Aesthetic surgery
The purpose of mastopexy surgery is to lift sagging breast tissue, correctly orient the nipple-areolar complex and
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Good afternoon, I'm worried about how my skin will look after the cast is removed.
Intimate plastic surgery is one of the most promising areas in the field of plastic surgery. According to
The epicanthus, or “Mongolian fold”, is the area of skin on the upper eyelid located above the lacrimal tubercle,
The anatomy of the human body is amazing, despite the fact that the structure of all organs in humans is very
Botox: contraindications to the procedure Botox injections are a popular cosmetic procedure designed to cleanse the skin of the face
array(3) { [0]=> array(50) { [0]=> string(113) " " [1]=> string(113) " " [2]=>
An expressive look is considered one of the characteristics of a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. Unfortunately, the inevitable age-related
There is very little time left until summer, the time of short skirts and light dresses. This forces