Laughter lines: how they appear and 7 natural remedies that work for prevention


Wrinkles on the cheeks are folds that appear as a result of facial activity. You can only get gravitational wrinkles in this part of the face if you are overweight, and then only in the second half of your life, while deep static wrinkles appear very rarely. Therefore, they can be removed without even resorting to such strong means as surgery or injections.

We have found out what type of skin defects you have. Now it remains to figure out how to remove wrinkles on the cheeks. There are two ways of fighting here, which are best used in combination. The first is to control your own facial expressions in order to reduce the load on muscles and skin and prevent the formation of facial wrinkles. This will lead to the disappearance of minor defects and stabilization of deep folds. The second way to fight is to saturate the body with the necessary nutrients so that it resists the appearance of wrinkles with greater strength.

Why do wrinkles appear?

Each of us wants to look young as long as possible and have elastic and velvety skin even in adulthood. The formation of wrinkles is an inevitable process; their appearance depends on a number of factors: age, genetics, lifestyle, bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, poor ecology, and insufficient and improper care of the skin. Depending on their origin, wrinkles are divided into 2 types: facial and age-related (static)

The first wrinkles can appear as early as between the ages of 20 and 25; their appearance is associated with increased facial activity. We squint, smile, frown, while muscles contract and folds appear on the face. Firm, radiant, velvety - this is what skin looks like at a young age. Collagen, the protein responsible for the elasticity of the skin, is produced in sufficient quantities and after stress associated with the manifestation of emotions, the muscles return to a resting state in their place quite easily.

If you have wrinkles, specialists at Dr. Novikov’s clinic will create an individual skin rejuvenation program.

After a course of procedures, your skin will become elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the rejuvenation effect will last for a long time.

Over time, the skin loses the required amount of moisture, collagen production decreases, and the tone of facial muscles decreases. Cosmetologists call the age under 35 years old as a barrier age. Many believe that special care at this age is not needed since there are no deep wrinkles, but in vain, since the negative factors that contribute to their appearance are already beginning to affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, the earlier measures to correct wrinkles are applied, the better the result will be.

With age, expression lines do not disappear; static wrinkles of varying depths are added to them. Due to this, the corners of the lips droop, nasolabial folds appear, and the oval of the face changes.

Modern cosmetology offers many methods and procedures that can effectively fight wrinkles, make them less noticeable, and also make it possible to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance of the skin.

How to quickly remove wrinkles?

Cosmetology offers many methods for correcting wrinkles aimed at restoring natural regeneration processes, skin cell renewal, elastin and collagen production, and the ability to retain moisture.

In the arsenal of aesthetic medicine doctors there are a lot of procedures for wrinkles, including: injection therapy, laser rejuvenation, contouring, plasma lifting, photorejuvenation.

The Hydrafacial procedure provides an excellent effect in correcting wrinkles and skin folds on the face. This is deep cleansing and rejuvenation in one procedure. The lifting effect is achieved due to the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin. The effect of intensive rejuvenation is achieved through the influence of serums with hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants. As a result, the face is wrinkle-free and the skin is healthy and smooth.

The most suitable method to remove wrinkles will be selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition and type of skin.

How to get rid of it after 30?

Skin care products around the eyes after 30 years are divided into groups.


Placental masks have gained popularity, they help restore the skin to a fresh and toned appearance, are inexpensive and have almost no contraindications.


Vitamins are used to care for the area around the eyes:

  1. A - applied in pure form or with oils. The course of application is 2 weeks and is repeated every other month.
  2. F - relieves irritation, dryness and enriches the skin with fatty acids.
  3. E - eliminates dryness and improves metabolism.

Folk remedies

Attention. Traditional methods of fighting wrinkles will not replace basic care, but will complement it and improve the condition of the skin.

Every woman has proven secrets and remedies that she inherited from her grandmothers.

The masks are prepared independently, and the components are selected depending on the age and skin type.

Aloe juice

The juice of the plant is combined with grape seed oil and placed on the eyes for 15 minutes. The mask helps smooth out crow's feet and expression lines.


Crush fresh herbs to a pulp and place on your eyes, apply wet swabs on top and hold for 15 minutes.


A simple and effective method that helps in the fight against puffiness and aging. Cucumber circles are placed on the eyes for 20 minutes.


Mash the banana with a fork until pureed, mix with 2 tsp. melted butter. The composition is applied to the eyes for 20 minutes. Many women do not know about the magical properties of the fruit.

Coconut oil

Regular application of oil to the area around the eyes helps smooth out wrinkles.

Egg yolk

Reference. Yolk is a preventative measure that is used for every age category of women.

Simple and effective procedure:

  1. the eyelids are lubricated with yolk;
  2. After 15 minutes it is enough to wash your face.

You can add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to the yolk; olive oil is better suited for the procedure.

Linseed oil

Rubbing the eye area with a swab dipped in linseed oil nourishes the skin.

The product should be used with caution - irritation may occur if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane.

Massage with ice cubes of infusion of medicinal plants

Attention. Compresses made from frozen herbal infusions eliminate swelling, fatigue and wrinkles. Ice is applied for 15 minutes, after which the cubes are removed.

Suitable for cooking:

  • a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or sage;
  • infusion of black or green tea.

How to remove wrinkles under and around the eyes?

Wrinkles under and around the eyes most often appear earlier than in other areas. This is due to the fact that the skin in this area is thin and does not have a fat layer. Wrinkles form in the eye area as a result of active facial expressions. The first small wrinkles can appear at the age of 20-25 years; the older a person gets, the deeper they become.

It is unlikely that you will be able to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home. It is possible to maintain the condition of existing wrinkles and slow down the process of the appearance of new wrinkles using cosmetics. Products with hyaluronic acid moisturize the skin well, while products with peptides replenish the lack of collagen and elastin.

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, hardware techniques and injection therapy are mainly used. They have a pronounced effect and give quick results. Either one method is used, or several at once to enhance the effect.

  • Mesotherapy effectively eliminates even deep wrinkles. The procedure is carried out by injection with drugs in the form of cocktails.
  • Biorevitalization is suitable for eliminating skin folds and is aimed at filling them with hyaluronic acid
  • Botulinum therapy perfectly corrects facial wrinkles. The effect is achieved by blocking nerve impulses with botulinum type A.

Hardware methods:

  • Laser rejuvenation effectively eliminates both facial and age-related skin changes.
  • Photorejuvenation – the procedure has a long-lasting effect of up to 3 years, the skin will look tightened and elastic.

Getting rid of nasolabial folds

Wrinkles that appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle can age any face. Moreover, they can appear even in a young girl at the age of 25. Most often, the cause of their occurrence is mobility of the lower part of the face when expressing emotions and during conversation. Initially, they can be almost invisible and appear only during facial expressions, but with age, when the skin becomes more flabby and loses elasticity, the folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle form deeper and deeper.

In order to get rid of fine and other types of wrinkles in this part of the face, it is necessary to assess how pronounced they are. If these are facial wrinkles, then removing them yourself at home will not be difficult. As for age-related wrinkles, in order to eliminate them, you will have to contact a cosmetologist who will recommend a suitable procedure. These can be injections or hardware techniques.

Most often, the following cosmetic procedures are used to get rid of fine wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle:

  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic;
  • lipofilling.

If we talk about the first option, it will help get rid of small wrinkles that have just begun to appear. Mesotherapy cannot cope with deep folds.

Contour plastic surgery is used in cases where it is necessary to give a certain shape to deformed layers of skin. In this situation, fillers are used to fill the gaps formed in the tissues. As for lipofilling, instead of a gel with active components, the patient’s own adipose tissue is used.

You can also turn to traditional medicine, which has many effective recipes that help get rid of small and medium-sized wrinkles on your own at home.

Remedies to help fight nasolabial folds:

  • A mask made from quail eggs and bay leaves. To do this, bay leaf (10 leaves) is poured with water (10 g) and boiled for five minutes. Pour one dessert spoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of broth into three beaten quail eggs. Apply cotton pads soaked in the solution to problem areas for 10 minutes.
  • Honey based cream. Melt honey (1 tbsp), beeswax (1 tsp) in a water bath and mix until smooth. Separately, crush the apricot kernels and add 1 tsp. into the honey mixture along with 20 ml of water. Pour in lemon juice (1 tsp) and the same amount of grape oil. Mix everything and apply to wrinkles daily before going to bed. The product must be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two weeks.
  • Mask with a smoothing effect. Take peach pulp (it must be ripe), mash it, add 1 tsp. melted honey and two capsules of Aevita. Mix everything and apply to problem areas for half an hour.

These recipes are suitable for those who are under 40 years old, since they are more effective in getting rid of facial wrinkles than age wrinkles. However, the problem of deep folds will appear much later if you use them regularly.

Wrinkles on the forehead: effective cosmetic procedures.

Wrinkles in the forehead area add age and make the face look tired. Salon cosmetic procedures can effectively and quickly remove wrinkles and restore the skin to a healthy and fresh appearance.

Effective procedures for wrinkles in the forehead area:

  • RF lifting (thermolifting) is one of the best ways to remove wrinkles without injections. After the procedure, the skin is smoothed and tightened, the effect is achieved through the production of collagen.
  • Botulinum therapy is indicated from 20 to 25 years of age and is effective in correcting facial wrinkles.
  • Contour plastic surgery allows you to restore elasticity to the skin and is suitable for eliminating deep furrows on the forehead. In combination with botulinum therapy, it is effective in the fight against pronounced age-related wrinkles.
  • Laser therapy can eliminate even deep wrinkles in the forehead in a short time. The procedure is indicated for persons over 35 years of age.

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows?

The vertical furrows between the eyebrows are one of the first wrinkles to appear on the face; they give the face a gloomy and gloomy appearance.

To correct this type of wrinkles, the following are used:

  • Botoxotherapy is a serum with a rejuvenating effect. Thanks to this injection, the forehead relaxes and wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 6 months.
  • Fillers are injections of serum with hyaluronic acid. The consistency of the serum is very plastic, it fills wrinkles and smoothes them, and also promotes collagen production. The effect of the procedure lasts from 6 to 10 months.

How to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose?

Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose form near the corners of the eyes as a result of contraction of the nasal muscles. Most often they are formed from insufficient skin moisture, age-related changes, and active facial expressions.

Aesthetic medicine offers various methods to remove wrinkles in the bridge of the nose:

  • Fillers – hyaluronic acid contained in fillers is injected into problem areas and smoothes out wrinkles, creating a lifting effect.
  • Botox injections - botulinum toxin type A is injected into the facial muscles, which relaxes them. The effect of the procedure lasts from 2 to 6 months.
  • Laser facial reading - this method is based on the effect of a laser beam on problem areas of the skin through evaporation. Due to the action of the laser, the top layer is evaporated, the skin is renewed and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Microcurrents – the procedure is indicated at the first signs of skin aging. The impact of microcurrents occurs on both the upper and deep tissues of the skin. During the procedure, low-frequency currents act on the skin, thereby increasing blood circulation and accelerating the production of collagen and elastin.

To shave or not to shave?

Well, girls, let's start shaving to get rid of wrinkles on our cheeks? After all, in war all means are good!

Have any of you ever wondered why many men have better facial skin than women? The whole secret lies in frequent shaving! After all, in essence, by shaving, men exfoliate themselves several times a week - they remove the stratum corneum of the skin and renew it.

In addition, grimacing while shaving (has the way our halves grimace when shaving ever made you smile?), our men do nothing more than facial gymnastics: they stretch the skin, train all 57 muscles that are located in this zone.

What did women come up with?

On one of the forums, a girl says that she came up with this method of facial massage purely by chance. And he helped her get rid of wrinkles and solve other problems with her face. Now this method is so popular that many people praise its effectiveness. So let's get started.

  • The razor is taken, but the protective cap is not removed from the blade! And we begin to imitate shaving, as men do. We move along the oval of the face, stretch the cheeks, etc. For better glide, you need to lubricate the skin on your face with cream or vegetable oil.
  • You need to “shave” from 2 to 7 minutes. Reviews say that this really helps - bulldog cheeks disappear, wrinkles decrease, and the smile on your face does not disappear from the result.
  • Instead of a razor, you can use a soft toothbrush. This cheek massage has a good effect on the skin and tones the muscles. Don't forget to shave thoroughly! That is, you need to grimace and grimace very well: pull your cheekbone forward, tighten your cheeks - work with your whole face.
  • If you don’t have a machine or a brush at hand, work with your bent index finger. It turns out pretty good too.

How to remove wrinkles above the lip?

The skin above the lip is quite thin and sensitive, it does not have a fatty layer. Wrinkles in this area appear the earliest because this area is very active. Cosmetology recommends several options for procedures to make the skin more elastic and smooth out wrinkles in this area.

Botox will help smooth out the skin above the lip; an injection administered under the skin stops the flow of nerve signals to the facial muscles. Mesotherapy has also proven itself well in the fight against wrinkles above the lip. In the form of injections, beneficial substances and vitamins are introduced into the skin, thereby slowing down the aging process of the skin.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid gives quick results, but the effect does not last long. Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to remove wrinkles around the lips quickly and painlessly. As a result of the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and even.

Purse-string and age wrinkles (before and after)

Barcode, this is what facial wrinkles on the lips are usually called. A softer name is purse string, but the essence does not change. They stretch from the red border of the lips to the nose, often leaving quite visible creases on the skin at a young age. In addition to the main disadvantage - adding age to the owner, they also cause a lot of inconvenience with makeup, foundation and powder collect in the folds, lipstick and gloss mercilessly spread along wrinkles from the lips.

It is a false belief that purse-string wrinkles occur only during menopause and in older women. In my practice, I regularly observe this picture on the lips, starting at the age of 30. Of course, not everyone has it, there are predisposing factors - smoking, lack of sun protection with frequent sun exposure, active facial expressions, skin characteristics (on dry skin), heredity.

Giving up on these wrinkles is not the best option, because it is these facial marks that create the appearance of an aged face.

What causes wrinkles

The origin of wrinkles lies deeper than the skin level and different areas of the face have different causes - excessive facial activity, anatomical features, sleeping on the face, drooping of facial tissues with age, decreased skin tone, photoaging (from sunlight).

What is a wrinkle?

A wrinkle is a crease in the skin where it is constantly subjected to mechanical compression and squeezing. Most often, wrinkles arise from the work of facial muscles. This mainly occurs on the forehead, in the area between the eyebrows, around the eyes and lips. Often, such creases form on the cheeks when the fibers of the laughter muscle are woven into the skin. Creases form on the face during sleep - such wrinkles differ from others in the direction of the rays and unusual location (vertical), more often they are one-sided, and can aggravate existing facial wrinkles, for example, nasolabial ones.

Wrinkles can be dynamic or static. Dynamic ones appear only when facial expressions are active, and with a calm face they quickly and completely disappear. This is typical for people with good skin tone, often up to 22-25 years old, or for older people, but with weak facial activity.

Static wrinkles can be seen without facial expressions; they remain in place for a long time or even forever, even if the face is motionless. They appear at any age with very high facial activity or when skin tone decreases for various reasons.

Cosmetologist about acne on the face

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Expression wrinkles (correction) – 1 Before and after

Botulinum therapy (botulinum toxin injections) is still precisely the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles. The drug does not affect the quality of the skin, it does not fill it out, it simply turns off facial expressions. This means that if there are pronounced creases on the skin, they will most likely remain even after the procedure; there will be only a slight smoothing due to the lack of facial expressions in this area.

That is why, in order not to have to use additional methods in the future to eliminate existing wrinkles, patients prefer not to let them form. As soon as you begin to notice that the lines on the forehead, near the eyes, in the area between the eyebrows remain for more than 2-3 hours or do not go away at all, then it’s time to go to a cosmetologist for a procedure.

In this case, the patient is on prevention. She has wonderful elastic skin, but it is very thin, which leads to early wrinkles in mobile areas. We treat these areas with Botox every 6 months and you can evaluate the results. Smooth skin without wrinkles. At the same time, it is noticeable that there is no complete absence of facial expressions, slight mobility of the eyebrows is preserved so that the face is “alive.”

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Smooth skin without wrinkles
  • Eyebrow mobility
  • There is facial expressions
  • "Live" face
  • Botulinum toxin injections
  • Prevention

Expression wrinkles (correction) - 2. Strains on the neck. Before and after

The cords on the neck, as well as the arms, very much show age. In women aged 35-40, they may not be so noticeable, thanks to the still good skin tone, but they still attract attention when moving, turning their heads to the sides, while laughing or just talking. Such bands appear due to increased tone of the neck muscle, which is called platysma. It is very thin and wide, covering the front and side surfaces of the neck, so the strands can be observed on the side of the collarbones and under the chin.

It is impossible to control the process of its tension, so if you don’t like the cords and it seems to you that they are “aging”, then you need to relax this muscle. The most effective method is microinjections of botulinum toxin preparations. The procedure is very well tolerated and takes just a few minutes. The effect begins on the 3rd day and increases until the 10th. The interval between procedures is usually 6 to 8 months.

In this case, we assessed the result after 2 weeks, the patient was satisfied with the effect obtained. The neck began to look much younger, although we just relaxed the platysma and have not yet worked on the quality of the skin.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Neck is younger
  • Relaxed platism
  • result in 2 weeks
  • Microinjections of Botox
  • Interval up to 8 months

Expression wrinkles - 3. Purse-string wrinkles. Before and after

In this case, the task was precisely to smooth out purse-string wrinkles in order to smooth out the skin on the upper lip and visually rejuvenate the face. In order to quickly achieve results, it was decided to use a filler based on hyaluronic acid. A light lip beautification was carried out and purse-string wrinkles were stitched. We assessed the result after 2 weeks.

As a result, the lips did not increase in size, but simply became smoother and fuller, the contour became denser, due to this, new creases will not form during facial expressions. The same creases that were there were filled very delicately. Nothing betrays the intervention of a cosmetologist.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about an hour with consultation and pain relief. It is tolerated comfortably, rehabilitation is 3-7 days, swelling and bruising are possible. The effect lasts up to a year on average.

  • Smooth lips
  • Tight contour
  • The cosmetologist’s intervention is not visible
  • Smoothed skin from wrinkles

Expression wrinkles - 4. Wrinkles on the forehead. Before and after

Wrinkles are traces of emotions

I guess, yes. But for some reason, when you see them in the mirror, they don’t make you happy at all. Especially when you are 30 years old. The option to control facial expressions is not suitable for everyone, since this facial expression is not called involuntary for nothing. A person often doesn’t even notice how his forehead shakes.

In this case, Botox or Dysport work well, a light block and the skin is much smoother both on the forehead and around the eyes. The eyes still “laugh” when smiling, there is no facial expression, and at the same time the look is fresh and rested. The procedure takes only one minute, is easily tolerated, the effect occurs from the 3rd to the 10th day, repeat the procedure every 4-8 months.

How to eliminate deep wrinkles on the face from a cosmetologist?

Deep wrinkles are a sign of age-related skin changes. Removing age-related changes is a long-term process and must be carried out regularly and constantly maintained.

The following cosmetic procedures will help remove deep wrinkles on the face:

  • Contour plastic surgery is effective against deep static wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid in injections helps smooth out wrinkles.
  • Microdermabrasion is skin resurfacing using a special device with attachments made of silicon and aluminum. The attachments have a gentle effect on the skin, correct deep wrinkles, while starting the process of collagen production.
  • Deep hydrovacuum peelings provide comprehensive skin care, restore natural tissue regeneration, eliminate fine wrinkles and smooth out deep wrinkles due to intensive nutrition of the dermis.


To take care of your face, it is necessary to determine the factors that cause wrinkles:

  • age-related changes;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • bad habits;
  • improper care;
  • natural factors that increase skin dryness;
  • active facial expressions and expression of emotions;
  • frequent stressful situations.

Features of skin structure

Attention. The skin in the eye area is more vulnerable than in other areas, so “rays” appear in this area earlier.

Causes of eyelid sensitivity:

  • thin skin that is subject to stretching and wrinkles;
  • small subcutaneous fat layer;
  • fewer sebaceous glands.

Active facial expressions, smiles

The facial muscles around the eyes contract:

  • when expressing emotions;
  • frequent blinking.

The load is reflected in the appearance of the eyes.

Age-related changes

The first changes near the eyes appear at 27–30 years of age. From now on, it is worth starting preventive anti-aging care.


Important. Sunlight negatively affects the skin of the eyelids - wrinkles form and pigmentation appears.

Dark glasses and special sunscreens protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Bad habits

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on the delicate skin of the eyelids, which include:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption.

How to prevent wrinkles from appearing?

How to remove wrinkles on the face? Every woman thinks about this question. Of course, the appearance of wrinkles is an inevitable process, but we have the power to stop the appearance of wrinkles.

The following rules must be observed:

  • Leading a healthy lifestyle
  • Proper balanced nutrition
  • Abstinence from bad habits
  • UV protection
  • Daily properly selected home care.

It is necessary to drink water, because water is life. Start your morning with a glass of water and drink up to 2 liters throughout the day. Don't forget that lack of moisture leads to dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles. A good way to prevent wrinkles will be a set of facial exercises and massages. Eat as many vegetables, fruits, and fish as possible - they are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can slow down the aging of the body.


One of the main conditions for preventing wrinkles from appearing on the cheeks when smiling is to control your facial expressions. But constantly thinking about how to remove the expression of emotions does not work. They still arise. But with the help of exercises you can reduce their manifestation or reduce the negative effect of emotions. In the morning and evening, spend 5-10 minutes doing facial exercises. In the morning, it will be especially useful, because by increasing muscle tone, you will reduce the likelihood of all types of folds - both longitudinal, which appear on the cheekbones and near the mouth, and vertical, which appear in the upper part of the cheeks.

  • The main exercise is a virtual ball. It could be just air or a little water in your mouth. Having puffed out your cheeks, begin to move this ball in your mouth from one side of the jaw to the other. If you feel the pressure of air and water on your gums, it means you have tensed your muscles correctly. 5 minutes of such exercise will provide a whole working day with healthy muscle tone.
  • For the top of the cheeks, an exercise with a piece of paper on the forehead is suitable. A strip of thick paper with nourishing cream is attached to the forehead. Every time you try to raise your eyebrows or frown, the paper will remind you of this. Thus, you will straighten not only the vertical folds on the cheeks, but also the longitudinal ones on the forehead. After 20-30 minutes, the paper can be removed.
  • The muscles around the mouth are best oxygenated and trained by stretching the lips forward and moving them in different directions only with the help of the muscles of the lips and cheeks. When you feel slight discomfort, the muscles are tense enough. After 1-2 minutes you can stop the exercise.

Tips from cosmetologists

To preserve youth for as long as possible and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, combine regular home care with modern cosmetic procedures. In order for home care to be correct, you need to select products according to your skin type and condition, so it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist for advice in their selection. The main thing is to choose an experienced specialist. The specialists at Dr. Novikov’s center have been working in the field of laser medicine and cosmetology for many years and will help you choose the optimal course of procedures depending on your wishes and skin condition.

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