Thermage radiofrequency body lifting device (Thermage technology, ThermaCool therapy)

Thermage (Thermage, ThermaCool therapy, Thermage CPT) is a hardware cosmetic procedure for deep infrared skin rejuvenation, performed using a ThermaCool radio wave energy generator (emitter). The technique is based on heating the deep layers of the dermis to the so-called compaction temperature (more than 60°C), at which loose and stretched collagen fibers begin to actively compact, providing the necessary lifting effect.

Thermage can be used both for deep facial rejuvenation and for skin tightening on various parts of the body, including particularly problematic areas: inner and outer thighs, lower abdomen, décolleté. The procedure is effective not only for solving problems of comprehensive body rejuvenation, but also for treating external manifestations of lipodystrophy (cellulite), in particular, “orange peel” on the legs and buttocks.


The essence of the method

Thermage CPT, which is based on heating different layers of the skin using radiofrequency energy, is a unique non-invasive (bloodless) technique for facial and body rejuvenation, also called RF lifting. This is a rather expensive method of contouring and modeling the skin, which is used both in hardware cosmetology and in plastic surgery, in cases where the patient is not ready for surgical correction of problem areas. Some call the radiofrequency lifting technique a type of microwave therapy and inductothermy, but Thermage therapy has significant differences from other methods of deep thermal effects on the skin with currents.

Mechanism of action of Thermage

The method is based on heating the deep layers of the skin, including the hypodermis and subcutaneous fat, using monopolar radio waves with an operating frequency of up to 6.78 MHz, optimal for heating deep-lying epidermal structures. Under the influence of heat, the collagen layer of the skin thickens, which is responsible for its firmness, elasticity and healthy appearance.

Collagen is one of the fibrillar proteins that form the basis of connective tissue. With age, under the influence of the body's natural aging mechanisms, collagen fibers dehydrate, lose elasticity and become loose, which is manifested by external changes in the skin: it becomes flabby, skin turgor decreases, skin folds and creases (wrinkles) appear on the face.

Sagging skin is one of the signs of age-related changes

The radio wave energy generated by the Thermage therapy device penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and heats the collagen fibers located in them to the so-called compaction temperature. A distinctive feature of the procedure is its prolonged effect: not only the already formed collagen layer is exposed (the skin is tightened and looks younger in appearance), but also the structures responsible for the synthesis of new fibrils, which actively continues for six months after RF lifting.

Note! Due to volumetric three-dimensional heating, which allows you to reach subcutaneous fat, the Thermage procedure is effective not only for non-surgical face lifting, but also for cellulite correction, as well as local lipomodeling of the silhouette.

Thermage is actively used for silhouette lipomodeling

The difference between Thermage and RF lifting

Both devices affect the skin using radiofrequency energy, but have different technical parameters, which ultimately lead to different effectiveness of the methods:

  • During RF lifting, most of the radio frequency energy is absorbed by the epidermis, practically not penetrating into the dermis, since the frequency used for RF lifting is several times lower than that of Thermage.
  • With Thermage, tissues are heated to 60°C, and with RF lifting - to a temperature not higher than 40°C, so in the first case, the compaction of all collagen fibers is ensured, and in the second, remodeling occurs only at the level of tertiary collagen structures.
  • In order to achieve a visible aesthetic effect with RF lifting, a course of procedures is required, but Thermage, due to its higher efficiency and deep penetration, is carried out once.

Advantages over other rejuvenation techniques

Thermage, despite its high cost (one procedure will cost approximately 120-170 thousand rubles), is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, since this method of thermal effects on the skin has significant advantages over other techniques. These include:

  • high power and operating frequency. The ThermaCool device, which is used for the Thermage procedure, is almost 11 times more powerful than similar radio wave energy generators. This allows you to influence even the deep layers of the skin (subcutaneous fat layer and hypodermis), which make up the framework of the skin;
  • deep three-dimensional heating technology. Allows you to achieve three-dimensional compaction and contouring of the skin and enhance the production of fibrillar components, providing an active lifting effect for 4-6 months after the procedure;

    During the procedure, the deep layers of the skin are heated

  • comfort for the patient. Thermage is considered a moderately painful procedure. Reducing the level of pain during operation of the device is achieved through the conductive method of heat supply (the electrode does not touch the skin) and a contact cooling system;
  • lack of rehabilitation period. Some cosmetologists call Thermage a “lunch break procedure,” since immediately after the session the patient can go about his business, for example, return to work or apply decorative cosmetics to his face.

    After Thermage, the patient does not need a rehabilitation period

In addition, up to eleven tips can be used in the procedure. Tips of various sizes allow you to use the ThermaCool device not only for a facelift, but also for the correction of large problem areas: abdomen, buttocks, thighs, etc.

The device is equipped with tips for treating various zones

An important property of Thermage therapy is the ability to work in multitasking conditions. The procedure not only has a pronounced tightening, lipomodeling and rejuvenating effect, but can also be used to treat inflammatory non-infectious skin diseases (for example, acne), cellulite and its manifestations. For patients over 35 years of age, Thermage can be recommended as a procedure that naturally slows down skin aging.

Important! Unlike laser rejuvenation techniques, thermage has no restrictions on phototype and can be used to tighten dark and tanned skin.

Radio-ultrasound thermolipolysis Exilis Elite

Reviews of Thermage on the Internet often confuse the concepts of thermolifting and radio-ultrasound lipolysis. However, there are significant differences between these methods:

Exposure temperature . With radiofrequency lifting, the treated tissues are heated to 40°C, with thermage - up to 60°C. Accordingly, during the thermage procedure, constant cooling of the patient’s skin is necessary; during RF lifting, depending on individual sensitivity.

Frequency and current strength . Thermage involves the use of high-frequency monopolar energy, and the energy used in radioultrasound lipolysis is several times weaker.

Impact on collagen . Thermage, unlike radiofrequency lifting, completely denatures collagen in the treated area. This ensures a more pronounced and long-lasting compaction of the collagen framework. During RF lifting, only tertiary collagen structures are denatured.

Number of sessions . Thermage is usually done once, while RF lifting requires several sessions, and later a repeat course of treatment may be required.

Price . The cost of the thermage procedure, depending on the level of the clinic and other factors, is sometimes comparable to the price of plastic surgery. Almost every patient can afford an RF lifting session.

However, today it is not necessary to choose between these two effective lifting procedures. There is a method that combines the advantages of both principles - radio-ultrasound thermolipolysis Exilis Elite .

Without surgical intervention, quickly and reliably radio-ultrasonic lipolysis Exilis Elite will make you slimmer and younger! It is difficult to find a more pleasant and safe way to give your figure sculptural shapes and your face youthful charm. Moreover, this method can save you from having to undergo plastic surgery in the near future!

Indications for use

The Thermage procedure can be recommended by cosmetologists as a corrective measure for age-related skin changes, as well as an initial measure for the prevention of premature skin aging. Thermage is effective for combating crow's feet, wrinkles in the eye area and around the lips, and excess skin on the eyelids (including the movable eyelid area).

Thermage is indicated for the correction of age-related skin changes

Other indications for radiofrequency face and body lifting may include:

  • flabby, aging skin, wrinkled skin with uneven tone and an unnatural “earthy” tint;
  • drooping of the soft tissues of the face (gravitational ptosis);
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • sagging skin after childbirth, with sudden weight gain (or, conversely, rapid weight loss), with age-related changes;
  • various stages of lipodystrophy (including the “orange peel” effect).

Sagging skin is also an indication for the procedure

To achieve a clinically and visually significant effect, it is enough to perform just one procedure. Immediately after the session, the skin will look fresh, tightened, and its elasticity and elasticity will increase. Smoothing of fine wrinkles also occurs in the first days after Thermage therapy, but it may take several weeks to eliminate large skin creases, since the effect of the procedure is prolonged due to increased collagen production for six months after thermal exposure.

The duration of preservation of the achieved result depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, the patient’s lifestyle, the quality of his diet, and emotional comfort. The average for patients aged 35-50 years is 2-4 years. After 50 years, the effect may be shorter: up to 1-3 years.

The older the patient, the shorter the effect of the procedure lasts.

The effect of the course of procedures

The cost of facial thermage is quite favorable, considering that the result will please the patient for a very long time. The procedure will give several effects at once:

  • elimination of both superficial and deep wrinkles;
  • correction of skin defects that arise after weight fluctuations - stretch marks, sagging skin;
  • getting rid of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks;
  • noticeable tissue lifting in any area after the first session;
  • smoothing the skin microrelief and thickening the integument by stimulating the production of its own collagen.

Thermolifting can provide tightening after liposuction, as well as correction of age-related changes, allowing you to restore elasticity to the skin - thanks to 19 attachments, a specialist will be able to cope with any area of ​​the body that requires hardware rejuvenation.

The cosmetologists at the EsteLab clinic are professionals who can solve the problem and help the patient choose subsequent care to maintain an excellent appearance. Contact us, we are waiting for you!

Do I need special preparation for the procedure?

Thermage does not require special training, medication, or adherence to any regimen. The only recommendations from cosmetologists on the eve of the session are a hygienic shower and refusal to use decorative cosmetics on the day of the appointment. There are also no restrictions on tanning, since the device is equipped with a burn prevention system (temperature sensors, contact cooling system, cryogas), and the technology of uniform volumetric heating eliminates the impact on the skin cellular pigment - melanin - responsible for dermal pigmentation.

There should be no makeup on your face on the day of the procedure.

How Thermage works: features and technique

The specifics of the procedure depend on the purpose of its use and the area being treated.


Facial rejuvenation is one of the main tasks for which a cosmetologist can recommend Thermage. Before the session, the doctor collects a detailed medical history to exclude possible contraindications, and also conducts a visual (if necessary, hardware) diagnosis of the skin in order to establish its phototype and identify problem areas. Since facial Thermage does not require prior preparation, the procedure can be performed on the day of treatment. It consists of several stages performed in a certain sequence.

Thermage facial: stages

StagesSpecialist actions

Cleansing and antiseptic preparation of the skin

Using soft foam or mousse, all impurities are removed from the face: remnants of decorative cosmetics, excess sebum (sebum), dust, dirt, particles of keratinized epidermis. After this, the treated area is disinfected with an alcohol solution with an ethanol concentration of no more than 70% (to avoid burns).


A special washable marking is applied to the skin, which is necessary to move the device handle and form joints at the heating site. This allows for uniform heating of deep-lying epidermal structures and obtains the necessary compaction effect (almost 90% of the collagen layer is involved in the process). A special gel is used to improve the conductivity of thermal impulses.

Surface treatment

First, the doctor uses a special device to treat the entire face in two approaches, after which local treatment of problem areas begins. This is the most important stage of the procedure, during which the formation of individual tension sections and three-dimensional contouring of the skin occurs.

After the procedure, the remaining gel is removed from the face, and a moisturizer is applied to the skin. The duration of the session is, on average, 30-45 minutes, however, the exposure time is determined individually, taking into account the existing characteristics.

Eyelid lift and correction of wrinkles in the mouth area

The radio wave lifting procedure in the eye and mouth area differs from lifting other areas by the use of special attachments. As with facial thermage, the cosmetologist first treats the entire surface in the direction of the massage marking lines. After this, problem areas are treated zonally: periorbital area, corners of the lips, facial contour, etc.

A separate attachment is used to treat the skin in the mouth area.

If it is necessary to correct wrinkles or excess skin in the eyelid area, special drops with an anesthetic are instilled into the eyes, after which protective screens in the form of dark plates are inserted under the upper eyelid. Protective lenses are necessary to prevent negative effects on the retina and cornea of ​​the eye and to prevent eye pathologies that can develop as complications of radiofrequency therapy.

Cellulite treatment and body tightening

To treat problem areas on the body, a nozzle is used that is 4.5 times larger in size than a standard nozzle for RF face lifting. The procedure is carried out according to the same algorithm as a facelift, but the procedure time can increase to 1.5-2 hours, which is explained by the large area of ​​​​impact.

Problem areas on the body are treated with a large nozzle

Note! Thermage is considered a moderately painful procedure, as patients typically do not experience significant pain during the session. When radiofrequency pulses enter the deep layers of the skin, they can cause a feeling of heat, but the discomfort lasts no more than 3-5 seconds due to the constant operation of the contact cooling system.

Description of the Thermage procedure

Progress in this area of ​​cosmetology leads to a gradual reduction in the cost of RF lifting. A facelift occurs after the first visit to a cosmetology clinic. In rare cases, the patient has to undergo several treatment sessions.

The treatment of problem areas of the body is carried out using a Thermage device. This is complex equipment with the help of which complex therapy of the epidermis is carried out throughout its entire volume. Radiofrequency (RF) pulses vibrate cells, causing them to heat up at the molecular level. To prevent burns, the skin surface is constantly cooled, the temperature is monitored by several sensors. At the same time, the body is exposed to vibration, which helps achieve an even greater therapeutic effect.

Skin Thermage helps reduce collagen fibers, which tend to stretch with age. Collagen fibers strengthen and shrink, causing a decrease in the area and volume of skin tissue. Abdominal thermage can qualitatively improve the figure of people suffering from obesity or metabolic disorders. Thermage lifting helps to activate the body's production of new collagen fibers. This process continues for six months after completing the RF lifting course.

When soft tissue is exposed to radio wave radiation, fat capsules are split. They decompose into substances that are excreted from the body naturally. As a result, the skin acquires a normal color, becomes fresh and elastic.

Thermage of the body significantly improves the supply of blood and nutrients to the epidermis. Thermage of the face helps improve its color, eliminate defects caused by aging or the consequences of various diseases. When choosing which is better, plastic or RF lifting, today more and more visitors to cosmetology clinics are leaning toward the radiofrequency radiation method.

Results after the procedure

The result after the procedure can be assessed within the first hours, but this indicator is purely individual and depends on the patient’s age, the severity of age-related skin changes, individual phototype and other factors. Active synthesis of new fibrils (collagen and elastin) continues for 4-6 months after therapy, providing the effect of deep lifting and cellular renewal of the skin.

The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure

Regarding visual changes after Thermage, 80% of patients report the results shown in the table below.

External changes after Thermage therapy

Treatment areaResult after the procedure

Any problem areas on the body (lower abdomen, buttocks, outer and inner thighs, etc.)

In addition to the general strengthening and smoothing effect, the procedure has a pronounced lipomodelling effect. In one procedure, it is possible to reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat (up to 4 cm per area), tighten sagging skin, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Immediately after the session, the bumps on the skin are smoothed out, stretch marks become less noticeable, body contours are aligned, and the silhouette becomes clearer and more toned.
FaceThermage is considered the most effective non-surgical facelift technique. In one procedure, the patient can reduce the “double chin”, make the contours of the lower part of the face and neck smoother and clearer, change the size and thickness of the nasolabial fold and get rid of fine wrinkles. After radiofrequency lifting, the skin is tightened, smoothed, and takes on a healthy and fresh appearance.


After the first session, wrinkles under the eyes are smoothed out, skin creases in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”) disappear, the skin of the upper and lower eyelids is tightened, helping to get rid of “bags” under the eyes. The look becomes more open, the general condition of the skin improves.

Principle of operation and excursion into history

The ancestor of this method of rejuvenation is considered to be a procedure called diathermy, which translated from Greek means “heat through.” This technique has been used in medical practice since 1905 to increase the activity of the autonomic nervous system using strong high-frequency current (up to 3 amperes and 1.65 MHz). Due to this thermal effect, the following processes occur in the treatment zone:

  1. Increased blood circulation.
  2. Improved lymphatic drainage.
  3. Activation of basal metabolism.
  4. Increased leukocyte activity.
  5. The striated and smooth muscles relax.

Such positive effects could not be missed by specialists in the field of cosmetology, but until 2004 no one used diathermy. Why? Yes, due to too great a depth of energy penetration into the organs and tissues of the body. For this technique to have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, it is necessary that the current penetrates no deeper than the dermis or subcutaneous fat layer. Only a few years ago, maniples (electrodes) were designed that passed current only to a certain depth and ensured maximum energy absorption by the desired layers of the dermis.

Thermage has become one of the most popular procedures using the capabilities of radio frequencies. Many cosmetologists tell their clients that this method allows you to become significantly younger in just one procedure. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

Let's start with a definition: Thermage is one of the methods of skin rejuvenation, during which monopolar radiofrequency energy is used.

Most devices for this procedure have the following characteristics:

  1. Pulse frequency – 6 MHz.
  2. The maximum possible power is 250 W.
  3. The maximum current is 1.67 A.

Under the influence of a current with the above parameters, the temperature in the deep skin layers increases to 60°C, as a result of which the collagen framework becomes denser. Since collagen fibers are highly conductive, the current reaches the level of the hypodermis, strengthening and tightening the skin from the inside.

If we consider these processes in more detail, it becomes clear that collagen thickens due to its denaturation and loss of water during the heating process. Thus, a kind of dense frame is formed in the skin, which tightens it and reduces the severity of wrinkles. But this immediate lifting effect is not the only positive change that will happen to you. The current not only denatures collagen, but also stimulates the formation of new fibrils, creating a delayed rejuvenation effect.

Are there any disadvantages to Thermage treatment?

Due to the fact that the skin heats up quite strongly, Thermage of the face and body should be carried out only in a beauty salon under the supervision of medical personnel. Equipment for this technique should be equipped with special coolers that will prevent burns to the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin.

It was this inconvenience that led to the invention of a new generation of thermolifting devices - with less power and frequency. Their use has a less aggressive effect on collagen, but due to an increase in the frequency of sessions, the effect remains unchanged - tightened and refreshed skin without wrinkles.

Read more about thermolifting techniques by clicking on the link.

Advantages of the technology:

  1. Noticeable lifting.
  2. The skin becomes even and smooth.
  3. Speed ​​– one procedure is sufficient if it is performed under medical supervision.
  4. Long-term effect – 2-3 years.

Who is Thermage contraindicated for?

Contraindications for Thermage therapy are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • childhood;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus (glucose levels cannot be controlled with standard drug therapy regimens);
  • malignant tumors of any location (deep heating of the dermis can cause tumor growth and start the process of metastasis due to increased lymph flow under the influence of thermal energy);
  • pathologies of connective tissue, regardless of pathogenesis and morphological features (autoimmune pathologies of connective tissue, Libman-Sachs disease, etc.);
  • conditions accompanied by fever, hyperthermia, intoxication (intestinal infections, food toxic infections, respiratory tract diseases, infectious lesions of bones and joints);
  • infectious and inflammatory skin diseases with localization of the pathological process at the site of intended exposure.

If the body is intoxicated, Thermage cannot be performed.

Women are also not recommended to undergo procedures during menstrual flow.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after thermage procedure No. 1

Photos before and after Thermage procedure No. 2

Photos before and after Thermage procedure No. 3

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