Botulinum toxin injections in Moscow

The appearance of wrinkles means that the skin has become less elastic. Wrinkles are a characteristic sign of age-related changes, and who wants to grow old? Therefore, a woman’s desire to get rid of any wrinkles is natural and understandable.

However, it is usually not age wrinkles that appear first, but facial wrinkles. Our emotions are reflected on our face. During the day, facial muscles contract more than 15 thousand times. As a result of such stress, elastin and collagen fibers are damaged or ruptured. A network of facial wrinkles appears between the temple and the corner of the eye (the so-called “crow’s feet”). Other areas are the forehead, the space between the eyebrows, and the area around the mouth. With age, wrinkles deepen and become more noticeable, making our face tired and sad.

Expression wrinkles can be removed by eliminating or reducing the activity of facial muscles. This is done using local injections of a botulinum toxin drug. Various drugs can be used - Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Botulax, differing in manufacturers, dosage and secondary components, but they all contain botulinum toxin type A.

The classic botulinum therapy drug is Botox. It was first approved for use in the United States in 1989. Currently, the drug is used in almost all countries of the world.

The active ingredient in Botox, which gives it its name, is botulinum toxin. This substance blocks muscle activity: the muscles stop contracting, and the skin over them becomes smooth.

Price of Botox on the forehead in Moscow

Indications for the procedure are:

  • the presence of deep longitudinal grooves on the surface;
  • the presence of many small wrinkles above the eyebrows and bridge of the nose;
  • the habit of wrinkling the forehead, leading to the formation of furrows.

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It should be remembered that Botox is a natural toxin, so the procedure has a number of contraindications. You should refrain from:

  • pregnant women;
  • during feeding period;
  • people suffering from hemophilia;
  • for acute inflammatory diseases;
  • under the age of 12;
  • with alcoholism.

In other cases, the procedure is indicated for everyone, both men and women.

Causes of expression wrinkles on the forehead:

Most people experience wrinkles on the forehead sooner or later and appear for the following reasons:

  • emotions and active facial mobility;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • lack of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of collagen and elastin;
  • skin dehydration;
  • age;
  • smoking and alcohol accelerate the aging process of the skin and the appearance of skin folds;
  • adherence to strict diets, sudden weight loss;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • bad ecology;
  • use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • diseases of internal organs, stress.
Correction of facial wrinkles on the forehead at the Gradient clinic:

Doctor: Drobysheva Y.S.

How is Botox injection done on the forehead?

Like all other Botox injections, this drug is administered subcutaneously using an insulin syringe with a very thin needle. Thanks to the small diameter of the needle, the procedure is completely painless. However, if the patient has increased sensitivity of this area, after cleansing and disinfecting the skin, the specialist applies a special anesthetic cream.

To properly inject Botox into the forehead, the specialist first needs to determine the points at which he will insert the needle. To do this, the patient is asked to raise his eyebrows, after which the points where the greatest muscle activity is observed are marked with a marker on the skin. Their number should not be more than 10.

After the points are found, Botox is injected subcutaneously into each of them. Remember that you should only seek this service from experienced specialists who know exactly how to inject Botox into the forehead! Inept procedure is fraught with complications such as drooping of the upper eyelid or lateral areas of the eyebrows. That is why our specialist always makes sure that the distance between the Botox injection point and the eyebrow is at least 2 cm. This will protect the patient from complications.

Immediately after the procedure, you need to sit for a while. At this time, the cosmetologist evaluates the results of the work performed, removes droplets of blood from the forehead that may occur during the injection, and removes any remaining anesthetic. If necessary, he may also give you a gentle massage and apply ice packs to the injection sites.

How is the procedure done?

The first thing the doctor will do during an in-person appointment is to determine the nature and severity of the defects and find out whether the patient has any contraindications to the use of Botox. Then, on the day of the procedure, the work will be built in several stages:

  • marking of injection zones (this is done with a special marker);
  • cleaning and disinfection of skin;
  • applying anesthetic cream;
  • the injections themselves (they are carried out with the finest microneedles);
  • re-treatment with an antiseptic.

The procedure is usually well tolerated with minimal discomfort. No special preparation is required for Botox injections - they can be done at any convenient time (even during lunch break). In many cases, Botox injections for men are the optimal solution, since the effect of the procedure is immediate. In total, the procedure lasts 20-40 minutes (depending on the area of ​​the treated area).

What do Botox procedures do?

The duration of the procedure does not exceed half an hour, and its results become noticeable within the first day. It usually peaks after 1–2 weeks and persists for several months. After this period, Botox can be re-injected.

Typically the procedure gives the following results:

  • the skin surface becomes smoother;
  • fine wrinkles disappear;
  • deep furrows become less pronounced;
  • during the habitual wrinkling of the forehead, the formation of new wrinkles does not occur;
  • the face looks much younger.

How it works?

Botulinum toxin has the ability to temporarily block the work of facial muscles - the skin to which they are attached stops folding and becomes even.
Most often, facial wrinkles form near the mouth, on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose - these areas are actively involved in the expression of emotions: tears, laughter, surprise. The blood supply to tissues after Botox injections is preserved in full, and mobility is gradually restored.
Thus, Botox for men is a completely safe procedure. The cosmetic effect it allows to achieve is remarkable; the skin in the problem area is smoothed out and looks fresher and more youthful. Result After 3-5 days Duration of effect 3-8 months Rehabilitation No Anesthesia Application
Discuss the procedure with a specialist

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Are there any side effects?

There are practically no significant complications if Botox is administered by professionals. Sometimes you can observe short-term manifestations in the form of pain during injection or headache on the first day after injection. Due to the strong dilution of the drug, which ensures its very low concentration, side effects do not occur even if the drug enters a blood vessel. Thus, using Botox on the forehead for wrinkles is considered a fairly safe procedure.

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Kolosova Vera Mikhailovna

Cosmetologist, Dermatovenereologist, venereologist

The effect of botulinum therapy and the advantages of the method

The main thing that distinguishes this rejuvenation technique from others is the quick result. Also, undeniable advantages include painlessness and ease of implementation, the absence of special training and the absence of a recovery period after the intervention. Botox for the face is suitable for middle-aged and older men. The method is effective in combating severe, deep wrinkles and has virtually no side effects.

You will not be able to evaluate the result immediately, but within 3-5 days, then the effect will increase. The effect lasts approximately 3-6-8 months, in some cases a little longer.

To make an appointment for Botox injections for men in Moscow, call us by phone or fill out the form on the clinic’s website. Our experienced cosmetologists will help you prolong your youth and maintain a well-groomed appearance for a long time. Come to us for a consultation at: st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6, clinic within walking distance from Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station or Panfilovskaya MCC.

Features of the drug use

The botulinum toxin contained in “beauty injections” is produced by Clostridium bacteria. Around the middle of the last century, it began to be actively used in medicine. With the help of Botox, migraines, strabismus, all kinds of neurological diseases were treated, and the consequences of cerebral palsy and stroke were eliminated.

The drug acts locally, it blocks nerve impulses entering a specific muscle, relaxing it. As a result, the symmetry of the face is almost completely restored. Botox's ability to smooth out facial wrinkles was discovered by accident. This was a kind of side effect in the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system. Today the drug is also used for medical purposes, but it is even more actively used in cosmetology.

In aesthetic medicine, Botox is actively used to achieve the following goals:

1. Elimination of dynamic wrinkles.
As a rule, the drug is used to restore skin in the forehead, on the bridge of the nose and around the eyes. Unfortunately, Botox is not able to smooth out wrinkles formed many years ago, so the effect of injections decreases with age. 2. Prevention of the formation of new dynamic wrinkles. After the procedure, the person is unable to control his muscles. Even if you try hard, you still won’t be able to frown. The effect of the injections lasts from 3 to 5 months, after which the muscle fibers completely restore their properties. But during this time, a person gets used to not frowning or squinting his eyes, which means that in the future these bad habits will not have a negative impact on the process of wrinkle formation.

3. Elimination of hyperhidrosis. Botox effectively copes with excessive sweating; for this purpose, the drug is injected into the armpits and other places where profuse sweating is observed. As a result of blocking nerve impulses to the sweat glands, the amount of sweat produced is noticeably reduced. The effect of the procedure depends on the characteristics of the body and the person’s lifestyle, but in general it lasts from 4 to 6 months.

4. Correction of facial asymmetry. Botox, like drugs based on hyaluronic acid, can lift the corners of the lips, correct the shape of the nose and the location of the eyebrows. Quite often, botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid are used in combination. First, Botox injections are performed, and after some time the correction is completed with hyaluronic acid.

Botulinum toxin decomposes over time and is eliminated from the body.
Therefore, the procedure should be carried out approximately once every six months. However, you should not overuse injections, as the face can turn into a lifeless mask, unable to convey emotions. Botox injections do not cause side effects. In some cases, undesirable aesthetic effects may be observed, but they occur when the drug is used incorrectly. After a few months, the effect of the toxin will weaken, which means all the negative consequences of the injections will pass.

The cosmetology clinic offers you the following procedures:

  • Dysport contour plastic surgery;
  • contour plastic;
  • lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid;
  • botox for wrinkles;
  • facial mesotherapy;
  • etc.

At what age can it be used

The result of the procedure depends on several factors, including the individual characteristics of the person, as well as his age. Theoretically, you can use Botox for wrinkles from the age of 18, but, as a rule, during this period of life there are no indications for such a procedure. Until the age of 25, the skin has sufficient elasticity, which means that expression wrinkles are not yet a serious problem.

Botox injections are advisable after 30 years of age. The result of the procedure will depend on what age group the client belongs to:

  • from 30 to 40 years - during this period the effect of botulinum toxin injection will be maximum. This age is characterized by noticeable facial wrinkles, but the muscles still have good tone;
  • from 50 to 60 years – Botox for wrinkles will not give a pronounced effect, since at this age muscle tone noticeably decreases;
  • from 60 years of age - Botox injections are rarely used, since in older people the facial muscles have virtually no effect on the process of wrinkle formation.

Age is not a contraindication for the use of Botox. Such procedures are not performed only on children. But the cosmetologist first tells the client about the results that can be achieved in his particular case.

What to do before and after the procedure

Despite the fact that Botox injections do not harm the body, there are still a number of conditions when such procedures should not be performed. Such contraindications include:

1. Taking certain medications, for example, antibiotics or microcoagulants. If the client has undergone drug treatment, then Botox injections are allowed no earlier than 2-3 weeks after stopping the medication.

2. Myasthenia gravis. This neurological disease is characterized by muscle weakness, most often observed in the eye area.

3. Hemophilia. With this disease, even microtraumas can lead to bleeding, and extensive hematomas will form at the injection site.

4. Chronic diseases that have become acute, obstructive pulmonary pathologies, wounds and inflammatory processes at the sites where the drug is supposed to be administered. The procedure can only be performed after complete recovery.

The reason for refusing the procedure is pregnancy and lactation, alcohol and cigarette abuse.
Additionally, Botox is not used to treat wrinkles in clients who have had botulism. Their body becomes insensitive to this toxin, which means that the injections will not bring the desired result. At the first meeting, the doctor must find out whether the client has any contraindications. If a person is healthy, does not take any medications and does not have individual intolerance to individual components of the drug, then a date for the procedure can be set.

After the “beauty injections” some restrictions will apply. You can't lie down for the first few hours. If the body is in a horizontal position, the toxin, under the influence of gravity, can paralyze the wrong muscles.

The effect of Botox injections becomes noticeable the next day after its administration, but the recovery period lasts much longer.

For two weeks, you should limit your intake of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods; it is also not recommended to visit swimming pools, beaches, solariums and saunas.

Botulinum toxin injections can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, but a break must be taken between them.

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