Placental drug CURACEN (Curasen) is a unique drug based on human placenta hydrolyzate, developed specifically for anti-aging medicine by scientists of the Japanese corporation Japan Bio Products CO., LTD.

Innovative technologies for purifying the placenta guarantee complete safety and allow the preparation to preserve all active components in their natural proportions and structure. The unique composition makes CURACEN the most effective means for natural rejuvenation.

CURACEN in cosmetology

Thanks to its exclusive bioactive structure, the drug has a number of exceptional properties:

  • quick results;
  • stimulation of the regeneration process;
  • wide scope of application;
  • unsurpassed data on regenerative activity;
  • high biocompatibility;
  • activation of local metabolic processes;
  • amazing penetrating power reaching 99%;
  • no risk of an allergic reaction;
  • normalization of cellular respiration.

The bioreparant CURACEN (Curasen) has a GMP production standard and the highest pharmaceutical quality. The natural rejuvenation product undergoes scrupulous control by specialists of the highest category at all stages of production. Thus, its use is absolutely safe, which is confirmed by State quality control, and is also ideally tolerated by the body.

CURACEN is necessary if you want to eliminate age-related skin problems such as:

  • dryness;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness;
  • deterioration of color;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • aging skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dyschromia.

An excellent positive result is observed as part of complex therapy in the presence of scars and scars, when it is necessary to recover after surgery or chemical peels, and when wrinkles form. The composition can be used to restore and strengthen hair, and treat dandruff.

CURACEN (Curasen) is used in cosmetology to stimulate cell activity and the formation of new collagen fibers. The result is a bright lifting effect: the tone and color of the skin improves, its structure is renewed, elasticity and moisture levels increase, and cosmetic imperfections disappear.

A unique feature of this drug is the ability to work on a moving eyelid. It was the “Method of bioreparation of the skin of the periorbital area using the placental drug CURACEN (Curasen)” that became the winner in the category “Best Clinical Experience” at the First All-Russian competition “Parade of Clinics” in 2016. Already after the first use, an amazing effect is noticeable.

Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

It is worth noting! One of the most popular products in the Dermaheal Eyebag Solution line, which includes the following components:

  • Oligopeptid;
  • Tripeptide 41;
  • Oligopeptide 61;
  • Nanopeptide 18.

The advantage of this cosmetic product, in contrast to similar preparations from other manufacturers, is that the components do not act on their own, but together , providing a mutually reinforcing effect.

As a result
, the epithelium is strengthened, while the skin smoothes out , becomes denser, and wrinkles almost completely disappear.
The drug is used through mesotherapy - a procedure in which the composition is injected with a syringe under the skin to a depth of no more than two millimeters.

The skin is first treated with a cleansing antiseptic composition, and then an anesthetic composition is applied, the effect of which lasts up to one hour.

Keep in mind! During this time, the specialist administers the drug, performing many injections along a pre-designated contour.

Usually the positive effect becomes noticeable after the first or third visit to the salon, but the final result is established a week after the start of the mesotherapy course and lasts up to six months.

Composition of CURACEN

  • active centers of growth factors (11 items);
  • low molecular weight regulatory peptides;
  • glucoronic acid;
  • amino acids, most of which are essential: Proline, Phenylalanine, Leucine, Serine, Lysine, Threonine, Histidine, Arginine;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • natural hyaluronic acid.

Efficiency is also ensured by vitamins (C, D, B1, B2, B3, B12, E) and microelements (K, P, Ca, Na, Mg, Zn, Fe). They nourish cells, supporting their normal functioning and health. Externally, this is expressed in beautiful color, freshness and radiance. Aminoglycosides, cytokines and more than 100 types of enzymes activate healing and regeneration processes, improve immune defense, which maintains a long-term positive effect.

Indications and contraindications for the use of such products

indications for undergoing mesotherapy procedures using Dermaheal Eyebag Solution and Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution :

  • noticeable facial wrinkles that cannot be eliminated by other means;
  • strong pigmentation under the eyes;
  • bags and swelling in the lower eyelid area ;
  • dark circles that do not lighten;
  • age-related changes in facial skin.

But the procedures also have their contraindications, including:

  • exacerbation of any disease in acute or chronic form;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant oncological formations;
  • infectious pathologies (relative contraindication: the procedure can be prescribed after recovery).

Carefully! Mesotherapy using this product is not performed on pregnant and lactating women.

Methods of administration of the drug CURACEN

The technique of administration of CURACEN (Curasen) is injection. It guarantees the required concentration of the substance in the corrected zone. The rapid and effective action of the drug is ensured by a course of 3-5 procedures, which are carried out every 7-10 days, depending on the indications. Procedures are performed both on problem areas and on the entire face for preventive purposes.

The indisputable advantage of the drug CURACEN (Curasen) is the method of administration using nanoneedles - this will minimize injuries so much that after the procedure you can safely go to a business meeting or social event. In addition, the mechanical effect of thin nanoneedles on the skin stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, cell regeneration and improved microcirculation.

The combination of CURACEN with hardware techniques makes a stunning impression. For various areas of the face and body, phonophoresis, electroporation, microcurrents, and iontophoresis can be used. The safety and effectiveness of this method has been proven by numerous clinical trials.

CURACEN (Kurasen) is a combination of modern Japanese technologies, achievements of world science and a unique composition, including vitamins, microelements and other elements beneficial for the skin and the body as a whole. All this makes the administration of the drug truly effective and allows you to obtain high-quality results and achieve significant visible rejuvenation. A course of procedures improves the quality of the skin, gives it youth and freshness, and stimulates metabolic processes in its cells.

Mesotherapy: pitfalls of youth injections

To remain always young is not the most cherished desire of every woman. Having discovered worsened wrinkles and dull skin in the mirror, we run to the cosmetologist in horror. And he offers a quick and, in his words, effective way of rejuvenation.

OUR EXPERTS : Tiina Orasmäe, cosmetologist, director of the training center for advanced training of cosmetologists Academie Meder (France), expert on cosmetic safety at the European Parliament Olga Panova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

ATTACK FROM WITHIN The main principle of classical mesotherapy has remained unchanged for half a century: “Little, rarely, precisely.”

Not enough: with each injection, only 0.02–0.2 ml of the drug is administered, but the number of injections in one session can exceed a hundred.

Rarely: schemes of mesotherapy sessions are selected individually depending on the problem and age. Classic – one session every 7–14 days. The course is divided into two periods: intensive – 4–20 sessions, and then maintenance, with a gradual lengthening of the interval between sessions to 3–6 months.

Precisely: the drug is injected directly into the problem area, be it the face where you need to smooth out wrinkles, or the area of ​​breeches where you need to deal with cellulite. Injections are made with thin short needles to a strictly defined depth (from 1.5 to 6 mm), this allows the active substances to be delivered to places where creams and serums cannot penetrate. Hence the quick and noticeable effect.

With the right approach, mesotherapy can solve many aesthetic problems. “It gives excellent results in the treatment of erythrosis, rosacea, rosacea, acne, correction of post-acne, therapy of stretch marks (stretch marks) and scars, as well as some forms of alopecia (patchy baldness),” lists Professor Olga Panova.

AN INJECTION, ANOTHER INJECTION The effect of mesotherapy is complex. In addition to the substances themselves, the effect of needles on the skin and the reflexogenic effect are important. When an injection occurs, pain receptors are irritated, which, on the one hand, is unpleasant, but on the other hand, it increases skin tone, activates metabolic processes, and stimulates the central nervous system. Under the influence of multiple injections, skin cells receive an impulse to regenerate. But this is precisely what, according to many experts, makes the method risky. Numerous microtraumas due to the huge number of injections at some point begin to have a negative effect instead of a positive one. In addition, the risk of infection increases.

MESOTHERAPY IS CONTRAINDICATED FOR: – inflammation and neoplasms in the injection area; – pregnancy; – cholelithiasis; – allergies to the components of meso-cocktails (it is better to conduct an allergy test before the procedure).

A sterile procedure room is one of the important conditions for the procedure. In fact, mesotherapy is often offered not only by serious clinics, but also by beauty salons and small beauty salons. If injections are done in a hairdressing salon, there can be no guarantee of safety.

There is also a more global “but”. “There are no situations in which mesotherapy would be preferable to other methods,” says Tiina Orasmäe, an expert on cosmetic safety at the European Parliament. “There is always a less aggressive and often more effective alternative - non-invasive (literally, “no intrusion”) methods of administering active substances.”

There are several such methods today:

1. Latest generation cosmetics based on synthesized peptides. These are completely new ingredients consisting of certain amino acids. They help active ingredients penetrate deep layers of skin that are inaccessible to conventional cosmetics. Synthesized peptides are used in care products for aging, injured skin (for example, after peeling), and in after-sun products.

2. Transdermal patches. They are coated with a special hydrogel with active substances, which, after application, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

3. Hardware techniques – phonophoresis, iontophoresis, electroplating. Beneficial substances penetrate deep into the skin due to exposure to ultrasound or direct galvanic current.

4. Injections of gel fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Unlike the previous three, this method is invasive. But there are only a few injections, and most importantly, they are given no more than twice a year.

“If mesotherapy was done in the same way, there would be no problems,” says Tiina Orasmäe. “But today it is often replaced with classic cosmetic care. People go for injections almost weekly, and this continues for years.”

“Indeed,” agrees Professor Olga Panova, “modern photo and laser technologies are real competitors of mesotherapy. New photosystems have a painless effect on the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté and provide an amazing rejuvenating effect. Fractional laser technologies do not injure the skin and stimulate collagen reproduction. After 2-3 procedures, the result is already visible. In addition, they effectively eliminate scars and stretch marks, which mesotherapy cannot do.”


“Mesotherapy is just a method. The result of the procedure and possible complications depend on what exactly is administered to the patient. Unfortunately, mesotherapy specialists often use drugs that are not approved for intradermal use,” says Olga Panova.

All over the world (and Russia is no exception), only drugs that have state registration can be administered by injection. There are few of these among meso cocktails. Many drugs that are injected in beauty salons (for example, popular vitamin cocktails) are nothing more than cosmetics intended only for external use or in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures (ultrasound phonophoresis, iontophoresis, etc.).

Moreover, mesotherapists often, at their own discretion, mix 2-6 vitamins or other medications from different bottles in one syringe right in front of the client. Even if these are certified and effective drugs, no one has studied the pharmacological compatibility of such a mixture and will not predict how the skin will react to it.

By the way, some experts believe that vitamin cocktails are generally useless. Thus, vitamin B, widely used in mesotherapy, does not have any effect when administered once. Taken in tablets, it is more effective.

PANACEA FOR CELLULITE? The greatest interest among many women is mesotherapy against cellulite - the so-called injection lipolysis. This is a very aggressive procedure aimed at destroying adipose tissue. Some experts even believe that this is no longer quite mesotherapy. However, the method is extremely popular and extremely controversial.

Controversy is caused by phosphatidylcholine, the main active ingredient of lipolytic drugs. It is banned in France and some other European countries. Phosphatidylcholine has been found to cause serious complications, from necrosis and abscesses to psoriasis, mycobacterial infections and systemic lupus erythematosus.

In Russia, phosphatidylcholine preparations are not prohibited, and clinics actively offer mesotherapy programs against cellulite. However, even adherents of the method admit that in this case it is especially important to strictly follow the protocol of use, not to exceed the dosage and combine it with lymphatic drainage procedures. The doctor takes responsibility for the outcome of treatment and is obliged to inform the patient about all the disadvantages of the method.

If the clinic advertises injection lipolysis to you as a simple and hassle-free procedure, it is better to immediately look for another place.

Injections are performed into the subcutaneous fatty tissue: the needle is inserted strictly to a depth of 10–13 mm, in the area of ​​the double chin and the “menopausal hump” - only 6 mm. This is the most important factor in both effectiveness and safety. If it gets into the muscles or skin, an abscess and other complications are possible.

AUTHORIZED MESOCOCKTAILS: Today in Russia the following are officially approved for use in injection mesotherapy: – complex homeopathic preparations from a single manufacturer; – hyaluronic acid preparations IAL-System, IAL-System ACP, Achyal; – Hyalupro (hyaluronic acid, glycine, L-proline and L-lysine); – complex preparations NCTF-135 and NCTF-135 HA25 (amino acids, nucleic acids, minerals, coenzymes, vitamins); – embryoblast (extract of mesenchymal tissues of sheep); – placentex (a complex of nucleic acids isolated from fish milk).

Injection lipolysis works best on women with normal or slightly overweight (BMI no more than 30), but not obese.

In addition, there is an opinion that lipolytics only work in the area of ​​administration. After a course of injections, say, in the riding breeches area, the fat actually leaves this area, but the fat cells can concentrate elsewhere. Most often in the upper back, under the chin, sometimes on the arms.

In general, there will be results after a course of mesotherapy, but most likely they will disappoint you. Cellulite requires a comprehensive approach. With injections of fat-dissolving drugs, it can be slightly smoothed out visually, and then only at the initial stage. “To achieve a more or less sustainable result, mesotherapy must be combined with diet, exercise, lymphatic drainage procedures, detoxification of the body and massage,” says practicing dermatocosmetologist Olga Rebrova.

ALMOST, BUT NOT MESO- In addition to classical manual mesotherapy, there is also hardware (using an injector): fractional, oxygen, nanomesotherapy, hydromesotherapy... Many methods are based on the principle of mesotherapy, which even doctors find it difficult to classify. Here are the two most popular. Biorevitalization is a way to quickly restore elasticity and tone to the skin using hyaluronic acid injections. The main differences from mesotherapy are the less frequent frequency (only 4-6 sessions, once every 2-4 weeks) and the use of only one drug - unstabilized hyaluronic acid. Mesodissolution is the newest injection technique for correcting fat deposits; it is also called non-surgical liposuction. Essentially similar to injection lipolysis, but the active substance is highly diluted with water and is injected a little deeper.

HEALTH CONCLUSIONS: 1. Mesotherapy will help in the treatment of some dermatological problems, and will also give a quick effect if you need to improve your complexion, moisturize dry skin, correct the oval, remove dark circles under the eyes. But it does not replace classic care from a cosmetologist - massages, masks, peelings. The optimal course is 6–7 procedures every 7–14 days. Repeated - no earlier than six months later.

2. Mesococktails must be certified as medicines. No amateur mixing of drugs! The clinic or beauty salon must have a license for medical activities, and the specialist must have the appropriate state certificates.

3. There is almost always a gentle and effective alternative to mesotherapy.
Ask your cosmetologist about it and make an informed decision. Published: February 17, 2022

Reviews of Dermahil preparations

“Until recently, I did not dare to resort to the services of cosmetologists, but when time took its toll and my skin became no longer so fresh and attractive , based on an advertisement I decided to go to one of the salons for a mesotherapy procedure .

After consulting with a dermatologist and cosmetologist, we decided to go with Dermaheal Eyebag Solution .

Ten procedures were prescribed, and for ten days in a row I found myself in the cosmetologist’s chair for an hour.

I liked the effect , however, after the procedures a “pattern” in the form of dots from injections formed around the eyes, so all this time I had to mostly wear dark glasses.”

Inna Tarasova, Omsk.

“I had terrible dark bags under my eyes , and no ointments helped get rid of them, and after using folk remedies it became even worse: it seemed to me that the bags had increased in size and became distinctly dark.

I decided to go to a beauty salon, where I was offered a mesotherapy procedure using the drug Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution .

I had a hard time with the five sessions that were prescribed for me: it was quite painful, although beauty requires sacrifice.

Overall, it was worth it: after finishing the course, the circles almost completely disappeared , and although the effect is not one hundred percent, it is better than other products I have tried.”

Tatyana Semenyuk, Novorossiysk.

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