Rules of care
Skin diseases are accompanied not only by pain and severe discomfort, but also by the risk of developing
Skin folds on the lower and upper eyelids appear due to age-related changes
Vitamin E or tocopherol is the most beneficial substance for the face. Even more: this is one of
What are blackheads? Blackheads (open comedones or blackheads) - a plug from the mixture
Heparin ointment is a medicine that is used for hematomas, bruises, varicose veins, swelling and hemorrhoids.
Removing unwanted hair from a girl’s body is most often done with a razor. However, the usual
Any changes in the skin, especially pathological and unpleasant ones, should cause increased attention from
Age spots are dark spots that range in color from light brown to dark brown. They appear
How glycolic acid peeling copes with skin imperfections How glycolic acid peeling copes with
“What do you think is the leading facial rejuvenation surgery according to statistics among American plastic surgeons?