Computer modeling of the nose before rhinoplasty

If you have made the final decision to correct the shape of your nose, you should pay close attention to all, even the smallest details. Remember that the main condition for nose surgery is the inability to return to its previous shape. Rhinoplasty of the nose is a popular plastic surgery that helps correct congenital and acquired defects of the nose. For the most part, correction is done for aesthetic defects of the organ, but there are also medical indications for surgical intervention.

Today, unique information technologies make it possible to predict the outcome of a future operation as reliably as possible. In the first place is computer modeling of the nose, thanks to which one can predict the exact outcome of rhinoplasty and achieve complete mutual understanding between the doctor and the patient. When preparing for rhinoplasty, it is very important to choose an experienced plastic surgeon whom you can completely trust. After all, facial surgery is a delicate and painstaking work, where the result depends entirely on the operating doctor. Therefore, the first step to a successful operation is an initial consultation with a doctor, during which contact will be established.

When do you need computer modeling of the nose?

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that this method of predicting the outcome of an operation still does not provide a 100% guarantee of results. There are nuances that cannot be taken into account when forecasting, such as:

  • age;
  • individual characteristics of the nose;
  • skin type;
  • structure of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • anthropometric features of the facial structure;
  • scarring and skin regeneration.

These features can have a significant impact on the result of rhinoplasty, and the doctor cannot influence them in any way, but is only able to take them into account when preparing for the operation.

Important! Despite all the nuances, today computer modeling is one of the most important procedures in preparation for rhinoplasty. The method helps to take into account all the patient’s wishes and present the possible result of rhinoplasty as accurately as possible.

Most often, people decide to correct imperfections due to dissatisfaction with their appearance and a desire to meet beauty standards.

However, many patients do not fully understand what result they want to get, or they have inflated demands that are impossible to achieve. For example, at an appointment with a surgeon, a patient may simply ask to make him a “beautiful nose.” However, everyone has their own understanding of the word beauty, and such a request is not very informative. In some cases, the patient may simply not be aware of the scope of modern aesthetic surgery, and the doctor may offer him a much more effective correction than he expected.

Remember! Reshaping the nose again is simply unrealistic. Rhinoplasty can correct many organ deficiencies, but it is impossible to completely change it.

The doctor may also use terms that will be incomprehensible to the patient. For example, “projection of the nose”, “change in angle of inclination”. As a result, both sides of the dialogue seem to speak different languages. It is in this case that the method of computer modeling of the nose will come to the rescue.

During the consultation, the doctor uses a scanner to perform a three-dimensional modeling of the nose. After scanning, using a special program, a 3D model will be created on which the future shape of the nose will be formed, at the request of the patient. This method allows the patient to specifically voice his desires regarding changes to the nose, and the plastic surgeon to make adjustments and combine what he wants with reality.

Important! It is computer modeling that will help you see how the changed nose will be combined with other facial features, how harmonious it will look.

There have been cases when, after modeling, the patient himself refused the operation, because many people think that plastic surgery can work miracles, but its possibilities are not limitless. The psychological role in this technique is of great importance; the patient can get used to his new appearance, this will not be a real shock for him. Computer modeling will also help avoid disappointment, since many patients expect to see a miracle after surgery.

Smartphone applications

In the App Store and Google Play you will find many applications that allow you to try out plastic surgery techniques on any photo you choose. In order for the result to be at least somewhat correlated with reality, you should treat the use of applications not as a game, but as a scientific experiment. In other words, don't pretend to be Angelina Jolie if you just want to make your lips look a little bigger.

Here are a few options worth checking out: Juvederm Mobile (created by one of the largest filler companies, Allergan), Crisalix, Boost Your Beauty, iSurgeon PRO, and Plastic Surgery Simulator.

What computer modeling can do before rhinoplasty

What seemed completely unrealistic some time ago is now being brought to life by modern digital photography. Manipulations with photos are almost limitless.

It is the resulting interactive view that can predict the future result of rhinoplasty and help decide whether surgery is really needed. The photographs that were obtained as a result of the scan are copied two at a time onto the screen, which makes it possible to make a detailed comparison of the original and the result predicted by the surgeon.

Computer modeling of the nose online

When carrying out the procedure, you will need high-quality photographs of the profile, full face and side of the patient’s nose.

Computer modeling algorithm:

  1. The photo is loaded into the computer using a graphic editor;
  2. The nose is modeled, the desired option and the desired shape are selected;
  3. The surgeon and the patient engage in a constructive dialogue, which results in agreement between the patient’s wishes and the real possibilities of modern surgery;
  4. The agreed photographs with the future result of rhinoplasty are saved on a PC and printed for the patient. At home, you can once again familiarize yourself with the results in detail and consult with your loved ones. If you wish, you can show the pictures to several more plastic surgeons and get additional advice.

When performing simulation, a real view of the situation, both the doctor and the patient, is very important. The positive result of rhinoplasty and the absence of complications during the rehabilitation period directly depend on this.

How to change breasts and see the difference before and after plastic surgery?

The Crisalix app includes multiple breast modeling options. During the consultation, the doctor at the Moscow Aesthetic Surgery Center will not only be able to suggest a certain form of implants, but also show in a photo what the breasts will look like in comparison before and after plastic surgery.

The software includes:

  • catalog of round and teardrop-shaped implants of imported origin;
  • three surgical modeling techniques (subglandular, axillary and in two planes).

Plastic clinics in Moscow provide 3D modeling services to provide the client with emotional satisfaction from a new image. During a 3D photo consultation, the patient can:

  • choose an aesthetic size, breast volume and surgical technique;
  • see yourself from different angles in a bikini and without it;
  • Discuss with your doctor the possibilities of realizing your dream of increasing, tightening or reducing the shape and size of attractive curves.

Rhinoplasty prognosis

You can perform computer modeling of your nose at the very first consultation; it is done by the plastic surgeon himself. Theoretically, you yourself can take a photo of the desired result using special programs. Some patients come to their doctor's appointment with a photo already prepared, which depicts what they want to receive. This practice is welcomed by the doctor because it allows you to more accurately determine the patient’s expectations.

What are the modeling methods?

Clinics usually use Photoshop or specialized programs designed for 3D modeling.

3D method

One of the most common programs for modeling is MyNose . This is a professional program that is designed to simulate a person's appearance. This software allows you to choose any version of your nose and print it on a photo. This program can be used online, it is paid. Another similar service, Fotoplastic, allows you to use a similar service for free. You can download the program to your computer or work with it online. After you load the photo into the program, select the diameter of the brush, point it at the place where correction is needed, and left-click the photo to move it until you get the desired look.

A more serious official program Crisalix , was one of the first developed for computer modeling of the nose before rhinoplasty. Basically, it is in demand only among professional plastic surgeons, since it can only be purchased on the official website, the cost is more than 6,000 rubles.


We all know this program, which allows you to correct imperfections in photos. This program is often used by doctors during the initial consultation of a patient. Photoshop will help you choose the shape of your nose that will be in harmony with the rest of your facial features.

Please note that the computer programming method cannot absolutely accurately predict the result of rhinoplasty. The program will not be able to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, such as the density of soft tissues, type and thickness of the nose.

Equipment for 3D visualization of plastic surgery results

Today, an innovative device in the aspect of three-dimensional modeling is Vectra- XT 3 D device . It makes it possible to design the nature of surgical intervention on various parts of the body.

The procedure requires the patient's personal presence.

  1. After consultation with the doctor and precise identification of problem areas, the client is photographed from several angles.
  2. The resulting images are processed using special software that selects individual plastic surgery options while maintaining the proportions of the figure.
  3. Upon completion of the mathematical calculations, the personal computer displays a three-dimensional image of the patient.

Unlike 3D modeling programs, online services for 3D visualization make it possible to design a picture of future plastic surgery interactively.

To do this, the patient uploads several photos to the service, expressing his wishes to the surgeon. The client can observe the corrections made in the browser window, setting out his amendments, if necessary.

Examples of such services are the Crisalix and Fotoplastic applications.

Patients ask

Do I need to pay separately for computer modeling?

If you decide to do the modeling yourself, using special programs, then the choice is yours: use the free or paid version. When receiving an initial consultation with a plastic surgeon, in most clinics the service of computer modeling of the nose is provided free of charge. What is the accuracy percentage of the result? In fact, computer modeling of the nose before rhinoplasty is just a photo in which it is impossible to examine the structure of tissues and cartilage, the characteristics of the patient’s skin, and the tendency to scarring. Also, the method cannot take into account all contraindications and risks of postoperative complications. However, most plastic surgeons reserve a fairly high success rate of 80% for computer modeling.

Reviews of the method of computer modeling of the nose

Albina, 23 years old I corrected the tip of my nose; it has been bifurcated since birth, this feature was inherited from my mother. At a consultation with a doctor, he offered to show me what kind of nose I wanted using a program. Of course I agreed, it was interesting to see what awaits me in the future. The doctor ran the scanner over his nose and we began to look. He fixed my nose on the computer, and we saw that even after correcting the forked tip, the nose remained long and looked strange on the face. It was decided to further shorten the tip of the nose. This program became a real salvation for me; it is unlikely that the doctor would have made the decision to shorten the nose during surgery without me. I would probably have to have a revision rhinoplasty. The rehabilitation went well, I was more than pleased with the result.

Facial analysis:

Facial analysis and aesthetic surgery planning is a mixture of science, art and experience. I have long had the idea of ​​writing a separate article or even a book about this, but so far I don’t have enough time. Therefore, in this material everything is in large strokes.

At the first stage, a general assessment of facial proportions is carried out. The secret of harmony lies in the balanced, proportionate arrangement of all its parts. Attention is drawn not only to the shape of the nose, but also to its relationship with the chin, cheekbones, and eyes. A very important step is assessing the aesthetics of teeth and smile. In some cases, a recommendation for orthodontic treatment is given. If there are pronounced signs of anomalies in the location of the teeth and jaws, an additional x-ray examination is performed. So, upon completion of the analysis, I draw conclusions and pay attention to those shortcomings that seemed significant to me.

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