When can you use cosmetics after facial peeling - recommendations from experts

Chemical peeling is an effective procedure for renewing skin cells of the face and body, after which natural mechanisms are activated. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic, hydrated and soft. However, during the rehabilitation period, the skin looks completely different from what girls initially imagine. After all, peeling, first of all, is an aggressive effect and trauma to the skin. After the procedure, you must follow the rules for facial care.

Girls often ask whether it is possible to use their usual care, and on what day after peeling they can use foundation. In addition, there are many more important aspects, the observance of which allows you to achieve the desired result after peeling.

What happens to the face after peeling

The trauma to the skin after peeling is quite deep and serious, so the skin experiences severe stress for some time. Regardless of the method of exposure - laser, chemical or ultrasound, a powerful regeneration process is launched at the cellular level, which is aimed at smoothing out the consequences of the injury. Visually, this manifests itself in the healing of scars and cicatrices, lightening or complete disappearance of spots. Due to the fact that many new young cells were formed during this period, and the old layer was removed through exfoliation, the skin becomes elastic and velvety.

In the first days after peeling, the skin is very vulnerable to external irritants, so even washing should be as delicate and gentle as possible. You should not use tap water, as there is a high risk of infection with further complications.

The natural reaction of the skin to peeling is skin tightness and the formation of a dry film, which gradually cracks and disappears from the face. Usually this stage occurs on the third day after the procedure. It does not look aesthetically pleasing, but from the point of view of skin renewal, it is a necessary process. The detachment of old skin cells indicates that an active renewal process is underway. Scars may also form on the skin - this is a normal reaction to the injury.

ATTENTION! It is strictly forbidden to remove exfoliated skin and crusts yourself with your hands or homemade cosmetics (scrubs). This can lead to scarring and other complications!

We invite you to see how to apply makeup to your face after peeling:

Special skin care

In addition to the general requirements for post-peeling care, you need to adhere to some more rules. In part, they relate to standard situations when the face begins to peel, blush, swell, etc. The skin may react atypically or normally to the effects of mechanical or chemical peeling. Observe the epidermis for three days to draw conclusions.

When peeling

This reaction is quite expected. On the contrary, if it is absent, you should be wary, because most likely the peeling will be performed poorly. The skin should peel off, making it clear that it is not ready to interact with various products.

In most cases, peeling occurs on the third day. Tightness and excessive dryness immediately appear. You can eliminate discomfort by using products with hyaluronic acid, natural vegetable oils, and grape seed ether.

Such cosmetics will soften the dermis and penetrate into its lower layers, providing hydration. Peeling disappears after 6-7 days if you use creams with hyaluronic acid or oils.

For redness

After facial peeling, regardless of the depth of the procedure performed, hyperemia occurs. If the mid-cleaning was carried out, the redness gradually subsides in about 6 days. If deep peeling was performed, it may take up to 20 days for the skin to recover.

To begin proper care after such procedures, it is forbidden to resort to means and various factors that provoke blood flow. Therefore, for a certain period of time you will have to forget about cardio or heavy training. Avoid stressful situations, do not consume tonic and alcoholic drinks.

It is also recommended to limit the intake of pickled or spicy foods. If you suffer from hypertension, active dietary supplements should be included in your daily menu. Such products should contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such substances strengthen blood vessels and eliminate redness.

For swelling

If you experience swelling after the procedure, do not be alarmed. This reaction of the body is quite normal for those with thin epidermis. Directed remedies will help you get rid of the trouble.

Such compositions promote rapid healing of the tissues of the upper layers of the skin. As soon as swelling appears, it is recommended to apply products that have an anti-edema effect to the face. Such creams and serums contain a sufficient amount of antioxidants.

When acne appears

Inflammatory rashes on the skin after the procedure are extremely rare. Such troubles can arise if the rules of post-peeling care are not followed or if the exfoliation composition is poorly selected.

To quickly eliminate the consequences after the procedure, it is strongly recommended to use products with a drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Such gels and creams must necessarily contain zinc.

For an allergic reaction

Such problems also occur extremely rarely. An allergic reaction may occur to a certain peeling component. If the cosmetologist does not conduct a certain test in advance, an allergic reaction often occurs.

As a result, the body will suffer from individual intolerance to a certain exfoliation component or abrasive material. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to take a course of medications with an antihistamine effect.

When dark pigment spots form

The appearance of pigment spots after the procedure is considered an abnormal phenomenon and develops extremely rarely. A similar problem arises only if certain rules for the procedure were not previously followed. Also, spots may appear if peeling was carried out during a period of increased solar activity.

Before the procedure, approximately 1 week in advance, the skin must be treated daily with kojic or glycolic acids. The cleansing procedure itself is strongly recommended to be carried out at the end of autumn or even in winter.

Peeling is a fairly effective way to cleanse facial skin. If you follow all the rules, you will be satisfied with the end result. Don't neglect simple rules. Conduct all tests in advance and consult with a cosmetologist. If necessary, follow a diet and arm yourself with targeted means.

What not to do after peeling

Immediately after a chemical peel, you should not do anything that causes irritation or infection of the skin:

  1. Running water contains many impurities and bacteria, so for the first 3 days you need to wash your face with warm boiled or bottled water. In the following days, you can use delicate cleansers with a soft texture (without abrasives).
  2. Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to use cosmetics after peeling, as they want to disguise peeling and blemishes. It is prohibited to use any decorative cosmetics for 15 days. It clogs pores and promotes the growth of bacteria. In addition, visual foundations further emphasize imperfections on the face.
  3. If you experience any discomfort after peeling your face, you should stop self-medicating and using proven cosmetics. First of all, you need to consult a cosmetologist.
  4. Any actions and procedures that cause active sweating and a rush of blood should be postponed for a while. This includes sports, baths, physical work, etc.
  5. To avoid negative reactions, you need to minimize contact with facial skin. Do not touch your face with your hands or apply unfamiliar cosmetics to it.

How to use the scrub

So, you purchased or prepared your own body scrub. How to use it? There are several simple rules for using the product at home. Do not apply the composition to dry skin. It is recommended to take a bath or at least a shower first. Then the skin will steam, and the procedure will be more effective. Then you need to take a small amount of scrub and massage the entire body or certain areas with circular movements.

As necessary, you need to add the amount of cosmetic product. It is advisable to pay more attention to problem areas, as the procedure allows you to fight cellulite. Since peeling products contain various beneficial substances, after completing application to the skin, do not rush to wash off the body scrub.

How to use it correctly to get maximum benefit? Should be kept on the skin for 10 minutes. This time is enough for all nutrients to penetrate into the epidermis. The scrub is washed off with warm running water. It is recommended to complete the procedure by applying a nourishing or moisturizing lotion or cream.

On what day after peeling can you use foundation?

The use of decorative cosmetics, and in particular foundation, is permitted after the skin has been completely restored after peeling. On average, the rehabilitation period lasts 2 weeks. After this, the cosmetologist examines the skin and prescribes acceptable products. First of all, the foundation must contain UV protection. Regardless of the time of year and weather conditions, the degree of SPF protection should be at least 30. And in active sun, for example, while relaxing at sea, SPF 50. Also, you should not use cheap decorative cosmetics, they often clog pores. It is better to purchase special toning products with a healing effect.

When can you use regular cosmetics?

Patients often ask their cosmetologists the question: is it possible to use foundation and makeup after facial peeling, as well as apply skincare cosmetics. While cosmetologists strongly recommend holding off on using decorative cosmetics, regular skin care cosmetics are necessary for the skin. Regardless of the degree of penetration during the procedure, the skin needs daily hydration and nutrition. If you can’t touch your face at all on the first day, then starting from the second day you can use gentle care. The best option would be if the cosmetologist himself prescribes a line of skin care products. If there were no recommendations, then the general rules for choosing cosmetics are as follows:

  1. In the first two weeks, you need to exclude any abrasive products (including film masks);
  2. It is allowed to use only proven and familiar cosmetics; testing new brands may cause an unexpected reaction on the skin;
  3. You can include a cream with SPF protection in your morning care;
  4. During the recovery period, it is best to use skincare products labeled sensitive (for sensitive skin) or pharmaceutical products. Such cosmetics have the most gentle and beneficial composition.

Important steps in post-peeling care

The chemical peeling procedure does not end at the beauty salon. After a visit to a cosmetologist, the skin faces a complex and painstaking recovery process, and even complications are possible.

In the first week after chemical peeling, visible changes occur on the face:

  • Skin redness (erythema) of varying degrees. The duration and intensity of redness is affected by the type of cleansing and its depth. A red face can be observed from several hours to several days.
  • Peeling. Its intensity also depends on the cleansing technique used. For example, after glycolic peeling, peeling is pronounced; it appears on the 3rd day after exfoliation and will last up to 7 days. And after peeling with lactic acid, severe peeling is not observed, the recovery process proceeds gradually, without the formation of a film or crusts on the face.
  • Swelling of soft tissues. This defect is typical for those with very sensitive skin types. Swelling often appears in the neck and décolleté, under the eyes, where the skin is thinner and more sensitive to aggressive acid exposure.
  • Skin pigmentation. One of the side effects after medium and deep peeling with acids is darkening of the skin. Once the peeling is complete, the problem will go away on its own.

These side effects are quite expected. To ensure that the rehabilitation period is limited only to them, it is recommended to follow the cosmetologist’s instructions for skin care after exfoliation and use special cosmetics with moisturizing, bactericidal and wound-healing properties.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

  • Is it possible to apply foundation after peeling? - No you can not. This risks skin infection. In addition, the foundation will not cover up severe peeling, but, on the contrary, will emphasize them even more.
  • How to quickly remove facial redness? – For 1.5 – 2 weeks you should give up spicy and fatty foods, alcohol consumption, sports activities and visiting the sauna. These actions dilate the blood vessels, so the redness goes away much more slowly.
  • Is it possible to remove peeling on your own? – Under no circumstances should you solve the problem of facial peeling on your own. Additional abrasives to speed up the renewal process are prohibited. They can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, causing scars that will be very difficult to remove.
  • If you have the slightest suspicion of complications, you must immediately make an appointment with a cosmetologist. There is no need to wait for the problem to go away on its own. It often happens that a complication goes into a chronic stage without timely intervention.
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