Procedure time 1 time per month Number of procedures From 1 to 3 Facial remodeling
Facial trainers - why are they needed? What are the main advantages of such devices? Exercise machines rejuvenate
Preparation Indications Types of surgical interventions Organ-conserving operations for breast cancer Lumpectomy Oncoplastic resections
Of course, jewelry earrings can vary greatly both in cost and aesthetic appeal, and
Papillomatosis is a common viral disease that is sexually transmitted in 80% of cases. These are rashes
Date of publication: 03/16/2020 2956 Removal of permanent tattoos is necessary not only in case of an unsuccessful procedure.
Changes in your life are long overdue, but you don’t know how to implement them.
Modern reconstructive and aesthetic medicine includes more than one surgical area. The most popular and promising
The best cosmetic procedures for facial skin Today, when beauty salons in Rostov-on-Don are open, you
There is a lot of debate about whether sunbathing in a solarium is harmful or beneficial, whether it is possible