Operations in otolaryngology
Myringotomy of the ear - what is the operation and how is it performed?
To the reference book Operations in otolaryngology are usually aimed at restoring hearing and may involve the installation of hearing aids.
breast implant sizes
Breast implant sizes: how to choose the volume in ml
Mammoplasty is a serious operation that women undergo to get an ideal bust. Each in its own way
Bodyaga peeling
Bodyaga peeling, reviews from users and specialists
Bodyaga peeling will help you get rid of skin imperfections without significant expenses for salon procedures.
Hyperemia of the facial skin (increased blood supply)
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
How to use a concealer palette and rating the best palettes
Types of facial correctors and their properties Foundation, no matter how dense and super-resistant
Skin aging as a mechanical phenomenon: the main “weak links” of aging skin
The first signs of aging As the skin ages, the following changes appear: Decreased firmness and elasticity
In the photo: Yulia Rutberg
Yulia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery: what did the actress do with her face?
Biography of Yulia Rutberg Yulia Rutberg is a People's Artist of Russia, a unique actress whose roles cannot be
Plinest: biorevitalization with smart nucleotides
The most effective beauty vitamins, such as Inneov, are based on seafood. Unfortunately the facts
The use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy (CP)
Botulinum therapy in cosmetology and medicine is actively developing. The method is highly effective and has minimal side effects.
Lump on the upper eyelid
Purulent processes of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (furuncle, abscess, hidradenitis, purulent wounds). Opening and drainage of the pathological process
A convex formation on the eyelid in the form of a lump is not uncommon. The causes of this pathology may
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