Memo after peeling: information on preparation and rehabilitation after peeling
Types of peelings Carbon peeling Price Peeling is a procedure aimed at exfoliating dead skin.
Phytin peeling – features and stages of the procedure, reviews from specialists
Now phytic acid has become available not only for medical, but also for cosmetic needs.
Review of Dermaren gels for filling, advice on choosing a drug
Injection contouring is considered an excellent replacement for surgical interventions. With the help of various fillers you can create
Permanent lip makeup procedure is carried out
Selecting a Safe and Beautiful Pigment for Lip Tattoo
Permanent lip makeup, reviews of which are mostly positive, is one of the most
Photos before and after the procedure
How to do vacuum abdominal massage with cups at home
Vacuum abdominal massage with cups has long been known to the world as a way to combat fat deposits. Yes
The best methods for removing spider veins on the legs
Home » Departments » Phlebology - appointment with a phlebologist » Causes and treatment of spider veins
Skin care after electrolysis
Electrolysis: the view of a practicing cosmetologist
What skin condition after electrolysis is considered normal? Almost all the girls who did it for the first time
Mole removal
How to remove moles on the face and body?
A mole (birthmark) is a pigmented skin growth that can extremely rarely be congenital
bodytite procedure
Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction BODYTITE: a new word in figure correction
Department of Plastic Surgery Department of Plastic Surgery » Radiofrequency liposculpture BODY TITE Device BODY TITE
Biorevitalization with Welle preparations: features of the procedure and the opinion of cosmetologists
Biorevitalization has already become a part of the arsenal of those who care about the beauty and health of the skin.
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