Beautiful and completely smooth skin is the dream of every woman
Contraindications for waxing
Modern girls try to take care of their appearance. This takes a lot of money and a lot
Treatment and removal of lipoma
Lipomas: are they dangerous to health?
Lipoma is a benign tumor that develops from adipose tissue. In most cases it is located subcutaneously,
female breast
Like a baby: why men like women's breasts so much
A woman's breasts are one of the most important arguments in finding a sexual partner. Probably not
How to remove hollows on the buttocks or how to get rid of “violin” hips
First of all, we note that dimples on the buttocks are a completely normal phenomenon due to the structure of the gluteal muscles.
Peeling and biorevitalization: what to do first?
Peeling and biorevitalization - the correct sequence of procedures
15673 09-10-2020 Author: Mysekret Team 0 As a person reaches a certain age
Biorevitalization with Hyalual 1.8% in Yaroslavl
In 2015, the Hyalual Switzerland Institute created and introduced the drug to the cosmetology market
Nuances and features of fractional mesotherapy
Mesotherapy for rosacea can be carried out in two ways: using a special apparatus, the so-called fractional,
almond facial peeling
Almond peeling for the face - indications and review of the best drugs
Almond facial peeling exhibits properties similar to glycolic acid. Unlike glycolic acid,
Apriline preparations for facial beauty - review of series, advice on selection, opinion of cosmetologists
Photographer: Ekaterina Osipova In recent years, cosmetology has paid more and more attention to preparations containing
Facial muscle strain
The magic of deep facial massage: features of the method and technique of execution
There are many different techniques that support beauty and youth. The choice is based on the availability of the option. The need for independent execution
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