How to make your face symmetrical: causes of facial asymmetry, correction with cosmetics, performing special exercises, regularity and results

  • August 19, 2018
  • Home workouts
  • Karina Perevalova

The face is the part of the body that people pay attention to first when meeting someone. At the same time, a small degree of its asymmetry is not noticed by others. It has been proven that there is not a single person on the planet who has exactly the same halves of their face. Even identical twins can be distinguished by the asymmetry of the oval. This is an indicator that is an individual characteristic of each person. But there is also a pathological violation of facial symmetry. In such situations, it is necessary to contact a neurologist. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures, based on the results of which he will decide on the advisability of surgical intervention. For mild cases of impairment, cosmetic treatment methods are used.

Reasons for the imbalance

The symmetry of the face and its shape directly depend on the structure of bone and cartilage structures, the tone and volume of muscle tissue, and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. From an aesthetic and cosmetic point of view, the most significant formation is the nose. In most cases, it is its shape and size that have a great influence on the symmetry of the face. The nose also plays a major role in cases of disproportion.

All patients who visit a doctor for the first time want to know how to make their face more symmetrical. However, it is necessary to distinguish between physiological norms of deviation and pathological disorders. In many cases, correction is not required at all, or it is enough to undergo a course of appropriate procedures from a cosmetologist.

Violation of symmetry is present in all people, but visually it is invisible. If the deviation in proportions is no more than 3 mm (or 5 degrees), it is customary to speak of a physiological norm. In such situations, neither medication nor surgical treatment is carried out.

Pathological disproportion can be congenital, acquired or combined. In the first case, the causes of facial asymmetry are the following conditions:

  • Anomalies in the development of bone structures of the facial skull.
  • Improperly formed temporomandibular joint.
  • Torticollis, resulting from a unilateral defect of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
  • Insufficient development of the lower jaw.
  • Strabismus.
  • Incorrect or insufficient development of facial muscles or connective tissue.

Acquired facial asymmetry is more often diagnosed. Its causes are the following diseases and conditions:

  • Injuries of various kinds.
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the mandibular joints.
  • Neurological pathologies.
  • Disorders of the dental system.

At the same time, neurological diseases are of greatest importance in the formation of disproportions:

  • Facial contracture. It is characterized by an increase in the tone of the muscle tissue of the same name on the opposite part of the face.
  • Bell's palsy.
  • Various types of damage to the facial nerve.
  • Pathological syskinesia.
  • Myasthenic syndrome.

If you suspect a disproportion, you should contact a neurologist. At the initial stage, it is this specialist who carries out diagnostic measures and tells how to make the face symmetrical.

Physical ailments

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  • infections;
  • inflammation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • injuries, mutations;
  • chronic stress;
  • malnutrition, parasites;
  • DNA damage;
  • genetic and metabolic diseases.

Each of them is a potential obstacle to the success of the individual and his offspring. While the resulting facial asymmetry is the least of the concerns for the person himself, others react negatively to it. This may indicate a decrease in fitness. Since mating strategies invariably involve the pursuit of the highest quality mate, facial asymmetry is confusing to some. This is the current dominant view on why people prefer symmetry in each other's faces.

Types of imbalance

First of all, facial expression disorders are a consequence of the lack of symmetry in the hemispheres of the brain. Each of them regulates sensations and motor skills in different ways. Based on this, doctors have compiled a unified classification of disorders, which is used not only in neurology, but also in plastic surgery and cosmetology.

Types of asymmetry:

  1. Static (morphological). At rest, you can notice the difference between some elements. The causes may be developmental anomalies, injuries, pathologies of muscle and bone structures, as well as previous diseases.
  2. Dynamic (functional). Asynchronous muscle contractions appear only during facial expressions. For example, asymmetry that is absent at rest occurs when smiling. In most cases, the cause is neurological disorders.

The type of disproportion and the degree of its severity are of decisive importance when choosing treatment tactics.

Symmetrical faces: beautiful or not?


On the one hand, symmetry is often cited as one of the main indicators of facial beauty. On the other hand, simply combining halves of photos in Photoshop gives an unattractive result. But maybe it’s a matter of insufficiently careful installation? Let's check.

Let's take well-known examples and remake them to your taste. In most cases, we left hairstyles and necks untouched, because we were talking about the symmetry of the face, not the hairstyle, while strands of identical hair ideally diverging to the right and left only interfere with perception.

To avoid confusion, we will call the left side the one on the left in the photo, and the right side the one on the right in the photo.

Option from the Internet: the original photo is not very good - one side of the face is illuminated, the other is in shadow, so the comparison of the halves is no longer equal.

But even here it is noticeable that the combination of the illuminated parts of the face turned out to be very good. Only the nose is sloppily processed, the joint is visible.

Our option: take a less beautiful photograph, but with more uniform lighting.

And we see that the difference is not that big at all. Anne has fairly symmetrical features, so both options turned out to be undeniably pretty. And I think the option on the right is definitely more beautiful than the original.

Option from the Internet: again an unsuccessful source - the head is raised, and the gaze is turned to the side, which guarantees a strange look when the halves are combined.

However, even if you don’t pay attention to the hairstyle and the squint, I wouldn’t say that the resulting features are bad.

Our option: again we take a not very pretty photo, but with uniform lighting. Here, for comparison, the asymmetry of the mouth and nose is noticeable.

We get a thin, gloomy Mayer and a fat, gentle one. In my opinion, both are no worse than the original.

3. Kristen Stewart

Option from the Internet: again a rough joint on the nose in combining the illuminated sides, but the resulting face is quite attractive, and is not even devoid of Kristen’s signature facial expressions. It’s worse with the darkened halves - a completely different girl.

Both are cute. The original photo is a little livelier and more interesting, but again there is nothing scary about the symmetry.

Option from the Internet: a good source - in this photo the face is very symmetrical from the start.

Our version: therefore, for a change, we took the same photo, only more carefully aligned the nose and kept the original hairstyle. And again the same effect: the original is better due to a more lively facial expression. Please note that the right eye in the photo (in real life the left eye) is more cheerful, the left one is sadder. Perhaps in life this is what makes a face interesting.

Option from the Internet: the nose was combined very poorly. I suspect that the slight tilt of his head made him look so strange.

Our version: in our photo the head is also tilted, but we will turn it around.

And we will get a completely nice man from the left parts and a frightening robotic man from the right. Well, it didn’t work out, but the face wasn’t shot exactly from the front either. But Brad definitely doesn’t need any extra symmetry, he’s already good.

Option from the Internet: a good example is an even photo with noticeable asymmetry of the mouth. We get two typical Italians, of whom the right one is friendly and the left one is angry.

Our option: take another photo. There is asymmetry in the cheekbones, but this is more likely due to the slight turn of the head in the photo than natural.

Once again, we end up with two typical Italians. The left one is very good, the right one is rather chubby.

Option from the Internet: a very symmetrical face. Therefore, let's leave the original example, the difference is small.

We've combined a few more examples.

8. Angelina Jolie

The left parts fit together perfectly, no worse than the original, the right parts - so-so. For the majority, by the way, this is exactly what happens.

9. Cate Blanchett

Both options are similar to the original. This is what a correct photograph with minimal distortion means.

10. Leonardo DiCaprio

The left one is good again, the right one is simple. In the left version, surprisingly, Leo’s characteristic facial expression is not lost.

What is the conclusion? Symmetry beautifies when the best parts are repeated. And to a greater extent this applies to the nose, to a lesser extent to the eyes and eyebrows. Different eye expressions and one raised eyebrow make the face more interesting.

How to independently identify asymmetry

The violation can also be determined in home or other comfortable conditions for a person. To do this, you need to take a passport photo. There is no need to smile or squint your eyes.

Then you need to analyze the resulting photograph. To do this, use a ruler to draw a horizontal line along the pupils, lips and eyebrows. It is recommended to start with the eyes. This is due to the fact that the human internal level tends to the horizon precisely in their zone. Nature designed it this way so that people can walk smoothly and not fall.

If any part of the face is higher or lower than the same area on the opposite side by less than 3 mm, there is no cause for concern. This is a physiological norm; this disorder does not require correction. If you wish, you can contact a cosmetologist. The specialist will individually select the most suitable procedures.

If the disproportion indicator is more than 3 mm (or 5 degrees), it is recommended to consult a neurologist to exclude the development of serious pathologies. This specialist will also tell you how to achieve facial symmetry. If necessary, he will arrange a referral to a surgeon.

Do you need complete symmetry in appearance?

The desire for absolute symmetry of the face goes against the laws of nature. This phenomenon has a scientific explanation and is due to the difference in the development and functioning of the cerebral hemispheres:

  • the left side of the face corresponds to the right cerebral hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity, intuition and imagination;
  • the right is connected to the left half of the brain, which supports logical and analogical thinking.

The left half of the face is traditionally considered “feminine”, “spiritual”. It is characterized by the presence of soft, smooth lines. The right half is considered “masculine”, “vital”, “practical”.


Exercises for facial symmetry are indicated for individuals with both congenital and acquired disproportion. According to medical reviews, gymnastics in some cases can even be considered as an alternative to surgical treatment. This is due to its high degree of efficiency.

However, it is important to know that gymnastics does not always help with facial asymmetry. It will not be possible to correct the disproportion with exercises if the disorder is a consequence of bone and other pathological deformations, and also if it develops against the background of neuritis that appeared a long time ago.

In other cases, gymnastics is indicated. How to remove facial asymmetry (set of exercises):

  • Place your palm on the healthy part. Fingers should be pointing upward. Then you need to put the back of your hand on the affected part. After this, you need to carefully pull the skin from the healthy side up and towards the diseased area. The movements should be massaging.
  • Close eyes. Press your eyelids with your middle fingers. Make circular movements, lightly pressing on the eye muscles. The healthy part must be massaged from top to bottom, the affected part - from bottom to top.
  • Place your index fingers on the wings of your nose. Then you need to stroke the healthy area from top to bottom, the affected area towards the upper part of the face.
  • Place the middle finger of one hand on the nasolabial triangle, and the other under the lip. Healthy muscles must be carefully pulled down, damaged ones - up.
  • Place the middle and index fingers above each eyebrow strictly in the center. Then you need to use circular massaging movements to move healthy muscles down, sick muscles to the center and up.

It is important to do gymnastics daily. Each exercise should take 10 minutes. Upon completion of the complex, the facial muscles should be symmetrical. At the initial stages of treatment, this effect persists for a short period. Over time, the results improve.

Doctors have developed a separate set of exercises for patients with neuritis. To make your face symmetrical, you need to do them daily:

  • Close your eyes tightly. Duration - 10 seconds.
  • Slowly frown your eyebrows. Then raise them as high as possible along with the eyelids.
  • Place your fingers on the wings of your nose. When inhaling, you need to press on them.
  • Slowly inflate and lift the wings of the nose.
  • Stretch your lips in a smile, exposing as many teeth as possible.
  • Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and hold the air inside for 10 seconds.
  • With your lips stretched, pronounce the sound “eeee”.
  • Open your mouth slightly and curl your tongue into a tube. Take a deep breath.
  • Make circular movements with your tongue between your cheeks and teeth.

Exercises must be done daily for six months. If after 6 months the facial asymmetry is still noticeable, you cannot do without the help of a surgeon. This is due to the fact that the disproportion can be a consequence of atrophy not only of the nerve, but also of the muscle.

Recommendations from experts

Doctors warn that despite the fact that chin reduction surgery is considered low-traumatic, it is better to try other methods. If more gentle manipulations are not enough to eliminate the defect, you will have to resort to plastic surgery.

Another recommendation from doctors is to contact only trusted clinics that have an impeccable reputation. The shortcomings of the surgeon who performed the procedure can turn into a significant problem for the patient. It’s better to once again take an interest in reviews online, ask friends who have already gotten rid of the problem.

The inexperience of the surgeon leads to serious health problems. Failure to maintain sterility or an incorrectly performed procedure can result in paralysis of the facial muscles, complete or partial loss of sensitivity in the area where the excision was performed. Another undesirable manifestation that will have to be observed after improper work by the surgeon is facial asymmetry. In such cases, repeated surgery is performed, causing cartilage resorption and implant rejection. It is better not to contact a doctor who made mistakes and choose another specialist.

After plastic surgery, you will have to adhere to a number of rules, compliance with which will help avoid unwanted complications:

  • for a month, refrain from visiting the solarium, visits to the pool or bathhouse, and do not go for treatments in the sauna;
  • try not to touch the operation site with your hands, the only exception is the use of drugs recommended by a specialist;
  • do not massage the chin; even light massaging movements will be enough to deform the tissue;
  • stop sleeping on your stomach - try to spend your night hours on your side or back for a month;
  • Do not take hot baths - a warm shower is enough.

Failure to follow the recommendations can end very badly. Among the side effects, according to experts, implant displacement comes first. In such cases, you will have to go to the surgeon again and undergo the operation again. Another danger that awaits patients who do not follow doctors’ recommendations is severe swelling of the lower part of the face, infection, and even the development of inflammatory processes. You should not try to fix the problem yourself - only timely consultation with a doctor will prevent the development of serious diseases that threaten your health.

Using fillers

The volumetric modeling procedure is suitable for most people who ask a doctor about how to make their face symmetrical. Several years ago, this technology involved the subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid. However, microtraumas remained after the procedure. The essence of the technology remains the same, but now it is more advanced and is not associated with side effects.

Using microtraumatic cannulas, fillers are injected under the skin. These are substances based on hyaluronic acid. Correcting facial asymmetry with fillers (a photo of the drug injection process is presented below) is a safe and effective method. Moreover, the result is visible after the first procedure. In one session it is possible to raise an eyebrow, shape lips, and change the position of eyelids.

Immediately after the injections, the person can begin their daily activities. The swelling of the soft tissues is so insignificant that it is unnoticeable to others. It is only recommended to refrain from being in direct sunlight and visiting saunas and steam baths for a while.

Why should you strive for maximum naturalness?

As you know, many women strive to achieve an ideal image in order to increase their self-esteem. An important role is played by the desire to please the stronger sex, to evoke admiration from men, and to receive pleasant compliments addressed to you.

By entrusting permanent makeup to an experienced professional, you can significantly increase your level of attractiveness and become more feminine and attractive. Makeup made using products from the Ipiccadilly online store will help you achieve the desired look. Here you have everything you need to create the ideal female appearance:

  • tattoo pigments;
  • pigments for microblading;
  • healing gels and ointments.

Qualified professionals will appreciate the wide selection of microblading handpieces, tattoo needles, and useful accessories available on the site that help create perfect lines.

Experienced cosmetologists constantly remind visitors to beauty salons that men, first of all, value naturalness in girls and women. A too shocking appearance does not always arouse interest among the opposite sex, and in some cases can alienate the young man you like.

To become as attractive and sexy as possible, it is recommended to strive for naturalness in your makeup. Provocative external data can make a strong impression at first, but quickly becomes boring and uninteresting.

Botulinum toxin injections

The technique involves introducing a compound under the skin, which paralyzes the muscles. Before you try to make your face symmetrical with Botox, you should consult your doctor. The compound is toxic, in addition, most patients often develop all sorts of complications after the procedure. They go away on their own after a few days, but during this period they can cause discomfort to the person.

The result depends on the drug used and the qualifications of the doctor. It happens that after injections the muscles continue to work actively, or, on the contrary, they become blocked so that the effect of a lifeless mask appears on the person’s face. In addition, the degree of imbalance may increase.

Thus, only a doctor should provide information regarding how to make the face symmetrical. If he believes that it is advisable to administer botulinum toxin, he must make an appointment with a highly qualified specialist, whose reviews of his work are mostly positive.

What can and cannot be done?

What should not be done after a contouring procedure in cosmetology, after injections and fillers? Usually, before use, cosmetologists advise undergoing some cosmetic procedures. For example, Botox injections are welcome, since the drug removes all facial wrinkles and much less filler is needed, since it only fills deep, static creases in the skin. After using botulinum toxin, 2 weeks should pass.

  1. Is it possible to do peeling after fillers and when?
    It is possible, but the interval between contouring and peeling should be at least 4 weeks.

    It is worth noting that SMAS lifting can be done on the same day as the filler injection, before contouring; if you perform the procedure after, you will have to wait 1-2 weeks.

  2. Is it possible to get fillers during pregnancy?
    Fillers pose a danger during pregnancy - they are strictly contraindicated because:
    • During this period, the tendency to edema increases significantly.
    • The patient's hormonal background completely changes.

  3. There is no data on the effects of fillers on the body of a pregnant woman.
  4. Is it possible to do, install, inject fillers during menstruation?
    Is it possible to inject fillers during menstruation: during this period, not only does a hormonal imbalance occur in the body, but also the pain threshold is greatly increased, so the procedure must be performed 1 week before or after.
  5. Is it possible to play sports after injection?
    All cosmetologists believe that physical activity after contouring should be reduced to a minimum. How long can you not exercise after the procedure? You can return to training in a week, but it is better to wait up to 10 days.

  6. Massage after fillers.
    A massage is not only possible, but also necessary, after a week's break. Just remember that the massage should be light.
  7. What procedures can be performed after fillers?
    Facial contouring is not a contraindication for any skin care procedures; the only difference is the time that must pass after the introduction of fillers.
  8. Is it possible to combine antibiotics and fillers?
    Antibiotic compatibility: in this case there are strict contraindications; before applying contour plastic surgery, you must stop taking antibiotics two weeks before the procedure.

Correction using decorative cosmetics

If the disproportion is minor, you can visually add symmetry to your face using makeup. For correction, you need to purchase a sculpting kit. It contains products with creamy and dry textures, presented in light, natural and dark shades.

To hide asymmetry, you must follow certain application guidelines. Rules for using the set:

  • You need to darken those areas that are supposed to be reduced or completely hidden.
  • The light shade is intended for areas that need to be visually enlarged.

The boundaries between areas should always be carefully shaded.

You can hide eye asymmetry using white and black pencils. Light eyelids need a smaller eyelid, dark ones need a larger eyelid.

Women are additionally recommended to give preference to casual styling and long oblique bangs. Such a hairstyle helps in some cases to hide even pronounced disproportion.


When it comes to physical attraction, cultural forces far outweigh biological ones. However, there are a couple of features that are seen as universally appealing.

Across cultures and throughout time, tall height has been considered desirable for men. For women, a good difference between waist and hip measurements is globally attractive. Of course, these two characteristics are only one aspect in a complete set of qualities for a particular person and do not overpower everything else. There really is something special about them simply because they are so versatile.

Drug therapy

Depending on the causes, treatment of facial asymmetry and further observation of the patient is carried out by a neurologist or surgeon. If the development of disproportion occurs against the background of neuritis, a comprehensive examination is carried out. A clinically significant indicator is the electrical activity of muscle tissue. Based on the diagnostic results, massage and myostimulation are prescribed.

The choice of medications directly depends on what pathology caused the development of the disease. However, in all cases, treatment is supplemented with physiotherapy.

Clamp the phone between your ear and shoulder

An ordinary telephone conversation is unlikely to be dangerous for beauty and health. However, if the conversation drags on and there is no work to do, many women hold the phone between their ear and shoulder. Needless to say, this is dangerous both for the face and for the entire back.

Test yourself. Hold the phone between your shoulder and ear and look in the mirror. In this position, the position of the spine and head is unnatural for our body. Blood flow worsens, muscles tighten, the cervical region suffers and, unfortunately, in the future this is fraught with facial asymmetry. The cheekbones, lips and neck also suffer. Therefore, if you have a long conversation ahead and you care about your health, put on headphones.

Surgical intervention

Plastic surgery is indicated for patients with severe facial asymmetry. Currently, there are many techniques with which it is possible to permanently rid the patient of imbalance.

These include:

  • Blepharoplasty. During the operation, excess skin and fatty tissue are removed. As a result, the patient's eyelid shape and eye shape change.
  • Lipofilling. The essence of the method is to transplant adipose tissue taken from the patient from another part of the body to the affected areas. With the help of lipofilling it is possible to correct the shape of the chin, cheekbones and lips.
  • Lifting. In other words, it's a facelift. As a result, the degree of disproportion decreases or the asymmetry disappears completely.
  • Rhinoplasty. This term refers to the correction of the shape of the nose and its position.

The choice of technique is made by the doctor. The specialist takes into account the severity of the disease, medical history and the results of a comprehensive examination.

Signs of distal bite

Distal occlusion requires mandatory intervention from a specialist; treatment with braces is indicated; aligners can be used (especially when the diagnosis is made in childhood).

Signs of distal occlusion:

  • The child spontaneously bites his lower lip

  • The profile is slightly beveled. To define it, the term “avian” is used.
  • The lips are thin and fall inside the oral cavity
    . If you visually draw a line from the tip of the nose to the middle of the chin, then the lips will not appear on it:

  • The lower third of the face is disproportionately small. A crease appears on the chin due to the jaw moving back.

It is possible to correct distal bite without braces when treatment is carried out in childhood. Aligners are approved for installation in children with baby teeth. They are installed in older preschool age, when the child can consciously follow the dentist’s recommendations.

In my practice, there are already more than 300 successful cases of bite correction using aligners. This is a promising method. Invisalign and FlexLiner aligners have proven themselves to be excellent in the treatment of distal occlusion. Star Smile aligners also correct this dental pathology quite well, although they require more careful attention from the attending physician. Whether correction of distal bite with aligners is right for you or your child can only be said with confidence during a consultation.

Symmetrical faces

There is another feature that controls the perception of attractiveness in both men and women: facial symmetry. In many scientific experiments, researchers have confirmed that we rate symmetrical faces as more attractive. Like height in men and waist-to-hip ratio in women, this feature is more attractive to people of all cultures and historical times. But where did this biological attraction come from?

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