Mesotherapy - a panacea for hair? The opinion of trichologists. Part 2

A woman’s beauty is emphasized by luxurious, well-groomed hair. And although hair is not so important for men, each member of the stronger sex is afraid of becoming bald. In addition, strong, beautiful hair, as an indicator, demonstrates excellent health. Therefore, the deterioration of their appearance always alarms the patient.

Widely advertised cosmetics do not always give the desired result. The hair continues to remain dull, split ends, fall out, and the formation of dandruff does not stop...

In all such cases, the help of a cosmetologist is necessary and, possibly, mesotherapy for the scalp. This technique is a reliable way to improve the condition of your hair.

Mesotherapy or mesoroller?

There is also an opinion that mesotherapy can be replaced by using a mesoscooter at home. A mesoscooter (or dermoroller) is a hand roller with small needles that pierces the skin while rolling over the scalp. As the advertisement promises, drugs penetrate into the resulting holes and are applied to the scalp and the device itself in advance, which increases the effectiveness of their use several times. In fact, this is not true. As soon as the mesoscooter pierces holes in the skin, they are immediately filled with blood, ichor and lymph, so the penetration of external drugs and, therefore, active components into them is minimized. Therefore, it will not be possible to replace mesotherapy with the use of a mesoscooter.

“The mesoscooter is a controversial device with unproven effectiveness.” Leading trichologist at the RTH clinic, Fedor Tonkikh

Scalp mesotherapy for the treatment of alopecia

We talked about what scalp mesotherapy is with Elena Tatarchenko, a trichologist at the National Research Center for Children's Culture. Having discovered that our hair is thinning, we most often go to the pharmacy for a miraculous shampoo or vitamins for hair growth. And completely in vain. To stop hair loss, you need to go to a trichologist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests, determine the cause of the problem and begin treatment.

— For what types of alopecia should mesotherapy of the scalp be started?

— The technique is effective for diffuse thinning, androgenic and telogen effluvium. There are no gender differences; scalp mesotherapy helps both men and women equally. The result is due not only to the action of pharmacological drugs. In addition, nerve endings, including vascular receptors, and immunocompetent cells are stimulated. This strengthens local immunity and increases the activity of hair follicles. If mesotherapy is used without prior examination, the result will only be temporary. After completing the course, alopecia will resume.

For focal hair loss, scalp mesotherapy is not performed. In this case, the affected lesions are injected polypositionally with the drug diprospan once every 3-4 weeks.

— If the examination reveals that the causes of alopecia are hormonal, how is the treatment carried out?

— AGA in women is corrected through the joint efforts of a gynecologist-endocrinologist and a trichologist. In this case, the endocrinologist prescribes type 2 5-alpha reductase inhibitors for men, which inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dehydrotestosterone. These drugs also reduce the atrophy of capillaries and follicles, restoring their natural growth.

— What kind of drugs are used for mesotherapy of the scalp? In what doses? Does the doctor administer ready-made cocktails or formulate them individually?

- There are a number of ready-made cocktails - “NCTF 135”, “Keraktiv”, “Dermo V complex”, “XL-hear”, “Trinamide”, “Embryoblast”. The doctor can also create a cocktail depending on the cause of the hair loss. Vasodilators, myotropic vasodilators, veno- and lymphotonics, and antiandrogens are used. Also eutrophics of mineral and animal origin, regenerants and vitamins. The amount of the administered drug can be from 3.0-5.0 ml. If we talk about manufacturers, we mainly use AESTHETIC DERMAL and FILORGA. The doctor treating alopecia must inform the patient about the essence of the technique and the composition of the cocktails administered to him.

— Please tell us about the scheme of action of head mesotherapy.

— Treatment of baldness occurs as follows. A few minutes after the injections, an inflammatory reaction develops at the cellular level. The vessels first narrow and then dilate. The formed elements pass through the walls of the capillaries into the intercellular space. Leukocytes, erythrocytes, lymphocytes and fibrin accumulate. Fibroblasts, stimulated by tissue breakdown products and biologically active molecules, intensively produce and secrete growth factors. All these processes lead to increased vascularization and hydration of the skin. If, in addition to hair loss, the patient complains of fragility, dry hair and excess sebum secretion, these problems are also corrected with scalp mesotherapy, but with the use of additional components in the cocktail.

How long does the treatment for baldness last? What is the price for one session?

— Scalp mesotherapy requires patience. The first 10-15 procedures are done once a week, then several procedures every two weeks, after which maintenance sessions once a month will be sufficient. The price of alopecia treatment is from 1800 to 6 thousand rubles, depending on the clinic’s policy.

— With what procedure can you expect improvement?

— It depends on the cause of the loss and the severity of the problem. But usually the results become visible after the fifth or sixth session. At the end of the course of treatment, microcirculation of the scalp improves, new hair growth is activated, hair thickens, acquires shine, and hair growth increases in length. Often, the trichologist additionally prescribes oral medications and external lotions.

— How is the injection going?

— For mesotherapy of the scalp, the micropapule technique is used. It can be done paravertebrally - on both sides along the spinal column from the first cervical to the second thoracic vertebra and at reflexology points. The scalp is treated using the same technique. Injections follow along the perimeter at the border of the skin and scalp with an interval between injections of 1-1.5 cm and along the scalp along radially diverging rays from a conventionally taken top point. The distance between the lines is 1-1.5 cm. Also, several injections are given in the neck, where there are points responsible for activating hair growth. If not only the head, but also the back is chipped, the procedure can take up to 30-40 minutes. Scalp mesotherapy can only be performed by a trained physician.

By the way, you cannot wash your hair after the session - a small amount of the drug, which is injected into the scalp, remains on the skin and continues to work.

— There is a lot of talk around the drug minoxidil. Is it really effective in treating alopecia? Does the effect of minoxidil depend on the country of origin?

This is a vasodilator, which, when applied topically, actually stops hair loss and stimulates its growth. Hair begins to grow in the fourth month of regular use of minoxidil. When the drug is discontinued, hair growth stops. Since 2002, minoxidil solution called "Regaine 2%" and "Regaine 5%" could be found in every pharmacy. But from 2010 to the present, the drug has been re-registered in Russia. The manufacturer doesn't matter.

— What are the contraindications for head mesotherapy and are there any age restrictions for it?

— Among the contraindications are impaired hemostasis, taking antiplatelet agents, vasculitis, impaired collagen synthesis (tendency to keloid formation), pregnancy, lactation, also somatic diseases, oncological diseases and aggravated allergic anamnesis. Mesotherapy of the scalp is carried out from the age of 14 to an average of 65-68 years.

Editor's note: It makes sense to stop using any aggressive techniques aimed at increasing synthesis when the fibroblast response decreases, which naturally occurs with age, including the onset of menopause, but it is difficult to clearly name this age.

— Is there a risk of unexpected side effects during the procedure?

When treating baldness with mesotherapy, microhematomas or urticaria may occur, and less commonly, Quincke's edema. In case of anaphylactic shock, there is always a first aid kit in the office with aminophylline, dexamethasone, prednisone, adrenaline, tavegil, an air duct, a mouth dilator, a tongue holder and an ice pack. But the likelihood of such a phenomenon is extremely low.

Compositions for mesotherapy: what is possible and what is not?

As mentioned earlier, the composition of the injection cocktail is selected individually based on the patient’s indications, objectives and wishes. And this should be a composition specifically for internal administration (certified and approved in our country), and not just a cosmetic drug. Today, there are many ready-made effective mesopreparations for the treatment of hair loss with a high-quality multicomponent composition. The most popular complexes:

  • A cocktail of B vitamins - these vitamins are necessary for hair growth and health, normalization of metabolic processes and pigment formation;
  • Zinc and copper peptide - block the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which causes degeneration of the hair follicle. Such formulations are especially recommended for androgenetic alopecia;
  • Amino acids (arginine, lysine, leucine, threonine and others) are building materials for hair, promote the formation of keratin fibers;
  • Hyaluronic acid – moisturizes the scalp;
  • Growth factors – increase local blood circulation, strengthen hair shafts, stimulate the productivity of hair follicles, and provide nutrition to the roots;
  • Coenzyme Q10 – improves blood microcirculation in the scalp, saturates cells with oxygen and improves hair quality;
  • Dexpanthenol – soothes irritated skin.

I want to see a trichologist


A noticeable result is achieved relatively quickly - after 2-3 sessions, hair growth and condition improves.
Treatment of alopecia is especially successful when its cause is eliminated. To identify this cause, an examination by an endocrinologist and trichologist is sometimes necessary. Mesotherapy is most effective for reactive baldness (provoked by some factor). Mesotherapy relieves dandruff and painful itching on the scalp. In some cases, the cosmetologist alternates different cocktail compositions for greater effectiveness. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure quickly made it popular among patients.

How often should the procedure be done?

For mild hair loss and for its prevention, the course is 10 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. In case of severe loss and pronounced AGA, the first 4-5 procedures should be performed at intervals of a week, then 4-5 procedures at intervals of 2 weeks, and then switch to a maintenance regimen once a month. 1-2 procedures will not have any effect even with minor hair problems. You may notice the first changes no earlier than the 4th procedure, and in order to consolidate the result, the course must be completed. What the course should be, and what other therapy besides meso is needed specifically in your situation - the doctor will tell you.

Trichologist’s comment: “The procedure should only be performed by a doctor! — Mesotherapy should not be very painful, in time - no more than 15-20 minutes. — You must know the composition of the cocktail used to perform the procedure. “The course is 10 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.”

Trichologist, Fedor Tonkikh

Advantages of therapy in our clinic

  1. Experienced doctors. Mesotherapy on the head is carried out exclusively by qualified specialists. Thanks to this, mesotherapy is effective and safe. It does not cause allergic inflammation of the skin in the scalp area or other problems.
  2. Solving a wide range of problems. These include: hair growth, elimination of alopecia, improvement of skin condition, etc.
  3. Availability of the procedure.
  4. Comfort of the procedure and no queues.

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How to care for hair after mesotherapy?

  • It is recommended to wear a hat: in winter - to protect hair from hypothermia, in summer - from ultraviolet rays;
  • For 1 hour after the procedure, you should not comb your hair; for 4 hours, do not touch the scalp with your hands;
  • Any products can be applied to the scalp only after 12 hours;
  • Wash your hair no earlier than every other day.
  • The solarium, bathhouse, sauna, and swimming pool can also be visited after 1-2 days;
  • Carry out active cosmetic procedures on the scalp - no earlier than a week later.

Why mesotherapy for hair is more effective than traditional creams and masks

Firstly , the active substances go directly to the hair follicles, and this is much more effective than the use of external agents. • Secondly , injection cocktails are selected for each patient individually and contain exactly those vitamins, microelements, minerals that will provide an optimal effect in each specific case. The active ingredients of the drugs are aimed directly at the hair follicles (directly), which is obviously more effective than the use of various creams. Individual approach to each patient. The drug is selected individually and contains a complex of those vitamins, microelements, and minerals in the required quantities that are necessary for hair treatment.

What should be added to mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a truly effective procedure if the injection composition is chosen correctly. But it is important to remember the good old truth, which all trichologists adhere to: if the problem is serious and related to hair loss (and not just a desire to improve hair quality), then an integrated approach is necessary. It is necessary to determine the cause of the loss, if necessary, add vitamins and/or medications orally, adjust the diet, and use external remedies.

Trichologist's comment:

“First of all, it should be noted that hair treatment must be comprehensive, that is, in several areas simultaneously. One of the most common mistakes is the “one-pointedness” of conservative therapy, when the patient only takes vitamins or only does mesotherapy. This only works if there are no problems at all. In all other cases, as practice shows, this will not be enough.”

Trichologist, Polina Orlova

Mesotherapy is perfectly complemented by serums for external use based on peptides. Serums have similar properties: - improve local blood circulation; - block the enzyme 5-alpha reductase; — nourish the bulbs with useful substances; - peptides, being growth factors, stimulate the growth of new hair; — make the hair shafts strong, improve the quality and appearance of the hair. Thus, serums will maintain and enhance the effect of mesotherapy between procedures. If you have minor problems with your hair, you can try starting therapy simply with serums at home. And then, if necessary, add more expensive procedures, such as mesotherapy. And in any case, it never hurts to consult a doctor.


Causes of alopecia

Baldness of the head in a person can occur for the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • burdened heredity;
  • poisoning with toxic drugs;
  • stress;
  • allergies to medications or food;
  • a history of one of the diseases that causes baldness;
  • antitumor therapy with cytostatics;
  • chemical burns;
  • injuries of the scalp;
  • lack of certain elements in the body (zinc, iron, selenium, manganese).

To achieve the effect of mesotherapy and the possibility of its use for a specific person, a cosmetologist must know the mechanism of disease development. In some cases, you cannot achieve the desired result using this method. If the patient takes drugs that do not combine well with those used in mesotherapy, then there will be no benefit from the procedure. This technique should not be used if the patient has ringworm. The procedure becomes possible only after examining scrapings from the affected area and completely getting rid of the pathogen. Other problems that cause baldness are also solved. Mesotherapy is started only after comprehensive treatment of the patient.

What drugs are better for mesotherapy?

Only a qualified specialist can choose the right product for mesotherapy in each individual case, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin, chronic diseases, and the possibility of an allergic reaction to a certain component. The modern beauty industry offers monocomponent preparations and multicomponent cocktails for mesotherapy. Complex cocktails are aimed at solving a whole range of problems. They moisturize the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, saturate it with nutrients, even out tone and microrelief. If there is a high risk of allergies, it is better to opt for a one-component drug.

Before buying a mesotherapy product, you should carefully analyze all factors - from the effect declared by the manufacturer and the characteristics of the skin and hair to the health of the body as a whole, the time of year and the budget. This rating will help you choose the ideal meso-cocktail for your face or hair from the world’s best manufacturers.

What not to do after?

In the first days after mesotherapy, you need to adhere to certain restrictions, namely:

  • Don't wash your hair. For the first two days, the meso-cocktail continues to be absorbed into the hair follicles and shampoo can significantly reduce their effect. And also do not wet your hair in the shower or in the bath.
  • Do not go to the bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna and try to avoid high humidity.
  • Do not scratch your head or touch your skin with a comb. This is necessary in order to protect the formed crusts from being torn off. With them the healing process will go much faster.

No special hair care is required after mesotherapy, however, to relieve itching, it is better to change your usual non-sulfate-free shampoo.

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