Plinest: biorevitalization with smart nucleotides
The most effective beauty vitamins, such as Inneov, are based on seafood. Unfortunately the facts
The use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy (CP)
Botulinum therapy in cosmetology and medicine is actively developing. The method is highly effective and has minimal side effects.
Lump on the upper eyelid
Purulent processes of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (furuncle, abscess, hidradenitis, purulent wounds). Opening and drainage of the pathological process
A convex formation on the eyelid in the form of a lump is not uncommon. The causes of this pathology may
Cryotherapy - cauterization with liquid nitrogen: application in dermatology. Part 1
Cryosurgery or cryotherapy is a relatively effective and non-invasive procedure for treating many skin problems.
lip tattoo light kajal photo
Is it worth getting a lip tattoo: consider photos of permanent makeup
More and more girls are choosing permanent makeup. One procedure - and after
Retinoic facial peeling
Retises CT | Yellow peeling
Home / Cosmetology / Peelings / Retinoic peeling Your doctor: Malysheva Anna Leonidovna Cosmetologist,
Breast mastopathy - symptoms and diagnosis. How to treat mastopathy?
Every woman experiences temporary changes in breast size. The bust can decrease with a sudden loss
Is it possible to exfoliate in the summer or is it impossible to take care of your skin all year round?
From this article you will learn: Why peeling in summer can harm the skin Who is peeling recommended for?
Rhinophyma (wine nose, pineal nose, drunkard nose)
Causes of occurrence Among experts there is still no consensus as to what serves
Vitamin B12: release forms, indications, how to use
Vitamin B12: release forms, indications, how to use
To maintain normal hemoglobin levels, a balanced diet is necessary. Excessive nervousness, pale skin,
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