PQ Age peeling – an incredible procedure (bride peeling)

One of the innovations of modern aesthetic medicine was PQ Age peeling, proposed by the famous European company Promoitalia. The manufacturer has repeatedly pleased women with new products to maintain mature skin in good condition and rejuvenate it. This time Promoitalia has outdone itself by offering a mild and effective skin cleanser. Peels from the Italian developer occupy a leading position in Europe. The new invention allows you to achieve results after the first session. The rehabilitation period is faster than usual and not as painful as with traditional exfoliation methods.

PQ AGE peeling – what is this product?

According to numerous reviews from PQ Age cosmetologists, peeling is today considered one of the most effective skin care products for skin with the first signs of aging.

It is also indicated for cleaning and restoring the structure of the epidermis. It also has a lot of positive properties with a minimum of contraindications. The result of its use is noticeable after the first session.

Modern women have already appreciated PQ Age peeling, which can quickly improve the skin in a gentle and painless way: increase elasticity, smooth out wrinkles, normalize cellular metabolism, and cleanse at a deep level.

PQ Age Evolution – peeling with Botox effect. Such effectiveness of peeling has secured its status as a “product for brides,” that is, a cosmetic cleansing for instant transformation. With its help, you can prolong youth for an indefinite period.

As already mentioned, the main advantage of peeling is considered to be its lifting effect, due to which the facial contour becomes firmer. The relief is evened out and wrinkles are visually smoothed out.

At the same time, a healthy complexion returns, and all kinds of minor skin defects in the form of pigmentation, scars and acne marks disappear. Pores are freed from dirt and oily plugs.

Benefits of peeling

Aggressive TCA acid in conventional peelings, when it gets on the dermal surface, causes severe irritation.

And in Promoitalia PQ Age peeling, combined with urea peroxide, it immediately penetrates deep and thereby neutralizes possible negative manifestations.

There it combines with water and has a detrimental effect on old collagen in cells, while simultaneously generating new one.

Describing the practical side of this procedure, the advantages are as follows:

  • painlessness;
  • lack of a long rehabilitation period, accompanied by negative consequences (dryness, tightness, redness);
  • increased metabolism at the cellular level;
  • acceptable for all types of dermis;
  • short duration of the session;
  • availability for carrying out in any time period;
  • preventing the appearance of pigment spots later.

Side effects

If the peeling procedure was unsuccessful, undesirable manifestations may occur:

  • Red island spots are visible on the skin;
  • Soft tissues are hyperemic;
  • The skin may be slightly tight;
  • There are irritations on the surface;
  • Peeling;
  • Itchy sensation.

Similar consequences can also occur if there is an individual intolerance to one or more components of the product. The master performed the procedure incorrectly. In normal cases, after peeling, the redness of the skin lasts no more than 2-3 days.

Who is recommended for PQ Age peeling (6 indications)

Peeling PQ Age Evolution is recommended for use in facial care in the following situations.


  • manifestation of the first signs of aging;
  • the presence of stretch marks and sagging skin;
  • increased secretion of fat;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • the presence of scars and other mini-defects;
  • acne and multiple blackheads.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, you can immediately notice how the epidermis has acquired elasticity and softness. And after completing the course, the structure of the skin layers is completely restored, wrinkles disappear, and freshness returns.

It should be noted that PQ Age peeling is indicated not only for older ladies. According to reviews, “bride peeling” (as it is also called) is an ideal means of preserving the elasticity of the epidermis in women who have crossed the thirty-year mark without radical methods.

Instead of plastic surgery that is dangerous to health, it is recommended to pay attention to this method of self-renewal.

Although it is also advisable to carry out peeling in a beauty salon with the assistance of specialists, which avoids possible side effects.

The skin is not injured after such cleansing because the top layer is not affected.

The effect of the product extends mainly to the internal epidermal layers, from where the recovery process starts. As a result, the skin will renew itself gradually.


Redness or swelling may appear on the skin for several hours. There is a slight feeling of tightness. Within a day this discomfort will disappear. Over the next week, peeling of the upper epithelial layer will occur.

During the recovery period, patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When caring for and performing hygiene procedures, use specialized products. This is the same foam for washing instead of soap, lotion for wiping the skin, tonic. They must not contain abrasive or aggressive substances. The scrub is strictly contraindicated.
  2. Soak your face with a napkin after washing, rather than rubbing it. Then wipe with a cream with emollient properties. You can spray with Panthenol spray and rub in gently. If the skin is irritated, you can lubricate it with Levomekol to soothe and relieve irritation.
  3. After peeling, avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation for a week to avoid getting burned. It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, solarium, swim in the pool, or attend any sports training.
  4. Temporarily exclude salty and spicy foods and drinking alcoholic beverages from your diet.
  5. Scrubbing and similar procedures, mesotherapy cannot be used during this period.
  6. On the second day after peeling, the bride can apply light makeup with moisturizers and mineralized powder. Avoid thick foundation; it will clog your pores and prevent your skin from breathing normally.
  7. Drink thermal water throughout the day. Twice a day, treat the skin with a product containing hyaluronic acid, natural oil and plant extract. When going outside, use good quality protective equipment.

After the procedure, you can observe the appearance of a thin crust on the skin, consisting of accumulated keratinized epithelial particles. It is prohibited to rip it off or apply a scrub. The main post-peeling care includes the use of moisturizers and emollients.

Composition of the miracle remedy (4 components)

The anti-aging and other effects of PQ Age peeling are due to the extraordinary biochemical composition:

  1. Trichloroacetic acid is a substance of organic etiology, often used in exfoliation. Has anti-inflammatory and antibactericidal properties. Helps narrow pores and inhibit the increased work of the sebaceous glands. Against this background, the dermis is cleansed of pollution, and acne disappears. Additionally, it accelerates the regeneration of surface layers and promotes the production of your own collagen.
  2. Urea peroxide is an antiseptic consisting of hydrogen peroxide and urea. Upon contact with the epidermis, it triggers a chemical reaction that helps cleanse the skin by releasing oxygen. At the same time, it has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora.
  3. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that slows down the signs of aging and increases the elasticity of the dermis. This is an important substance, since with age the body independently synthesizes it less and less.
  4. Kojic acid is known in cosmetology for its lightening abilities. This is due to the fact that it stops the process of excess melanin production under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the substance has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

The excess content of antibacterial components in the composition minimizes the risk of inflammation on the skin.

This is a compelling argument regarding the recovery period, when fresh cells begin to intensively accumulate under the keratinized surface layer.

Healing period

After manipulation, swelling, tightness and redness may appear. Symptoms disappear within 24 hours.

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the peeling, pathogenic microflora is neutralized and the formation of new cells is not accompanied by an inflammatory process.

For a comfortable and quick recovery you need to:

  • limit sun exposure;
  • do not touch or scratch your face with your hands;
  • do not visit the swimming pool, sauna, solarium, gym;
  • do not use new cosmetics;
  • Do not massage, hair removal, cleansing or hardware procedures.

If the procedure protocol is not followed, there is a tendency to allergic reactions, or the acid concentration is incorrectly selected, side effects may occur:

  • peeling;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • excessive dryness;
  • the appearance of foci of hyperpigmentation;
  • burns.

The most dangerous complication is a 1st or 2nd degree burn, which requires long-term treatment.

Often after dry cleaning, increased dryness of the skin appears - this indicates that the acid has burned the protective barrier and the skin has become thinner. To restore, moisturizing and regenerating creams should be applied.

How does PQ Age peeling work (4 stages)

According to the PQ Age protocol, peeling is carried out only in special clinics or cosmetic centers and proceeds as follows:

  1. First, intensive cleaning of the required skin area on which the composition will be applied is carried out. Remove decorative cosmetics and disinfect the skin.
  2. The prepared solution is applied using special equipment. This is done effortlessly and along massage lines, so the patient will not feel pain or any discomfort.
  3. After a certain period of time, the product is removed with a napkin.
  4. Lubricate the face with a special cream or lotion that enhances the post-peeling result.

In the future, you should follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist for skin care.

An overview video that will help you better understand what PQ Age peeling is:

How to make at home

Professionals insist that PQ AGE is not a cosmetic product, but a medical product , so it can only be used under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Doing this at home is not recommended.

If you nevertheless decide to use the product, then the essence of the procedure will be approximately the same: first you need to cleanse your face, apply the drug to your face, and rinse it off.

But still, experts insist that this procedure is quite serious , so it is better to have it done by a professional.

How much does such pleasure cost?

An important issue that cannot be ignored is the cost of the procedure with PQ Age Evolution peeling. On average, the price tag varies from 2.5 to 5.5 thousand rubles.

But the final price is influenced by a number of additional factors:

  • condition of the epidermis;
  • area of ​​the area requiring treatment;
  • territorial sign.

Thus, cleansing the neck and décolleté area will cost from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. An integrated approach will increase costs by at least 30%.

When choosing a clinic or salon, you should first of all focus on the professionalism of the specialists working there, and not on the cost of the services provided.

It would also be a good idea to read reviews and listen to the recommendations of friends.

You can buy PQ Age peeling in online stores. The product is available in dropper bottles with a capacity of 3 ml. The cost of such a bottle is about 3.5 thousand rubles.

Who should refrain from this method (5 prohibitions)

Despite the many positive qualities of such a procedure, there are also contraindications to its implementation.


  1. period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
  2. dermatological diseases, including infectious ones;
  3. violation of the integrity of the skin areas where peeling is planned;
  4. the likelihood of an allergic reaction to individual components in the drug;
  5. increased sensitivity of the dermis.

Alternative procedures

There are other procedures that can be performed as an alternative to PQ Age peeling:

  1. Jessner peeling. Rehabilitation is also fast. It has an excellent effect on skin regeneration and restores hydrobalance.
  2. Application of lactic acid. Well suited for ladies with sensitive skin. With this peeling you can reduce wrinkles and improve your complexion.
  3. Glycolic peeling. The procedure itself is easy and does not cause pain to the patient. This is tremendous hydration and protection against premature aging.
  4. Retinoic peeling. It can help tighten pores, reduce wrinkles and scars. It also has a lifting effect.


The first results will be visible immediately after the procedure . The skin will smooth out, fine wrinkles will disappear, it will look fresher, younger, and gain a healthy glow.

Constant use of the product will allow you to achieve a clear rejuvenating effect , get rid of a number of shortcomings, and significantly improve the condition of the epidermis both outside and inside.

For women over thirty, the procedure will help maintain a fresh and youthful face without procedures that injure the skin. At an older age, it will help slow down and prevent the aging process.

With these peelings you will always be satisfied with your appearance:

  • Peeling roll for face Librederm.
  • Products made in Korea.
  • Professional products from the Peel Medical brand.
  • Gentle cleansing from Organic Shop "Apricot Mango".
  • Cleansing from Apieu.


Let's read the reviews regarding PQ Age peeling:


“After reading numerous reviews on the Internet about PQ Age peeling, I decided to use it on myself.
I noticed sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles around my lips and nose. In addition, I suffer from increased oiliness on my face. Therefore, this procedure should have helped me. But after consulting a cosmetologist, it turned out that due to my thin skin, peeling was not advisable for me. That's why we settled on laser.

Although its effect is not so fast, it will not be harmful to health. This is why it is important to visit a specialist first.”


“I’ve been visiting a beauty salon in my city (St. Petersburg) for a long time now, and I clean my facial surface with various acid peels.
But I recently learned about a new product called PQ Age. I decided to try it and have never regretted it. It's amazing how effective peeling is. Literally immediately I saw changes - I looked several years younger. And most importantly, there is no unpleasant itching or flaking after the session.

The procedure itself is absolutely painless, even pleasant. I was also pleased with the price of PQ Age peeling – significantly lower compared to other types of cleansing.”


“I used to cleanse my facial skin with retinoic peeling from Promoitalia.
She spared nothing for her beauty, both physically and financially. Sometimes I had to endure quite unpleasant moments and pain. But with the advent of a new peeling from this company, everything has changed for the better.

This product was perfect for my problematic dermis. At the same time, it helps fight the first age-related changes. What is especially valuable is the instant result.”


“I listened to the advice of my friends and decided to personally get acquainted with PQ Age peeling.
To be on the safe side, I read reviews on the Internet and was finally confirmed in my decision. In fact, everything turned out to be true. This technique is undoubtedly unique, despite its simplicity. No wonder it is recommended for rejuvenation.

It’s just better not to take risks and go to a professional, since he knows better how to do the procedure. As a result, the skin was cleansed, smoothed and refreshed.”

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

To achieve the maximum possible renewing effect, it is recommended to take a course of 8-9 sessions. Frequency: 1 time per week. It is advisable to do this twice a year. PQ Age peeling is a real breakthrough in the field of cosmetology. I have done it several times for my clients and have always been satisfied with the results. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for the recovery period to pass. The effect is immediately visible. There are minimal contraindications, so there have been no complications in my practice. All women are simply delighted with this method. The main thing is to stick to a certain schedule and not overdo it.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

You should first visit a cosmetologist and undergo a thorough examination.
After determining your skin type and the size of the affected area, he will prescribe a safe cleaning technique. This product will be especially significant for those who have no time to waste time on a standard type of peeling. After all, then you have to change your usual way of life due to a long rehabilitation interval.

From all of the above it is clear that PQ Age peeling has proven itself only on the positive side.

By choosing this method, you can quickly and without negative consequences get the desired result, namely, radiant and clean skin without signs of aging.

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