Simultaneous surgery – endoscopic septoplasty, vasotomy, adenotomy. The operation was performed by an otolaryngologist, Ph.D. Boklin Andrey Kuzmich.
Nasal breathing is very important for a person, because it ensures the full functioning of all internal organs.
Alexander laser
How long does it take for hair to fall out after laser hair removal?
03/02/2021 Laser hair removal is one of the most effective, safe, painless methods of radical removal of unwanted hair.
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Bikini photoepilation is a safe way to get rid of hair
Photoepilation is one of the safest, most effective and painless methods of hair removal. With every
Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How does healing and care occur?
Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How does healing and care occur?
Classic makeup involves applying decorative cosmetics to the skin to highlight
Vascular stage in mesotherapy scheme drainage stage
Capillary mesotherapy References 1 GRLS, r/u LP-004175 dated 03/03/2017 2 Certificate GMP-0036-000221/18 3
breast asymmetry
Breasts of different sizes (breast asymmetry): how to fix it?
Asymmetrical breasts of different sizes are one of the most common phenomena. According to statistics, 90% of girls
Woman in sunglasses
What to do if the upper eyelid of the eye peels: eliminate the cause yourself or urgently contact an ophthalmologist?
Published: August 2, 2017 Human eyes are one of the most important and vulnerable organs,
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Sodium chloride for the face: advantages and disadvantages of the procedure
Sodium chloride in cosmetology is a well-known inorganic salt, which is a component of
Remedy for ingrown hairs: ointment and scrub after hair removal, spray and cream for sugaring, the best remedy and enzyme peeling
The problem of ingrown hairs is familiar to many girls firsthand. Such a defect not only spoils the external
Hernias or swelling? We'll tell you how to understand what exactly is hidden in the “bags under the eyes”
Swelling under the lower eyelashes and drawn-out folds under the eyes do not decorate the face at all, making
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