When swelling of the legs and face is a sign of serious pathology

We are always ready to do everything possible to keep our skin beautiful, firm and elastic for longer. But poor facial skin condition does not always arise just like that. Most often, this tells us about our body, problems that have arisen that need to be urgently treated.

What can ruin your mood first thing in the morning? Puffiness on the face is not an independent disease. Swelling can indicate various problems with the body. Fluid is retained in the facial tissues, resulting in swelling on the face. Almost every person experiences this condition, but it can go away after 10 minutes. And there are people whose swelling remains for a longer time. Then you should think about it and immediately contact a specialist.

Causes of facial swelling

If your face swells not only in the morning, but throughout the day, then you should take a closer look at your lifestyle and change it. It is worth visiting a specialist to avoid complications. After all, not only an incorrect daily routine can lead to swelling on the face, but also quite dangerous diseases. Swelling occurs when fluid is retained in the body.

Why does slight swelling appear on the face? The reasons may be as follows:

  • in case of shortness of breath, in addition to swelling, this may indicate that the heart is not working properly;
  • in the case of bluish color of the skin, blood circulation or the functioning of the vascular system may be impaired;
  • the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals. As a result, the functioning of various systems is disrupted;
  • a person does not eat properly - he eats on the road, goes on diets, eats on dry food;
  • Insomnia and lack of sleep are noted. Everyone knows that a person should sleep about 6-8 hours a day, then he will be able to work normally and maintain his own health;
  • the man is overtired at work. Perhaps he worked without breaks;
  • Before going to bed, he eats heavily, and this adds some heaviness to the body. Then it is more difficult to fall asleep and get enough sleep;
  • swelling of the face under the eyes occurs if a person is diagnosed with kidney failure. This swelling goes away within a day. Usually, with this disease, a person quickly gets tired and urination is impaired;
  • There may be swelling on the face in the morning if the patient has heart failure. The fluid flows out worse because the heart muscle cannot cope with pumping blood;
  • swelling may occur as a result of allergies. In just a few seconds, the tongue, larynx, and face swell. This happens often in the case of wasp stings.

Why does the face swell?

Physiological reasons

In the absence of allergies, intoxication and chronic diseases of internal organs, the symptom may be associated with constant lack of sleep, adherence to strict diets, and fasting.
In some cases, swelling of soft tissues is caused by improper selection of decorative cosmetics and skin care products. Puffiness can occur after crying, or be observed against the background of chronic stressful situations. Sometimes morning swelling of the face is explained by sleeping on a pillow that is too high, since the non-physiological position of the head provokes a narrowing of the cervical vessels. Other possible causes of puffiness in the morning include eating salty, fried foods, or drinking large amounts of liquid in the evening.

Hormonal changes in women

Cyclical fluctuations in hormone levels in women are not a disease, but a normal condition. However, such fluctuations sometimes cause facial swelling. In some women, this symptom is part of premenstrual syndrome. The symptom often appears during pregnancy and is caused by impaired renal function or physiological changes in the body. Many patients complain of facial pastiness during menopause.

Endocrine diseases

Swelling of the face is observed with persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones. The following forms of hypothyroidism cause the development of symptoms:

  • congenital hypothyroidism;
  • hypothyroidism during pregnancy;
  • peripheral hypothyroidism;
  • hypothyroid phase of autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • the final stage of cytokine-induced thyropathy.

The symptom is observed constantly, combined with a yellowish or peachy skin tone, dry and brittle hair, and slowed mental processes. It is most severely manifested in myxedema - due to pronounced mucous edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, facial features become coarser, the chin enlarges, the palpebral fissures narrow, facial expressions become poor, and the face takes on a mask-like appearance.

Facial swelling

Allergic reactions

Allergic swelling of the face develops acutely due to contact with certain substances: medications, food products, pollen, animal hair. It is observed with insect bites and cold allergies. There are several allergic reactions accompanied by the appearance of this symptom:

  • Hives.
    Swelling is combined with rashes, hyperemia, and skin itching.
  • Contact dermatitis.
    Swelling and hyperemia appear in the area of ​​contact with the allergen, giving way to the formation of papules, which open, forming erosions.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
    Develops in early childhood and is manifested by edema and erythema, against which blisters appear.
  • Bronchial asthma.
    Puffiness of the face is detected during an attack, combined with breathing problems and forced body position.

The most severe forms of allergies, accompanied by swelling of the face, are acute allergic reactions - Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. With Quincke's edema, the contours of the face change over the course of several minutes, less often - several hours. The symptom is pronounced, especially in the middle and lower parts of the face, and persists for 2-3 days. Quincke's edema can develop independently or occur at stage 2 of anaphylactic shock, accompanied by swelling of the respiratory tract.

Kidney diseases

Watery, soft, mobile swelling of the face after a night's sleep, combined with a yellowish tint to the skin, is characteristic of kidney disease. The following pathologies are the cause:

  • Glomerulonephritis.
    In the acute form of the disease, edema persists for 2-3 weeks; when the process becomes chronic, it appears during periods of exacerbation.
  • Amyloidosis of the kidneys.
    The symptom occurs in stage 2 (proteinuric) and progresses as renal function deteriorates.
  • Membranous nephropathy.
    Develops after drug therapy, treatment of oncological pathologies, acute infections. It occurs in waves with episodes of complete or almost complete disappearance of edema.
  • Lesions in systemic pathologies
    . Facial edema is detected in diabetic nephropathy and SLE. Appear against the background of symptoms of the underlying disease.
  • Chronic renal failure.
    Swelling increases gradually over several years.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

In diseases of the blood vessels and heart, edema is more pronounced in the area of ​​the lower extremities, but can also be detected on the face, especially in the evening. They differ from renal edema in their higher density, decreased local temperature and bluish tint of the skin, slower formation and resorption. Caused by the development of chronic heart failure, detected in the following diseases:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • constrictive pericarditis;
  • some arrhythmias;
  • heart defects;
  • heart damage due to rheumatism;
  • arterial hypertension.

Poisoning and intoxication

In people who smoke, morning puffiness of the face is more pronounced than in non-smokers due to the negative impact of toxins on the condition of the lymphatic system. Episodic swelling of the face can occur the morning after consuming large amounts of alcohol, especially noticeable when drinking beer or impaired renal function.

In patients with alcoholism, swelling becomes constant, the face takes on a characteristic appearance, and the skin is often yellowish or with a purplish tint. Edema is aggravated with the development of alcoholic nephropathy. In addition, swelling of the face and body can be observed when substances that have a nephrotoxic effect are absorbed, for example, in case of vinegar poisoning.

Other reasons

Minor swelling is quite typical for the manifestation of acute respiratory diseases; it is more pronounced in children, but can be detected in people of any age. The appearance of soft tissue swelling is possible with ENT pathologies: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis. Facial swelling is accompanied by some hypo- and hypervitaminosis.

How to remove swelling from the face?

Most often, we notice slight swelling on the face in the morning; this phenomenon is considered normal. Because at night the blood rushes to the face, which leads to a sleepy appearance. But after 10-15 minutes everything goes away. In case of a longer period, the following procedures can be performed:

  • contrast washes, after which you can wipe your face with ice. This reduces puffiness and removes bags formed under the eyes. In this way you can cheer up and get a certain boost of energy;
  • A good night's sleep must be well prepared. In the evening, you should not eat spicy, salty foods, or sweets. This affects the quality of sleep;
  • the products you use to care for your face should be applied 2 hours before you go to bed;
  • Swelling often occurs as a result of improper, irregular food intake. It is worth consuming less seasonings, sauces, smoked meats, and not eating fast food. Water may also be retained in the body due to sugar;
  • The danger is posed by fatty foods that contain a lot of sugar. We are talking about various sweets, donuts, buns. They do not have a very good effect on the condition of the human body;
  • As for proper nutrition, there should be enough animal proteins (fish, cottage cheese, meat, eggs). The diet should also include foods rich in calcium;
  • Drink less water after 7 pm, do not eat;
  • consume less salt, it contributes to fluid stagnation;
  • It’s better to drink green tea and various decoctions to get a diuretic effect. In the summer, you can use watermelons for this. You should forget about carbonated drinks and sweet waters, which leave a bad mark on the body.


Check if you have found yourself in the following situations.

  • You went to bed late and simply didn’t get enough sleep.
  • I slept with my face in the pillow (not only did I squeeze the vessels through which the lymph should flow, but I also wrinkled the skin).
  • It was the evening before, and the alcohol consumption limit had clearly been exceeded.
  • I took it and drank plenty of water before going to bed and ate a watermelon.
  • Or was it beer with vobla? (alcohol + salty = swelling's best friends).
  • I cried before going to bed (crying also disrupts the drainage function).
  • You are a smoker.

All these are factors that provoke lymph retention in tissues.

That is, first of all, we look at what we drink and eat. Liquid is retained in the body if we abuse alcohol, salty, spicy, sweet foods (especially before bed).

But that's not all. Malfunctions in the functioning of the lymphatic system and the “pumping out” of tissue fluid are affected by everything that we consider an unhealthy lifestyle: unbalanced nutrition, low physical activity, stress, chronic fatigue, etc.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing can remove facial swelling

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a painless method that can deal with the problem quickly and easily. Here, the facial skin is exposed to ultrasound. This procedure can be performed in any salon. The most important thing is that it is carried out by a professional who knows all the indications, contraindications, and subtleties of the work. Then we can talk about effectiveness, high-quality results and the absence of complications. Minor swelling on the face in the morning will disappear for a while. You will need to undergo several sessions to consolidate the results.

Methods for preventing and treating pastiness

The best way to prevent edema is a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, sports, swimming, massages, lymphatic drainage procedures.

You should also not forget about regular preventive examinations. It is advisable to visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist, dentist and cosmetologist every six months. Changes in health status can cause external aesthetic problems with the skin to appear. If the problem has already arisen, then its solution should be entrusted to specialists.

After consultation and examination, the doctor will help identify the cause of the pastiness and prescribe the necessary medication.

Causes of the defect

The main factors provoking the chronic manifestation of pastiness on the face are considered to be a disorder of functions or individual systems of the body, as well as chronic diseases. Secondary reasons include:

  • allergic reactions present in the body;
  • helminthic infestations (worm infestations);
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome);
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy period;
  • use of antidepressants, sedatives and diuretics;
  • improperly balanced diet with insufficient supply of vitamins, proteins, microelements;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • age-related changes in the body, accompanied by a sharp decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • long periods of work at the computer;
  • frequent stress, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasal sinuses;
  • lack of sanitation of the oral cavity in the presence of teeth affected by caries.

Pastiness that does not disappear within a week, especially in the eyelid area, is an alarming signal indicating problems in the body. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for a comprehensive examination and an accurate diagnosis, which will help you choose the correct and effective treatment!

What is facial pastiness? Are pastosity and puffiness synonymous?

Facial pastiness is swelling of the skin, which is often accompanied by pale skin color and a decrease in its elasticity. When pasty, the skin structure resembles dough.

Pastiness and swelling are often considered synonymous, but this is not so.

Pastiness is a mild form of swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. In simple words, a small swelling that everyone is familiar with. Pastiness can be a precursor to swelling, and, if you do not attach importance to it, it can turn into permanent tissue swelling.

What procedures, components, massages, etc. Do they really work to eliminate facial pastiness?

At home, you can eliminate pastiness yourself with the help of self-massage of the face and contrast washing. If pastiness appears more and more often, you should consult a cosmetologist.

It is best to combine professional and home care. Professional care can begin at an early age with lymphatic drainage massage. Massage Silk massage gel from iS Clinical is perfect for this procedure , which is easily washed off with water and does not clog pores.

To enhance the effectiveness of professional care, you can use procedures based on cooling and toning masks.

One such procedure is foam enzymatic treatment, the protocol of which uses a mask with an instant cooling effect Hydra-Intensive Cooling Masque . By the way, this mask can also be included in home care for a longer lasting effect. The procedure is aimed at reducing pastiness and giving the skin a healthy glow.

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Posted by iS CLINICAL Ukraine (@isclinical_ukraine) Apr 27, 2020 at 1:16 PDT

Among hardware methods, we recommend taking a course of Hydrafacial procedures, the action of which is aimed at cleansing, treating, moisturizing the skin and reducing swelling.

One of the stages of this procedure is vacuum lymphatic drainage. It helps stimulate cellular metabolism, improve the outflow of blood and lymph.

As a result, puffiness decreases, and dark circles under the eyes become less noticeable. This is an excellent prevention and treatment of facial pastiness.

When choosing home care products, pay attention to the ingredients in the preparations. For example, vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and, as a result, eliminates pastiness and signs of fatigue under the eyes. A good example is the C Eye Serum Advance+ serum. .

Caffeine, vitamin K and citrulline help reduce pastosity and increase skin firmness and elasticity.

The complex of these components is part of the Youth Serum, which helps to quickly achieve the effect.

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Posted by iS CLINICAL Ukraine (@isclinical_ukraine) Jun 24, 2020 at 4:28 PDT

The essence of pathology

The name of this pathological condition of the body comes from Lat. “pasta” means dough, because the signs of this condition make the face puffy and loose, really looking like dough. In a healthy body, the volume, composition and distribution of fluid among tissue cells are all quite balanced and characterized by constancy. The required amount of water enters the tissue cells through the walls of capillaries and small vessels, then also exits back through the blood. Additionally, the outflow of fluid from tissues is carried out by lymphatic vessels.

Sometimes a pathological disturbance in the outflow of fluids occurs, which occurs as a result of thinning of the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, increased pressure in the bloodstream, or an excess of salts - sodium ions. Factors that provoke the appearance of symptoms of swelling and pastiness, that is, accumulation and stagnation of excess fluid in soft tissues, are called provocateurs of swelling.

The development of such a disorder can be caused by various diseases: malfunctions in the immune, nervous and endocrine systems of the human body, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Treatment methods at home

You can get rid of the problem yourself using the following methods:

  • facial massage along the main lines by tapping your fingertips or using ice cubes made from a decoction of medicinal herbs. Exposure to cold and plant extracts improves blood circulation, increases tissue tone, resulting in improved lymph outflow and removal of excess intercellular fluid;
  • taking herbal diuretics (for example, bears ears, rose hips, corn silk). In addition to the diuretic effect, herbs have a powerful antiseptic effect and eliminate possible intoxication of the body;
  • store-bought, pharmacy or homemade masks made from natural ingredients available to everyone. An example is a mask made from boiled potatoes, grated with sour cream and applied in a thin layer, including on the eyelid area. This remedy significantly improves local blood circulation and eliminates signs of pastosity.

A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to fluid retention in the body, so try to move more, be sure to walk in the fresh air every day without exception.

Prevention of pastiness

In combination with complex treatment methods, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures that will reduce swelling: give up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol); reduce the number of stressful situations and avoid overexertion; balance your diet, eat more often food containing large amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the weight and health of the body - regularly undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which makes it possible to identify the development of various diseases at the initial stage, more often use self-massage of the face and procedures that improve blood microcirculation in the facial area, especially the eyelids.

Is it normal for girls to have a pasty face during PMS?

There are several types of clinical picture of PMS:

In the clinical picture of the edematous form of PMS, which, by the way, is one of the most common, facial pastiness is one of the main symptoms.

The fact is that most women with PMS experience fluid retention of up to 500-700 ml in the luteal phase.

As a rule, pastiness during PMS is characteristic of women of early reproductive age, and is least common in women of active reproductive age. As previously mentioned, pastiness manifests itself depending on gender and physiology. Therefore, facial pastiness in women can be associated with the menstrual cycle, especially in the second half, and is caused by a completely natural physiological process.

Swelling on the cheekbones: causes and consequences

Year after year goes by. The first signs of age appear as bags and puffiness under the eyes. After a few more years, a second fold begins to appear in the area of ​​the cheek bones. These are “painting bags” (their second name is “sufa”).

Like bags under the eyes, they have similar unpleasant properties.

Firstly, fatty hernias on the cheekbones greatly spoil the appearance and make the face sad.

Secondly, these formations consist entirely of adipose tissue, so they tend to retain water, increase in size and form malar edema.

We often hear that the cause of swelling on the cheekbones is insufficient self-care. They say, take time for yourself, and miraculous creams, massages and vitamin complexes will remove all the bags under the eyes on the cheekbones in a month, and you will again shine with youth and beauty.

To be fair, it is worth saying that cheekbones are not a disease. This is an anatomical feature of the body: paint bags filled with adipose tissue. However, in youth, the good tone of young skin hides the problem.

With age, the skin becomes drier and thinner, the facial muscles lose their elasticity, the fatty tissue begins to sink down, sag, and... Everything secret becomes clear.

Disorders associated with swelling of the eyelids

By morning, not our entire face may swell, but only the area around the eyes. Bags appear on the lower eyelids, the upper ones float, droop and turn your beautiful big eyes into “slits”. You look sleepy and sick.

Such selective facial swelling is not uncommon. The area around the eyes is the best indicator of lymphatic problems. This is where excess liquid tends first.

Why? Because this is the most vulnerable area. The skin of our eyelids is the thinnest, 6 times thinner than on the cheeks. In addition, there is a mass of lymphatic and blood vessels in/under it. The lymph happily fills the “pockets” formed here, and your usually open gaze can no longer be seen in the shapelessness of the puffy “glasses”.

How is diagnostics performed?

Swelling and pastiness have the same symptoms, but differ in the causes of formation.

Accurate diagnosis of the pathology is carried out by taking the McClure-Aldrich test, which consists of subcutaneously injecting an isotonic sodium chloride solution into the problem area, which should quickly resolve. After this method, as a rule, a full examination of the patient’s body is prescribed in order to identify the root cause of the development of the pathology.

Only after the doctor has established the exact cause of the formation of pastosity, along with medications, can cosmetic procedures be used, selected by a cosmetologist for each individual patient on an individual basis.

Applying cucumber circles to the eyes is an express method for treating swelling (pastiness) of the skin around the eyes

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