How can you enlarge your nipples, the best ways to make them bigger

It is difficult to find a person who is completely satisfied with his appearance. Everyone has some flaw that they dream of improving. As a rule, women always have complaints about their breasts. Sometimes it is too small, sometimes too big, sometimes lush, sometimes sharp. Despite all the subjectivity of judgments regarding the perfection of this part of the female body, many beauties would like to change their breasts, but are afraid to undergo plastic surgery unless absolutely necessary. In addition, it is too expensive, and the result is not always what you wanted.

Nipples whose areolas are too large and dark cause a lot of criticism. This is especially concerning for women after childbirth. For many ladies, this becomes a cause of self-doubt. They become tight and embarrassed to show their breasts to their man. Is it possible to help with breast correction without surgery? How can a woman reduce the size of her nipples? Let's try to sort this issue out.

Big nipples are a problem

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In most cases, the presence of this flaw is dictated not by objective reality, but by someone’s subjective opinion - the woman herself or the person whose judgment is important to her. As a rule, the beloved man is such an authoritative expert in the field of breast nipples. It is for him that a woman tries to improve her body. Here it is necessary to distinguish between concern for the health of a loved one, when the area around the nipple has really become too large, from idle judgment about the beauty of individual organs on the woman’s body.

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If the increase in the areola does not exceed the normal size, you should not think about how to reduce the nipple. It’s better to think about how to change your loved one’s judgment about your beauty. If today he is not satisfied with the size of his nipples, then tomorrow some other part of the body may seem ugly. When you love a person, the flaws in his figure do not cause disgust or ridicule. If you agree to change your breasts just to please the man you love, then your problem is not the size of your nipples, but low self-esteem. This is a psychological problem, not an aesthetic one.

For women who live in harmony with their body and the world around them, the question of how to reduce nipple size does not exist. She gives joy to herself and her partner without thinking about the shape and size of her breasts. On the contrary, enlarged nipples can become an additional erotic factor in sexual games. Think about it: perhaps your problem with large nipples is nothing to worry about. It's another matter if the increase in areolas is really significant. This should raise health concerns. Then you should see a doctor and hear his recommendations regarding nipple changes.

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It should be noted that the shape and size of the nipples, as well as the area surrounding them, is determined by the genetic characteristics of the body and its anatomical structure. They may change during pregnancy or breastfeeding. But you can radically change the shape or size of your nipples only through plastic surgery. Before wondering how to reduce large nipples, it may be helpful to think about the need for such changes. Nipples are a very delicate area. To make any operational changes, you need to have a good understanding of the structural features of the body. Neither the color of the areola nor the size of the nipple are static parameters. They may undergo changes due to natural reasons.

How to restore breast firmness after childbirth?

No one can guarantee that after childbirth and breastfeeding, your breasts will remain the way you knew and loved them. However, if you take good care of your body, your chances will increase significantly. Keep 10 valuable recommendations, the implementation of which reduces the risk of being left with two “deflated balloons” after finishing feeding.

Do exercises

There is no muscle tissue in your mammary glands, so you will not be able to “pump up” them. But underneath them there is: the pectoralis major and minor muscles are located there. When they are in good shape, your breasts will look more perky, so any reasonable physical activity and exercise that targets these muscles will be beneficial.

Wear a bra

Gravity is one of the natural enemies. Wear a bra, and when choosing it, first of all, pay attention not to the design, but to the comfort and support properties. You'll likely have to ditch your old bras for a while and buy new ones because your breasts will increase in size later in pregnancy and stay that way during breastfeeding.

Don't slouch

The bra straps pull the cups up, thereby lifting your breasts. When you slouch, all that wonderful structure sags and the support deteriorates. So straighten your shoulders and straighten your back - this is one of the secrets to maintaining breast shape after childbirth.

Take care of your skin

The firmness of your breasts, in particular, depends on the firmness of your skin, and you can influence this. Moisturize it with natural remedies, such as lotions with herbal extracts. Use a gentle scrub or loofah pad every day to remove dead skin cells to improve blood circulation and improve skin elasticity.

Watch your diet

Try to eat a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and whole grains. Reduce your intake of high-cholesterol animal fats and replace them with vegetable oils. A good choice is olive oil. In addition to fatty acids that are easy for the body, it is rich in vitamin E - the same tocopherol that is found in almost every skin care product.

Take a contrast shower

How does a contrast shower help preserve breasts after childbirth? It improves blood circulation in the skin - hot water opens the pores, and cold water tightens them. We can say that with its help the skin does “cyclical training”, thanks to which it maintains its tone and elasticity.

Feed your baby in a comfortable position

Have you watched the cartoon about a curious baby elephant who was grabbed by the nose by a crocodile and turned into a long trunk? Watch it with your child - this is a wonderful hand-drawn short film based on a story by Rudyard Kipling. So, if a baby is forced to reach for the nipple, the same thing can happen to your breast as to a baby elephant’s nose. Find a position that keeps your breasts in a comfortable position and does not stretch, for example, place a pillow on your lap before you start feeding.

Stop breastfeeding gradually

Experts do not recommend abruptly interrupting feeding: it is better to first cancel one of the daily feedings, after a few days - the second, and so on. Step-by-step refusal of mother's milk will be the most comfortable and painless for the baby. Surprisingly, it will also help maintain the shape and size of the breasts after childbirth - a gradual decrease in lactation promotes the natural restoration of fatty tissue.

Don't try to lose weight quickly

As with the end of breastfeeding, there is no need to rush to return your figure to its pre-pregnancy form. Eat a healthy diet, give your body moderate exercise, and your weight will gradually return to normal. If you try to force things, the skin may not have time to recover and will hang in unnecessary folds in the most inappropriate places.

Quit smoking

We hope that you know about the dangers of smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but you should still write this advice. Smoking contributes to premature aging of the skin, and the breasts are one of the first to suffer.

Reasons for the increase

As a rule, the size of the nipples and mammary glands are proportionate. The larger the size of the breast, the heavier it is, the larger the area around the nipple, and its color is more intense and darker. Areola sizes up to 10 cm are considered normal. Reasons for nipple enlargement can be:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Treatment with strong antibiotics.
  • Age-related changes.

A very significant and important topic is nipple enlargement during pregnancy and childbirth. Even during gestation, the color of the areolas changes to dark brown, their border expands and the breasts begin to swell, acquiring stretch marks. While breastfeeding a baby, the size of the nipples and areolas increases even more, which raises the question among breastfeeding women whether it is possible to reduce the nipples after childbirth. Most often, the concern is in vain, since after the baby stops feeding the baby with mother’s milk, the size of the nipple returns to its usual limits.

Nipple and areola correction

The beauty of a woman's breast is a very broad concept. When assessing the appearance of the mammary glands, in addition to the shape and size of the breasts, the appearance and location of the areola and nipples play a role.

Changes in the size of the areolas usually occur after childbirth and breastfeeding and are usually asymmetrical. Areola reduction is usually performed as part of a breast lift and/or reduction, but can also be performed as an independent procedure. The examination before surgery is standard - general clinical and biochemical laboratory tests, ECG, FLG.

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areola correction operation is to reduce the diameter of the areola to an acceptable size (usually 4-5 cm) and their symmetrization, plus giving the areola a rounded shape. Anesthesia can be local or general, depending on the patient's wishes. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis. If the areola reduction was performed under local anesthesia, you can go home 1-2 hours after the operation, if under general anesthesia - after 4-6 hours.

The stitches, which are placed in a special way, are not removed, which allows you to take a shower and generally refuse to wear bandages from the 4th-5th day. The pain is insignificant, and you can stop taking painkillers from the second day after surgery. Scars are fully formed by the 4th-6th month, when they turn into a thin light pink or white stripe. To get better scars, I sometimes recommend using special patches or silicone gel for 2-3 months.

Nipple correction is carried out in two cases:

  • With an inverted nipple
  • With nipple hypertrophy

An inverted nipple is a congenital condition as a developmental feature in which connective tissue strands located along the milk ducts hold the nipple, preventing it from straightening. The presence of inverted nipples leads to functional problems (inability to feed the child). In addition, there are inconveniences during hygiene procedures, which, in turn, can lead to inflammation in the nipple area and eczema.

The optimal combination of surgery to correct an inverted nipple is gentle surgical dissection of the connective tissue cords without crossing the ducts and the use of nipple traction devices (special stents) after surgery for 1-2 months, although this is not a mandatory requirement. Incisions up to 0.4 centimeters long are made at the very base of the nipple. The gentle technique allows you to preserve the possibility of feeding and sensitivity of the nipple.

When the size of the nipples increases - “long nipples” - they are reduced by removing excess around the base of the nipples. It is also possible to reduce their diameter through wedge-shaped resection in case of severe hypertrophy - “large nipple”. The lactation function and the ability to feed are not affected.

The examination before surgery is standard - general clinical and biochemical laboratory tests, ECG, FLG.

The operations are performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, or, at the patient’s request, under general anesthesia.

Sutures are removed after 5-7 days. Scars at the incision sites become invisible after 1-1.5 months.

Breast surgery price

Breast augmentation (without cost of implants):
Access via the inframammary foldfrom 60,000 rubles
Access along the lower edge of the areola (transareolar)from 70,000 rubles
Access through the armpit (transaxillary)from 90,000 rubles
Lifting (mastopexy) and breast augmentation:
1 category of difficultyfrom 80,000 rubles
2nd category of difficultyfrom 95,000 rubles
Breast lift (mastopexy, without implants):
Reducing the size of the areolafrom 35,000 rubles
Periareolar mastopexyfrom 45,000 rubles
Vertical mastopexyfrom 75,000 rubles
Reduction mammoplasty:
1 category of difficultyfrom 90,000 rubles
2nd category of difficultyfrom 120,000 rubles
Correction of nipple and areola size (1 side)from 20,000 rubles
Correction of nipple and areola size (2 sides)from 30,000 rubles
Nipple size reduction (1 side)from 15,000 rubles
Lipofilling of the mammary glandsfrom 60,000 rubles
Correction of inverted nipple (1 side)from 15,000 rubles
Correction of inverted nipple (2 sides)from 30,000 rubles
Reconstructive operations on the mammary glands:
Breast reconstruction using an expanderfrom 30,000 rubles
Breast reconstruction using free or transferred flapsfrom 60,000 rubles
Restoration of mammary glands using a combined methodfrom 80,000 rubles

Photo gallery of breast augmentation results

Breast care during pregnancy

In rare cases this does not happen. Then the woman begins to look for ways to reduce her nipple without surgery, on her own at home. To avoid having to worry about this and to avoid too much increase in the size of the areolas and nipples, you should provide an effective diet with special breast care during pregnancy and the entire feeding period. As your breasts prepare to breastfeed, breast tissue begins to grow. This leads to the appearance of stretch marks if the breast skin is not elastic and firm enough. Sometimes an increase in the size of the areola is also accompanied by its shrinking, which makes the breasts unattractive.

How to restore sagging breasts after childbirth?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your breasts undergo amazing metamorphoses. Large and full after childbirth, it changes every day several times - first the baby empties it, then it fills up again. Your breasts will look different all the time, and no one knows in what shape they will finish this marathon. If by the end of feeding she really seriously sag, nothing can be done about it. Therefore, follow our advice every day - this way you will minimize the risks.

You may hear another piece of advice from some people: stop breastfeeding completely and feed your baby formula from birth. Please don't do this! Firstly, you are depriving your child of the most natural and healthy food, which no formula can even come close to matching. And secondly, you won’t achieve your goal either. Your breasts begin to change not when you start breastfeeding, but even during pregnancy. The amount of adipose tissue, which is responsible for a pleasant roundness, decreases, and the amount of glandular tissue (from the word “gland”, not “iron”) increases to ensure sufficient milk production. Refusal to breastfeed will cause the glandular tissue to quickly dissolve and release volume, while the fatty tissue may not be restored completely.

Skin needs collagen

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To remain firm and sufficiently elastic, breasts must receive collagen regularly. To do this, a woman’s diet must certainly contain animal and vegetable fats. Their deficiency in the body can be replenished by using moisturizers suitable for your skin type, as well as regular nourishing breast wraps. If you maintain the firmness and elasticity of your skin, then you will not need to worry about how to reduce your nipple after childbirth. All previous sizes will be restored some time after breastfeeding ends. Note that almost all beauty salons offer various qualified procedures. But they can also be done at home.

Seaweed wrap

Is it possible to reduce nipples after childbirth? The answer is yes. Nutritional wraps are very effective for this purpose. They will allow you to prevent stretching of the areolas even at the stage of pregnancy.

The most popular and effective procedure is the use of seaweed for wrapping. To do this, soak 100 grams of kelp leaves for half an hour in a liter of warm water (up to 65 degrees). If soaked in water at room temperature, it will take 2 hours. We put the seaweed on the chest, cover it with film and a warm down scarf or wool blanket for 30 minutes. Without insulation, it takes about an hour to keep the algae on your chest.

Cream mask

How to reduce nipple size? You can try the following mask. The elasticity of the skin on the chest is achieved by using a mixture of cream (1 tbsp) and rose petals (2 tbsp). The homogeneous mixture is applied for 15 minutes, covered with film and a towel.

For sagging breast skin, a nutritious mixture with walnuts is recommended - 4 walnut kernels, 1 tbsp each. honey and butter, 1 yolk. Chop the nuts well, mix everything and apply to clean skin for 20 minutes. Cover with film.

If you are breastfeeding, hot wraps are contraindicated.

Nutrition for breasts and nipples

Your diet should contain the following foods:

  • Cereals, legumes and shelled seafood, where there is a lot of copper.
  • Blue berries.
  • Citrus fruits and kiwi provide vitamin C.
  • Chicken yolk - supplies sulfur.
  • Brewer's yeast and sprouted wheat contain an abundance of zinc.
  • Beets, radishes and other red-fleshed vegetables are rich in silicon.
  • Fatty fish - it contains a lot of omega vitamins - 3, 6, 9.
  • Pomegranates, buckwheat and cilantro provide iron.
  • Pumpkin, bananas, dates, soy, red pepper, oatmeal. These foods help produce collagen.

Folk remedy made from poppy heads

Since official medicine cannot offer any medications to reduce the size of nipples, let’s get acquainted with the advice that traditional medicine offers. If you are wondering whether it is possible to reduce a woman’s nipples without resorting to surgery, then know that this is quite possible. Traditional methods will help you in this matter. They have been tested for centuries and will not harm the body. Using folk remedies, how can a woman reduce her nipples on her chest? To do this, you should know several effective recipes and not be lazy to use them.

The most effective way to help reduce the size of the nipple is considered to be a regular infusion of garden poppy heads. For 50 g of dry poppy heads you will need 2 glasses of water. The medicine should be boiled, wait until it cools and strain. Use it for compresses. The effect will become visually noticeable within 2-3 weeks. The more regularly you use this remedy, the better results you can achieve. Traditional healers promise that as the overall size of the mammary gland decreases, both the nipple and areola will decrease proportionally.

Types of nipple correction surgeries

Depending on the severity and nature of the problem, which the surgeon assesses during the preliminary examination, as well as taking into account the wishes of the patient, the doctor outlines a plan for the operation. There are the following types of nipple and areola plastic surgery:

  • Restoration of an inverted nipple. There are several techniques available to resolve this issue. An incision is made at the base of the nipple, then the doctor shapes and fixes the nipple in the desired position. Healing usually takes a little more than two weeks. When choosing a method, the surgeon strives to give preference to methods that allow keeping the mammary duct intact, preserving the women’s ability to breastfeed, and also not disrupting the sensitivity of the nipple.
  • Areola reduction. An incision is made along the outer surface of the areola, and excess pigmented skin is excised. Correct execution of the incision in the border zone makes the scar invisible. Nipple sensitivity is gradually restored after surgery.
  • Nipple reduction.

- Reduced length: long nipples protrude too far. To reduce the length of the nipple, the tip is removed and a suture is placed to close the wound. Sometimes the skin along the neck of the nipple is removed to create a shorter nipple.

— Reducing the width: if the nipple is too wide, but not too long, a wedge-shaped flap is removed from the lower part of the nipple and the edges of the incision are sutured. As a result, its circumference decreases.

Aroma oils

Another equally good way to help reduce nipple size is the use of aromatic oils. The most obvious results can be achieved with a mixture of jojoba oils - 25 ml, and grape (seed) oils - 5 ml. You just need to rub the product into the skin. With constant use, this will help not only reduce the size of the nipples, but also remove stretch marks, as well as remove age spots. Rose oil provides similar benefits if used daily or alternately with the previous mixture. The main thing is that there is no individual intolerance to the drug.

Exercises to reduce nipple size

Many people are interested in how to reduce a woman’s nipples. This matter cannot be done without special physical exercises. They can help reduce breast and nipple volume. Using a combination of physical activity on a certain part of the body and traditional methods, you can achieve excellent results without surgery. There are many such exercises. They can be performed with or without different gymnastic equipment. Here are the most effective and efficient ones:

  • Push-ups in a lying position from the floor or in a standing position from the wall.
  • Raise your arms to the sides with dumbbells or any other weights, such as water bottles.
  • Aerobics that focuses on the upper body in the chest area.
  • Reduction of the shoulder blades to the maximum and relaxation.
  • Exercises with an expander.

Types and shapes of nipples. Correction methods

There are 8 types of female nipples. Each of them is a variant of the norm. Often women are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their nipples and consider them a flaw. Often, an unusual structure is a unique feature of an organism. Sometimes deformation occurs due to disease. A woman must notice changes in time and find out their cause. Shape correction is carried out for aesthetic and medical reasons. The Butko Plastic clinic performs surgeries to correct the shape of the areola and nipples. All manipulations are carried out using safe anesthesia on modern equipment.

Useful tips

We have already found out the answer to the question of whether it is possible to reduce nipples. Many doctors believe that the most common cause of enlarged nipples and areolas is being overweight. According to its physiology, excess fat accumulates in this area - under the tissue of the nipple areolas, causing them to stretch and enlarge. To make your nipples smaller, you need to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat deposits, which can be achieved through proper nutrition and physical activity.

Problems with breast enlargement may be associated with certain changes in hormonal levels. If your nipples are swollen without any objective reason, then it would be better to contact a specialist - an endocrinologist, gynecologist or mammologist. After a thorough laboratory examination and finding out the true cause of the changes, you will be prescribed adequate treatment or given competent recommendations.

If nipple enlargement is pathological and exceeds acceptable standards, only high-quality plastic surgery can help bring them back to normal.

Indications and contraindications

Most often, corrective surgery on the nipples and areolas in men and women is performed for the following reasons:

  • damage to the SAH due to plastic surgery or trauma, as a result of which the mammary gland was removed (surgical treatment of oncology), necrosis of the displaced tissues is observed;
  • problems with breastfeeding associated with excessive or small nipple size;
  • the need to reduce the diameter (nipple areolas are too large);
  • hiding or tightly closing, inverted nipples;
  • overly protruding nipples. In men - an increase in the volume of the entire NAS, in women - in the length of the nipples;
  • stretching of the areolas in one direction. Loss of round shape;
  • thick nipples and/or their uneven contour, asymmetry of location (congenital, due to age or after surgical procedures).

You can get detailed advice on the correction of areolas and nipples in Moscow at an appointment with professor, plastic surgeon Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin. A doctor of medical sciences will determine the need for surgery (perhaps the problem does not require a surgical solution).

  • The patient is a minor;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation. The correction can be made approximately 12 months after the end of feeding;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Tendency to form keloid and/or hypertrophic scars;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.

SAH defects are formed during mastoptosis, gynecomastia, trauma, breastfeeding, mastitis and abscesses. As well as breast oncology, genetic pathologies, congenital features.

Operation process.

Types of operation

The duration of the manipulations, the choice of anesthesia, the technique and the cost of correction depend on the type of intervention:

  • Restoration of the areola and nipples after mastectomy.
    Biomaterial for reconstruction is taken from the perineum or healthy areas of the mammary gland, in some cases from the inside of the thigh.

  • Reconstruction of the nipple-areolar complex using a free skin flap from the inner thigh. Time after surgery: 3 months. Surgeon: S.N. Blokhin.

  • Reducing the length and width of the nipples.
    To reduce the length of the nipple, the surgeon excises its tip. Afterwards, the surface is sutured. The second option: skin removal and lifting of the upper pole to the base.

    If it is necessary to reduce the width, the doctor excises the wedge-shaped area. Next, it fastens the remaining tissue. The diameter becomes smaller.

  • Adding dimension to the nipples.
    You can make the nipple larger in size using 2 methods. Mini-incisions are made in the areola area. Through the incisions, the connective tissue fibers are separated. The area receives volume, the nipple is secured with a circular suture. Advantages of the method: preservation of the milk ducts and their functionality.

    If breastfeeding is not planned in the future, another method may be chosen. The areola is cut slightly deeper. The nipple is brought forward by excision of the ducts that hold it in place.

  • Changing the shape of the areolas if they are of non-standard size.
    Excess tissue is excised and sutures are placed. An incision is made along the inner or outer edge of the areola. The new diameter matches the proportions of the bust. The standard size is about 4 cm.

If it is necessary to enlarge or even out a slightly changed contour, micropigmentation is performed. Pigments are used whose shades closely match natural colors. The technique is similar to permanent facial makeup.

Careful preparation is necessary before performing any type of intervention.

Operation process.

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