We determine a man's character by the shape of his nose. 14 psychological portraits

Scientists say that it is quite possible to recognize a man’s character by the shape of his nose with a certain degree of certainty. Familiarize yourself with the main features that characterize a man based on his nose, and then analyze the matches based on your own experience.

Also try to evaluate the character of close and familiar men based on the shapes of their noses presented below. It will be interesting.

Here we wrote how to recognize a woman’s character by the shape of her nose.

Straight nose

If the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose are connected by a straight line without bends, and the nostrils are located strictly parallel, then such a nose is called straight.
Men with a straight nose have a very strong character. They are cunning, secretive, passionate, temperamental, usually hide their thoughts and grievances within themselves and under external goodwill.

It is very easy to provoke the anger of men with straight noses, and you should not have such people as your enemies.

Men with a straight nose of the correct shape are looking for an emotional and passionate woman as a companion who will “charge” him. This does not mean that in relationships they shout and break dishes; on the contrary, they are excellent family men and fathers.

Indications for rhinoplasty in girls

Rhinoplasty is often prescribed to patients for medical reasons.

These include:

  • displacement or curvature of the nasal septum;
  • congestion that cannot be treated with medication;
  • breathing disorder.

Women often turn to a plastic surgeon whose nose looks disproportionate and impairs aesthetic appeal. This may also serve as an indication for surgery.

Roman nose

It was thanks to ancient Roman sculptures that the form received its name. A distinctive feature of such a nose is a slight hump, which attracts the attention of others.

As a rule, those with a Roman nose know how and love to influence other people even with simple words, and they do it well. These men are stubborn and ambitious.

The organizational skills and leadership qualities of those with a Roman profile are certainly noteworthy.

Owners of a Roman nose (straight, long nose with a slightly lowered tip) are a reliable rear for a woman. They are courageous, energetic, stable in relationships, and always provide financial well-being for the family thanks to their outstanding analytical skills. In a word, no crisis is scary with such a man.

But there is one nuance: in terms of energy, such men are interested in seeing a strong woman next to them, capable of challenging them. This man will quickly get bored with the submissive gray mouse, and he will again go in search of the Amazon woman.

Greek nose

The Greek nose is characterized by a straight, long shape; as a rule, there are no humps on it. Owners of such noses are hardworking and ambitious men. Often, thanks to their strong nature, they achieve their goals, despite the thorny path.

Men with the so-called Greek profile are very intelligent and developed natures, guided primarily by their own logic. They are naturally very intelligent and therefore reliable. You can fully count on the fact that they will always provide a reliable shoulder and help you out in any difficult situation.

Men with a Greek nose are very practical and faithful to their loved ones - calm, faithful husbands, good friends and excellent colleagues. Literally the standard in everything! They are very responsible in their choice of everything: wife, job, friends.

Men with a “Greek” profile are open with their loved ones. But with strangers or unfamiliar people they are quite secretive. They like home and comfort. They don’t like parties, get-togethers and noisy companies. And these men don’t like to be the center of attention.

It is very difficult for such people to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem rather withdrawn.

Ideal shape and size

It is worth considering the criteria for the ideal of this part of the body from the position of physiognomy, because it is the specialists of this science who believe: the location of the nose at the epicenter of three zones is a direct indication that it is a fulcrum by which one can assess the balance of the face as a whole.

And this attribute is of great importance when reading faces by specialists . At all times and among different peoples, ideals were different: for example, the Greeks had one, the Chinese had another. One of the oldest monuments of beauty is the sculpture of Aphrodite. The statue is the personification of female beauty in general and Greek ideas about the beauty of the nose in particular: smooth, high, with an almost completely absent bridge of the nose.

However, in our times, ideas about the beauty of noses have undergone significant changes. An ideal nose in the modern sense is almost impossible without a rounded tip that is not overly upturned, which slightly closes the openings of the nostrils. At the same time, a slight elevation of the tip of the nose is considered to be a feminine feature. And, naturally, an ideal nose simply cannot tilt either to the right or to the left.

In addition, the ideal nose is in perfect harmony with the rest of the face - with every feature and fold, which adds completeness to the overall picture. In other words, there is no such thing as scattered beauty, for just as at all times only holistic beauty was sung, so in the modern world no one will sing the praises of only one component part of the face.

Physiognomists also emphasize that a perfect nose is characterized by rooting at its base, that is, it is typical of a small area between the eyes and eyebrows.

Required attributes of the ideal:

  • straight back;
  • rounded and slightly upturned tip;
  • shape, streamlined along its entire length;
  • an angle of 45 degrees between the skin part of the septum between the nostrils and the protruding point of the tip of the nose;
  • an angle of 95 degrees between the septum between the nostrils and the upper lip;
  • symmetrical nostrils and nostril wings with smooth outlines;
  • harmony with the rest of the face.

Visual examples of an ideal nose

However, it is important to keep in mind: the ideal shape of this face detail is not suitable for everyone. No matter how strange it may sound, it is true. Keep in mind that beauty does not depend on each line or part of the face individually, but on their harmonious combination.

In addition, a woman’s anthropometric data, such as her height, which is far from the face, also plays an important role. A snub nose looks great on short women, while having one on a tall girl will make her nostrils overly conspicuous, which can hardly add to her attractiveness. On large faces it should be correspondingly large, and on small faces, respectively, vice versa.

Aquiline nose

Men with hooked noses very often have a bright appearance and a pronounced “masculine” character. They, as a rule, are not sentimental, do not give flowers for no reason, do not know how to arrange romantic dinners and do not even try to learn this. Brutal on the outside, vulnerable on the inside. Prone to doubts and skepticism.

A nose with a hump literally shows that its owner is ready to fight and fight for his rights to a woman. This is precisely the sexuality of such men. They love intimacy and do not hide it. But, as a rule, this does not prevent them from becoming good and faithful husbands and caring and loving fathers.

This man will never be late for a date or forget to pick up his child from school. They are punctual and neat in everything. These men are also successful in their careers, as their character is persistent, firm and persistent.

A nose with a hump speaks of the stubbornness and determination of its owner, and the more characteristic the hump, the higher the degree of these qualities. Such a person will be able to achieve a lot in life and realize all his dreams. Men with a similar nose shape are quite rational and do not soar in dizzying distances; they know how to realistically assess their capabilities and intelligently correlate them with needs and demands.

Much in a man’s character depends on the location of the hump on his nose.

If the hump is located closer to the tip of the nose, and the more pronounced it is, the larger it is, the more obvious in the character is the tendency to self-defense, strengthening one’s position, and the weaker the tendency to attack. Such a person actively resists when they want to push him aside. Attacking others doesn't bother him, so he's unlikely to be a reliable support.

If the hump is located in the central part of the nose, a man's tendency to protect others is manifested. People of this type are fair and noble. They defend their country, their hearth, their friends, and would rather shed blood than see the blood of their wives or children shed. Any violation of human rights causes them indignation. They always take the side of children and the weak.

If the hump is located closer to the bridge of the nose, this indicates a tendency to attack, a cocky and scandalous character. If it is especially pronounced, then we are talking about a despotic person who will not allow anyone to defend his opinion. The use of physical force may be his most frequently used argument. Education smoothes out external signs of aggressiveness, which does not prevent them from remaining quarrelsome and grumpy throughout their lives.

Ways to get the perfect shape

There is no clear answer to this question. So, specialists in the field of surgery will have one answer to this, and make-up artists, given that the nose can be changed purely visually and without surgery, will have another. In addition, the general context of the face against which the shape of the nose changes is of great importance, and correction of certain parts of the nose can be beneficial for some, while the appearance of others can only make things worse.

Rhinoplasty procedure

Rhinoplasty is the name given to manipulation of the nose to give it the desired shape through surgery . This is one of the most difficult cosmetic operations, since the favorable outcome often has some degree of variability.

The operation is directed to those areas of a given part of the face with which the girl is dissatisfied, for example, the wings and tip may be subject to correction, and the operation may also be aimed at removing a hump or eliminating the consequences of injuries. Also, many resort to nose correction surgery to correct defects obtained from a previous operation, that is, they go for rhinoplasty again to correct mistakes from the previous one.

It is important to take the step of nose correction through surgery very seriously , since the consequences do not always live up to expectations. Often surgery is needed to achieve not so much aesthetic as functional goals, for example, such as correcting birth defects. In this matter, it is very important to consult with a reputable specialist, and not only in order to choose the ideal nose shape for yourself. It is important to minimize the risk of possible errors (including on the part of the surgeon).

Visual correction with cosmetics

It doesn’t always make sense to lie down on the operating table when you can correct the outline of your nose while standing in front of a mirror, even if it is only a temporary visual effect. To do this you need to do special makeup, but there is nothing complicated about it.

To visually reduce any area, you need to apply dark powder to it. If the goal is to highlight a particular area, making it more voluminous, then light powder is applied to it. Example: if you want to shorten a long sock, apply dark powder to the base and light powder to the wings.

But the matter is not limited to just cosmetics. You should also select appropriate hairstyles and other image details . For example, voluminous hairstyles can visually reduce this part of the face if it is too large, but you should not make eyebrows too thin - this will shift the emphasis to the most voluminous parts of the face. Women with a hump on a large nose are not recommended to wear bangs.

Try it, experiment with the image of your appearance, and you will definitely come to an understanding of which nose is ideal for you, as well as how exactly to emphasize all its charms and hide its flaws.

Roman nose

An aquiline nose (high, hooked, with a curved tip like a beak) indicates the complex character of its owner. Such people are cunning, resourceful, decisive in their actions, always pursuing their own goals, shamelessly using those around them. Their slogan: “The end justifies the means.” The main thing for them is their career; they can achieve high positions, especially in politics and business.

But they also value family and strive for prosperity in every way. But they are completely intolerant of their enemies, vindictive and vindictive. They can be vain, arrogant, and unpredictably cunning. Often, but not to the detriment of the family, they make connections on the side.

An aquiline nose speaks of inconstancy and falsehood. The owner of such a nose always feels offended and longs for revenge.

If you meet a man with an aquiline nose, be on your guard: this is a true macho. He may not be considered a canonical handsome man, but he is so sexy and attractive that not a single lady can resist the charm of this Don Juan. They are persistent in their aspirations and achieve their goals. That's why they make the most persistent women fall in love with them.

He is extremely loving, and also selfish. You will never be the only one in his life, this man is too hot.

Nixon's nose

It can be called a one-of-a-kind nose, which is characterized by straightness and length. According to statistics, less than 1% of the population has such a nose.

Men with Nixon noses make quick decisions. In addition, they do not choose any path unless they are sure that it is 100% correct.

People around him love to spend time with such a person and listen to him speak.

How is rehabilitation after surgery?

Immediately after the procedure, turundas or tampons are installed inside, and plaster is placed outside so that everything is properly fixed. At first you will only be able to sleep on your back and breathe through your mouth.

When the plaster is removed, you will need to regularly treat the internal nasal cavities with a special antiseptic solution, and also ensure that all doctor’s recommendations are followed.

In some cases, special physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed to speed up healing.

Potato nose

This nose is characterized by a large, rounded tip.

These people are calm, they love comfort and silence. They are not drawn to adventure, but are attracted to stability. Those with potato noses are kind-hearted and friendly. They respond with pleasure to requests for help.

These are generally harmonious men, but prone to making rash decisions. If a man with a potato nose does not get what he wants, he begins to be capricious. He's not used to being rejected. These men are a mystery. You never know how he will react and how he will behave.

Men with potato noses are cheerful, charming, talkative, absolutely not susceptible to aggression and anger, calm, balanced. Very picky in choosing friends. Very sexy. They love any work and are not afraid of work.

Family values ​​are above all else for him. Such a guy will not drag his feet, but will immediately show serious intentions - he will ask you to get married, and begin to make joint plans for the future. Men with potato noses are worth their weight in gold; they make the kindest and most loving husbands and fathers.

In the families of such men there is peace, prosperity and always a lot of friends around. People around them appreciate such people and love to spend time with them.

Snub nose

The nose shape, characterized by a curved tip, is considered one of the most desirable nose shapes in the world.

As a rule, those who have a snub nose are optimistic and friendly. They believe that even problems in life must be solved with a smile on their face.

Such men are fun and easy to communicate with. They are the life of the party, full of optimism, faith in a bright future and rarely lose heart. But at the same time, they are very vulnerable, it is very easy to offend them. By the way, such people’s taste is fine.

Men with snub noses are loving and naturally sexy. They love it when everything is in motion, they cannot stay in one place and are always looking for new goals and tasks. Hearts also choose ladies who are open, cheerful and smart.

Women feel the aura emanating from such men and are easily carried away by them. The one who can help him overcome all fears and prejudices and does not shy away from his absurd character will eventually find a faithful and reliable life partner, and relationships with him will never turn into a routine.

Surgical rhinoplasty

The girl's snub nose is also corrected surgically. The choice of a plastic surgeon must be approached responsibly: they take into account not only the qualifications of the specialist, but also his experience in performing nose surgeries. The clinic must have all licenses and necessary equipment.

Before undergoing rhinoplasty (regardless of its type), you need to undergo an examination that will identify possible contraindications. During rhinoplasty, local and general anesthesia is used. Each patient has the right to choose the type of anesthesia.

The procedure almost always provides a lifelong effect. If medical instructions are not followed, the risk of complications is quite high. After correction, bleeding may occur. In some cases, sensitivity in the incision area decreases.


Before the operation, you must come to the clinic for a consultation. The plastic surgeon finds out the patient’s wishes and collects anamnesis.

If necessary, the following studies are prescribed:

  • endoscopy;
  • CT scan;
  • radiography;
  • rhinoscopy.

The surgeon analyzes the proportions of the face and creates a computer image. Before the operation, the specialist discusses the type and scheme of the intervention. It is necessary to take a general and biochemical blood and urine test in advance. The patient must undergo an x-ray, fluorography, electrocardiogram and donate blood for hepatitis B, C, RW and HIV.

For 14 days before the proposed surgical intervention, it is necessary to completely exclude salty, smoked and spicy foods from the diet. The patient must give up alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Taking hormonal drugs and anticoagulants must be stopped. On the eve of the operation, you should not drink water or eat food.


If the patient, in addition to aesthetic deficiencies, has medical indications for rhinoplasty, then, most likely, the operation will be performed under general anesthesia.

There are 2 methods of its administration:

  • mask (endotrachial);
  • intravenous.

With general anesthesia, drug-induced deep sleep occurs. At this time, the person loses sensitivity. Before general anesthesia, it is necessary to premedicate and adjust the usual diet.

6 hours before surgery you must refuse food. The liquid is taken no later than 3 hours before anesthesia.

Premedication is a procedure that improves the patient’s condition during anesthesia. 24 hours before the proposed surgical intervention, before going to bed, the patient should take an antihistamine, a tranquilizer and a sleeping pill. Preparation allows you to reduce the secretion of body fluids.

In most cases, rhinoplasty is performed under endotracheal anesthesia. If there are no concomitant medical indications for rhinoplasty, then most often the correction is performed under local anesthesia. Drugs that have an analgesic effect are applied to the affected area.

Local anesthesia should not be used if the patient has:

  • breathing problems;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • individual sensitivity to local anesthetics;
  • mental disorders.

Along with local anesthetics, the patient may be given sedatives. This allows you to further immobilize the patient.

Scheme of surgical actions

Snub noses in women and girls are corrected using individually selected schemes. To eliminate aesthetic defects, closed rhinoplasty is most often used.

It means:

  • incision with a scalpel;
  • changing the shape and size of the partition
  • freeing the back of the nose from subcutaneous fat or excess skin (if necessary, dissection of the bone is performed);
  • giving the nose the desired shape;
  • stitching incisions;
  • applying a sterile dressing.

Open rhinoplasty is usually indicated to correct not only aesthetic defects, but also a deviated nasal septum. During the process, a flap of soft tissue is lifted up, the specialist removes part of the cartilage or skin, and forms the base of the nose, wings and septum. The incisions are stitched and a bandage is applied.

During rhinoplasty of the nasal dorsum, implants, alloplastic material, fixation, bone and cartilage autografts can be used. To correct a snub nose, they usually resort to shortening the medial peduncle. This allows you to release the tip slightly.

Operation duration

The duration of the operation directly depends on the qualifications of the plastic surgeon, the chosen technique and the amount of work. Closed rhinoplasty takes 35-45 minutes on average, open rhinoplasty takes 50-60 minutes. Complete open rhinoplasty lasts up to 1.5 hours.


A few hours after waking up from anesthesia, a person experiences nausea, drowsiness and weakness. Side effects go away on their own as the anesthetics are eliminated from the body.

After the operation, turundas are placed in the nostrils, and a plastic or plaster pad is fixed on the nose. Swelling appears in the eyelid area, and hematomas can form under the eyes. The swelling goes away completely in 7-10 days.

Pain sensations bother a person for the first 48-72 hours after surgery. To relieve pain, you can take medications prescribed by a specialist. During the rehabilitation period, there is a high risk of infection entering the tissue, so the patient must take a course of antibiotics.

The patient is placed on bed rest for the first 7 days after discharge. The optimal position for sleeping and resting is on your back. Plaster or plastic overlays, like sutures, are removed after 12-14 days. For the first 2-3 weeks after surgery, you should not visit swimming pools, baths and saunas.

Experts do not recommend overloading the body. You should not wear glasses: even a light frame will put pressure on the organ. Sunbathing and solarium are strictly contraindicated.

Complications, consequences and side effects

Rhinoplasty is considered a fairly expensive operation, so it is important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the risk of complications is quite high.

Due to the negligence of a specialist, damage to the cartilage and bone structure of the nose may occur. In this case, rough adhesions and scars form. They can only be removed during repeated surgery.

When performing an osteotomy, the slightest mistake by a specialist leads to damage to the bone structure. If the patient has not notified the specialist in advance about poor blood clotting, heavy bleeding may occur. The complication can only be controlled with medication.

Surgical rhinoplasty can permanently correct a snub nose.

During rehabilitation after surgery, the following side effects occur:

  • Pain in eyes and nose. Discomfort is caused by swelling and tissue injury.
  • Formation of callus. At the initial stage, it looks like a small bump in the bridge of the nose. Dissolves on its own.
  • Edema. A side effect may result in difficulty breathing through the nose or loss of smell.

Rough scars (keloid or hypertrophic) may occur within the surgical area. This is due to a disruption in the blood supply at the site of the tissue incision.


The cost is influenced by the location of the clinic, the type of intervention and the qualifications of the plastic surgeon:

Closed rhinoplasty40,000 – 350,000 rub.
Open rhinoplasty50,000 – 450,000 rub.

If a plastic surgery clinic offers to perform an operation at a low price, then, most likely, the specialists of this medical institution do not have the experience and proper qualifications.

Upturned nose

This nose has a softer and rounder shape at the tip, but also has a slight snub. People with upturned noses are very gentle and have a great sense of humor. Friends are never bored in their presence.

Physiognomists consider men with upturned noses to be “complex” in character. Usually they are not able to calmly listen to constructive criticism addressed to them and will challenge your every word and action.

A guy with an upturned nose is intelligent and cheerful. In love relationships, he is famous for his ardent temperament. Such men are often unbridled in bed. Women accept men with similar noses exclusively as lovers, and, admittedly, they play this role flawlessly!

An upturned nose reveals a loving nature, not prone to stable relationships. This suggests that such a person will most likely marry several times, if he considers it necessary to tie himself into family ties at all.

The snub-nosed man leads a predominantly bohemian lifestyle. He does not like to look into tomorrow, preferring to enjoy what fate gives today, at the present moment. Such people are distinguished by generosity, the ability to easily waste money without thinking about the consequences.

Indications and contraindications: medical, aesthetic, indirect, absolute

Rhinoplasty is a surgical operation that lasts 1–2 hours. As a result, the patient's appearance changes and the face becomes more attractive. Before undergoing plastic surgery, you need to agree on all the points with your doctor and thoroughly prepare for it: take tests, follow a diet, give up cigarettes and alcohol at least a week before the operation.

Indications for surgery

Indications for the procedure are congenital and acquired.

Congenital indications for plastic surgery include a variety of aesthetic and physiological defects: a hook-shaped, forked, thick or hanging tip, its displacement to the side, too wide or narrow nostrils.

Surgery may be necessary after injuries or diseases in which the nose is bent, as well as in case of difficulty breathing due to the structure of the organ or changes associated with age (aging of the skin). The above indications are considered acquired.

To restore or correct the tip of the nose, you need to consult a surgeon; if surgical intervention is necessary, the density of cartilage, thickness of skin and tissue, length, width of the nose, and other factors will be taken into account. The patient’s wishes are always taken into account and implemented as much as possible, but the final decision is made together with the doctor, because excessive removal of cartilage can lead to deterioration of health.

Before the operation, you need to examine the nasal cartilage, and also make sure that the skin in the area of ​​the respiratory organ is healthy - there are no inflammations or signs of infection.

Contraindications for surgery

Correction of the tip of the nose is a serious procedure and must be approached consciously. What are the contraindications to the procedure?

  1. Age. The operation is performed from the age of 18. By this age, tissue formation is complete. However, surgeons recommend correction of the tip of the nose between the ages of 20 and 35 years. It is then that the formation of bones and cartilage is completed, the skin is elastic, and regeneration after the procedure occurs actively.
  2. Problems with blood clotting. When a patient has poor blood clotting, the risk of surgery is higher than usual and therefore it is better to refuse it.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Surgeons do not recommend performing surgery during exacerbation of diseases. It is better to wait until your health condition returns to normal and undergo an examination. Only in case of positive test results can you decide to undergo rhinoplasty.
  4. Viral diseases, infections, inflammations. It must be remembered that if there are at least minimal health problems, it is better to postpone surgical intervention until complete recovery.
  5. Oncology. Rhinoplasty is contraindicated for patients with cancer.
  6. Menstruation. During menstruation, surgery is contraindicated. It is advisable to make the correction within two weeks after the end of menstruation.

It is also contraindicated to undergo plastic surgery during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Before the operation, the patient must undergo an examination and tests in order to ensure the necessary preparation for rhinoplasty.

Nubian nose

This nose is also very common and is most often found in men of African and East Asian descent. The Nubian nose is characterized by its short length, flat back and wide wings.

Men with Nubian noses tend to be creative, passionate, emotional, bright and very inquisitive. They are attractive and charismatic and have an open mind. They are excellent communicators and can easily cope with problems that arise. It's very easy to make friends with them.

A long nose

A long nose in physiognomy indicates a conservative person, often also contemptuously arrogant, capable of intellectual, artistic and/or technical achievements.

Those with long noses are skilled seducers. When surrounded by women, such men feel like a “fish in water” and know how to find an approach to any lady. Just a glance is enough, and a woman is already conquered by such a man. Long-nosed people have a cheerful character, know how to joke subtly and are very charming, know how to look after beautifully, are romantic and amorous.

Men with long noses are more prone to cheating than others. Women with them usually experience bitterness and resentment.

If a man has a long straight nose, then he was born to be a leader. He has an excellent sense of business activity, innate high ambitions, a keen instinct and a developed instinct to conquer heights. A man easily creates his own path to success.

According to Chinese research, the longer a person's nose, the more serious a person he is. Men with this type of nose are sophisticated, creative, responsible and hardworking. They are almost not interested in the material aspects of life, they are more attracted to spiritual values, which is why there are so many men with long noses among scientists and religious figures.

The biggest problems often occur with such men precisely because they are a strong and independent person.

The only industry that is alien to this person is the field of commerce and business. It is unlikely that the owner of a long nose will become an entrepreneur, and attempts to increase capital are doomed to failure.

Some conservatism of views will not allow such a person to violate moral and legal laws, so we can safely foretell a measured, correct way of life for him.

The owner of a long, thin nose is endowed with talents in various fields and is capable of artistic or technical achievements. Proud, touchy and does not always get along with people. Such a person has high spirituality and intelligence, which helps to find oneself in this life and achieve maximum self-realization.

If the tip of the nose is small and pointed, this speaks of sophistication and rejection of everything coarse. Its owner is a shrewd and ambitious person who has a strong desire for money.

The narrow, pointed shape of a man’s nose speaks of a sensitive, vulnerable soul. He is extremely touchy, vindictive, and often sarcastically retorts remarks addressed to him. Surprisingly, with such a complex character, having met his one and only, he will become her faithful and loving spouse for life, and in sex, an ideal lover for the one for whom he has a strong feeling.

If the wings of the nostrils of a long nose are wide enough, this indicates a certain stability and consistency of character, which ensures relative stability in life. Its owner is a calm person with a stable temperament.

A very long nose includes the characteristics of a long nose, but in addition indicates that the person is likely to have a spiritual nature. Men with very long noses can be unrealistic, capricious and speculative.

If the nose is long and wide, and even if it does not correspond much with other features, this is the sign of a person with a stable character, with a calm temperament, and who is destined to “live a good life.”

A fairly long nose, perfectly balanced with the eyes, mouth and chin, with two deep lines on either side of the mouth, is ideal. The combination of these elements indicates a person of great authority, good temperament and honesty. Such people are sexually active, proud and active.

Injection rhinoplasty

If the aesthetic defect is not severe, then the nose can be corrected using non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Main indications:

  • mild nasal asymmetry;
  • raised or lowered tip;
  • wide protruding wings;
  • wide nostrils;
  • flat back or presence of a hump;
  • saddle shape.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be repeated after unsuccessful surgery.

The following are considered contraindications:

  • period of breastfeeding or childbearing;
  • menstruation;
  • high risk of keloid scar formation;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • ulcerative or trophic lesions of the skin;
  • herpes (acute phase).

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is not performed if synthetic gels have previously been injected into the bridge of the nose. The procedure is prescribed to people who have reached the age of majority. Anesthesia is not used during the correction process.

How are injections given?

A girl's snub nose can be corrected with injections. The procedure allows you to slightly lower the tip.

To do this, the drug is injected along the entire length of the back. Non-surgical rhinoplasty does not require special preparation: the patient must first make an appointment with a plastic surgeon. The specialist presents photographs showing the result of the intervention. If necessary, he will create a computer model of the nose.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair, because you cannot tilt your head for 2-3 days after the injection. Before correction, the patient is placed on a couch. At the injection site, the skin is treated with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.

Injections are administered with a syringe with a small thin needle, and filler is injected under the skin. It usually takes several punctures in different places to achieve the ideal proportions.

If during the correction process the nose does not acquire the desired shape, then it is suggested to insert threads under the skin. In this case, local anesthesia is used. A needle is inserted into the area of ​​the bridge of the nose under the skin, with a thread threaded through it, and withdrawn in the area of ​​the tip of the organ.

The needle is removed, the threads are tightened, giving the nose the desired shape. You can also wear a splint at home. This design allows you to level certain areas without surgical intervention.

Preparations for injections

Injection rhinoplasty involves the injection under the skin of drugs specially designed to create volume and return the nose to an attractive shape. Hyaluronic acid injections contain a substance present in the human body. When administered, drugs in this category fill the intercellular space, giving the nose the necessary shape.

Hyaluronic acid does not provoke the development of allergic reactions, there are no toxic consequences when administered.

The substance is contained in the following preparations:

  • Surgiderm.
  • Restylane.
  • Perline.
  • Juvederm Volift.

Hormonal drugs are used if it is necessary to partially remove cartilage in the nose. Medicines can dissolve tissue, so rhinoplasty with hormones is sometimes used to correct a snub nose. Injections are given several times. Between each stage you need to maintain a gap of up to 10 days.

The method is not suitable for patients suffering from diseases of the endocrine system. The drugs Kenalog or Diprospan are injected pointwise into the problem area. The exact dosage is determined by a specialist. Fillers are very popular among plastic surgeons and patients. With their help you can hide minor imperfections.

There are several main types of drugs:

  • Biodegradable or synthetic . In practice, drugs of this type are not used today. The composition contains paraffin or silicone. Fillers in the body do not dissolve on their own, so the risk of rejection of foreign material is high.
  • Biodegradable . The most popular fillers of natural origin. They contain hyaluronic acid, which can independently dissolve in the body within 8-12 months. To maintain the shape of the nose, it is necessary to repeat the manipulations regularly. Biodegradable fillers may contain collagen and polylactic acid
  • Biosynthetic . The preparations contain animal collagen. May provoke the development of allergic reactions.
  • Autological . Created individually. The patient's adipose tissue is used as a basis. It is transplanted into the problem area through injection. In practice, this type of filler is rarely used.

The drugs usually differ in cost and composition.


The bridge of the nose is a fairly sensitive area, so in most cases plastic surgeons apply an anesthetic solution to the skin before injection rhinoplasty. Sometimes correction is carried out without prior anesthesia.

Some fillers contain lidocaine, which helps relieve pain. Drugs can be administered via cannulas, which also minimizes the risk of pain and tissue tearing.

Possible consequences and complications

Injection rhinoplasty is a fairly safe procedure, complications occur quite rarely.

These include:

  • Atrophy. The side effect occurs due to excessive administration of Diprospan. The skin becomes thinner and deep pits appear. The complication is quite difficult to correct even through surgery.
  • Blindness. Complications occur quite rarely due to inept administration of hyaluronic acid preparations.
  • Blockage of blood vessels. It occurs due to the introduction of biosynthetic type fillers under the skin.
  • Allergy. The body can perceive biosynthetic and synthetic fillers as a foreign body.
  • Inflammation. Complications most often occur due to non-compliance with basic standards of asepsis and antisepsis.

The filler may migrate under the skin. Complications arise after the administration of biodegradable drugs.

Duration of result

When fillers are introduced, the result lasts from 6 to 12 months. (depending on the amount of the drug). The substance is completely absorbed in 13-16 months. If a thread lift was used, the result lasts for 12 months.

Repeat sessions

Experts do not recommend waiting until the effect is complete. The procedure must be repeated every 6-12 months. depending on what method of rhinoplasty was used. The threads are renewed after 8-12 months.


Cost varies depending on the type of non-surgical rhinoplasty:

Type of procedurePrice
Splint1,500 – 2,500 rub.
Rhinoplasty with threads10,000 – 45,000 rub.
Introduction of lipolytics3,500 – 6,000 rub.
Introduction of fillers8,000 – 30,000 rub.

In large cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg and the region), the cost will be inflated.

Wide nose

Men with a wide nose most often have a calm and open character. In love, they are attentive, generously giving their women attention and gifts. Behind such a man, a woman is “like behind a stone wall.”

Those with wide noses are wonderful husbands, “men with golden hands,” who know how to earn money and protect their hearth. They love and care for their children. They are straightforward in their work and, if they occupy a leadership position, the team respects them and listens to their opinions.

A wide nose is an indicator of such qualities as the desire for leadership, achieving high goals, but all this is not an obstacle to romance and love! It is easy for such men to share with others, and at the same time, if the nose is not only wide, but also large in shape, the person will always strive to understand the meaning of life and purity of morals.

The owner of a small wide nose is a brilliant creative and resourceful inventor. He loves adventures, experiments, travel, new experiences - a real fidget, you definitely won’t get bored with him.

A few words about the important things. Preparing for surgery

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, you need to undergo preparation. You will need to consult a plastic surgeon to discuss the desired changes. The surgeon examines the nose and explains the reality of obtaining the desired result. During the consultation, questions about limitations, the operation, features of its preparation, rehabilitation after it, as well as possible complications are discussed.

Before the operation, the patient needs to be examined to ensure that there are no contraindications and undergo the following tests:

  • blood for HIV infection and hepatitis C and B;
  • clinical blood test;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • laboratory urine analysis;
  • prothrombin index analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • tumor marker test;
  • radiograph.

The patient also needs to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and adhere to them. Avoid drinking alcohol for a week before surgery, stop smoking, do not take blood thinners, and do not drink water or eat food for five hours before the procedure. It is important to refrain from active pastime and walking under the scorching sun a couple of days before rhinoplasty.

Big and fleshy nose

This definition mainly includes noses that have a narrow base and gradually widen towards the tip. The bridge of the large nose can be either short or long, however, the nostrils are usually wide.

Nose size is directly related to feelings of strength, drive, leadership, ego and desire to work. People with large noses are endowed with an independent and strong mind, and they often spend their entire lives acquiring knowledge.

They are lucky in everything. They easily succeed in everything they undertake, which is why they are often described as having “golden hands.”

As a rule, this is the nose of a leader and manager, a purposeful person with a core. These people are endowed with an assertive character and often achieve their goals at any cost. It is difficult for such a man to obey anyone. Therefore, it is much easier for him to work for himself. Hates petty conversations that lead nowhere.

People with big noses tend to be very fast in everything they do. They think quickly and act even faster! These are active people who do not spend a lot of time thinking about something, but immediately begin to implement plans. Sometimes they seem too aggressive to others.

Men with wide, fleshy noses are caring and sensitive partners towards their significant other. Sexually, these guys are not too whimsical and active, but any of them will cope well with everyday routine and become an exemplary family man.


Like any operation, rhinoplasty has a number of contraindications.

These include:

  • pathologies of infectious and viral etiology;
  • the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • folliculitis, acne in the area of ​​the intended incision;
  • hemophilia;
  • liver pathologies (including acute failure);
  • vascular and heart disease (cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack, history of stroke);
  • childhood.

Old age can be considered a relative contraindication. Patients over 45 years of age rarely undergo surgery. This is due to the high risk of complications and a decrease in the regenerative abilities of the skin.

Small nose

Men with small noses are considered less successful and sexy than those with large noses. There may be exceptions for people in creative professions - among actors there are very successful, charming and talented guys with small noses.

The owner of a small nose is a petty person, often jealous. But if the nose is small (short), but at the same time wide, then it’s a different matter: the person is serious, open, impulsive. You can deal with him.

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