Peelings StopProblem: visible results, affordable price


The most popular enzyme salicylic peeling is StopProblem . This is an inexpensive remedy.

Effect of the drug:

  • Cleanses the epidermis of keratinized scales, softens and removes dead cells.
  • Evens out skin microrelief, eliminates small scars and unevenness.
  • Removes blemishes and acne marks.
  • Lightens the epidermis, helps remove age spots.
  • Evens out the complexion's tone, gives it a natural glow and a fresh look.
  • Cleanses pores of excess sebum, eliminates excess fat and comedones.
  • Relieves and prevents inflammation.
  • Saturates cells with necessary components.
  • Gives tone, relieves irritation.

The drug acts gently and effectively, it is useful for both problematic, oily skin and dry, sensitive skin.

The difference between the product is that it contains enzymes. Combining them allows you to get excellent results.

The drug is based on the following substances for cleansing and caring for the skin:

  • SOOTHEX TM is an innovative component of plant origin that fights irritation and inflammation, eliminates redness, and soothes the epidermis.
  • Salicylic acid - cleanses, removes dead cells. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect, prevents inflammatory processes, and has a beneficial effect on the dermis. Helps remove blackheads, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improves the appearance of the face.
  • Enzyme complex . Complements the action of salicylic acid. Enzymes penetrate the surface layers of cells, promote softening and removal of dead cells. At the same time, enzymes cannot disrupt the natural processes in the epidermis and injure it.
  • White tea extract is an antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals on skin cells and tissues. It qualitatively soothes the skin, tones it, eliminates inflammation and irritation.
  • Extracts of mint and sage have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects and improve blood microcirculation. This helps speed up cell renewal and normalizes metabolic processes.

The price of this product is very affordable - about 100 rubles per 100 ml tube .

The drug is used economically and lasts for a long time.

Another product from this manufacturer is aha/bha 9% acid peeling gel .

It is based on three acids - glycolic, lactic and salicylic.

Helps exfoliate dead cells, remove comedones, inflammation, improves the appearance of the skin, activates its production of collagen, making it more elastic and smooth.

This product costs about 70 rubles.

We suggest learning about the best, proven and popular types of peeling from our articles. Read about these:

  • gas-liquid;
  • ferulic;
  • laser;
  • Jessner technique;
  • retinol (yellow).

Once again about acid peels at home

Girls, good afternoon!

I was prompted to write this post by comments from girls that after acid peels, some of them had worsened skin rashes.
Tyk I’m interested in the topic of peelings, I’ve been collecting information little by little and have come to some conclusions. I would like to write about contraindications for peelings, side effects, etc. These issues were practically not touched upon at the forum, but are very important. Since the benefits of peelings and acids in facial care have been repeatedly raised on the forum, I will not write about it. Still, I focus on the fact that peelings require indications
And if after 30 years, shallow peelings are needed to renew the skin, then before 30 years of age
, peelings are indicated for people with problems such as acne, problematic oily skin, oily seborrhea, hyperpigmentation, for the correction of cosmetic problems. People who do not have these problems do not need acid peels.

What happens to our skin during acid peeling? Simply put, the surface layer of the epidermis is destroyed. Why do we need this? The procedure stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, resulting in the formation of young cells that contribute to overall rejuvenation and smoothing of the skin, and narrowing of pores.

With shallow peels, the likelihood of side effects is very low. Redness, peeling of the skin and swelling are possible, which usually disappear after a few hours. It is very important not to increase the time the peel remains on the skin. If you increase the recommended time, the acid that accumulates from procedure to procedure continues to have an aggressive effect on the skin and causes inflammation. The skin becomes sensitive, irritated, and may turn red and peel.

Why does the skin of some people begin to “bloom” after peeling? The fact is that glycolic acids, for all their usefulness, stimulate the maturation of acne, and sometimes after peeling the skin gets new pimples. Some cosmetologists prescribe Skinoren before and after peelings with fruit acids. This also reduces the risk of hyperpigmentation and eliminates the risk of a new outbreak of acne inflammation. As I understand, after peeling the skin becomes thinner, its protective barrier is temporarily reduced, and microorganisms have an easy way to reproduce.

Under no circumstances should you peel at home with preparations intended for salon use! In this case, you can get a skin burn and other serious consequences, because... the concentration of active ingredients in salon cosmetics is higher than in products for home use, and procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

with rosacea should be used with caution.

, because Carrying out any chemical peeling, especially with severe rosacea, can lead to aggravation of its manifestations.

Peels cannot also be carried out:

In case of exacerbation of acne or any other active inflammatory process on the skin of the face, In case of exacerbation of herpes and other infectious diseases, In case of elevated body temperature, acute respiratory and viral diseases, In case of violation of the integrity of the skin (the presence of wounds, abrasions, burns on the skin), In case of irritated, thinned, severely dehydrated skin, When taking drugs containing roaccutane orally, For oncological diseases of the facial skin, For allergic rashes on the skin of the face, In the presence of rosacea, hypersensitivity of the skin, telangiectasia, psoriasis, keloid sutures, In the presence of increased individual sensitivity to peeling components.

It is not recommended to peel the facial skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding to avoid the appearance of pigmentation, the risk of which is especially high at this time.

And of course, girls, do not forget that peelings cannot be carried out during periods of strong solar activity, and it is very important to use sunscreen.

And actually, why did I start this? I want readers to approach acid peels with caution and attention and study this issue carefully. My last warning will not torment you any longer:

If you have no indication for the use of peelings, and you are going to use them only because it is fashionable, it’s not worth it, think again whether you need it and why. And especially do not use peelings if you have contraindications! If you doubt the need to use peelings, have chronic or inflammatory diseases, or take serious medications, please consult a specialist. It’s better, as they say, to be safe than... to deal with the consequences.

I wish all readers beautiful, soft and radiant skin!

I say: “Thank you!” Nina Hisja for help with the design.


Features of application

Although peelings can be purchased at any pharmacy, they are still recommended for professional salon use. But they are also used at home.

The product can be applied to the face, neck, décolleté and other areas that require delicate care.

Thin, delicate skin needs gentle exfoliation most of all. But although peeling is a gentle procedure, it should be taken responsibly.

For several weeks it is not recommended to sunbathe, visit a solarium, bathhouse, or sauna.

The use of exfoliating scrubs is not recommended, as they tend to injure the upper layer of the epidermis.

Before the procedure, you need to remove makeup, cleanse the skin using lotion, preferably from the same manufacturer. Peeling is applied in a thin layer and remains on the skin for 15 minutes.

If you are using it for the first time, it is better to leave it for a shorter period to monitor the reaction.

Light tingling or stinging is normal , but if you feel itching, wash off the product immediately.

After completing the procedure, apply a cream with soothing and restorative ingredients.

Repeat the procedure once a week for dry skin, twice for oily and normal skin.

You should not do this more often, so as not to injure the skin.

Peeling gel Stopproblem Acid aha/bha 9%

Good day to all. My review is probably one of the few negative ones that are generally present in this section. In general, I will describe in order my personal opinion about acid peeling from Stopproblem.

So, let's begin. The widespread retail sale of acid peels for home use is no longer news to anyone. Several manufacturers of caring cosmetics at affordable prices offer to carry out the “salon” procedure yourself. One of these manufacturers is the Stopproblem brand, produced in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. On each product of this brand you can see a promise to get rid of all kinds of skin imperfections and a painful problem for many - acne. Many times I passed by the foams and lotions of this brand until I noticed an acid peeling from Stopproblem on the shelf with “one-time” masks. I took the package, read the ingredients - it was indeed acid, put it in the basket and moved on. There are so many laudatory odes to acids, and I still go to the salon once every six months, I think.

What's inside and how I tried the Stopproblem peeling...

Inside is some transparent liquid gel-type substance. It's easy to apply and doesn't sting the skin at all. According to the instructions, you need to keep this whole thing on your face for 4-5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

I left it on for about 5 minutes and went to wash it off with cool water, but alas, I had to wash it off with fairly warm water and a sponge, otherwise the snot that the peeling had turned into wouldn’t wash off in any way. I washed off this peeling and completed the procedure with a special serum included in the kit. There is no cleansing effect! And peeling should also have a smoothness effect, that’s why it’s peeling.

My tests with the “Stopproblem” peeling did not end there. I bought three packs at once, for a cycle - as they say. To take a certain course with an interval of 4 days.

The second and third time I already smeared it on my steamed face. I kept it on for 7-10 minutes, I had to rinse it off again with warm water, the cool peeling did not wash off. Instead of the serum from the kit, I used my own moisturizer (pretty decent). There is an effect - skin the color of beets. Half an hour after use, I understand that it was and still is, even the dots on the nose remain.

Moreover, after the first use I was struck by a new problem - small pimples like clogged pores. These things don’t squeeze out; if you press them, you immediately get a red spot and a real pimple.

In general, I do not recommend the Stopproblem peeling. There's no point in it.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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