Retinol for the face - what is it, what is it for, how to use


Retinol is a form of vitamin A, but this is what people call vitamin A in principle. For convenience, we will do this too. Retinol is a real star in cosmetology. Many people have heard that it is effective for almost all skin problems, but it must be used carefully. Let's find out all the details: why you need retinol for the face.

If we talk about retinol as a form of vitamin A, then this is the most easily absorbed form for skin cells. It is pure retinoic acid. There are other forms used in facial cosmetology: retinol palmitate, retinol acetate. They must first be transformed in the body, and only then act on cells.

Note: natural forms of vitamin A are used in cosmetology, and synthetic forms are used in pharmacology.

Beneficial properties of retinol

Retinoids, which include retinol acetate, interact with receptors in the epidermis and dermis, so the benefits of retinol in cosmetology are enormous:

  • Stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells. That is why, at the first time of use, a person feels that the skin becomes drier, tighter, and flaky. After some time, her condition stabilizes as the keratinized cells fall off;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, after which the pores narrow and inflammation disappears;
  • Activates fibroblasts - cells that produce collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. This allows you to get rid of excessive dryness, make wrinkles less pronounced, and increase the density of the dermis;
  • Acts as an antioxidant: protects cells from the negative effects of UV rays, relieves itching, redness, cleanses the epidermis of harmful accumulations (waste, toxins);
  • Stimulates blood microcirculation, metabolic processes, cell nutrition;
  • Increases the strength and elasticity of vascular walls. Helps defeat rosacea (vascular network);
  • Lightens pigment spots, evens out tone.

Retinol peeling cleanses pores of impurities and sebum, renewing the upper layers. With regular use, the product eliminates acne, which appears due to the accumulation of dead cells and hardened secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Retinol release form

Before using retinol acetate, you need to find out in what form it is available:

  • Oil solution for internal use. The concentration of the main component is different - 3.44% and 8.6%. It is drunk and also used for external use;
  • Soft gelatin capsules filled with an oily yellow liquid. They are taken orally or punctured and the solution is added to ready-made creams or added to home remedies;
  • Solution for injections. Its direct purpose is intramuscular injections, but the liquid is often used to prepare masks.

It is important to remember that the solution cannot be used in its pure form, as the likelihood of adverse reactions increases. To soften the aggressive effect of the concentrated vitamin, you need to combine it with other ingredients.

What it is?

In pharmacies, retinol acetate is sold in capsule form and is prescribed as part of complex treatment for rickets, some eye diseases, erosions and intestinal ulcers, bronchopulmonary problems and various lesions and skin problems.

The drug is an oil solution, since vitamin A is classified as fat-soluble. Retinol acetate is produced synthetically and does not destabilize as quickly as retinol. This allows you to preserve and use its properties in cosmetics.


The use of products with retinol acetate is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to various forms of vitamin A;
  • Damaged lipid barrier (water-fat layer that protects the dermis from moisture loss);
  • Photodamage to the skin (sunburn, photoallergic reactions, etc.);
  • Very sensitive skin that is prone to redness, tingling, irritation;
  • Open wounds with purulent contents.

Pregnant and lactating women can use vitamin A only after a doctor's approval. This is due to the fact that it can affect cellular structures containing DNA, disrupt the development of the fetus, and cause allergies in the infant.

You should be wary of the drainage effect of retinol acetate on the bile ducts or liver. If these organs are diseased, it is better to avoid products containing this component.

It is important to follow the dosage of the substance, otherwise severe itching, peeling, nausea, vomiting, headache, and hepatomegaly (enlarged liver) will occur. Cosmetologists advise starting with a dosage of 0.1 – 0.4%.

Before first use, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the wrist or elbow and leave for 30 minutes. If allergies do not appear, then the cream or mask can be used according to the instructions.

Cosmetics with retinol

Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise using professional products with a balanced formula that have passed dermatological control for facial care.
Effective creams based on retinol acetate:

  • Multiactive cream Blue Therapy Multi Defender SPF 25 provides protection against UV rays, makes wrinkles and age spots less noticeable, and improves skin tone;
  • Night care cream with retinol Retinol 0.3, which, in addition to the main component, contains soybean oil, alfalfa extract, and chamomile. Helps cope with hyperpigmentation, acne, expression lines;
  • Revitalift lifting treatment from L'Oréal accelerates the synthesis of elastin, making its fibers stronger and the skin elastic. The cream is used at night so that the skin renews itself faster and wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • “Ultra Lifting” from Garnier smooths out wrinkles and increases the elasticity of the dermis. The anti-aging complex contains vitamin A, ginger extract, cherry seed oil;
  • Redermic R from La Roche-Posay corrects wrinkles of varying depths and lightens age spots. Contains a high concentration of vitamin A.

For skin care, budget products with retinol are used, for example, retinoic ointment, Aevit, Retinol + Magnesium cream from Belit. They help cope with acne, hyperpigmentation, renew the skin, and tighten it.

Functions in the body

It is not for nothing that retinol acetate preparations are sold in pharmacies as medicine. They help quickly restore normal functioning of the body and have the following effects on it:

  • regulates the speed of metabolic processes;
  • improves and restores vision;
  • strengthens immune defense;
  • relieves PMS symptoms;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • improves the appearance and condition of the skin;
  • promotes concentration;
  • accelerates the growth of nails and hair.

It is also a powerful antioxidant and can inhibit destructive age-related changes. Thus, the body, with an active intake of vitamin A from food or in capsule form, rejuvenates.

Homemade face masks with retinol acetate

Not all women know how to use retinol acetate on their facial skin in order for the product to be beneficial. This component is effective, but capricious, and can cause negative reactions. To avoid this, you need to follow the recommendations of professionals:

  • The dosage and form of vitamin A products should be selected by a cosmetologist;
  • Apply products with retinol acetate to your face before bed or during the autumn-winter season when the sun is not active. If you use it during the day, then before going outside, treat your skin with cream with SPF protection (30 - 50);
  • The use of retinol acetate should be regular: when fighting acne or age spots - 2 times a week for 3 months, for the prevention and correction of wrinkles - twice a week on an ongoing basis;
  • To prevent age-related changes, use masks with a vitamin A concentration of 0.1%, and to combat wrinkles - from 0.4 to 1%;
  • For 30 ml of base, use 2 ml of 3.4% concentrate or 1 ml of 8.6% solution;
  • Apply the mask to steamed, cleansed but dry skin; if it is wet, the substance will quickly be absorbed, which can lead to irritation;
  • Combine the solution with moisturizing ingredients that will soften the aggressive effect of the main component;
  • Prepare a fresh product each time; you should not store it, since vitamin A quickly oxidizes in air or under the influence of the sun;
  • After removing the mask, lubricate your face with a cream with a moisturizing effect;
  • Repeat the procedure once a week.

To prepare masks with vitamin A, use a solution or capsules. Home remedies can help get rid of dryness, inflammation, acne, and wrinkles. The composition is different for different skin types.


At home, you can prepare an effective remedy that will slow down age-related changes or correct them:

  • Mix 1 tsp in a glass container. burdock oil, sweet almond oil, 1 drop of retinol acetate 8.6%;
  • Add 5 g of liquid honey, stir;
  • Treat your face, and after half an hour, rinse with warm water.

This remedy is suitable for women over 30 years of age.

For oily skin

If there is excess sebum, a mixture of vitamin A and fermented milk product will help:

  • Combine 30 ml of kefir (up to 20%) or whey with 1 ml of concentrate 8.6%;
  • Soak a clean napkin in the liquid;
  • Place it on your skin for 30 minutes;
  • Then wash or wipe your face with herbal infusion.

This mask will remove excess fat, eliminate irritation, inflammation, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It has a rejuvenating and brightening effect.


For dry skin, prepare a mask according to this recipe:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and olive oil;
  • Add 3 – 5 drops of 8.6% solution to the mixture;
  • Distribute on your face, leave for half an hour, then wash.

The skin becomes softer, brightens, the cells are saturated with moisture, and the contour is tightened.

For dry skin

For a constant feeling of tightness and flaking, this remedy will help:

  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil of your choice (olive, jojoba, wheat germ) in a glass or ceramic bowl;
  • Puncture the retinol capsule and add to the oil;
  • Lubricate your face, and when the solution is absorbed, blot the residue with a paper napkin.

This mask will provide hydration and start the process of cell renewal.

For acne

Owners of combination problem skin find it difficult to choose a product that simultaneously eliminates rashes and oily shine, but does not dry it out. The following mask has just such an effect:

  • Dilute white or blue clay with still mineral water to a cream consistency;
  • Add 1 capsule of vitamin A to the mixture, stir;
  • Leave on face for 25 minutes, rinse.

With regular use, inflammation is reduced, acne becomes less noticeable, and the skin becomes more elastic.


Rash and skin irritation can be eliminated with the following mask:

  • Add to 1 tbsp. l. light baby cream 1 tsp. aloe and agave juice, mix;
  • Add 3 drops of concentrate;
  • Lubricate your face, massage, and rinse off after 15 minutes.

With regular use, the inflammatory process will disappear, and the skin will rejuvenate.

Scrubs and lotions

Cleansing the skin with scrubs allows you to cleanse pores, eliminate dead cells and improve skin microrelief. In addition, the breathing of the dermis and blood circulation in its tissues improves. A scrub with retinol will be beneficial for all skin types. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Oat flakes - 25 g.
  2. Milk (fat for dry skin and vice versa) - 25 ml.
  3. Retinol oil solution - 5 ml.

The flakes must be ground in a coffee grinder. Oatmeal powder is poured with hot milk. When it cools to room temperature, add retinol and mix. The mixture can be used as a scrub.

An oil solution of retinol or vitamin from injection ampoules can be added to ready-made tonics or lotions. In addition, it is easy to prepare such care products yourself from cucumber juice or the pulp of aloe leaves.

Reviews of retinol acetate

Opinions about retinol acetate in masks are contradictory: some women are satisfied with the effect of budget funds, others claim that they do not bring any effect, and still others claim that the substance caused allergies. But most comments say that vitamin A masks help cope with almost all problems when used correctly.


Svetlana, 33 years old:

I experienced the effect of a mask with retinol, burdock and almond oil. I liked the effect after two uses: the skin looked fresher and cleaner. I used it 2 times a week for a month. It seems to me that the wrinkles have really become less noticeable. I will continue to use it.

Ekaterina, 40 years old:

Until the age of 35, I suffered from problem skin: rash, peeling in places, a feeling of tightness. A mask with vitamin A and blue clay helped me solve the problem. After the first use, the face became lighter, cleaner, softer, the itching and burning sensation disappeared. Later I supplemented the care with Redermic R cream with retinol. After this, the contour tightened and the wrinkles became less noticeable.

Alena, 48 years old:

I chose an oil mask with retinol and honey for my sensitive skin. From time to time I use different oils in the composition. I also add vitamins to creams. After a month of use, my friends notice that I look younger and fresher.

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