Is it possible to drink alcohol after facial peeling – compatibility features

The main prohibitions after facial peeling

There are some prohibitions after mechanical and retinoic peeling that must be followed to maintain the condition of the treated skin. Chemical and mechanical treatment of the epidermis are the most painful types of cleaning, after which the skin takes a long time to recover to its normal state. In order not to harm her even more during the rehabilitation period, the following prohibitions must be observed:

  1. On the day of the procedure, you should not wash your face with running water, use hard washcloths and towels, or use aggressive skin care products (with the addition of large particles and alcohol).
  2. You can't touch your face for the first day. It is strictly forbidden to spend a long time on the street. This is especially true for cold, strong winds and open sun.
  3. Completely avoid sweet, salty, fatty and spicy foods for 7 days.
  4. Use scrubs and masks.
  5. Sunbathe, visit saunas, steam baths, take a hot shower.
  6. Do not tear off flaky tissue. Otherwise, you may get an infection.
  7. You cannot play sports during the rehabilitation period or experiment with new cosmetics.
  8. Drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol after facial peeling promotes vasodilation, which negatively affects the condition of damaged skin.

If any unpleasant sensations, severe pain, or swelling occur, you must immediately contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist who performed the procedure. Self-medication can lead to serious complications.

How long after peeling can you drink alcohol?

You should not drink alcohol between peeling procedures and immediately after eliminating the visible effects of cleansing.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is allowed after the final restoration of the facial skin.

Experts recommend waiting a month after superficial exfoliation, and with deep cleaning, increase the waiting period by at least another 1-2 weeks. If additional complications arise during the rehabilitation period, the period of abstinence from alcohol can reach three months.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

The exact period of restriction on the intake of alcoholic beverages after peeling can only be determined by a cosmetologist, after analyzing the rate of restoration and renewal of the epidermis, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of the client’s skin.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after facial peeling?

Cosmetologists agree that alcoholic beverages should not be consumed after retinol peeling or mechanical cleansing of the facial skin. To understand how compatible the cleansing procedure is with alcohol, you need to understand the effect of alcoholic drinks on the skin after peeling:

  1. Alcohol helps dilate blood vessels and accelerates the circulation of fluid in the body. Because of this, there is a high risk of swelling in the treated areas. In addition to this, swelling may appear around the eyes, and inflammatory processes may form in the treated areas.
  2. Depending on the acid chosen during the chemical procedure, alcohol can greatly enhance its effect. The active components of the drug used may remain on the treated areas. If their effect intensifies, itchy burns will appear on the skin, which will take a long time to heal.
  3. If hyaluronic acid was used during the procedure, alcoholic drinks will neutralize its beneficial effects on the body.
  4. Complications associated with alcohol consumption may include liver intoxication, nausea or vomiting.
  5. If a person has undergone a mesopeeling procedure, in addition to swelling, he will receive many bruises in the treated areas. This is how alcohol affects injections.

The direct negative effects of alcohol on facial skin have not been proven. However, judging by the huge number of reviews from people on various Internet resources, we can say with a greater degree of confidence that the body has a negative reaction to drinking alcohol after peeling.

Due to the lack of scientifically proven facts, it is impossible to say whether alcohol is allowed after peeling or not.

In addition to all of the above, we can add that alcohol negatively affects all organs and processes in the body. Even experienced doctors do not know how the used composition and alcohol will behave during cleaning. In some cases, the active substances are neutralized, and in some cases, on the contrary, their effect on the body is enhanced. Thus, it is better to give up alcohol for a long time for the safety of your body.

How long after peeling can you drink alcohol?

The ban on alcohol will not last forever. After complete restoration of the skin, you can safely drink strong drinks. But keep in mind that recovery does not end after visible side effects have passed. Even after complete exfoliation of the skin, the renewal process continues.

The highest risks of swelling and complications after drinking alcohol concern the first days. To minimize these risks, cosmetologists do not recommend drinking between procedures and for at least 1 month after peeling. For a deep type of exfoliation, this period increases significantly.

You must understand that only a cosmetologist can announce the exact period of the restriction. He will analyze the speed of restoration of the integument and take into account the structural features of the skin.

What to do if your face is already swollen and the redness has increased? – Contact a cosmetologist immediately. Only he will determine what measures to take and prescribe appropriate treatment. You cannot prescribe medications and remedies on your own; this can worsen the situation.

Retinoic, glycolic, any acidic, hardware and mechanical peels and alcohol are incompatible. Therefore, plan the procedure more carefully or restrain yourself from drinking alcohol, otherwise, instead of perfect skin, you will get complications and a long rehabilitation period.

Is it possible to drink before peeling?

When a person realizes that alcohol and peeling do not mix, he may wonder whether it is possible to drink an alcoholic beverage before the procedure. Cosmetologists also answer negatively about this question. Alcohol is harmful not only after the procedure, but also before it. To prevent alcohol from harming the body during the procedure, you can drink alcohol 3-4 days before the cleansing. Alcohol should completely leave the body during this time and not harm it during peeling.

However, to protect yourself 100%, cosmetologists recommend refraining from drinking alcohol 7 days before the planned one. In this way, you can prepare your body for what’s to come and not have to worry about the incompatibility of alcohol and the active peeling drug.

You should also not drink alcohol to relieve pain. If pain or discomfort occurs, you should immediately contact a cosmetologist for help. The salon will be able to tell you exactly how to relieve pain and how to properly care for your skin to make it easier.

We invite you to watch a video about what you need to know about peeling:

Alcohol before peeling

Not only after peeling is it prohibited to drink alcohol. Alcohol before the scheduled procedure is no less dangerous. It is allowed to take alcoholic beverages in small quantities, provided that it has time to leave the blood before cleansing. As a rule, this will take 3 or more days, it all depends on the body.

To ensure that the face does not become swollen and that the effect is as expected, cosmetologists recommend approaching the peeling procedure responsibly in preparation for it. Don’t risk your own beauty and health; limit your intake of alcohol-containing drinks a week before cleansing.

I would also like to add that the opinion about additional pain relief with alcohol is wrong. If anesthesia is really necessary, the cosmetologist will prescribe more effective and safe means than alcohol.

Lack of sufficient knowledge and ignoring the recommendations of cosmetology specialists increase the risk of complications after peeling. Please note that in this situation, not all drugs to eliminate them may be suitable for you; there will be an added risk of their compositions reacting with alcohol.

After what time can you drink alcohol?

A natural question that arises in a person’s head after the procedure is when can you drink alcohol after peeling?

After receiving the answer to the question whether you can drink after peeling, you need to figure out after what period of time you can drink your favorite drink again or have a feast for any reason.

Firstly, you should not drink between cleaning procedures, no matter how much there is. Secondly, the minimum amount of time you will have to endure after the last procedure is 30 days. It is a mistaken belief that after the visible effects of peeling have passed, all restrictions can be removed. If you do this, you can seriously harm your facial skin.

30 days is the minimum period of abstinence from alcohol. Accurate information can be obtained from the cosmetologist who performed the cleaning. He will observe the rehabilitation process and draw conclusions based on his observations. In some cases, the dry spell period may extend for 90 days.

Recommendations from cosmetologists, thanks to which you can maintain the result without negative consequences:

  1. During the rehabilitation period, it is prohibited to increase physical activity. The treated epidermis is weak. It is sensitive to any stress, increased pressure or body temperature.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to go to a sauna, bathhouse, warm up, wash in a warm shower, wet your face with running water, dry yourself with a hard towel or use a washcloth. All of these actions can lead to redness and skin rashes.
  3. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to use only skin care products recommended by a cosmetologist. The use of third-party creams, ointments, scrubs and masks can lead to serious complications.
  4. After chemical cleansing of the face, redness of the upper layers of the epidermis and peeling are normal. To avoid infection and aggravate the situation, you should not peel off flaky skin. It needs to be moisturized as often as possible. Otherwise, inflammatory processes may intensify, purulent formations may appear, and scars may remain on the skin.
  5. Do not use masks, scrubs, creams, lotions and shampoos with large particles.
  6. There is much less need to touch the skin with bare hands. This way you can significantly reduce the risk of introducing pathogens onto its surface.

The combination of alcohol and Botox injections

Today, the issue of Botox is quite acute on the agenda. But, despite the fact that many consider it both harmful to a woman’s body as a whole and an interference in the natural course of things, a sufficient number of clients who want to “hide” hated wrinkles resort to this procedure. It is worth noting that Botox, this powerful drug, also does not combine well with alcohol, so drinking even low-alcohol alcoholic beverages is extremely undesirable both before and after the procedure. Regarding how long abstinence from alcohol should be, doctors do not give a definite answer. Some believe that the use of strong drinks should be avoided on the day of the “operation” itself and for two or three days after it, some, more radical, authoritatively argue that you need to forget about alcohol a few days before Botox, and not drink anything stronger than tea within ten days after injection.

A completely reasonable question arises: why? Why should you refrain from drinking alcohol after such a painful procedure as Botox? The fact is that both alcoholic drinks and Botox are very toxic, and the impact of such a “shock dose” on the body can lead to, to put it mildly, very undesirable consequences. At a minimum, the effect of botulinum toxin will be neutralized, and at maximum, an allergic reaction can easily develop.

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