How to tighten your face shape and get rid of wrinkles with acupuncture

Rejuvenating acupuncture (lifting) is the author’s program of Dr. Andriyanova, revealing the possibilities of acupuncture. Using it, you will improve your color, correct your oval shape, get rid of dark circles under the eyes, double chin, jowls, skin folds and sagging (ptosis) of the skin.

As a result of acupuncture sessions, your skin will become more toned, elastic, fine wrinkles will decrease or disappear, tone will increase, and skin hydration will improve.

The exceptionally high efficiency and complete safety of the technique are confirmed by many years of clinical practice. The results achieved are stable and long-term.

Acupuncture lifting technique

Since the reflexology procedure is invasive, it should be carried out in compliance with all rules and regulations. A facelift is performed using the flat acupuncture method. The specialist selects the number of needles, their diameter and material of manufacture. There are several types of acupuncture depending on the shape and number of instruments used. The technique of execution depends on the goals set.


No special preliminary preparation is required for the session. The patient is recommended to change his lifestyle during therapy:

  • give up bad habits - alcohol and smoking;
  • avoid stress and overexertion;
  • organize proper balanced nutrition;
  • provide the body with proper rest and sleep.

In order to prevent the appearance of edema, you should reduce the amount of fluid consumed. It is advisable to avoid salty and spicy foods. It is recommended to stop taking blood thinning medications a week before the procedure.

Main stage

The duration of one session is 30-60 minutes and is divided into several stages. The procedure always begins with preparing the skin - it is cleaned with a mild, gentle product and treated with an antiseptic. In case of increased sensitivity, anesthetic cream is applied to the puncture sites.

Next, the specialist begins to perform acupressure. It helps the skin warm up and increase blood circulation, which is necessary to perceive the main effect. The prepared tissues become soft and elastic and react less painfully to punctures.

The master determines the pattern of needle placement, finds the necessary points, and carefully inserts each of them to the required depth. Traditionally, the following zones are selected:

  • 2 fingers above the middle of the eyebrows;
  • at the level of the bridge of the nose from the inner corners of the eyes;
  • along the outer edge of the wings of the nose;
  • at a distance of 1.5 cm from each corner of the lips;
  • in the center of the chin, where the dimple is located.

The patient is in a relaxed state. To do this, a special atmosphere is created in the office: scented candles are lit and a calm, pleasant melody is played. After 15-20 minutes, the needles are removed, the surface of the epidermis is lubricated with a cream or gel with a regenerating effect.

The acupuncture method is used not only for rejuvenation and elimination of signs of age-related changes, but also to enhance the effect of other procedures (mesotherapy, hardware lifting).

Post-session care

Acupuncture is a highly precise method of influence and requires qualified training. After completing the session, the experienced master leaves no traces of the injection, so healing is quick and painless.

But there are situations when, after manipulation, hematomas and bruises form on the skin of the face. This is due to the following factors:

  • incorrect actions of a specialist;
  • failure to comply with recommendations by the patient at the preliminary stage;
  • individual characteristics of the body (tendency to hematomas).

If the rules of asepsis are not followed, the puncture sites on the skin may become infected, which may become inflamed. Therefore, treating the skin with a disinfectant is considered mandatory.

After completing the acupuncture procedure, no rehabilitation is required. But still, experts recommend performing special facial skin care throughout the course. It involves gentle cleansing of the dermis and light toning. Aggressive effects on the skin through peeling, scrubbing, and applying masks are excluded. It is also not recommended to rub or knead the skin until the wounds are completely healed.

Russian specialists

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consultation with a Russian reflexologist with nutritional recommendations1,500
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acupuncture 60 minutes (10 sessions) reflexologist 20% discountAlways32,000
acupuncture 30 minutes (7 sessions) reflexologist 30% discountpensioners9,800
acupuncture 30 minutes (10 sessions) reflexologist 30% discountpensioners14,000

Types of impact

In salons, in addition to targeted acupressure lifting, they offer a puncture treatment procedure. The manipulation consists of pricking problem areas with needles. There is a targeted effect on wrinkles. The tone of the skin and muscles increases, the relief is evened out. The manipulation does not have a general healing effect; it is a cosmetic solution. The intervention requires increased processing frequency. The result is eliminated faster.

Regardless of the chosen acupuncture technique, an important point is the choice of tools. For the procedure, thin and sharp needles of small diameter (0.2–0.3 mm) made of surgical stainless steel are used. Surface coating of silver, gold, platinum is possible. Precious metals help enhance the effect and achieve additional goals: increasing energy, treating diseases, restorative, anti-inflammatory effects. Disposable instruments are used more often; reusable ones are subject to mandatory sterilization.

Acupuncture to prolong the youth of the face

Modern research has shown that with the help of a set of needles, when inserted and installed correctly, you can achieve skin rejuvenation and tightening, the main thing is to find the necessary biologically active points. Acupuncture, as acupuncture is otherwise called, is a responsible and complex procedure, so it is not recommended to do it yourself. Rejuvenation should be carried out by a qualified specialist, most often a chiropractor.

Beneficial effect on the skin

Acupuncture face lifting is a special type of acupuncture that activates metabolic processes, as a result of which epidermal cells are restored and rejuvenated. According to experts, this technique is a full-fledged alternative to surgical plastic surgery and even surpasses it in efficiency. This is due to the fact that during the operation only the consequences of age-related changes are eliminated, without affecting the processes that contribute to the restoration of the skin naturally.

Points on the face for a rejuvenating effect

To achieve the rejuvenation effect, you need to know which areas need to be influenced. In total, there are several hundred biologically active points on the human face, which are the projection of internal organs. By influencing them with pressure and injections, you can get rid of any disease. Despite the fact that this was known to ancient civilizations, the study of the technique continues to this day thanks to the atlases with detailed diagrams that have come down to us. For example, applying pressure to the area behind the ear can help ensure restful, deep sleep. Acupuncture points on the face for rejuvenation are responsible for the beauty and elasticity of the skin, the renewal of its cells, the most important of them are those that are located as follows:

  1. In the frontal area, just above the middle of the eyebrows. Regular pressure on these areas allows you to get rid of morning swelling, increase energy, and make your eyes more open.
  2. On both sides of the wings of the nose. Exposure in this zone relieves general fatigue, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and stimulates detoxification of the body. In cosmetology, such manipulation helps reduce the severity of nasolabial folds.
  3. In the central part of the chin. The point is responsible for the general condition of the body; massaging it accelerates metabolic processes, improves cell regeneration and restores skin color.
  4. At the corners of the lips 1.5 cm higher. Pressing on these points helps eliminate the nasolabial triangle, smoothing out the “line of grief”, which reveals true age.

Indications and contraindications

Acupuncture lifting is considered a serious procedure, so it is not recommended without specific reasons. Like every anti-aging manipulation, it has the following indications:

  • pronounced signs of aging of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté;
  • gravitational ptosis of soft tissues;
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • drooping corners of the eyebrows, eyes, lips;
  • the appearance of excess fat on the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • violation of the clarity of the oval of the face;
  • dull, gray complexion.

All these problems, as well as a number of others, can be eliminated with the help of acupuncture lifting. But it should be remembered that this rejuvenation technique has a certain list of contraindications, although there are much fewer of them than other procedures:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • high sensitivity threshold;
  • oncological pathologies at various stages;
  • mental disorders;
  • fear of needles

Acupuncture is a virtually painless procedure that does not require the use of anesthesia. It combines perfectly with other rejuvenation techniques. But its effectiveness depends on the qualifications and training of the specialist.

Possible risks

During the procedure, the patient may experience nagging pain during the insertion of the needle or when it is removed. As a rule, it passes quickly, but exceptions occur when the sensation persists for a long time. The doctor recommends applying a warm compress to the inflamed areas.

No one is immune from unpleasant complications; the main thing is to follow the technique of performing the procedure, the speed of insertion and removal of needles. Violating the rules or using a large number of tools can cause unpredictable consequences.

Classic eye massage

The result of a classic back massage is relief from diseases of various systems and organs , including this procedure helps with ophthalmological diseases.

There are four techniques of classical massage , which can go in any order, but must begin and end with stroking:

  1. Stroking movements.
  2. Rubbing with palms.
  3. Kneading movements.
  4. Patting or tapping.

Stroking is performed with the surface of open palms , which move from the lower border of the chest upward, to the base of the neck, and ends in the shoulder area.

The stroking movements should also be directed upward and to the sides, away from the spine. When massaging the cervical spine, the direction of stroking is the opposite (toward the spinal column).

This technique is performed with noticeable force, but should not be too strong so that the skin does not gather in folds..

Then rubbing is carried out, during which forces are acceptable, leading to the formation of folds under the hands of the massage therapist .

This technique can be performed in different directions, while each hand can move separately from the other , without maintaining symmetry and uniformity of movements.

Important! When kneading, the deepest effect on the body occurs. To do this, not the entire palm is used, but only the fingers, which apply deep pressure.

After several such movements, kneading can be done with both the palm and fists, pressing several times on each area.

One pressure should take from one to three seconds. The direction of movement of the hands when kneading is from the spine to the sides .

Facial and body rejuvenation programs

Acupuncture lifting by Dr. Andriyanova I.G.

Rejuvenating acupuncture (lifting) is the author’s development of Dr. Andriyanova, which fully reveals the possibilities of acupuncture. With this program, you will improve your color, correct the shape of your face, get rid of dark circles under the eyes, double chin, jowls, skin folds, and ptosis of the skin.

Acupuncture correction of the figure by Dr. Andriyanova I.G.

Dr. Andriyanova's program is a proposal to use the power of acupuncture to achieve a slim figure and rejuvenate the body. Acupuncture body contouring reveals the full potential of oriental medicine. In terms of its effectiveness, it has no analogues among non-surgical methods.

Rejuvenation of the face and body by Dr. Ilyina O.V.

The Tibet Clinic presents a comprehensive technique for the face and body. Efficiency has been proven in practice! Unlike conventional cosmetic products, the effect is achieved using oriental medicine methods. Thanks to this, not only external signs of aging are eliminated, but also internal disorders in the body. Dr. Ilyina’s program is not only rejuvenation, but also health improvement at the same time!

Facial Aesthetics program of Dr. Kasyanov V.A.

The Tibet Clinic in St. Petersburg presents a new medical and aesthetic program - “Facial Aesthetics”. With its help, you can smooth out wrinkles, get rid of swelling, puffiness, folds, a double chin, improve the contours of your cheekbones and skin tone. The uniqueness of Dr. Kasyanov’s program is that the solution to aesthetic problems is achieved through healing, rejuvenation of the dermis, subcutaneous tissues and the entire body.

What is this technique?

Acupuncture or acupuncture is a unique way of facial rejuvenation through acupressure. The instruments are special needles that are stuck into certain active zones. There are about 700 of them on the body and each is responsible for a specific organ or system. But in this case, only the facial nerve endings are affected.

Due to this, nerve impulses transmit stimulating signals to the brain about collagen production. The body reacts and eradicates external defects from the inside - wrinkles are smoothed out.

This technique is not officially recognized. Rather, it is a folk method and is most common in eastern countries - China, Japan.

Important! It is absolutely impossible to carry out such a procedure on your own. Only professionals can do everything correctly, with health benefits.

Possible negative consequences and side effects after radiofrequency lifting

The occurrence of negative reactions of the body and side effects after the procedure may be associated with a violation of the technique of the session and improper facial care. To avoid possible complications and side effects, it is recommended to intensively moisturize the skin.

You should also stop using decorative cosmetics for several days. The procedure does not require long-term rehabilitation, however, within 72 hours after the session, it is advisable to protect the treated areas from exposure to sunlight by applying a protective cream.


Under the influence of electrical discharges, the temperature in the subcutaneous and fatty tissues rises, which can cause a thermal burn. Most often, side effects occur on monopolar devices due to the difficulty of adjusting the heating level.

To avoid such complications, it is necessary to carry out the procedure only with more high-tech equipment. Depending on the characteristics of the skin and the level of sensitivity, the cosmetologist selects the most comfortable level of radiation.

Minor redness after RF lifting

During the session, blood circulation improves and blood vessels dilate, which is why slight redness may be observed during the first hour after the procedure. After the session, the patient is advised to rest so that blood pressure normalizes. The side effect goes away on its own and does not require manipulation by a specialist.


Immediately after completion of the session, slight swelling may be observed. This action takes place within 60-90 minutes, and the surface is smoothed. Some patients experience dryness and tightness immediately after radiofrequency treatment. To relieve symptoms, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with nourishing creams. You can find out which is better: manual massage or LPG here.


Swelling of the skin and appearance of bumps. This phenomenon is associated with the destruction of subcutaneous fibers and slight injury to the fat layer. With proper care, the skin itself becomes elastic and evens out in 5-10 days. Depending on the individual, small lumps may remain for 1-2 weeks.


The most serious complication is the formation of a sinkhole. And due to overheating of the underlying tissue, the muscles atrophy and there is a strong contraction of fat cells. Dips can form when the pulse frequency is incorrectly selected, which is prescribed by a specialist. To avoid consequences, it is recommended to do the procedure only in the salon.

Session cost

Acupuncture lifting can only be performed by a specialist who has undergone special training. Before signing up for the procedure, it is recommended to review the performer’s certificate confirming completion of the training. The cost of the session depends on the prestige of the salon and the qualifications of the specialist.

The average price of the procedure is 3500–4500 rubles. They perform the treatment in massage rooms of beauty salons and clinics. Private practice with home visits is common. The services of such a master will cost 1–2 thousand rubles. expensive.

Indications for use of the procedure and its effectiveness

Acupuncture lifting is most often chosen by patients who, for some reason, cannot afford other rejuvenation methods. It should be noted that Chinese reflexology has a number of advantages, which makes it more and more popular in many countries around the world every day.

Acupuncture has the following characteristics:

  • painless, even local anesthesia is not required;
  • maintaining the integrity of the skin;
  • high efficiency;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • a small list of contraindications;
  • relatively low prices;
  • eliminating not only obvious signs of aging, but also their causes;
  • good compatibility with other anti-aging procedures.

Specialists who perform reflexology can not only rejuvenate the skin with the help of special needles, but also treat certain diseases. By completing a course of acupuncture lifting, you can not only lose 8-10 years, but also get rid of old ailments.

How to enhance the effect

Despite its effectiveness, acupuncture face lifting has a temporary effect that lasts 10 to 12 months after the end of the course of procedures. To prolong and enhance the result, it is recommended to fulfill certain conditions:

  • First of all, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol abuse reduce the results of even the most effective cosmetic procedures.
  • Proper nutrition is the key not only to external beauty, but also to internal health.
  • Protect your skin from harmful UV rays
  • Don’t forget about daily care, massage regularly, use masks, use high-quality cosmetics
  • Try to avoid stress. During periods of strong emotional stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which has a destructive effect on the condition of our skin.

Combination with other cosmetic procedures

Acupuncture can be combined with many cosmetic and health procedures: salon or home.

Rejuvenating sessions with needles can be done at a certain interval, in the following cases:

  • injections of botulinum toxins and fillers - after 3-4 weeks;
  • light peeling – 1 week, medium – 1-2 months, deep – 6 months;
  • laser – at least six months.

Acupuncture goes well with contour plastic surgery in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and bridge of the nose, mesotherapy and revitalization. It is possible to combine procedures, with an interval of a week.

With acupuncture it is possible to remove scar formations after plastic surgery -. puncture problem areas. The process is long and slow, but effective.


Lifting using acupuncture has its certain limitations. The doctor may refuse to conduct a session if the patient has a pathological fear of needles, a blood clotting disorder, inflammatory processes, dermatological pathologies in the facial area, severe hypertension, a stroke or heart attack.

Contraindications also include the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition, the procedure has age restrictions. It is not prescribed to persons under 25 years of age and after 75 years of age. This is explained by the fact that at a young age the natural processes of renewal and rejuvenation of the epidermis are still taking place, and at an older age the result will not be what the client expects.

Acupuncture for rejuvenation

The effect of acupuncture therapy lasts for a long time. Facial acupuncture for rejuvenation, reviews and results of which exceed even the wildest expectations, gives an amazing effect:

  • Reduces fine and deep wrinkles;
  • Relieves eye puffiness;
  • Reduces double chin;
  • Improves skin color;
  • Moisturizes the skin;
  • Tightens pores;
  • Promotes the production of your own collagen.

The acupuncture procedure begins with a thorough examination by the doctor.

This is necessary in order to assess the general condition of the skin. After this, the patient is positioned in a comfortable position on the massage table. The doctor places needles at all necessary points on the face and neck.

If medical indications so require, the palms and soles of the feet will be used. This is decided in each case individually at the first examination. Next, the patient remains in a relaxed position for 25-30 minutes.

At the end of the session, the therapist performs a light massage using essential oils. Experts recommend acupuncture in combination with Chinese herbal practices. An integrated approach allows you to achieve not only a tangible rejuvenation effect, but also helps relieve tension, restore the functioning of internal organs, and gives a boost of vivacity and energy.

Advantages of acupuncture therapy over surgery:

  1. The rejuvenation process is smoother and long-term rehabilitation is not required.
  2. Despite the menacing name, acupuncture is a painless procedure.
  3. The effect after acupuncture lifting lasts much longer than the field of surgical intervention.
  4. The surgical method is based on skin tightening, while acupuncture allows you to launch natural rejuvenation processes.
  5. Hospitalization is not required, acupuncture facial rejuvenation is performed in the clinic, after which the patient can go about his business.

Acupuncture affects more than just the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin.

Acupuncture practice is also aimed at subcutaneous fatty tissue and muscles. The deepest aging processes occur precisely in these layers of skin, which are not accessible to many creams and serums. Eastern techniques allow you to work with all layers of the skin, stimulating natural rejuvenation processes. The lifting effect can be observed after the third procedure.

Chinese specialists

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After care

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Positive and negative sides

In some cases, facial skin tightening using reflexology helps not only slow down the aging process as much as possible, but even stop it altogether. This procedure is considered a worthy alternative to hardware, injection and even surgical anti-aging techniques; it can be used not only to correct acquired defects, but also to prevent their occurrence.

Despite the fact that acupuncture lifting is several times more painless and safer than other beauty procedures, it has a number of contraindications. First of all, you should never, under any circumstances, trust your face to amateurs and unprofessional specialists, as this may not only not give positive results, but also harm your health. It should also be remembered that for people who have a fear of needles, psycho-emotional and physical stress, malignant tumors and conditions after a heart attack, this method of rejuvenation is contraindicated. The technique is also not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Reviews and results from patients who have already undergone reflexology say that the changes are simply amazing.

Patient reviews

Acupuncture lifting has recently been practiced in Russia. Patients often do not trust such effects and doubt the successful outcome. Photos of procedures look intimidating and scare away impressionable ladies.

Evgenia has not tried the technique, but she listens to the opinions of those who practice influence. Trust in technology develops.

Evgeniy doubts the effectiveness of the technique and considers the cost of manipulations too high.

There are patients who tried the technique and were satisfied with the result.

More often, potential patients are distrustful, interested, ask a lot of questions, but do not dare to try.

Patients are frightened by the appearance of the manipulations. Even the master’s assurances do not always have a calming effect.

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