Phonophoresis - administration of drugs using ultrasound
Ultraphonophoresis in cosmetology is the effect on the skin using ultrasonic waves and cosmetic
Collagen mask
How to use a collagen face mask? Collagen mask for eyes and face at home: recipes, reviews
In this article we will talk about what collagen face masks are and how
How to remove facial and body hair at home
The problem of unwanted hair on the face and body worries almost every representative of the fair sex. TO
Laser hair removal with neodymium laser
Hair removal with neodymium laser: advantages and contraindications
It is no secret that laser hair removal today is not only a well-known, but also a very popular procedure,
Elimination of cellulite and body shaping with Vela Smooth
Detailed table of characteristics The table shows data on the 3rd generation device of the Vela Shape series.
5 effective ways to enlarge breasts using folk remedies
Beautiful breasts always cause admiration among males. Many women have thought at least once
Laser resurfacing of the area around the eyes
How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes
Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews Verified by an expert Natalya Borisovna Zhmurina Head, Chief Physician “A”
Cleansing the epidermis
How to make a face scrub at home: 21 recipes for perfect skin
A facial scrub at home can replace one purchased at a pharmacy or retail chain.
A hypertrophic scar developed a month after mole removal
Scars after mole removal: you can minimize the risk of their appearance
03/07/2018 There is a risk of a scar appearing on the skin after surgery. The smaller the area and depth
Show business stars with imperfect figures: Rihanna, Beyoncé, Lovato, Graham. Body positivity
Childhood and adolescence Tyra Lynn Banks was born in December 1973 in
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