All about facial hair removal for men using wax

Ear hair on men is one of those sensitive issues that is not discussed openly and is therefore not as obvious. But this does not mean at all that the problem does not exist, and in no way reduces its significance. Sociological studies conducted in New York back in 1984 showed that at least 74% of men suffer from excess hair in the ear area. Over time, this problem did not disappear, but new ways to solve it appeared.

Excessive hair is not always pleasant

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following questions: what causes hair growth on and in the ears of men, does it affect health, and what solutions to this problem (salon and intended for home) exist.


First, let's figure out how depilation differs from hair removal. The effect of depilation lasts on average 2-3 weeks, while epilation provides results for a period of 12 months - at least, that’s what cosmetologists say. At the same time, waxing hair removal is suitable for almost everyone. After the procedure, the hairs become thinner, softer and grow more slowly.

Wax can remove hair as long as 2mm. If you want to wax your beard and have previously used a razor or a razor, you need to grow at least 5 mm.

You can perform facial depilation at home by purchasing, for example, special strips, but it is better to make an appointment with a barber shop or cosmetologist. Especially if you have never waxed your hair. How is this procedure done in salons?

First, heated wax is applied to the selected area using a spatula. It hardens, forming a film. The master or cosmetologist sharply removes the frozen mass along with the hairs. All. No wax residue, as happens after home hair removal, and smooth skin.

What to do if hair removal is accompanied by increased pain?

“Visit a dermatologist an hour before your waxing procedure. He will numb you with a local anesthetic, explains Dr. Seth L. Matarasso. “Then you are unlikely to feel any pain.”

If you opt for waxing but are also using anti-wrinkle creams such as tretinoin (Retin-A) or skin lotions containing glycolic acid, stop using them a few days before the procedure, says Dr. Matarasso. When using skin cleansers, two superficial layers of skin are removed, making it more sensitive.

After waxing, it will take about 6 weeks for hair to grow back, says Dr. Matarasso. You should wait until they grow to 5mm. Only after this can the procedure be repeated.


Taking care of eyebrows for men is as natural as going for a pedicure. No joke: in one of the previous articles we talked in detail about why you need to watch your feet. But if men, as a rule, get a pedicure for reasons of hygiene, then eyebrow shaping is an aesthetic procedure that is often resorted to to remove hair above the bridge of the nose.

Even women face the problem of fused eyebrows. What about men who naturally grow more facial hair? (photo from

Don't worry, your eyebrows won't look like a woman's. The maximum is that they will be given a neat shape by removing hair not only above the bridge of the nose, but also where the eyebrows have grown greatly.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Often, few people pay attention to such a sign as ear hair in men. Not every case represents hypertrichosis. The problem occurs when the following symptoms are observed:

  • thickening of vellus hair on the ear;
  • the appearance of hard hairs inside the ear;
  • increase in area of ​​hair growth;
  • feeling of discomfort.

Hypertrichosis in children can manifest itself from birth. There are cases when babies notice stubble on their hearing organs. Normally, it falls out on its own during the first months of life. If this does not happen, then you should worry and seek help from the hospital.

In both men and women, the risk of this problem increases with age. To find out the reason for the awakening of the follicles, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis of the condition of the affected areas and the entire body as a whole. This includes tests for tumor markers.


Another aesthetic problem that can be solved with wax is nasal hair removal. Why such complexity if you can take tweezers or scissors?

Plucking nose hair with tweezers is strictly prohibited. According to otolaryngologists, open pores can easily become infected, which in turn can cause acne. Another danger is ingrown hairs. They are easy to notice on the surface of the body, but not in the nose. Finally, with wax you will have to endure the pain for a few seconds, but with tweezers the “pleasure” will stretch.

Hair in the ears begins to grow much later and does not bother men until a certain time. This is due to the deposition of cholesterol, which increases with age and leads to hair growth in “unusual” places. Therefore, experts advise that the first step is to be examined by a cardiologist if you are faced with this problem.

As for ear hair removal itself, the main principle here is “do no harm.” This is the type of depilation that you definitely cannot do yourself: you can hit the eardrum or get into the ear canal. Of course, an experienced master will not allow this.

Causes of hair growth

Increased hair growth in the ears can be due to various reasons. This problem appears in the presence of a genetic predisposition, dysfunction of the endocrine glands, traumatic injuries and the presence of neoplasms. Hair can also begin to grow due to various infections, vascular atherosclerosis and congenital tissue pathologies.

Intense hair growth may be associated with changes in hormonal levels in a man’s body. An abnormally large amount of hair in the auricle may be a consequence of the development of hypertrichosis. This disease is congenital or acquired. In the second case, the disease develops as a result of injuries, severe stress and metabolic disorders.


Depilation will never replace shaving, that's a fact. If you decide to completely remove hair with wax, be prepared for the fact that it will be very painful: facial stubble is much tougher than regular hair and has deep and strong roots.

Do not overestimate your pain threshold, otherwise the procedure will seem like an execution to you (photo from

The skin should also not be exfoliated before waxing: in this case, dead cells play a protective role

Wax is suitable for removing “fuzz” on the cheeks, as well as for shaping a beard, sideburns or mustache. You can ask the specialist to treat certain areas of the face or neck.

Unfortunately, after waxing, just like after shaving, ingrown hairs can appear. Remember to use exfoliating products like a scrub or peel 1-2 times a week. You can start 3 days after the procedure.

Traditional medicine methods

Folk practice is also a productive way to eliminate excess hair. Folk remedies have excellent results, take little time, and can be done at home.

Traditional medicine has a wide range of useful remedies:

  • sugar and soda;
  • iodine;
  • turmeric, datura oil:
  • manganese solution;
  • citrus;
  • nuts, it is better to use walnuts.

Most often, they get rid of unnecessary hair from the ears and other areas of the body using potassium permanganate and iodine. This procedure is carried out before bedtime. To do this, you need to dissolve particles of potassium permanganate in hot water; it is recommended to make the solution translucent - this will help to avoid skin burns. When the solution is ready, you should wipe the areas of the body where hair will be removed. Getting rid of unnecessary hair from the ears using a solution of potassium permanganate is a fairly effective method. However, it has its disadvantages:

  • areas of the skin may become discolored;
  • a person may get burned.

A good and effective traditional medicine is iodine solution. The method of its preparation includes the use of:

  • iodine in a volume of 1.5 g;
  • castor oil - 5 g;
  • ammonia and medical alcohol in proportions of 2 g and 35 g, respectively.

These ingredients should be mixed well, then the mixture should be left until it becomes clear in color for a couple of hours. The prepared solution must be applied 2 times a day to areas of skin with unwanted hair. This procedure should last no more than 2 weeks. This folk method of removing unnecessary hair is very effective, and with its help you can get rid of it for a long time.

One of the effective means of getting rid of unwanted hair is considered to be pine nut shells, with which you can get good results. To prepare, you need to completely burn the shells of 10 nuts, and dilute the resulting ash with 1 tbsp. l. boiling water The resulting mixture must be applied to the areas of the body from which hairs should be removed for 10 minutes. To completely eliminate hair, it is recommended to conduct several such sessions.

Ammonia or medical alcohol will help remove unnecessary hairs. To do this, it is recommended to prepare a mass of 10 drops of the selected alcohol, then pour a 5-6% solution of hydrogen peroxide into it in the amount of 50 ml, then add 10 g of wheat flour. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and place it on the areas of the skin where hair needs to be removed for 10 minutes. This procedure is intended only for those areas of the skin that are not hypersensitive.

The oldest method of traditional medicine is to get rid of unnecessary vegetation using sugar. You need to take several pieces of refined sugar, 10 pieces are recommended, and a pinch of citric acid. Add 3 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. water. Next, keep all this on low heat until a plasticine-like mass of a golden hue is formed. Apply the prepared mixture to unwanted hair and immediately remove sharply.

One of the most modern compositions of traditional medicine is the following: 1 tsp. Dilute baking soda with a glass of hot water and mix thoroughly. When this solution has cooled, it is recommended to moisten a cotton pad with it, squeeze lightly and treat the problem area of ​​hair growth.

It is recommended that this disk, soaked in the solution, be glued to the skin with a medical plaster and left overnight. This procedure should be carried out 3 times, after which the unwanted hair will weaken and fall off.


First of all, if you agree to wax hair removal, make sure that you have no contraindications. This is a practically safe procedure, but it also has limitations. For example, it should not be done while taking medications to treat acne. In addition, waxing is contraindicated for people with cancer.

Waxing can cause broken capillaries if you have rosacea, thin skin or smoke. You should approach the procedure with caution if you have diabetes, take blood thinners, or hormonal medications.

It is not recommended to drink coffee or alcohol before the procedure. Your skin will become more sensitive, which is the last thing you want when you are removing nose hair. Even if you have made an appointment with an experienced professional or cosmetologist, waxing is stressful for the skin, to which it usually responds with irritation.

After hair removal, you should not go to the bathhouse, sauna or sunbathe for several days. Pay attention to the condition of the skin after depilation: do not forget to apply moisturizer if you notice redness. It should be light, without the effect of a greasy film. And if you follow all these simple rules, even such a painful procedure as depilation will become comfortable!


Valeriya Klippert

Preventive actions

To prevent hair growth in the ears, hygiene procedures should be carried out regularly. It is allowed to clean the outer part of the ear with cotton wool or a clean cloth soaked in warm water or a disinfectant solution. Do not use cotton swabs, which can damage the eardrum and structures of the inner ear.

When carrying out hygiene procedures, do not use sharp objects that can injure the skin. Do not try to remove hair that grows on the inside of the ear yourself. You could seriously injure yourself.

If increased hair growth in the ears is combined with insomnia, loss of appetite, weakness and dizziness, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The listed symptoms may indicate the development of various diseases. If a man is undergoing hormonal therapy, then he must take medications in strict compliance with the dosages prescribed by the doctor.

Could there be any other unpleasant moments besides pain?

After electrolysis, small pigment spots, slight scar changes or follicles may appear, i.e. inflammation of the hair follicles, explains Dr. Matarasso. Although sterile conditions are maintained, there is a small chance of skin infection, he says.

To be as careful as possible, you should change the needle each time you perform this procedure. Also ask your doctor to wear latex gloves.

If you are interested in the question of the possibility of effectively using household appliances for electrolysis at home, then they are inferior to the equipment of cosmetic hospitals. Therefore, experts are skeptical about the use of those tools that are described in the catalogs.

We invite you to read: What products are useful for hair growth on the head of women and men

“Some devices that use radio waves are designed to painlessly destroy the follicle located at the base of the hair,” explains Carol Walderman. “Hair, however, does not conduct electricity, so it is not clear how its root can be destroyed?”

Even if the follicle is cauterized during regular procedures with electrolysis due to galvanic current, Carol Walderman continues, hair growth resumes in 90% of cases. This is why it is necessary to continue permanent hair removal through repeated treatments.

Added: 03-04-2019 16:28

Removal methods

There are many ways to remove unwanted vegetation:

  1. The problem associated with unwanted hair affects not only men, but also most women. An electric razor will help well in this matter; it is equipped with special functions and attachments that easily remove hair on the fingers, ears and nose.
  2. A special trimmer will help you remove fuzz from your ears at home. This device does an excellent job of eliminating hair in the ears and other parts of the body effectively and painlessly.
  3. Thanks to scissors with a rounded tip, you can also cut off the fuzz safely.
  4. One of the popular procedures is waxing. To do this, you need to coat the auricle well with olive oil, then apply wax. The procedure lasts 10 minutes. After the wax has hardened well, unnecessary hairs are removed.
  5. Do not use tweezers or hair removal cream to remove hair from the ears. A person can get allergies and damage the ear itself.
  6. The methods listed above allow you to get rid of hair for a short period. To get rid of them forever, you need to use hair removal. Laser hair removal for removing unwanted hair is considered reliable and convenient. During electrolysis, a person experiences mild pain, but this procedure is also effective.


This method may help you. I've heard a lot of positive things about it lately, says Dr. Matarasso. If you persist in using this method, hair growth usually stops. If there are small areas with unwanted hair, the use of electrolysis is justified, he believes. This method can successfully replace any other on various parts of the body, with the exception of the eyelids, nose and ears.

It is performed by a trained and licensed specialist. After treating the skin with alcohol, he applies a thin needle to the hair follicle (this part of the procedure does not cause pain) and then passes an electric current through it (this causes pain). Electric current leads to the destruction of the follicle. Sometimes this requires several sessions.

What is lanugo?

Many mothers are very worried when they see a lot of hair on a child’s body, especially if it is on the baby’s ears.
And often even the doctors’ arguments cannot reassure them, since the fear for the health of their beloved child is much stronger than the ability to understand medical terminology. Let's look at the main points.

Lanugo is hairs on the baby's body that did not fall out while the baby was in the womb. Just wait a little, and they will dry out or fall out - in 3 months, or even earlier.

These hairs cannot cause illness or problems with sleep and nutrition. Even if the baby has elevated hormonal levels, lanugo is safe.

You should not experiment and use various folk recipes for removing ear hairs in the first days of life. Wait a little, just bathe the baby in water with the addition of decoctions of medicinal plants.

Lanugo cannot cause inconvenience to a newborn, therefore, if the child sleeps restlessly or eats poorly, you should consult a specialist - believe me, the reason is not the hairline.

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