Tighten your belts: celebrities who removed ribs for a thin waist

The pioneer in this very delicate area was, of course, Marilyn Monroe. According to rumors, in the 1950s, surgeons turned her figure into a real “hourglass”, so that the sex symbol’s waist circumference was only 57 centimeters. However, today not every specialist will agree to perform such a whim - this is a very traumatic and very dangerous operation, which is fraught with damage to internal organs.

In early January of this year, it became known that Kim Kardashian wanted to repeat Monroe’s feat. The star, who is trying out all the latest weight loss methods, decided on an “old school” intervention to make her waist even narrower. But many experts suspect that Mrs. West has already performed a similar operation in the past, and now she is only casting a shadow over the fence, fueling interest in her person with such statements.

Stages of implementation

After all preoperative preparations have been completed, the day of rib resection comes.
As a rule, the patient goes to the clinic one day before the expected date. This helps to adjust the diet that should be followed before any intervention in the body under general anesthesia. Food should be light and quickly digestible. For about 12 hours you are not allowed to eat, only drink a little water if you wish.

Before the intervention, an enema is prescribed, then the patient is transported to the operating room. Anesthesia is performed, which was previously discussed with the anesthesiologist. Most often, general anesthesia is prescribed, when the medicine is injected into a vein or inhaled.

When the patient falls asleep on the operating table, the resection itself begins. Today, the endoscopic method of surgical intervention is the most popular.

The specialist makes several small incisions in the area of ​​the ribs, into one of which the endoscope itself is inserted. It is a long, thin tube that has a chamber at the end. This allows the surgeon to accurately remove the rib “blindly” through another incision, without resorting to abdominal surgery.

During manipulation, one, two or, much less commonly, three lower pairs of ribs are removed. Removing the rest is absolutely prohibited.

To achieve a thin waist, partial resection of the bones is performed, since their complete excision can provoke deformation of the sternum. After the operation, the ribs, oddly enough, remain in place, only they are short bony protrusions.

On average, the intervention lasts several hours. After all the necessary manipulations have been carried out, the patient is taken to the intensive care ward until she fully awakens.

After some time, she is transferred to a regular ward, and a few days later, she is discharged from the clinic. Then a long period of rehabilitation begins.

Patient preparation

In preparation for rib removal, the patient undergoes a thorough medical examination and receives consultation with a cardiologist, traumatologist and endocrinologist. In addition to standard blood tests, an ultrasound of the heart and abdominal organs and an ECG may be required.

Doctors recommend a computed tomography scan with a contrast agent: this helps to exclude hidden pathologies of bone tissue and shows the choroid plexuses and large arteries. To exclude postoperative complications, 1–2 weeks before the planned resection, the patient undergoes laboratory testing for HIV and hepatitis.

It is necessary to exclude exacerbation of chronic diseases and hidden bacterial infections that can provoke severe abscesses and inflammation of wounds.

Among the doctors' recommendations:

  • complete cessation of smoking and alcohol;
  • withdrawal of anticoagulants and hormonal drugs;
  • a diet with a minimum amount of fatty and spicy foods.

Obesity of any degree increases the risk of fat embolism. A dangerous complication threatens death during surgery. If you are overweight, healing slows down and the effect is less noticeable. Therefore, liposuction or weight loss is carried out first under the supervision of a nutritionist.

12 hours before surgery, a complete refusal to eat is recommended, which reduces the side effects of anesthesia and speeds up recovery. The patient can drink clean water without gas or weak tea without sugar.

Demmy Moor

The actress spent a lot of money to change her appearance. Demi had rhinoplasty, abdominal liposuction, a circular facelift, inserted veneers to become the owner of the famous Hollywood smile, and also had breast enlargement.

7 famous 30-year-old women who said goodbye to natural beauty due to plastic surgery

However, Moore did not stop there - before the start of filming the film “Striptease,” the actress decided to have her lower ribs removed so that her figure, which was athletic from birth, would become more feminine and sexy. Of course, these changes are not as noticeable as those of other “brave” stars who want to have a chiseled waist.

Alternative ways to get a thin waist

You can get a waist that is thin within physiologically normal limits in much less traumatic ways. To do this:

  • abdominoplasty;
  • liposuction;
  • lipolytic injections.

The first method allows you to sutured stretched muscles and remove excess tissue. The other two are used when waist size needs to be reduced due to fat deposits. All of these techniques are effective and have proven to be safe when carried out in accordance with the protocol. Therefore, there is no point in risking your health for the sake of a few cm, when you can get a good aesthetic result in a way tested and approved by doctors.

Photo: https:///, https://wallhere.com/, https://anime.reactor.cc/, https://zen.yandex.com/, https:///, https://www .thesun.ie/

Cancer Prevention

Timely diagnosis and timely treatment of rib cancer are the key to a normal healthy life. It is dangerous because in the initial stages it is asymptomatic and has a large number of varieties. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that there are no specific manipulations to prevent rib cancer

Most often, children aged 3 to 15 years are susceptible to this disease, so parents should pay close attention to the health of the child if one of the relatives has been exposed to any disease associated with oncology, since then the child will be at risk

Oncological diseases associated with bone cancer are insidious in that even with a visible improvement in health and all test results, the disease can make itself known at any moment and progress faster than before.

To prevent the appearance and recurrence of rib cancer, you should:

  • undergo a full examination at least once every six months;
  • take tests to detect malignant cells (for those who are at risk) - once every 3 months;
  • take a responsible approach to treatment, not skipping any procedures if you already have rib cancer.

Removed ribs, broken fingers - miracles of plastic surgery?

For the sake of beauty (at least in the sense in which they understand this term) these people are ready to do anything! They spend a lot of money, they give up their health, they are ready to endure hellish pain! And all in order to achieve a mythical ideal in appearance. Who am I talking about? Yes about the fans! I’ll tell you about the most terrifying plastic surgeries that these people decide to undergo! And believe me, we are not talking about breast enlargement or changing the shape of the nose! But first things first!

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A thin waist is every woman's dream. Lyudmila Gruchenko’s 45 centimeters remain an ideal today. But we must not forget that the prima of Soviet cinema was small in stature, so for her this is a completely normal size. It is difficult for taller girls to achieve it naturally. I want to! So the most advanced ones go to plastic surgeons to remove the lower ribs. After surgery, the waist becomes longer and narrower. It is scary to look at photographs of ladies without lower ribs - it is too obvious that this is not their natural state. But that's not the point.

What about health?

You will have to pay with your health for a dubious effect. There is nothing superfluous in our body; even the appendix, they say, is needed. And the lower ribs protect our internal organs. By breaking them, you will leave your liver, kidneys and spleen unprotected, so every blow or fall can be fatal. Among other things, complications after removal of the ribs will include prolapse of the kidneys, problems with the urinary and excretory system, and problems with the spine. In addition, if such a woman becomes pregnant in the future, it will be extremely difficult for her to bear a child. Isn't it better to just pump up your abs and eat less?

When it comes to model-looking beauties, the term “long-legged” always comes up. Really long slender legs are very beautiful! What to do if in this sense nature did not live up to expectations? Most will say: love yourself as you are, and also take care of your body and figure. And some will again go to the clinic. The operation is complex, but to shorten its description, the meaning is as follows: the patient’s legs are broken (drilled with a drill), and then special devices are installed into the bone (the most famous is the Ilizarov apparatus). As you know, bone cells tend to divide. So the bone just grows and the legs become longer. What's next?

Firstly, you are doomed to walk for a long time on crutches and with an apparatus - the bones lengthen by about a centimeter per month. After the device is removed, a rehabilitation period begins - a cast for several months and long, long physical exercises according to a special scheme. Secondly, the needles of the device leave wounds on the skin - look at the photos online (if your nerves are strong). Therefore, scars and pain are guaranteed. A common consequence after leg lengthening surgery is problems with the joints of the knee and foot. Do you need it? I repeat, build your body in the gym! And even if you are short, but at the same time you look harmonious, then many tall girls will envy you.

Read: This coveted hourglass or how to make your waist thin

Not just the waist

A wasp waist, long legs, what else is needed for “beauty”? Small foot size. Everyone wants to be like Cinderella. Surgeons are ready to solve this problem too. Technically speaking, this is a simple operation, which in some cases is even performed under local anesthesia! Most often, the fingers are simply shortened - either all of them, or those that protrude beyond the ideal line. The middle part of the finger is removed, the nail phalanx remains intact. After the intervention you will have to walk on crutches for some time. In the future, “Cinderella foot” may result in chronic pain in the legs and spine. After all, in any case, the supporting function of the feet is impaired, and if this is not immediately noticeable, it will affect it later in any case.

Read: How to prepare for plastic surgery

These are just a few of the most shocking plastic surgeries. What lengths do people go to in order to live up to the mythical ideal! Although, in my opinion, a wasp waist after removing the ribs looks terrible, and a small leg size with a tall height is a very strange and uncomfortable option.

We all have our own individual characteristics and, thank God! After all, it is thanks to them that we stand out from the crowd! And the canons of beauty are a fickle thing. Well, to put it mildly, Sarah Jessica Parker’s not very straight legs have become her calling card! So love yourself and exercise!

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Contraindications for surgery

The operation is not performed if there is increased blood viscosity or a tendency to bleed. Also, surgical intervention is prohibited for various blood diseases: hemophilia, anemia, thalassemia, etc.

Absolute contraindications also include diabetes mellitus and oncology. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, infectious processes in the acute stage (ARVI, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, etc.), it is better to postpone surgical intervention to a more favorable period.

Surgery is not recommended for persons who engage in dangerous sports that can lead to accidental injury and damage to internal organs (for example, horse riding, rock climbing, mountaineering, acrobatics, etc.). It is also better to avoid the operation for women who plan to have a child in the future, since carrying a fetus may be difficult and lead to displacement of internal organs.

Indications for surgery to remove ribs

Sufficient grounds are required for intervention. And the desire to have a graceful waist is not enough. Surgeons undertake to help if:

  • sports and proper nutrition, as well as liposuction, are ineffective for correcting this area of ​​the body;
  • the absence of a pronounced waist, the rectangularity of this zone gives a person moral suffering that can lead to illness;
  • the patient is a transsexual who has had sex reassignment surgery from male to female (in this case, rib resection is sometimes the only way to define the waist).

Even if there are indications for surgery and the financial ability to perform it, not everyone is able to undergo resection. Intervention is contraindicated for:

  • endocrine pathologies;
  • systemic diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • obesity;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • mental disorders;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.

The operation is not performed on women who do not yet have children. Without the lower ribs, subsequent pregnancy will be impossible. Resection cannot be performed if the patient is involved in extreme sports, his profession is associated with physical activity and movement.

Previously, surgery to remove ribs was performed for various pathologies: osteomyelitis (purulent-necrotic process in the bone), tumors. Resection of 1 or a pair of ribs is sometimes necessary when revising the chest cavity after penetrating wounds. Removal may also be necessary if bone grafting is needed to another part of the body.

The operation is indicated for scoliosis, which is accompanied by severe deformation of the sternum and the formation of a costal hump

In the latter case, surgery reduces the vital capacity of the chest cavity and should be carried out with caution

The operation is not performed if there is increased blood viscosity or a tendency to bleed. Also, surgical intervention is prohibited for various blood diseases: hemophilia, anemia, thalassemia, etc.

Absolute contraindications also include diabetes mellitus and oncology. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, infectious processes in the acute stage (ARVI, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, etc.), it is better to postpone surgical intervention to a more favorable period.


The operation to remove bones is very serious, so it cannot be cheap. This should be understood by those clients who hope to save on the procedure. Of course, prices vary significantly depending on the region of the country.

The average cost of the operation ranges from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. An important role in shaping the pricing policy is played by the experience and length of service of the surgeon who will perform the procedure.

Rib resection can also be done abroad. The price of the issue is at least $2,500, to this amount should be added flights and hotel accommodation.

Why are a man's lower ribs removed?

What lengths women will go to for the sake of beauty! But even the most painful injections can hardly compare with an operation to remove... ribs. Yes, yes, in pursuit of a wasp waist, many women turn to plastic surgeons and remove an “extra” pair, or even four, of ribs. This operation is the most popular among stars.

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The fashion for wasp waists began in the 18th century, bringing with it tight corsets in which women could hardly breathe, but looked stunning.

Today, inhumane corsets are a thing of the past; plastic surgeons do an excellent job with them. During the operation, the patient has a pair of ribs removed, causing her figure to look like an hourglass.

Our selection includes stars who got rid of “extra” ribs for the sake of a wasp waist.

Marilyn Monroe

One of the first celebrities to decide to have their lower ribs removed was Marilyn Monroe. The star was prone to being overweight and wore slimming corsets, but in the end she had surgery and became the owner of the thinnest waist in Hollywood.

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Last year, Cher celebrated her 70th birthday. The singer herself admitted that plastic surgery has become a kind of drug for her and she simply cannot get rid of the addiction: during her life, the star has undergone more than a hundred plastic surgeries! Back in the mid-80s, the singer removed her lower ribs and became the owner of a wasp waist, which Cher emphasizes to this day with corset dresses and suits.

Dita Von Teese

Dita von Teese is the owner of the thinnest waist (only 42 cm in girth). The Queen of Burlesque does not hide that the path to a wasp waist lay through the office of a plastic surgeon, where the beauty had a couple of lower ribs removed. Constantly wearing a corset, abdominal workouts, proper nutrition and monthly detox help Dita maintain her figure.

Demmy Moor

They say that Demi Moore spent about 200 thousand dollars on plastic surgery. The actress enlarged her breasts, changed the shape of her nose, had a facelift, liposuction of her knees and hips... And before filming the film Striptease, the star removed her lower ribs to make her waist appear thinner and her hips, on the contrary, more curvaceous.

Raquel Welch

The sex symbol of the 70s, Raquel Welch, rarely appears in public today, but her every appearance still becomes a reason for enthusiastic discussions of her luxurious figure. They say that the actress’s wasp waist is the merit of a skilled plastic surgeon who removed Raquel’s pair of lower ribs.

Amanda Lepore

During her life, Amanda Lepore has undergone a huge number of plastic surgeries - the star had her first visit to a surgeon at the age of 15 (though Amanda was a boy in those years). The star decided to remove her ribs immediately after becoming a woman. Today, Amanda boasts not only a wasp waist and a magnificent bust, but also “the most expensive body on Earth.”

Janet Jackson

Rumor has it that the sister of the King of Pop, singer Janet Jackson, also got rid of a couple of lower ribs. The star herself denies these rumors. Be that as it may, the star’s waist has always been quite thin.

Pixie Fox

“Living Barbie” from Sweden Pixie Fox went the furthest: in an effort to gain doll shapes, the girl removed 6 lower ribs at once! But the girl “washed” the queen of burlesque herself, Dita Von Teese, because now Pixie’s waist is only 40 cm, which is 2 cm less than that of the Hollywood star.


Mexican singer Talia is one of the most successful Latin American stars.

The pop diva looks amazing: bright facial features, slender body, wasp waist... The last advantage is the result of plastic surgery.

Talia not only removed her ribs, but also posted them on Instagram: the singer took a couple of selfies hugging a jar, inside of which there were several bones in a clear liquid...

Sophia Wollersheim

Model and TV personality from Germany Sophia Wollersheim since childhood considered herself fat and dreamed of a thin waist. Diets did not help, and then the girl decided to have surgery to remove two ribs on each side. In the future, Sophia plans to sell her removed ribs at auction, after decorating them with diamonds.

Valeria Lukyanova

Our selection would be incomplete without the famous “Odessa Barbie” - Valeria Lukyanova. The girl, of course, denies that she had her ribs removed, but her unrealistically thin waist speaks for itself - it couldn’t have been done without surgery.

How ribs are removed - information about this has recently gained popularity among readers.

This is due to the growing demand for rib resection, specifically as part of plastic surgery. However, experts in the field of thoracic surgery still have disagreements about the benefits and harms of such an operation.

Beauty standards

The desire to have a wasp waist is not a passing fashion or mainstream. A woman’s desire to have smooth curves dates back to the 15th century, when the hourglass figure gained the greatest popularity.

From a very early age, girls wore serious slimming structures, sometimes metal, which helped make the waist thinner. Of course, this action did not take place without health consequences.

Women regularly fainted at balls due to the inability to take a normal breath. Currently, it is possible to correct the situation in a radical way.

According to rumors, such celebrities as have resorted to rib resection:

  • Marilyn Monroe;
  • Dita Von Teese;
  • Valeria Lukyanova;
  • Janet Jackson and others.

Today, a girl has a choice of how she wants to look. And this cannot but rejoice.

Watch the video to find out what experts think about rib removal surgery.

Is it possible to get rid of protruding ribs?

You can use a rolled up towel as a bolster. If the left rib sticks out more than the right (or vice versa), you can get rid of this at home.
If the condition is not associated with a medical condition such as kyphosis or pectus excavatum, exercise and massage are sometimes sufficient. Massage to straighten the ribs should be performed by a specialist. Typically, courses of 10-20 sessions are prescribed, repeated several times a year. According to reviews, this is a real way to get rid of asymmetrical ribs.

Exercises to eliminate the defect are specific:

  • Lying on your stomach. A gymnastic roller or a towel twisted into a similar shape is placed under the chest. You need to lie in this position for at least 1 hour a day. Begin to perform it for a few minutes, gradually increasing the load. During the exercise, discomfort appears in the sternum - this is normal.
  • Lying on your back. To perform the exercise you will need dumbbells. They take them in their hands and begin to lift them up and then lower them down.

When combining massage and exercises, we must not forget about other methods of dealing with protruding and asymmetrical ribs.

Other ways to eliminate the defect

You need to eat foods rich in vitamin D

If you want to get rid of protruding ribs, a person should monitor other aspects of their health:

  • try to maintain your posture;
  • swimming and fitness;
  • Provide the body with foods containing calcium and vitamin D.

However, you should not pay too much attention to the defect if it is not associated with diseases of the spine and skeletal system.

If a person’s ribs protrude, this does not mean that he has diseases of the spine or internal organs. In most cases, this condition is associated with the characteristics of the body and skeletal structure.

However, this does not exclude the presence of various abnormalities and pathologies, so it is important to undergo a full diagnosis for clarification. It is possible to get rid of protruding ribs that are not caused by disease, but it will take a lot of time and effort

And success is not guaranteed for every patient.

What to expect after rib removal surgery?

The postoperative period during rib resection is in many ways more difficult than with other plastic surgeries, which should be warned about by those who take risks solely for the sake of beauty. In the case of medical indications for surgery, the patient is better prepared psychologically for the upcoming difficulties, since the treatment was a forced necessity.

For the first few days after the intervention, the person operated on cannot leave the clinic, needing the supervision of specialists. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and analgesics are prescribed according to indications. In some cases, taking analgesics is delayed for a week or longer.

It is important to pay attention to the nature of your diet - it should not contribute to constipation. Postoperative wounds are treated with antiseptics twice a day, and sutures are traditionally removed on days 7-10

Immediately after the operation, the waist area is placed in compression garments, which will be worn for up to several months. You should be extremely careful with any physical exertion, avoid lifting heavy objects, visiting the gym, swimming pool, sauna and solarium for at least 2-3 months after surgery. Any excessive loads can cause serious complications, so it is better to avoid them as much as possible.

Rehabilitation after rib resection can take more than one month, depending on the scope of the intervention and the individual characteristics of the body. The younger the patient, the easier it will be for him to endure the intervention and recovery period.

The effect of plastic surgery on the lower two ribs is noticeable immediately after their removal due to the reduction of the muscle frame. After about a month and a half, the waist acquires a constant size and looks much thinner. Men should know that even if they remove both lower pairs of ribs at once, they still will not be able to achieve a smooth and feminine body curve.

The consequences of surgery to remove ribs can be very serious. They are associated with a violation of the supporting function of the rib frame and changes in the position of internal organs. Among the complications:

  • Nephroptosis, which greatly increases the likelihood of pyelonephritis in prolapsed kidneys;
  • Pathology of the respiratory system - from recurrent respiratory infections to severe obstructive disease and asthma;
  • Deformation of the chest with poor muscle development, pathology of the spine;
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmias, which are caused by prolapse of the abdominal and thoracic organs;
  • Keloid scars requiring repeated intervention;
  • Pain in the resection area, which sometimes persists for life and manifests itself when the weather changes or when you are in an uncomfortable position.

When two, and even more so three pairs of lower ribs are removed, the risk of damage to internal organs sharply increases due to a fall, a blow to the back or abdomen, or soft tissue bruises.

People who decide to undergo such an operation should be careful even at home, because careless movement can be dangerous even to life

Reviews from patients who have undergone rib resection for a thin waist are usually positive, even despite all the hardships of postoperative rehabilitation. This is due to the achievement of the set goal and a good cosmetic result, which does not take long to arrive. We can say that those operated on in the vast majority of cases are satisfied with the resulting waist.

The cost of the operation averages 15-20 thousand rubles. Removing ribs for cosmetic purposes in a private center will cost more - up to 30-50 thousand or more, depending on the comfort of the stay, the cost of equipment and consumables, and the qualifications of the surgeon.

Before deciding to remove ribs for cosmetic purposes, you should carefully consider your decision and find a good specialist who will explain the essence of the operation and the possible consequences

If the desire to undergo surgery persists, then you need to pay great attention to the choice of a clinic and a surgeon, on whose skills and talent the final result of plastic surgery may depend.

The procedure of resection or removal of ribs is rarely performed for medical reasons. In plastic surgery, the method is used to create a thin waist and graceful silhouette. The photos presented before and after the operation prove its effectiveness in the struggle for ideal shape. But before the operation, you need to know the features of rehabilitation and remember about possible complications.

Possible complications

Modern experts are confident that if the operation is performed by a competent doctor who has a certain amount of experience, the risk of complications is minimal. However, if the client prefers a low price for the procedure in exchange for quality, health problems cannot be avoided.

Complications that may occur after rib resection:

  • prolapse of the kidneys , which subsequently leads to regular inflammation of the urinary system;
  • frequent exacerbations of colds - if the surgeon removes more than necessary, the chest will not be able to cope with respiratory movements, this in turn leads to regular episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis;
  • deformation of the chest - also occurs only due to the inexperience of the specialist;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Also, the risk of complications increases if the patient does not follow all the recommendations that the clinic gave her.

Deformation of the sternum and subsequent problems can be caused by early removal of the corset, heavy physical activity, and non-compliance with rehabilitation rules.

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Follow the link https://cosmetolog-expert.ru/plastika-tela/nogi/goleni/izmenenie-formyi-i-razmera/kak-ispravit-krivyie.html if you are interested in how you can correct crooked legs.

Rehabilitation period

It will take a long time for the body to recover after plastic surgery to remove ribs. It will take approximately six months for the tissue to completely heal. For the first 3-5 days, the patient will stay in a medical facility, in complete peace under the supervision of specialists. After recovering from anesthesia, the patient may feel unwell for the first 24 hours: dizziness, headache, nausea, loss of coordination, etc. The further recovery process should follow a number of recommendations:

  • exclude physical activity for the first 3 months;
  • take antibacterial drugs and painkillers as prescribed by a doctor;
  • treat seams daily with disinfecting solutions;
  • wear compression garments;
  • exclude hot water treatments, swimming in pools and ponds;
  • do not smoke, do not drink alcohol.

The patient will need to regularly visit his surgeon so that the specialist has the opportunity to monitor the trend of tissue healing and, if necessary, promptly treat pathological processes and inflammation.


Most of the recovery falls on the shoulders of the patient herself. If the operation is successful, subsequent beauty depends on the rehabilitation period. Of course, it must be supervised by the doctor who performed the intervention.

What should you do after rib resection:

  • carry out daily dressing of scars on the skin until they are completely healed;
  • take painkillers prescribed by the doctor;
  • wear a support corset for at least 1 month;
  • listen to all the surgeon’s recommendations, attend his consultations regularly until complete recovery.

This is prohibited:

  • play sports in the first three months after surgery;
  • perform other surgical interventions;
  • become pregnant in the first year after resection and without the doctor’s permission;
  • Make your own decisions about removing shapewear and corsets.

If you have any questions, you should consult with the surgeon who performed the rib removal. This will help to promptly recognize complications that have arisen or avoid them altogether.

The rehabilitation period lasts at least 2 months, but no more than six months. Recovery time depends on the condition of the specific organism on which the operation was performed.

Signs and symptoms

Rib cancer is a malignant tissue lesion characterized by atypical and infiltrating growth of cancer cells. Oncological disease occurs mainly in children and men. The danger lies in the close proximity of organs that are very important for health, since the tumor can engulf them quite quickly.

The main manifestation and symptom of rib cancer is pain in the chest area. At the first stage, the pain may not bother you at all or be insignificant. After some time, the pain becomes intense and brings discomfort. New bone formations, such as Ewing's sarcoma, may also occur. With osteosarcoma, the painful sensations cannot be relieved with analgesics, and they often become quite long-lasting.

Sometimes pain due to cancer in the tissues of the ribs is felt when inhaling, especially at night. A visible malignant formation can be seen very rarely, and if the tumor grows deep into the sternum, it may not exist at all. In some cases, the doctor palpates a loose, soft lump. If the cancer progresses and the tumor becomes larger, the vascular network protrudes, the skin becomes tense, swollen and red.

Certain types of sarcomas (oseto- or fibrosarcoma) cause pain when pressed, while other types will develop painlessly. Signs of rib cancer during intoxication appear at the last stage:

  • temperature rises;
  • anemia increases;
  • the patient feels general weakness.

If the autonomic nervous system is involved in the process, the patient develops neurological disorders:

  • paranoia;
  • excessive excitement, etc.

If the cancer affects the lungs, there will be difficulty breathing, coughing, and in severe cases, hemoptysis. With early detection and correct, effective treatment, people with rib cancer have a fairly favorable chance of cure.

Carrying out the operation

Surgery often involves removing one or more pairs of ribs at a time. Plastic surgery surgeons may remove the twelfth or eleventh pair of ribs to create a thinner waist.

It should be taken into account that the eleventh pair of ribs is important for maintaining internal organs. But the twelfth does not participate in these processes. The ribs are removed under general anesthesia. This is a rather dangerous and difficult procedure for a doctor. After the operation, a long time must also pass before the patient returns to his usual lifestyle. Before you have surgery, carefully consider your decision, because there will be no turning back.

Chest deformityThe problem can arise with weak muscles, ligaments, and problems with the spine. The risk increases if large areas of the ribs have been removed.
Cardiovascular pathologyThe danger of their occurrence is associated with changes in blood circulation.
Pain in the resection areaIt may bother you even after the rehabilitation period is completed. This happens especially often due to weather changes, or when the patient is forced to remain in one position for a long time.
Noticeable scars on the abdomenThey are formed due to long healing, improper care or characteristics of the body.

Consequences of plastic surgery

Doctors warn that removing ribs can cause complications and disrupt the stable functioning of the entire body. Resection is an irreversible procedure, so many clinics conduct psychological testing of patients before plastic surgery.

Common problems that appear after intervention include:

  • Phantom pain in the hypochondrium that is not relieved by analgesics and non-steroidal drugs. Such patients require the help of a psychiatrist and special rehabilitation.
  • The risk of injury to the digestive organs, spleen or liver increases significantly The patient needs to pay increased attention to health, avoid active sports, and choose light exercise.
  • When 2–3 pairs of ribs are removed, some patients experience impaired respiratory function : the depth of inspiration decreases, which negatively affects the supply of oxygen to the blood, and cerebral circulation deteriorates. In rare cases, deformation of the spine occurs due to improper redistribution of the load, and bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis develops.
  • With extensive resection, there is a 30% increased risk of internal bleeding after a slight blow or pressure on the abdomen.
  • When organs are displaced, arrhythmia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system develop.
  • The risk of nephroptosis increases 5–6 times .

Patients with removed ribs are more likely to experience respiratory diseases associated with pathologies of the respiratory system.

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