Facelift (facelift)
Facelift – Facelift
A facelift (facelift) is an aesthetic operation to correct pronounced signs of age-related changes. She
Depilation of legs with wax plates
Waxing: everything you need to know about the procedure
Procedure options Indications Contraindications Procedure Pros and cons Treatment areas Price Video Photo Depilation
Applying cream to face
Can Panthenol be used as a face cream: what cosmetologists say
4339 09-10-2020 Author: Mysekret Team 0 The description of Panthenol cream says that this product
Persimmon face masks - make at home
Having discovered wrinkles under their eyes, almost every woman wonders how to get rid of them.
Electrophoresis in cosmetology techniques
Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment in dermatovenerology
When is electrophoresis used in children: Medicinal electrophoresis is widely used in pediatrics, as it allows
Rake-like movements in massage of the cervical-collar area
Massage of the cervical-collar area: techniques
Working at a computer and a sedentary lifestyle are the causes of common problems with the cervical-collar area,
Darsonvalization: a multifunctional procedure for the beauty of skin, body and hair
How does the Darsonval technique work? Darsonvalization is a physiotherapeutic method based on the use of high-frequency
What cryolifting can do for your facial skin
Exposure to cold is a great way to maintain freshness, elasticity of the skin, and restore a healthy complexion.
Allergy to cosmetics: how it manifests itself and what to do about it
Allergies to cosmetics are quite common. Most often, the mucous membranes of the eyes, eyelids, and
Eyebrow tattoo and eyebrow color (42 photos): optimal combinations of permanent makeup
With permanent eyebrow makeup, the artist will make their arches into an ideal shape, suitable for a specific client.
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