lotions, but also medications will help cure it. A specialist will explain the algorithm for how to clean lamellar peeling with various tablets.

All the same things can be diagnosed for patients who are faced with problematic irritation of the heels, entire sole, and calves.

But if only the lower extremities are affected, the likelihood of a number of other diagnoses increases:

  • fungal infection;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • fluid deficiency.

For each individual case, special treatment regimens have been tested. Almost all courses of treatment for feet with peeling include mandatory intake of vitamins to support the functioning of the liver and blood vessels.

In rare cases, psychosomatics or cancer cannot be excluded. Oncological neoplasms of a benign and malignant type are detected even near the nipples, testicles, on the labia, buttocks, scrotum, penis, and around the anus. Therefore, if you notice strange peeling in the perineum along with itching, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to try to look for what an oncological lesion of the foreskin looks like, or to find out how herpes on the pubic part differs from mycosis.

Diagnosis should be entrusted to professionals who will conduct a thorough, in-depth analysis in order to then determine how to cure the pathology.

External factors for the appearance of cracks

Well-groomed girls try every day to give their palms a remarkable look by doing manicures and pedicures. But this is only part of the job, because it is useless to maintain the beauty of your nails when your skin is cracking.

There are several causes of cracking skin on the fingers:

Excessive contact of water with hands. The first and most common problem due to which the skin is subject to severe drying.

Household chemicals such as powder, cleaning detergent, acid and other chemicals negatively affect delicate fingers. Concentrates and solutions can corrode the inner layer of the epidermis and can cause irritation.

Effect of temperature change. At the tips of the pads or near the phalanges of the fingers, crackling is characteristic when changing from extreme heat to cold. There is a type of people whose outer layer cannot cope with hypothermia and instantly breaks, like a piece of ice.

Poor hygiene and care. In older women, the skin dries out and becomes more vulnerable to dirt, dust, wind and water. Without periodic use of protective creams, the situation will only get worse.

Particularly dangerous damage occurs when air and water are combined at the same time. Bloody wounds may then occur, which may allow a dangerous infection to pass through.

When using facial cosmetics, residue remains on the pads and causes drying and flaking. Also, low-quality and very cheap hand skin care ointments can cause allergies and backfire.

Lucky people are those who have never encountered this problem. But in old age, even the luckiest person gets fragile and wrinkled skin, especially on the hands.

Why does the epidermis peel off in winter?

In the cold season, the skin on the fingertips and even throughout the palm can peel off due to a lack of vitamins; in the summer and early autumn we get them in the proper quantities with freshly grown vegetables and fruits, and therefore we do not observe this problem. In this regard, you can choose a good vitamin complex or try to diversify your diet.

Wind, frost, dry indoor air - all this, of course, affects the skin of the hands, so it is worth taking a closer look at more nourishing creams for this area, and perhaps undergo a course of procedures aimed at maximizing the hydration of the epidermis.

Try to wear mittens indoors, so you won’t expose your skin to stress from temperature changes, and a little advice, buy gloves made of high-quality materials in which the skin will not simply rot, let it be natural wool or cotton.

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