When can you do without bone grafting?
Implantation, gum augmentation or soft tissue augmentation and implant prosthetics
In what cases may the bone fail to take root? The bone may not take root in cases where
What is facial peeling - safe peeling in the salon and at home 
General description Brossage is a hardware superficial peeling that allows you to remove dead cells. Device for
Is it possible to fill holes in the ears?
How to close up holes in the ears: home methods and methods, going to a salon, recommendations, contraindications and reviews
Today, not only girls, but also young guys wear earrings in their ears. And if
When can you do without bone grafting?
Bone grafting: methods and possible alternatives
In what cases may the bone fail to take root? The bone may not take root in cases where
Breast lift, mastopexy
Breast lift - eliminating sagging and correcting shape
Mastopexy is a breast lift. Currently, plastic surgery, and especially the direction of plastic surgery
Laser removal of papillomas
The healing process, recovery and consequences of condyloma removal
Papilloma is a benign neoplasm of a viral nature. It is a small growth that can
girl after salicylic peeling
Salicylic peeling against blackheads* on the chin
Basic properties of salicylic acid45 Salicylic acid belongs to the group of isomeric hydroxybenzoic acids. She has high
contour plastic surgery
Contour plastic surgery of the face, nasolabial folds
Specialists of the cosmetology clinic “Perfection” carry out procedures for contouring of nasolabial folds, facial modeling and elimination
How not to make a “sharpener” out of your nose: about the subtleties and intricacies of modern rhinoplasty
The nose is one of those body parts that haunts half the population
Combined facial cleansing - a combination of two popular techniques
Features and advantages of the technique Indications for combined cleaning Contraindications Features of the procedure Prices for mechanical
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