Shiatsu points and massage that will restore your youth

Everyone knows the wonderful effect of masks, creams, serums and lotions on the face - they help the skin remain beautiful at any age. But you can double the effectiveness of these cosmetics if you pamper your delicate skin with a therapeutic massage that has a beneficial effect. One of the most popular techniques is Shiatsu acupressure facial massage. Under its influence, human self-healing mechanisms are activated.

Japanese girls have smooth, even skin like porcelain. They owe these qualities to Shiatsu, which every Japanese woman should be able to do.

What is Shiatsu massage

This ancient procedure is a licensed medical therapy approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health. Shiatsu massage technique works on the same principle as Chinese acupuncture, as well as acupressure, which is fashionable nowadays. All of them are designed to achieve harmonization of vital energy, using hands or special tools to influence special points. The name of the Japanese Shiatsu massage technique is translated as “finger pressure”: SHI (SI) = finger, ATSU (ACU) = pressure (fingers on energy points).

Shiatsu massage - pressing with fingers and palms on special points of the body and face to treat diseases and rejuvenate the body. This practice is based on the theory of qi circulation; it is believed that stagnation of energy in the body provokes various diseases. Massage helps remove blockages in energy channels and improve hormonal and psychological imbalances.

The Shiatsu manual suggests using the thumb, fingers, elbows, and feet to perform the massage, but does not use any other tools to apply pressure to the skin. Modern science recognizes 692 active points on the human body, traditional acupressure suggests influencing 360, but in practice only 150 are used.

During cosmetic skin correction, the energy points of the face are affected, thus releasing a flow of energy. Due to this, the skin tightens, wrinkles and other age-related changes disappear. Shiatsu therapy is very pleasant, calming and induces complete relaxation.

The procedure in the beauty salon includes several stages, after which the client receives glowing skin and pleasant relaxation. When correcting the face using massage, an instant effect is noticeable.

It is not difficult to perform this procedure at home. You don't need to have a medical education to do this. The procedure includes:

  • basic makeup removal;
  • cleansing the skin with peeling using a light massage;
  • impact on shiatsu points;
  • applying an active enzyme serum to the face;
  • For the eye area, use a special collagen mask or any other.


  • "Shi" means "fingers" and "atsu" means "press."
  • The first mentions of massage date back to 1912-1915.
  • Tokujiro Namikoshi developed the finger pressure technique as a child, when he was helping his sick mother.
  • Tempeki Tamai was the first to publish a book about such massage, in which he used the term “Shiatsu”.
  • The first therapy clinic of this kind was opened in 1925.
  • The use of massage has led to such incredible results that the Japanese medical community officially recognized shiatsu therapy in 1957.

When is the best time to perform Shiatsu massage?

Morning is considered the ideal time for massage. You can turn to a professional for this service, but it is quite possible to learn how to do it yourself. If the procedure is carried out in the morning, the person receives a boost of energy for the whole day. Shiatsu improves the tone and appearance of the skin, restores its elasticity, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, smoothes existing ones, removes swelling, improves metabolism, blood circulation in the skin and muscles. And at the same time, the functions of the reproductive, digestive, and endocrine systems are noticeably improved. And the headache goes away, if not forever, then for a long time.

Benefits and indications of therapy

Shiatsu relaxes the body and is unlike other types of massage. Traditional techniques mainly use methods of influence - kneading, rubbing, smoothing. This is a superficial effect, unable to affect muscles and tendons for a long time. Therefore, massage has a short effect, limited, most often, by the duration of the course. After some period, the pain returns.

Almost no oils are used, so it is suitable for sensitive skin. And it is performed on a clothed person, through light touches.

Shiatsu therapy works differently. The main method of influence is pressure. With such manipulations, the point is deprived of power for a short time. As a result, the corresponding nerve nodes are irritated and the energy point is activated. The muscle relaxes. After the pressure stops, blood flow increases and there is a long-term improvement in microcirculation and metabolism in tissues. Thus, shiatsu provides long-lasting therapeutic or cosmetic results.

Shiatsu massage is indicated for the following problems:

  1. Unstable blood pressure and frequent headaches;
  2. Negative psychological state;
  3. Overweight;
  4. Joint pain;
  5. Chronic fatigue;
  6. Sleep disturbance;
  7. Failure of the endocrine system;
  8. Sinusitis;
  9. Potency problems;
  10. Swelling of different parts of the body;
  11. And, of course, wrinkles and sagging facial skin.

Many simulators based on Shiatsu have been developed. These are all kinds of capes, mats, pillows, roller, finger (for hair growth) massagers. All of them give different, amazing effects, which diversify the technique of self-massage.

How to perform Shiatsu facial massage

After washing your face in the morning, giving yourself a maximum of fifteen minutes of time, concentrate on your internal sensations to perform simple gymnastics. When you massage, try not to displace or stretch the delicate skin of your face. Movements must be made very softly, easily and slowly.

Acupressure is done in two ways: with your hands, or with specially designed balls called ki-gong. They are pressed against the skin and rotated clockwise.

Side effects

Side effects include only imaginary ineffectiveness. In 99% of cases, massage does not give the expected result only because it was performed incorrectly.

Leave the first few procedures to a professional. Then you will definitely understand how to act independently at home.

Japanese acupressure head massage is a real find for those who:

  • dreams of improving the quality of the skin, getting rid of wrinkles and age-related changes;
  • often faces stress, emotional stress, shock;
  • went through a rather difficult period that unsettled me;
  • suffers from chronic diseases;
  • has sparse, thin hair.

Having mastered the technique of systemic influence on the body, you can get rid of chronic pathologies and the consequences of stress.

Shiatsu massage technique

The movements are performed with the fingers:

  • the finger is perpendicular to the surface of the skin;
  • press hard on a special point;
  • hold the pressure for at least 7 seconds (unless a different time is written in the exercise);
  • Small circular movements are allowed without displacing the skin.

figure 2

For eyes

To make your eyes sparkle, swelling of the eyelids to disappear, and vision to improve, lightly press your fingers on the inner corner of your eye for three seconds. Perform 3 times.

For eye fatigue (reading, computer) or myopia, massage the midpoint on the eyebrows.

To remove crow's feet, pressing on points located at a distance of a centimeter from the outside of the eye helps. Pressure is applied for 7 seconds, while the movement is directed slightly upward and towards the temples.

For forehead wrinkles

Press with your fingers on the points shown in the diagram (Figure 2). Pressure is directed towards the temples. After 7 seconds, move the fingers a little further and so on across the forehead, moving towards the temples. To reduce headaches, apply with all fingers from the middle of the forehead to the hairline.

Remove wrinkles from the mouth

To prevent the appearance of folds around the mouth: massage the skin of the corners of the lips for half a minute with the tips of the thumb and index finger. Start from the center under the lower lip and move towards the edges of the lips. The point under the lower lip helps with facial paralysis, toothache and swelling of the face.

The point above the upper lip is used to prevent purse-string wrinkles. Place the middle finger on a special point (see Figure 2), the index and ring fingers next to it on the upper lip. 5-6 clicks are enough. Use a point in the nasolabial fold in case of fainting.

Tighten your cheeks

The figure shows points along the edge of the upper cheekbone. Press on all six at the same time and massage for 7 seconds.

Remove jowls, improve facial contours

The thumbs are placed under the jaw, the rest are on the points indicated in Figure 2, the fingers are squeezed for 7 seconds. Then they rearrange the composition a little further, following the arrow in the picture. The movements are repeated until they reach the end of the lower jaw. A full cycle requires 4 - 5 approaches.

Basic exercises must be performed every day in the morning, then the skin will remain fresh and radiant for a long time. After the massage, apply a cream appropriate to your skin type.

For wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

Look at Figure 2. The area to get rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose is between the eyebrows. The highest point, this is the third eye, is massaged in a circular motion. Helps with headaches, runny nose, flu, nosebleeds. The other three are designed to remove wrinkles. Massage them with the index, middle and ring fingers for 7 seconds, you can do several approaches.


  • Shiatsu is a source of vitality and activates a person’s creative abilities.
  • The emotional background improves and headaches disappear.
  • Massage stimulates rejuvenation processes in the body.
  • Shiatsu activates the human immune system.
  • The pressure technique allows you to recover from neuralgia, cardiovascular diseases, stomach diseases, and damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Massage brings a person to harmony with the world and his own body.
  • After the procedure, pain is easier to bear and sleep improves.

The secret to quick rejuvenation

The famous Japanese makeup artist, creator of Evangelist cosmetics, suggests combining lymphatic and acupressure massage for quick rejuvenation. The specialist claims that this approach will help you quickly get rid of waste, toxins, and excess water in the body.


“When two healing techniques are performed simultaneously, the lymphatic and circulatory systems begin to work effectively, metabolism returns to normal, so rapid facial rejuvenation occurs.”

— Yanagijuku Jukucho

First, lymphatic massage is performed, and then acupressure.


Stagnant lymph allows waste and toxins into the body. Massage improves the circulation of lymphatic fluid and removes congestion in the lymph nodes. By improving the circulation of the lymphatic system, it is easy to get rid of excess water in the body, cellulite, dull complexion, dry skin, wrinkles and many other ailments. In addition, lymphatic massage improves metabolism and blood circulation in the body.

pic 3

To obtain a rejuvenating effect, it is necessary to follow the massage technique.

  • All exercises are carried out exactly along the lines indicated in Figure 3 and exactly in the direction where the arrows point.
  • The procedure is performed with the entire hand, with exceptions being places where it is not possible to do this.
  • Lymph is located between the skin and muscles. Lightly stroking your face will give you a skin massage. Pressing hard on the muscles. Therefore, the pressure on the skin should be medium.
  • The point of the Japanese procedure is to disperse the lymph to the lymph nodes, so from the beginning to the end of each movement, the hands are not taken off the skin. Any manipulations on the lymph nodes end (see Fig. 3, marked in yellow).
  • Each movement is performed at least three times; if the face is neglected, 5 approaches are required.

Massage movements:

  1. We smooth the forehead and drive the lymph to the ear (the lymph node is located here), and we do the same with the chin.
  2. From the nasolabial fold we move our hands to the ear, without lifting them from the skin.
  3. We draw lines from the eyes through the lower cheekbone to the lymph node.
  4. Starting from the outside of the eye, draw a semicircle, moving along the lower cheekbone to the nose, along the eyebrow and to the lymph node.
  5. Starting from the ear, we run our hands along the neck, to the collarbone (to the next lymph node).

Key Ideas

  • The human body consists of 12 meridians corresponding to the functions of the body. It is along these meridians that special points are located.
  • Pressing the meridians in a certain order restores their energy reserves.
  • Restoring energy at one point leads to better energy circulation throughout the body, which leads to good health.
  • Massage does not eliminate health problems, but mobilizes the body to resist diseases.

To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead

To prevent wrinkles in the forehead area, you should monitor your facial expressions, try to monitor your dissatisfaction and surprise, and relax your facial muscles in time. Preventive and rejuvenating massage helps maintain attractiveness and get rid of existing facial wrinkles.

To find the reference point, place the pads of three fingers vertically on both sides of the frontal fold.

In this case, the ring fingers will be located 1.5 cm above the beginning of the eyebrows. Massage these points for 7 seconds. Next, move the fingertips 1 cm towards the temple and press again, until the fingers move to the temporal region.

After such a massage, it is good to stroke in the same direction. This exercise is very easy and can be done several times a day. At the same time, the forehead muscles relax, and wrinkles lose their firmness. You should not expect an immediate effect, given the time it takes for the folds to form. Improvements will be noticeable no earlier than 2 months of regular care.

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